[情報] 4/1 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2015/04/02 02:39), 9年前編輯推噓18(19111)
留言31則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
久違地來一發大的 - The rumor that IS-6 will be removed from sales and IS-5 will replace it is false, IS-5 will not be a regular sold premium tank; 謠傳 IS-6 會下架由 IS-5 取代的消息是錯的;IS-5 不是一般的上架金車 - Some vehicles (like T28 Proto and T29) have on SD models tracks hanging on their armor. The tracks will on HD models always be represented by thicker armor zones, but it is not sure whether - when these vehicles are reworked to HD - the tracks will still be there in the future; 有些車外掛備用履帶,這將在 HD 化時做成較厚的裝甲區塊。但不確定 HD 化後現有模型 的備用履帶是否會還在原位 - A micropatch was applied recently to the 9.7 common test and now everything runs smoothly, there are no more FPS drops. The FPS is on average more stable as well. This is the feature of the new BigWorld engine version; 9.7 公測近期小更新,表現穩定,FPS 也沒有下降了。平均 FPS 更穩定。這才是新版本 的 BW 引擎。 - There is no way how to create a WoT client that would be complete mod-proof (not allowing any mods) (RG: The community just really wants the turds that use mods like Warpack to be banned); WoT 的客戶端不可能做成完全不相容 MOD(RG: 他們只是強烈希望使用例如 Warpack 這 類 MOD 的魂淡被停權) - Storm confirms the delay in the 9.7 patch at least to April 7th, the reason is the fixing of crashes and freezes, without fixing that issue, the patch will not be released (RG: completely agree with the decision) Storm 證實 9.7 版上線至少延到 4/7 之後,以修補造成程式崩潰/定格的錯誤。沒修好前 不會釋出。 - E50M will not get frontal gun depression buff because the gun would then clip through the hull; E50M 的前方俯角不會增加 - In most cases, server reticle corresponds to the usual reticle status; 絕大多數的狀況中,伺服器準心是跟一般準心連動的 - The option to sell premium tanks for gold will not be implemented; 不會開放用金幣賣金車 - It's completely possible that 9.7 client will not be compatible with 9.6 mods: "use mods at your own peril"; 9.7 很可能不相容 9.6 的 MOD:「想用的話後果自負」 - Japanese heavy tanks' info is based on multiple sources (for example Soviet-captured Japanese reports); 日本重戰線是基於多方資料構建出來的(例如蘇聯的擄獲報告) - New sound engine (WWISE) will come this year; 今年會有新的音效引擎(WWISE) - Historical battles will come in far future. The main issue is to create bots that will not overload the servers, which turned out to be very complicated (Wargaming will do that nonetheless); 歷史戰鬥要等到遙遠的未來了。主要是因為要做出不壓垮伺服器運算能力的 BOT 十分 不容易(儘管如此 WG 還是會做下去) - This year, a new mode will come for solo players but no details yet; 今年會推出給單野玩家的新遊戲模式,但目前還沒有消息流出 - It's possible the platoon missions from individual missions will be removed ("there are multiple variants"), developers do have statistics on how many people are "stuck" on platoon mission; 個人任務的組排要素可能會被移除(「有許多備案」),官方現在有了數據顯示有多少 玩家『卡在』組排的任務 - Later on - "When will you remove platoon individual missions?" Storm: "When it's done it's done"; 「那啥時要移除組排要素?」Storm:「WIDID」 - HT15 individual mission will be simplified for StuG IV and T28HTC; StuG Ⅳ 和 T28HTC 的重坦15任務會被簡化 - Many individual mission fixed will come in 9.8; 9.8 會修改許多個人任務 - The option to pick which individual mission you want to do during battle countdown (based on the battlefield situation) will not be implemented; 不會開放「在開場倒數時選擇個人任務」的功能 - For now, there are no plans to return the confrontation mode (aka "national battles"), it is not being worked on currently; 目前沒計畫讓國戰回歸,其重製也尚未動工 - Havok status: "we don't want to make it slow and laggy and to make it well and with good performance will take a lot of time still" (RG: Agree, better take the time to make things right instead of rushing and end up with a barely playable game); Havok 現況:「我們不願推出又慢又累格的版本,而高效能版仍須許多時間研發」 - The problem with Havok is that when you shoot buildings, the client can't handle the amount of objects (fragments) that are required to make the destruction look good, this is for example valid for the Stalingrad map; Havok 的問題在於,客戶端無法處理建築物被摧毀時,為了視覺效果所產生的大量物件 - Technically it's possible to make Havok work like it does in War Thunder, but Wargaming wants to have a more complex solution; 理論上可以將 Havok 做成跟 WT 的一樣,但 WG 希望用更複雜的解法 (譯者:WT 是圍牆、單根柱子之類的小物件可摧毀,但建築物依然無敵; 話說依然不解為什麼 WT 陸戰會被明明沒碰到的東西卡住,或壓倒後又不斷重複站起來的 小樹…) - Dynamic gameplay is still WG priority "to some extent"; 動態的遊戲模式仍是 WG 的重點,「在某個程度上」 - Maps are not being reworked with the alleged hidden TD nerf in mind (it's just a conspiracy); 並不會因傳說中未來要偷砍 TD 而修改地圖(純粹是陰謀論) - The amount of new city maps is the echo of two years back when the players loudly demanded more city maps; 新推出的城市地圖的數量,是在反應兩年前玩家對城市地圖強烈要求 - The 9.7 "newbie protection" (separate MM for newbies) is simply based on total number of battles played of that player, nothing else; 9.7『新手保護計畫(隔離分房)』純粹以總戰鬥數考量。 - SU-26 is a bit underpowered, it will be buffed a bit in the future, but not by much; SU-26 有點弱,未來會 buff 一點,但不會多 - The situation with new maps is problematic - there are too many maps in the game already. New maps will be added but not very fast (RG: the problem is not the amount of maps, its how the map rotation works, is not normal when we get same map 3 consecutive times or more); 遊戲中已經有太多地圖了。依然會有新地圖,但進度不會很快。(RG: 問題應該是出在 選地圖的機制才對,一連三次進同張地圖根本不正常) - "Autoloader" IS-3 will not have an autoloader (will just fire faster) and it also is not a premium tank, but an event one (the autoloader version was just a test and it was scrapped); 『自動裝填機版』IS-3 並不會有彈匣(純粹只是射速較快),而且不是一般金車,而是 活動車(彈匣版 IS-3 僅為測試用,已廢棄) - SweetFX will not be implemented, it causes poor performance on an number of PC configurations; SweetFX 因為效能問題不會實裝 - WG is using Umbra technology for 6 years already; WG 已經用 Umbra 技術用了六年 - There will not be a totally new spotting system, just the current one will be tweaked a bit gradually in upcoming patches; 不會完全重製開光系統,而是在接下來的更新中逐步調校 - There are currently no plans for artillery; 沒計畫動自走砲 - New British tanks Chieftain and Centurion Action X will not come anytime soon, the modelling has not even started yet because of the delay with obtaining the data from the museums; 新的酋長式及百夫長 Action X 不會在近期推出。因為從博物館取得數據上的延誤,至今 仍未開始建模。 - Earlier, it was said in one of WG videos that the tank camouflage (detection range) will depend on how much of the tank is visible behind an obstacle - this was scrapped, as it turned out it would support camping too much; 之前曾表示想將隱蔽性跟車輛的露出度連動;這想法已被廢棄,因為會更讓黑槍過太爽 - Storm's personal opinion is that Wargaming's April 1st jokes were not funny (later - Q: "Jokes sucked." A: "Yes"); Storm 個人認為 WG 今年的愚人節笑話不好笑(稍後,Q:「今年笑話真爛」A:「沒錯」) - Q: "When will you give more XP to arty, it takes too long to get to tier 10" A: "So we have more arties as top vehicles? Not the best idea."; Q:「什麼時候才要增加自走砲的經驗值收入啊,要爬到頂階太累了」A:「讓更多自走砲當 班長?這想法不是很好。」 - Storm confirms: the current large RNG factor in the game is there "to make the opportunities equal", such as the possiblity of a small tank to get lucky and penetrate a heavier opponent; Storm 證實:現行的數值浮動是為了「讓機會平均些」,讓小車也有機會擊穿大車 - It's possible that patch 0.9.9 will not be followed by 1.0.0 but by 0.10.0; 0.9.9 之後的版本號可能不是 1.0.0 而是 0.10.0 - Its possible that ST-II (ST-I with twin 122mm guns) will appear in the game - but not soon; ST-Ⅱ(雙 122 砲版的 ST-Ⅰ)可能會出現,但不是近期 - It's possible to expect Japanese heavies this year; 可以期待日本重戰線在今年推出 - 9.8 will bring "something interesting" (HD IS-3 for example); 9.8 會有「有趣的東西」(例如 HD IS-3) - Czechoslovak tanks with T40 as first premium? "I cannot say anything." Skoda T40 是第一台捷克金車?「無可奉告」 - Dynamic effects such as tanks getting dirty or black from fire will not be implemented; 不會實裝動態效果;例如戰車被弄髒或被燻黑之類的 - Storm confirms that the first season of individual mission should last until the end of the year; Storm 證實個人任務的第一季至少會持續到年底 - Storm states that the motion physics test (that was based on old WoT version) did not show any major FPS increase compared to current releases; Storm 表示用舊版 WoT 製成的移動物理測試版,跟目前釋出的正式版比起來並沒有明顯 的 FPS 優勢 - Currently, there are no plans to implement tier 8 Soviet premium vehicles (purchasable for money) with 200+ mm penetration (in other words, the 221 penetration 122mm gun tanks are all for events); 目前沒打算讓可以買的八階蘇聯金車配備穿深超過 200mm 的砲(也就是說,有裝 221mm 穿深的 122mm 砲的車都是特別活動用) - It's not yet currently decided whether the season 2 individual missions will mean that the season 1 will still be available (RG: I hope they stay available); 還未確定個人任務第二季開始後,第一季的任務會不會持續開放 - Wargaming is satisfied with current ingame economic system; 現行的遊戲內經濟系統讓 WG 滿意 - Storm does not consider the fact that Panzer IV Schmalturm is missing the side screens from the hitbox a scam. They will be added once the vehicle is reworked to HD; Storm 不認為 Pz.IV S. 的側裙目前不算裝甲是在欺騙玩家。HD 化時就會重製了。 - Storm confirms: in the future, in many cases vehicle guns will not use historical penetration anymore, penetration will become a balance parameter. Storm 證實:未來許多車輛的主砲穿深將不再使用史實數據。穿深將是平衡參數的一環。 http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.nl/2015/04/01042015-q.html -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Wargaming/M.1427913567.A.CDD.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 04/02/2015 02:49:28

04/02 02:52, , 1F
04/02 02:52, 1F

04/02 03:00, , 2F
平衡會搞死人 不要亂改然後失去特色就好
04/02 03:00, 2F

04/02 03:07, , 3F
"未來許多車輛的主砲穿深將不再使用史實數據" XD
04/02 03:07, 3F

04/02 03:09, , 4F
04/02 03:09, 4F

04/02 03:24, , 5F
A:「讓更多自走砲當班長?這想法不是很好。」 ????
04/02 03:24, 5F

04/02 03:25, , 6F
那何不少做蠢事 讓自走砲別有跟一般車同樣的階級並
04/02 03:25, 6F

04/02 03:25, , 7F
04/02 03:25, 7F

04/02 03:26, , 8F
04/02 03:26, 8F

04/02 03:35, , 9F
04/02 03:35, 9F

04/02 04:51, , 10F
04/02 04:51, 10F

04/02 05:44, , 11F
酋長和"百夫長"Action X
04/02 05:44, 11F
感謝指正 ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 04/02/2015 06:09:49

04/02 07:48, , 12F
T-40是金幣車 那銀幣的呢?
04/02 07:48, 12F

04/02 08:57, , 13F
04/02 08:57, 13F

04/02 09:24, , 14F
04/02 09:24, 14F

04/02 11:46, , 15F
d砲車經驗快點增加 我七階砲每場經驗還不如六階重坦
04/02 11:46, 15F

04/02 12:38, , 16F
備用履帶會變裝甲一部份的話 -3就不能打海苔了
04/02 12:38, 16F

04/02 12:52, , 17F
04/02 12:52, 17F

04/02 12:52, , 18F
04/02 12:52, 18F

04/02 20:02, , 19F
04/02 20:02, 19F

04/02 20:17, , 20F
04/02 20:17, 20F

04/02 20:53, , 21F
04/02 20:53, 21F

04/02 20:56, , 22F
乾脆開放地城打寶 統盾 蛛網 軍帽 +3自救木 +5履帶
04/02 20:56, 22F

04/02 21:41, , 23F
SU-26已經不是有點弱了好嗎 ......
04/02 21:41, 23F

04/02 21:42, , 24F
04/02 21:42, 24F

04/02 21:42, , 25F
04/02 21:42, 25F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 04/02/2015 22:43:57

04/03 06:16, , 26F
不會是這個意思 放心 在砲車是8階時就開到頂的人
04/03 06:16, 26F

04/03 06:16, , 27F
04/03 06:16, 27F

04/03 08:40, , 28F
04/03 08:40, 28F

04/05 17:45, , 29F
04/05 17:45, 29F

04/05 17:47, , 30F
04/05 17:47, 30F

04/05 17:47, , 31F
04/05 17:47, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1L73jVpT (Wargaming)