[情報] 4/3 Q&A and VK4502 B7

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/04/04 02:25), 9年前編輯推噓22(29724)
留言60則, 32人參與, 最新討論串1/1
來一發超大的... 還有4502B要做成T7特別車的消息 Here it is: - Spaced armor hits (even when the spaced armor itself blocks the damage) count towards damage blocked by armor only if the trajectory of the shell would cross the hull of the tank if it continued though the spaced armor plate; 如果敵人擊中你間隙裝甲的砲彈軌跡有命中車體才算進裝甲阻傷。 - Tiger II in HD will come soon; 虎王HD模型即將推出。 - Storm, regarding what "bad" maps should be removed: there is no unified opinion among the players and developers as to which maps are actually bad; 針對爛地圖會被移除的部分,Storm表示其實哪些地圖是爛地圖在玩家與開發組之間並 沒有共識。 - 9.7 will bring not only the fixing of the issues that arose in the 9.7 testing, but also fixing of many pre-9.7 crashes; 9.7不僅會修正測服中有的問題,也會修正9.7版本前的問題。 - "Three caliber rule" will not be removed; 三倍口徑壓制不會移除。 - Advanced anti-aliasing (instead of FXAA) is being developed; 進階版的抗鋸齒正在開發中。 - New Dx11 render is being developed; 新的Dx11渲染正在開發中。 - The reason the "fun" modes are not in the game constantly is that the developers would have to rework them each patch to work with new game features, it's a lot of extra work; 沒有很常推出趣味模式的原因是因為開發組在每個版本中都要重製該模式,讓他得以 相容於新功能,這會多出很多工作量。 - XP bonus for tanking will come, soon (however, the bonus will be only to XP, not credits); 坦傷獎勵很快會推出。(但只給經驗,沒有銀幣。) - No new info on Polish premium tanks; 波蘭金車沒有進一步消息。 - Soviet heavy tank viewrange will not be buffed; 蘇HT的視野不會增強。 - Currently there are no plans for gold ammo hardcap in battles; 沒有計畫加入金彈購買限制。 - Storm denies that the main reason for gold ammo in the game is to make a lot of money; Storm否認金彈的主要功能是為了讓WG賺很多錢。 - Dynamic tank characteristics in the garage are being constantly postponed since there are more important tasks to do; 車庫中的動態車輛參數不斷地延期,因為WG還有很多比較重要的事情要做。 - Q: "What about crappy (too hard) individual missions?" A: "Wait for 9.8"; Q:「個人任務太難了!」,A:「等9.8。」 - Some players were complaining about the light render on tracks (tracks lit up even though they should be in shadow), Storm states it's due to optimization and it's fine on higher details; 有些玩家抱怨履帶的渲染太亮,Storm表示這是為了優化的關係,而且在高解析的情 況下看起來還好。 - It's possible but not sure that large caliber assault guns (Sturmpanzer IV and such) will be introduced in the game - the main issue with them is that large alpha messes up the gameplay; 不確定但有可能大口徑的突擊炮會導入遊戲中,主要的問題可能是那些車的單發傷害 可能會毀掉遊戲體驗(譯:灰熊、突擊虎...何時能相見?)。 - Storm commenting on why "league" system (special league for good players) is bad for random game: "The bad part is that when the noobs that are easy to destroy disappear and your opponents will be only skilled players, many "unicums" will leave the game because they will suddenly suck when faced with real challenge" (RG: If you don't reach Unicum without challenging yourself then that's statpadding, challenge is good, it would show the ones worthy of Valhalla! *Wink* ) Storm解釋關於「為什麼天梯系統對隨機模式是不好的」:「不好的地方是怒伯都消失 了,而對手只剩下有技術的玩家時,頂尖玩家在面對現實的殘酷時會怒棄WOT。」 (RG:不用精進自我就能夠變成頂玩,那肯定是洗數據來著的。有挑戰是好事,他會 顯示誰才有機會進名人堂。) - IS-6 will not be nerfed or rebalanced - there were rumors that it will receive better ammo but full MM, they are false; IS-6不會削弱或重新平衡,有傳言說他會有更好的炮彈但拿掉分房保護,那是錯的。 - No plans to reintroduce Type 59 premium - but with full MM; 沒有計畫將T59做成無分房保護並拿出來賣。 - The Konigsberg map (leaked long time ago) was scrapped completely; 很久很久以前流出的柯尼斯堡地圖完全毀棄。 - Regarding the French heavies (described as "guns with paper armor") - WG does not want to add more of that class of vehicles because there are too many vehicles of that type in the game already (same goes for Soviet TD line); 關於法國新重坦線的消息,WG不想要這些車加入的原因是因為已經有太多同類型的車 在遊戲中。(蘇聯玻璃炮TD線理由相同) - It's possible that when it comes to autocannons, the price for one round (especially the gold one) might be replaced by the price for an entire clip to make the ammunition cheaper, this however has low priority; 有可能將彈夾炮的砲彈費用從單發改成以彈夾計價,這能連帶讓彈藥費更便宜,但優 先度很低。 - Regarding the skill sorting of players (players being switched around in teams to produce roughly balanced teams on average), Storm states that this is a complicated question and there is no one single opinion on that among the developers; 提到關於在遊戲中依據技術挑選玩家的問題,Storm表示這個問題很複雜,連開發組 之間都沒有統一的意見。(不確定是否翻對Orz) - Endless ignore list? "no comment"; 做無限制黑名單?「不予置評。」 - Gold ammo will not be nerfed to earn you less XP per damage than regular ammo; 金彈不會做成每單位傷害獲得比銀彈更少經驗的形式。 - Developers will rework the tutorial system; 開發組會重製教學系統。 - It's possible T95E2 tank has wrong crew roles (the radioman should historically be the loader, not the commander), it will be investigated; T95E2的組員職位可能做錯了。WG會再研究看看。(無線電在歷史上是由裝填手擔任 ,而不是車長負責。) - Chinese tanks HD rework has low priority; 中國坦的模型HD化優先度很低 - The plan to introduce further bonuses to premium account was scrapped; 為P帳推出更多加成的計畫被放棄了。 - It's not yet completely decided to remove platoon missions from the IM list; 還沒決定要不要將組排任務從個人任務中拿掉。 - No plans to allow players to complete two individual missions at once; 不會讓玩家可以同時解兩個個人任務。 - Developers are currently working on a complete overhaul of tier 5 to tier 10 shell penetration (both regular and gold shells); 開發組目前正在大改五到十階的金銀彈穿深。 - Storm is following Armored Warfare progress ("no comment"); Storm有在關注AW。 - No ETA for new landscape render, developers are working on it; 新的地景渲染沒有時間表,開發組正在弄。 - Storm confirms: the "arty mode" (with trunks and rainbows) on April 1st was actually a test of a concept, not completely a joke; Storm確認了愚人節的「砲兵模式」事實上是在測試一個新的概念,不完全是玩笑。 - It's possible the mark of excellence mechanism is broken, Storm will investigate; 卓越印記的系統可能壞了,Storm會去研究研究。 - It's "completely possible" for multi-gun mechanism to appear in the game; 多砲塔系統完全可能出現在遊戲中。(譯:遙遠的未來,對吧。) - The average XP statistics will continue to include premium account XP the way they do now; 玩家的平均經驗未來還是會保留含有P帳的數據。 - There were thoughts about a perk that would tell you when arty is aiming at you; 開發組在考慮一個新的歷練:當砲兵在瞄準你的時候會提醒你。 - The option to switch your premium tank for another premium tank will not be implemented; 不會推出用金車交換其他金車的功能。 - Object 430 buff? "No comment for now"; 啥時增強430勒?「目前不予置評。」 - Waffentrager E-100 replacement? "No comment for now". 啥時換掉WT E-100哩?「目前不予置評。」 原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/04/03042015-q.html =========================================================================== 另外,4502B7目前正在超測中測試 以下數據與圖片 階級:七階無分房保護 血量:1600 馬力:700 hp 車重:65 tons 推重比:10.77 hp/t 極速/巡航:35/15 km/h 車體轉向速度:26 deg/s 砲塔轉速:20.9 deg/s 地形適性:1.342/1.63/2.397 視野:370 無線電距離:740.4 車體裝甲:80/80/? (蠻薄的) 砲塔裝甲:100/80/? (保時捷砲塔...你懂的) 主炮:88mm L/71 單發傷害:240 穿深:203 每分鐘開火:8.69發 每分鐘傷害:2085,7 裝填速度:6.903 準度:0.336 縮圈時間:2.78s 俯角:-6 裝甲圖: http://i.imgur.com/PJKVlZV.jpg
原文網址:http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/04/vk-4502-p-ausf-b7.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1428085517.A.D7A.html

04/04 02:32, , 1F
04/04 02:32, 1F

04/04 02:49, , 2F
04/04 02:49, 2F

04/04 02:52, , 3F
今天天氣真好 我們來砍砲兵吧
04/04 02:52, 3F

04/04 02:55, , 4F
gold ammo翻譯成金幣是什麼梗嗎...
04/04 02:55, 4F

04/04 03:05, , 5F
這個歷練再實裝的話 SPG真的可以不用玩了
04/04 03:05, 5F

04/04 03:08, , 6F
04/04 03:08, 6F

04/04 03:08, , 7F
04/04 03:08, 7F

04/04 03:09, , 8F
搞不好是只要在圈內就算被瞄了 根本哭
04/04 03:09, 8F

04/04 03:09, , 9F
04/04 03:09, 9F

04/04 03:12, , 10F
以現在砲車的準度 你開火前移動 打不準機率很高
04/04 03:12, 10F

04/04 03:21, , 11F
就已經夠難中了 還要提醒人SPG在瞄他
04/04 03:21, 11F

04/04 03:22, , 12F
WG要不要乾脆一點 把SPG關掉算了
04/04 03:22, 12F

04/04 07:15, , 13F
04/04 07:15, 13F

04/04 07:54, , 14F
04/04 07:54, 14F

04/04 07:54, , 15F
04/04 07:54, 15F

04/04 07:57, , 16F
04/04 07:57, 16F

04/04 07:58, , 17F
裝填中瞄A 裝完了才瞄B 這樣? www
04/04 07:58, 17F

04/04 07:59, , 18F
歷練名稱 : 不好的預感 ?
04/04 07:59, 18F

04/04 08:14, , 19F
04/04 08:14, 19F

04/04 08:25, , 20F
我發現WG說不會的還是會做 說會做的會延期延期再延
04/04 08:25, 20F

04/04 08:25, , 21F
04/04 08:25, 21F

04/04 08:38, , 22F
04/04 08:38, 22F

04/04 09:25, , 23F
不加法國新重坦線的理由很瞎 那些複製金車呢?
04/04 09:25, 23F

04/04 10:48, , 24F
gold ammo還是翻譯成金幣 修正呢?
04/04 10:48, 24F

04/04 11:16, , 25F
04/04 11:16, 25F

04/04 11:16, , 26F
是啊 我也看得出來 fk
04/04 11:16, 26F

04/04 11:18, , 27F
04/04 11:18, 27F

04/04 11:20, , 28F
04/04 11:20, 28F

04/04 11:22, , 29F
04/04 11:22, 29F

04/04 11:23, , 30F
這是我聽過最垃圾的主意 開發組的腦漿到底在哪?
04/04 11:23, 30F

04/04 11:25, , 31F
04/04 11:25, 31F

04/04 11:27, , 32F
04/04 11:27, 32F

04/04 11:58, , 33F
04/04 11:58, 33F

04/04 11:59, , 34F
04/04 11:59, 34F

04/04 12:02, , 35F
04/04 12:02, 35F

04/04 12:02, , 36F
04/04 12:02, 36F

04/04 12:07, , 37F
04/04 12:07, 37F

04/04 19:37, , 38F
我玩SPG是想炸人的 不是拿遊標嚇唬人的...
04/04 19:37, 38F

04/04 21:10, , 39F
04/04 21:10, 39F

04/04 21:46, , 40F
04/04 21:46, 40F

04/04 21:47, , 41F
04/04 21:47, 41F

04/04 21:50, , 42F
04/04 21:50, 42F

04/04 21:59, , 43F
蠢到只想罵智障的想法 會不會被砲兵炸居然還要靠歷
04/04 21:59, 43F

04/04 22:00, , 44F
練來提醒 何不如開發出金幣功能一鍵毀滅敵方砲兵LOL
04/04 22:00, 44F

04/04 22:58, , 45F
04/04 22:58, 45F

04/04 23:22, , 46F
WG請把砲兵全部抓去開三突 3Q
04/04 23:22, 46F

04/05 00:23, , 47F
砲兵ㄏㄏ囉~ XDDD
04/05 00:23, 47F

04/05 00:40, , 48F
04/05 00:40, 48F

04/05 01:56, , 49F
04/05 01:56, 49F

04/05 08:49, , 50F
T29 賣頭賣的好 偷炮偷到老 那顆頭可以硬扛8階
04/05 08:49, 50F

04/05 08:54, , 51F
推出天梯跟隨機有什麼衝突嗎? 跟LOL以前的ELO制就好
04/05 08:54, 51F

04/05 08:54, , 52F
不想面對現實的去玩隨機 希望自我挑戰的去打天梯
04/05 08:54, 52F

04/05 10:22, , 53F
04/05 10:22, 53F

04/05 10:24, , 54F
大家都想虐菜 誰想去天梯被虐阿 -.-
04/05 10:24, 54F

04/05 10:25, , 55F
被虐狂太少 排隊等到天荒地老 回頭隨機秒進虐菜
04/05 10:25, 55F

04/05 10:51, , 56F
LOL是5x5...而且還沒有分10階喔...= =
04/05 10:51, 56F

04/05 12:14, , 57F
04/05 12:14, 57F

04/05 16:12, , 58F
這樣改也不是不行 但是可以把砲車改成一次丟4發XD
04/05 16:12, 58F

04/05 21:35, , 59F
04/05 21:35, 59F
小口徑用火球術、大口徑換隕石術,好像不錯XD ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 04/05/2015 22:41:45

04/06 11:27, , 60F
04/06 11:27, 60F
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