[情報] 2/9 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間9年前 (2015/02/10 10:08), 編輯推噓31(31031)
留言62則, 30人參與, 最新討論串1/1
文長注意! As mentioned on RU server, the patch is coming tomorrow. Also, check out the stronghold consumable post on official forum. 9.6近了。 - Object 244 will not be a tank for free sale, but a special/event tank Object 244會是活動獎勵或特殊獎勵車。 - the landscape quality setting in WoT is the same for old and new render when it comes to geometry, with one exception – minimal settings. Minimal settings for old render reduce the landscape quality more than minimal settings on improved render 有關景色品質設定在幾何上新舊渲染的表現都是一樣的,但最小畫質設定例外,在最 小畫質設定下舊的渲染設定表現比新的渲染差。 - Japanese tanks as a whole are doing fine statistically 以數據來看,日本車整體而言表現良好。 - “wet ammo stowage” perk introduction (SS: VERY long time ago) was not a reaction and an attempt to fix too often ammo rack explosions in the game 推出「濕式彈藥倉」歷練的原因並不是因為要修正過去太常爆彈藥的問題。 - Q: “Why does adding new perks take so long?” A: “Because it takes long” (SS: yea…. no shit) Q:「為什麼搞個技能歷練重製要這麼久?」,A:「就這麼久囉。」 - developers will carefully monitor the situation with arty after the 0.9.6 accuracy nerf 開發組會謹慎監控準度更動後的砲兵處境。 - the camo factor of a vehicle is calculated based on its height 隱蔽係數是依據車的高度來設定的。 - Type 62 and Type 64 are doing fine statistically 老共的62跟我軍的64雙雙表現良好。 - Q: “Were the developers considering an arty nerf before 9.6?” A: “We are always considering something, but it doesn’t always get implemented.” Q:「9.6之前開發組考慮過削弱砲兵?」A:「我們總是考慮很多事情,但不見得都會實 現。」 - Q: “There are trolls, provoking you into shooting them and then they thrive on compensations. What about them?” A: “Don’t shoot them.” Q:「有戳人會引誘你去打他然後賺賠償,何解?」,A:「莫理。」 - developers are considering the arty to be “sufficiently accurate” 開發組認為砲兵現階段仍然夠準。 - introducing a special perk, that would increase your rate of fire would be risky from balance point of view, if the increase was significant 若引入新的特殊歷練,效果是增加你的射速,那麼如果增加得太多可能會有平衡上的 問題。 - Q: “Why do subcaliber shells lose penetration over distance so much?” A: “Less weight = more energy loss per distance” Q:「為什麼次口徑彈藥(APCR)的穿甲衰減如此大?」,A:「彈頭重量越低,每單 位距離彈頭喪失的能量就越多。」(譯:好個專業解釋) - the exact impact chances within the 10 zones of the aim circle for each sector (SS: “new accuracy” in 9.6) will not be disclosed 影響瞄準圈十個區域的砲彈落點的機制不會公布出來。(不確定) - Stalingrad map does not have a higher chance of dropping than other maps 史達林格勒沒有比其他地圖更容易出場。 - GW E-100 will not be switched for now 目前還不會更換GW E-100。 - “Mauschen” is a real tank project, not a fake (SS: completely true) 真的有小老鼠計畫,不是杜撰的。 - with the replacement of VK4502B by Mauschen, the gameplay of the vehicle will not change – it will still be a rear-turret heavily armored vehicle 就算小老鼠更換完成,車輛體驗不會比之前差多少,他仍然是一台後置砲塔重甲車。 - player opinions will not influence tank balancing decisions 玩家的選擇不會影響WG如何平衡。 - when it comes to tank characteristics, some are not shown in the garage on purpose (SS: terrain resistance for example), others will be added (SS: depression) 有些坦克參數不會顯示在車庫中(像是地形適性),其他的會加入。(SS:像是俯角) - the only changes to the garage at this point are dynamic tank parameters (that change with equipment/modules and crew skills) and improved tank selection filters 目前確定的車庫變動會是動態車輛數據跟改善車庫篩選器。 - Storm confirms that the accuracy in 0.9.6 changed in ALL sectors of the aim circle, not just the center Storm確認了9.6的準度變動更動不只中央而是所有的瞄準圈內區域的落點機率。 - regarding the 0.9.6 accuracy nerf, Storm states: “SPG’s don’t have to target miniturrets on the roof. And the “not-pinpoint accuracy” will change by only just a litte” Storm回應關於9.6準度更動對砲兵的影響:「砲兵的工作不需要瞄準到很精確,而炮兵 的不精確性也不會有太大的影響。」 - AMX CDC has “worse camo than other vehicles” CDC的隱蔽會比其他車輛差。 - Storm states that on maps that have low percentage of their space accessible to tanks (Hidden Village, Sacred Valley), the fact that you can only access small portion of the map is not a problem by itself, as long as they play well. Both of these maps have gameplay issues and it’s not due to the low percentage of accessible terrain. Storm針對有玩家提出某些地圖玩家可駕駛的空間比例較小為應(日本、北韓地圖), 他認為只要你玩得出色,能開的地方比較少不是問題,問題是這些地圖有遊戲性的問 題,而不僅只有空間較小的問題而已。 - for now, WG has not changed their minds about not removing the platoon requirement from IM’s WG還是不會把組排因素從個人任務中移除。 - France will not have a full second branch of mediums, there aren’t enough vehicles 法國不會有第二條完整的中坦線,車不夠。 - Havok will not influence gameplay, it’s just a visual thing Havok只影響視覺效果而不會影響遊戲性。 - new sounds will be implemented, as well as a new sound engine 會開發新音效,以及新的音效引擎。 - the option of giving artillery class more XP and credits (specifically, as much as the vehicle would get if it did damage based on its own scouting and not someone elses under all circumstances) will be discussed 會討論給砲兵更多的收益跟經驗的可能。(譯:目前因為砲兵都會被分食開光收益, 經驗跟錢比較少。) - this year will bring new features and content 今年會有新東西。(譯:有講等於沒講= =) - some spotting system changes will come this year 開光機制會有所更動。 - Storm states that credits/XP income stealth nerf conspiracy theories are incorrect – including various events, tanks are now making much more than they were 2-3 years ago Storm駁斥了外界流傳WG偷偷削減了收益的傳聞:「因為活動的緣故,現在的車都賺的 比兩三年前多。」 - some tier 10 high-pen guns will have their penetration nerfed, soon 某些十階炮穿深會在近期削弱。(驚) - Maus has the biggest percentage of bounced shells on its tier amongst the heavies Maus在面對同階重坦有最大的彈炮機率。 - in the future, you will hear when your shell for example hits enemy gun for 0 damage, there will be special voiceover for such cases to make players understand better what’s going on 未來會加入像是「若擊中敵方炮管時」的特殊語音,讓玩家了解自己打到哪。 - Storm doesn’t play IM’s – “I’m too lazy to do that” Storm不玩個人任務。「我懶。」 - WG is constantly working on optimization WG正在進行某項優化工作。 - the punishment (fine) for damaging allies by your arty splash will not be removed, there would be trolls doing it intentionally 砲兵暴風誤擊友軍的懲罰不會移除,因為猴子會故意炮隊友。 - developers will experiment with fog of war in randoms 開發組會在隨機戰中測試戰爭迷霧。 - no tank was ever released into the game with the same parameters it had in first supertest round, not even once 絕對沒有任何一台車在推出時與第一次超測時的參數相同,絕對沒有。 - the reason to switch VK4502B for Mauschen is the fact that it was too unhistorical 4502B被換掉的原因是他太不符合史實了。 - Storm agrees that one of the issues WG has is the fact that everything takes too long, but “this is not for public discussion” Storm認同WG的其中一個問題是做任何事時間都拖太長,但這不需要被拿出來討論。 - increasing the map size by 1,5 to 2 times would lead to “suffering of slow and armored vehicles” 地圖加大會為慢車帶來困擾。 原文網址:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/02/09/9-2-2015/#more-22023 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1423534116.A.DC6.html

02/10 10:18, , 1F
02/10 10:18, 1F

02/10 10:23, , 2F
"隱蔽係數是依據車的高度來設定的" 騙誰啊
02/10 10:23, 2F

02/10 10:31, , 3F
砍德國車就說不符史實 怎麼也不見你砍俄國車....
02/10 10:31, 3F

02/10 10:31, , 4F
02/10 10:31, 4F

02/10 10:40, , 5F
太不符合史實(X) 因為是德國車(O)
02/10 10:40, 5F

02/10 10:40, , 6F
德國也有啊 E25不僅射速不符史實 連車體大小都不符
02/10 10:40, 6F

02/10 10:41, , 7F
這是WG的問題 跟德車蘇車無關
02/10 10:41, 7F

02/10 10:41, , 8F
02/10 10:41, 8F

02/10 10:41, , 9F
AMX-30 射速不符合史實怎麼辦? WG:必要的平衡
02/10 10:41, 9F

02/10 10:43, , 10F
USSR被砍最大的應該就是268了吧 幾乎絕跡
02/10 10:43, 10F

02/10 10:44, , 11F
02/10 10:44, 11F

02/10 10:55, , 12F
以前那個首下會起火 真的會讓人根本不想碰德國車
02/10 10:55, 12F

02/10 10:58, , 13F
02/10 10:58, 13F

02/10 11:01, , 14F
會嗎我很習慣了诶 wg專業吃書自打臉...
02/10 11:01, 14F

02/10 11:01, , 15F
02/10 11:01, 15F

02/10 11:04, , 16F
打正面會爆彈藥架的都沒出來哭了 燒個引擎哪有什麼
02/10 11:04, 16F

02/10 11:14, , 17F
02/10 11:14, 17F

02/10 11:15, , 18F
02/10 11:15, 18F

02/10 11:42, , 19F
有些地圖真的太擠了 可行動空間被佈景佔了大半 像是
02/10 11:42, 19F

02/10 11:42, , 20F
02/10 11:42, 20F

02/10 11:56, , 21F
02/10 11:56, 21F

02/10 11:56, , 22F
02/10 11:56, 22F

02/10 12:00, , 23F
英法砲車都哭了啊 有蘇聯阿法誰要準度啊?
02/10 12:00, 23F

02/10 12:17, , 24F
02/10 12:17, 24F

02/10 12:18, , 25F
02/10 12:18, 25F

02/10 12:20, , 26F
CDC隱蔽差=> byebye byebye
02/10 12:20, 26F

02/10 12:21, , 27F
02/10 12:21, 27F

02/10 13:08, , 28F
02/10 13:08, 28F

02/10 13:09, , 29F
02/10 13:09, 29F

02/10 13:26, , 30F
02/10 13:26, 30F

02/10 13:46, , 31F
02/10 13:46, 31F

02/10 14:13, , 32F
02/10 14:13, 32F

02/10 14:56, , 33F
02/10 14:56, 33F

02/10 14:57, , 34F
或是能吧草叢燒掉也好 焦土作戰
02/10 14:57, 34F

02/10 15:02, , 35F
暴風被砍後每次都用KV5跳扭扭舞然後嘲諷砲兵 爽
02/10 15:02, 35F

02/10 15:25, , 36F
R imba = nerf G
02/10 15:25, 36F

02/10 15:51, , 37F
02/10 15:51, 37F

02/10 18:00, , 38F
"Because it takes long" LOL!!
02/10 18:00, 38F

02/10 18:02, , 39F
出現了! 是T95的馬林諾夫卡RRR大進擊 因為砲車沒轍
02/10 18:02, 39F

02/10 18:02, , 40F
02/10 18:02, 40F

02/10 18:06, , 41F
02/10 18:06, 41F

02/10 18:24, , 42F
02/10 18:24, 42F

02/10 18:32, , 43F
那換我來靠腰一下TD被砍視野 好阿 反正就是往死裡砍
02/10 18:32, 43F

02/10 18:33, , 44F
大家都進Bloodstrike互毆才好玩嘛 揪咪
02/10 18:33, 44F

02/10 18:46, , 45F
Maus 跑的慢 128mm砲敵人又不會怕~~~~
02/10 18:46, 45F

02/10 18:48, , 46F
02/10 18:48, 46F

02/10 18:50, , 47F
砲兵本來就不精確 是靠齊射進行大面積傷害
02/10 18:50, 47F

02/10 18:51, , 48F
02/10 18:51, 48F

02/10 18:57, , 49F
今年會有新東西? 希望有新地圖 圖就那幾個玩到膩
02/10 18:57, 49F

02/10 19:04, , 50F
那就給我一整營砲兵啊 推出砲車又不給玩
02/10 19:04, 50F

02/10 19:06, , 51F
對啊 一個人帶五台炮車出場才叫齊射啊
02/10 19:06, 51F

02/10 19:06, , 52F
改成一台砲擊指揮車觀測 發動地圖外砲擊算了
02/10 19:06, 52F

02/10 19:20, , 53F
02/10 19:20, 53F

02/10 19:21, , 54F
靠自己或是友軍回報敵軍位置進行砲擊 而不是靠開光
02/10 19:21, 54F

02/10 19:36, , 55F
Buff rof的話砍一點準度我就沒意見
02/10 19:36, 55F

02/10 19:36, , 56F
現在常常不會動的東西連歪好幾發 是要玩毛
02/10 19:36, 56F

02/10 20:50, , 57F
02/10 20:50, 57F

02/10 20:52, , 58F
02/10 20:52, 58F

02/10 21:24, , 59F
02/10 21:24, 59F

02/10 21:49, , 60F
被換掉的原因是他太不符合史實了 WG製造局表示:___
02/10 21:49, 60F

02/10 22:17, , 61F
我當初為啥要辛苦設計WTE100和FV215b (183)…
02/10 22:17, 61F

02/10 22:29, , 62F
02/10 22:29, 62F
文章代碼(AID): #1KsMWat6 (Wargaming)