[情報] 類Insider Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/04/02 22:17), 9年前編輯推噓7(7013)
留言20則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
4/2非常規Q&A,大家慢用,不確定晚點會不會有一般Q&A According to the Insider, some developers in Wargaming felt like the modern tanks April 1st joke backfired on Wargaming, as it gave indirectly free press to Armored Warfare and some developers raged about that in internal communication. Sources from Armored Warfare confirm hightened interest in their site. WG內部某些開發人員覺得這次的「現代戰車」愚人節玩笑太過頭了,因為這等於是免 費為Armored Warfare打廣告,有些開發人員在內部討論時甚至為此發怒。而AW那裏 則證實了最近受關注的程度提高了。 - 9.8 will not bring LT buff; 9.8不會增強LT。 - Storm does not play WoWs; Storm本身沒玩WOWS。 - HD IS-3 in 9.8 will be the regular one, not the leaked one with the autoloader; 9.8推出的IS-3 HD是普通版,不是先前洩漏的自動裝填版。 - Individual mission tanks do not count as premium tanks for the purpose of buffs and nerfs, they can be buffed and nerfed; 個人任務送的獎勵車不算是一般金車(一般金車不能隨便動數據),他隨時可能被增 強或削弱。 - The state of random battles after the IM introduction is generally satisfactory for the developers; 在推出個人任務後的隨機任務狀況讓開發組很滿意。 - In 9.8, more than one third of individual missions will be changed (RG: So excited for this); 9.8推出之後,大概有超過三分之一的個人任務內容會做更動。(RG:很期待喔!) - Storm does not know whether CW mechanics will be changed in next two years; Storm不知道未來兩年內公會戰機制會不會做更動。 - Developers are planning female crewmember voiceover (RG: No more tanker Conchitas boys! 開發組正計畫做女性組員語音。(RG:男組員滾開!) - It's completely possible that tracks hanging on the hull will be used as a balance parameter to change armor. For example, if developers think that a vehicle should have more armor than it is its historical, they will model tracks hanging on the hull in HD and make the zones with the tracks thicker, like they did with the IS-4; 絕對很有可能將車體上的外掛履帶作為裝甲平衡的手段。舉例來說,開發組如果認為 某台車需要比史實更多的裝甲,他們會在該車HD化的模型上掛上履帶並藉此讓該部分 的裝甲更厚,就像IS-4現在的情況。 - Developers will not remove a whole bunch of maps from the game at once, they will do it slowly one at a time. Developers also considered the solution of reducing the probability to appear of maps that are not liked by players but they are afraid that when some players end up playing the "bad" maps multiple times in a row (the probability of which is non-zero), they'll come whining; 開發組刪地圖會一次一張慢慢刪,而他們也在考慮減少玩家進入不受歡迎地圖的可能, 但他們仍擔心某些玩家還是會一直進這些爛地圖(機率仍不為零),然後去論壇該該 叫。 - It's possible that some tanks that are very uncomfortable to play will be rebalanced to make their gameplay more comfortable; 有可能未來會重新平衡那些遊玩體驗不佳的戰車,讓他們好玩些。 - The accuracy nerf in 9.6 turned out to be very justified according to Storm, no arty accuracy buffs are planned; 根據Storm表示,9.6的準度削弱現在看來非常適當,所以未來不會有砲兵準度增強的 計畫。 - In last two years, the fines for teamkill and teamdamage became two times stricter; 近兩年來造成友軍傷害與擊殺友軍的罰款已經增加兩倍。 - There is a server "quota" of battles set aside for the purposes of assault and encounter modes (basically, the number of battles that have to be played in assault or encounter is hard-code reserved); 伺服器中有預留一些戰鬥場數給突擊戰與遭遇戰。(基本上這兩種模式的場數是設定 好的) - No plans to create separate leagues in random battles; 沒有計畫在隨機戰中推出天梯之類的計畫。 - Developers are planning to have a look on some higher tier vehicles soon and decide whether to buff them or not; 開發組計畫在最近檢視某些高階車,並決定他們是否需要增強。 - SU-76I will not return to shops; SU-76I永不回歸商城。 - There are no plans to "reduce the suffering" of tier 4-8 tanks in hightier battles (as in, no MM reduction is planned); 沒有「讓四到八階車少進大場」的計畫。(也就是說,沒有MM娘改造計畫) - Multiturret mechanism and T-35 will come in very, very distant future; 「多砲塔」與T-35?慢慢等吧。 - The three caliber rule will not be removed; 三倍口徑壓制規則不會移除。 - Wargaming considers their HD tanks to be better looking than the ones in War Thunder (RG: Our own kids always look better than the others); WG認為自己的HD模型做的比WT好看。(RG:自己的小孩總是最棒。) - The only way skill MM is coming is in cybersports in 9.7; 唯一的技術分房會在9.7的電競中推出。 - Developers are working on multicore support; 開發組正努力做多核心支援。 - 9.7 will bring dynamic interface resize. 9.7會推出讓玩家調整介大小的功能。 原文網址:http://goo.gl/JxsaLd -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1427984277.A.B90.html

04/02 22:41, , 1F
04/02 22:41, 1F
感謝Willie! ※ 編輯: tai33ru (, 04/02/2015 22:49:24

04/02 23:58, , 2F
我都把突襲模式關掉 那個很不好玩
04/02 23:58, 2F

04/03 01:30, , 3F
04/03 01:30, 3F

04/03 02:38, , 4F
體驗不佳的戰車 這樣沒肉肉吃了
04/03 02:38, 4F

04/03 04:20, , 5F
04/03 04:20, 5F

04/03 05:58, , 6F
04/03 05:58, 6F

04/04 00:58, , 7F
04/04 00:58, 7F

04/04 01:15, , 8F
04/04 01:15, 8F

04/04 11:38, , 9F
機甲是好看而已 機甲的傷害模組根本屎
04/04 11:38, 9F

04/04 11:39, , 10F
04/04 11:39, 10F

04/04 11:40, , 11F
04/04 11:40, 11F

04/04 18:02, , 12F
04/04 18:02, 12F

04/04 18:02, , 13F
04/04 18:02, 13F

04/04 18:03, , 14F
04/04 18:03, 14F

04/04 18:03, , 15F
04/04 18:03, 15F

04/04 18:04, , 16F
04/04 18:04, 16F

04/04 18:07, , 17F
陸戰BR1.0~2.3的 德國車 很猛, 漏打
04/04 18:07, 17F

04/04 18:08, , 18F
04/04 18:08, 18F

04/04 18:10, , 19F
會有 德國雷霆 的感覺;到T-34 mod 1940 L11時
04/04 18:10, 19F

04/04 18:10, , 20F
04/04 18:10, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1L7K-LkG (Wargaming)