[情報] 12/17 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2014/12/18 01:26), 編輯推噓14(14030)
留言44則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
12/22 E-25 遊戲內下架,在金車特價之前 要買特價 E-25 得要掏信用卡去禮品店(禮品店 1/15 才下架) - Yurko2F (developer) states that the statement “increasing the viewrange over 500 meters on your vehicle using equipment works fine, it allows you to spot an enemy faster” is correct 「用裝備把車輛的視距衝到500以上是有效的,這會讓你更容易點亮敵人」Yurko2F 表示 以上說法正確 - Q: “Why not have the individual missions work automatically without having to accept the mission manually?” A: “And it would be even better, if the past battles counted as well, yes? I’d just start the game and all the missions would just get completed.” Q:「為啥不手動啟動就無法完成個人任務?」A:「要不要乾脆設定戰績朔及既往?登入 就能拿車潮爽der。」 - vehicle buffs and nerfs happen “when necessery” 會在『有必要時』buff 或 nerf - some player claimed that whenever he has a longer break from WoT, when he returns he always ends up on the top of the team – according to developers, this is just conspiracy theory, there’s no such feature 有人聲稱在長時間沒玩後回歸 WoT,戰鬥總是當班長;據開發人員表示這又是陰謀論, 根本沒這功能 - shell types in your ammo rack have no influence on the probability of your ammo rack explosion, they however DO influence the power of the explosion – specifically, HE and HESH shells explode more, so the turret, ripped off by the explosion, flies further 彈藥種類不會影響殉爆機率,但是會影響爆炸威力;HE 和 HESH 越多,砲塔飛得越遠 - according to Storm, “a lot of” features for solo random players are planned 據 Storm 說法,有『許多』設計給單野玩家的功能在計畫之內 - there is no official estimate of how much current optimization works (“ removing the bottlenecks”) will improve performance of WoT on good computers 官方並未預估目前進度中的優化會在高端電腦上看到多少成效 - the only thing Storm says about the falling ruble situation: “it’s a complicated question” 盧布大貶,Storm:「這是很複雜的問題。」 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/12/17/17-12-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1418837179.A.072.html

12/18 01:31, , 1F
咦 E25禮品店有特價嗎?
12/18 01:31, 1F

12/18 01:33, , 2F
現在-2% ......
12/18 01:33, 2F

12/18 01:36, , 3F
活動 新年特價2 12/24~1/11 金車特價
12/18 01:36, 3F

12/18 01:37, , 4F
T1~5 5折 T6~7 7折 T8 85折
12/18 01:37, 4F

12/18 01:38, , 5F
來不及在商店中買 禮品店-2%意思是只有刷卡比較合
12/18 01:38, 5F

12/18 01:38, , 6F
12/18 01:38, 6F

12/18 01:39, , 7F
12/18 01:39, 7F

12/18 01:39, , 8F
新年特價禮品店也會跟著特價嗎? 所以我在12/22號
12/18 01:39, 8F

12/18 01:40, , 9F
跟禮品店是兩回事 吧?
12/18 01:40, 9F

12/18 01:40, , 10F
12/18 01:40, 10F

12/18 01:40, , 11F
12/18 01:40, 11F

12/18 01:58, , 12F
因為一個是點數 一個是現金
12/18 01:58, 12F

12/18 02:00, , 13F
所以到底12/22後能不能用GASH買到特價E25 QAQ?
12/18 02:00, 13F

12/18 02:03, , 14F
可以 只要你不轉成金幣
12/18 02:03, 14F

12/18 02:19, , 15F
12/18 02:19, 15F

12/18 02:22, , 16F
KV-2 T49 183的砲塔應該要做成可以炸到10層樓高
12/18 02:22, 16F

12/18 04:09, , 17F
我很少注意禮品店 所以禮品店售價通常會跟遊戲內
12/18 04:09, 17F

12/18 04:09, , 18F
特價同步? 如果是那就等著買禮品店7折E25就好啦
12/18 04:09, 18F

12/18 08:29, , 19F
禮品店有七折嗎 不是遊戲內的才享7折?
12/18 08:29, 19F

12/18 08:37, , 20F
12/18 08:37, 20F

12/18 08:39, , 21F
12/18 08:39, 21F

12/18 09:48, , 22F
12/18 09:48, 22F

12/18 10:13, , 23F
12/18 10:13, 23F

12/18 12:10, , 24F
12/18 12:10, 24F

12/18 12:11, , 25F
12/18 12:11, 25F

12/18 12:40, , 26F
12/18 12:40, 26F

12/18 15:23, , 27F
耶 FTR說商品店應該會特價 所以如果願意用現金買
12/18 15:23, 27F

12/18 15:23, , 28F
12/18 15:23, 28F

12/18 15:32, , 29F
12/18 15:32, 29F

12/18 15:34, , 30F
視野超過445一直有用 可以增加索敵視野,不超過445m
12/18 15:34, 30F

12/18 15:36, , 31F
12/18 15:36, 31F

12/18 15:36, , 32F
假設前方400M的草叢有台E25躲在那 你可能要走到100M
12/18 15:36, 32F

12/18 15:39, , 33F
才會點亮該輛E25 但如果你視距410+鍍膜=451
12/18 15:39, 33F

12/18 15:42, , 34F
超過445會變相抵消掉對方的隱蔽值 這解釋比較好
12/18 15:42, 34F

12/18 15:42, , 35F
12/18 15:42, 35F

12/18 15:42, , 36F
12/18 15:42, 36F

12/18 15:44, , 37F
12/18 15:44, 37F

12/18 15:44, , 38F
最好的範例應該Prokhorovka 1.2線的多重草堆
12/18 15:44, 38F

12/18 15:46, , 39F
這才是推銷 #1IVGcQ6a
12/18 15:46, 39F

12/18 17:17, , 40F
12/18 17:17, 40F

12/18 17:51, , 41F
12/18 17:51, 41F

12/19 01:02, , 42F
HE 和 HESH 越多,砲塔飛得越遠.........
12/19 01:02, 42F

12/19 01:03, , 43F
12/19 01:03, 43F

12/20 20:11, , 44F
沒有砲塔的怎麼辦 能不能彈射駕駛座出來啊
12/20 20:11, 44F
文章代碼(AID): #1KaRox1o (Wargaming)