[情報] FTR翻譯-關於捷克科技樹...

看板Wargaming作者 (幻世「ザ·ワールド」)時間9年前 (2015/01/22 19:48), 9年前編輯推噓14(14018)
留言32則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
初次翻譯,請各位多加指教 ~ 連結:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2015/01/21/so-about-the-czechoslovak-tree/ 縮網址:http://goo.gl/KW3fJS ...對,你沒看錯。不是"科技線(branch)"而是"科技樹(Tree)" So yea, there will be one. Today, the two gentlemen that made the Swedish tree proposal (Sp15 and Renhaxue) met with WG representatives in Stockholm to discuss the Swedish branch (amongst other things). WG is actively working on what was previously an EU tree, but apparently decided to split the major nations (Czechoslovaks, Swedish, Italians) into separate trees. As far as I know, at this moment, according to WG representatives, the Czechoslovak branch is scheduled first, with the Swedish one (medium/heavy mix, sorry, no S-Tank) as a backup in the event of some major problem with the Czechoslovaks, which frankly is not expected (although there are some things that need to be cleared out). 沒錯,將來會有條捷克線可以點囉。今天(1/21),提出瑞典線提案的兩位 (Sp15 和 Renhaxue)在斯德哥爾摩和WG的代表碰面,討論瑞典線(和其他的東西)。 WG現在正在處理原本應該是"EU線"的東西,但是後來決定把其中比較主要的國家 (捷克、瑞典、義大利)分成獨立的一線。就SS所知,在現在這個時間點, 根據WG代表所說的,捷克線被排在第一。至於瑞典線(MT/HT混合,但是不會有S-Tank) (譯註:S-Tank http://goo.gl/n17DFK) 則先被WG拿來當捷克線出包時的備胎,僅管WG認為出包的機會不大。 To that end, me and two Czech historians, V.Francev and J.Tintěra, are meeting again the WG representatives in Prague at the end of the month. I think the final verdict will be known after that, but it’s looking good. Personally, I believe we have found a sure way to bypass the tier 9 issue without sacrificing the premium TVP (earlier “TVP model 1945”, now “TVP Concept”), even though WG doesn’t necesserily agree with me, but well – that’s what the meeting is about. 為了捷克線,SS和兩位捷克歷史學家會在月底於布拉格和WG代表會面。SS認為 最後的決定要在會面結束後才知曉,不過一切看起來似乎不錯。關於車種和階級的部分, SS認為tier9的部分可以不用犧牲金車(TVP,TVP model 1945/TVP Concept)來完成 (譯註:TVP:http://goo.gl/Bgzoer) (譯註:也就是說SS有T9的其他方案可以不用讓金車來填T9的缺),儘管WG不是很同意他 (所以才需要會面嘛)。 話說 XX Tree 在中文要怎麼翻啊? 翻成 XX 科技樹 好像頗饒舌 翻成 XX 線 雖然比較口語 但又怕會被誤以為是 XX branch 總之以後會越來越多國家囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1421927338.A.84C.html ※ 編輯: AzureArcana (, 01/22/2015 20:14:03

01/22 19:54, , 1F
有人可以解說一下捷克的戰車嗎 感覺很陌生啊...
01/22 19:54, 1F

01/22 19:55, , 2F
01/22 19:55, 2F

01/22 19:56, , 3F
01/22 19:56, 3F

01/22 19:56, , 4F
單獨的叫線,分出去的叫支線,多條的叫樹 大概這樣
01/22 19:56, 4F

01/22 19:58, , 5F
捷克主要是二戰前的輕戰車 二戰一開打就被納粹沖康
01/22 19:58, 5F

01/22 19:59, , 6F
戰車直接被編入德軍裝甲部隊 後來德國輕戰車很多都
01/22 19:59, 6F

01/22 19:59, , 7F
01/22 19:59, 7F

01/22 20:09, , 8F
咦!? 這樣捷克線的高級車怎麼辦....?
01/22 20:09, 8F
漏翻一段 已補上 ※ 編輯: AzureArcana (, 01/22/2015 20:15:20

01/22 20:49, , 9F
01/22 20:49, 9F

01/22 20:49, , 10F
01/22 20:49, 10F

01/22 21:39, , 11F
01/22 21:39, 11F

01/22 22:10, , 12F
01/22 22:10, 12F

01/22 22:59, , 13F
01/22 22:59, 13F

01/23 00:05, , 14F
01/23 00:05, 14F

01/23 00:41, , 15F
01/23 00:41, 15F

01/23 00:48, , 16F
01/23 00:48, 16F

01/23 00:49, , 17F
01/23 00:49, 17F

01/23 00:51, , 18F
01/23 00:51, 18F

01/23 08:23, , 19F
S-TANK比蟑螂還蟑螂 太可怕了 ELC打不到他
01/23 08:23, 19F

01/23 10:22, , 20F
01/23 10:22, 20F

01/23 12:00, , 21F
01/23 12:00, 21F

01/23 12:00, , 22F
所以捷克就跟中國一樣 把德國車通通塞進來就對了?
01/23 12:00, 22F

01/23 12:02, , 23F
或以伙食不佳拒絕戰鬥 所以"開始戰鬥"要按很多次
01/23 12:02, 23F

01/23 12:02, , 24F
01/23 12:02, 24F

01/23 12:05, , 25F
01/23 12:05, 25F

01/23 12:07, , 26F
01/23 12:07, 26F

01/23 12:07, , 27F
01/23 12:07, 27F

01/23 12:11, , 28F
義大利連非洲土人都打不贏 常常要向盟友搬救兵
01/23 12:11, 28F

01/23 12:12, , 29F
為了反映史實 你的義大利戰車F1~F8的戰鬥指令
01/23 12:12, 29F

01/23 12:12, , 30F
01/23 12:12, 30F

01/23 12:13, , 31F
住手啊 不要再說了啊啊啊啊 義大利醬再哭啊啊啊!!
01/23 12:13, 31F

01/23 12:14, , 32F
01/23 12:14, 32F
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