[情報] 11月底 Q&A 節錄

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2014/12/04 21:50), 9年前編輯推噓8(8011)
留言19則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
沒意義、無趣、不重要、舊聞之類的我就不放了,有興趣的請移駕相關原文 11/26 - (tied to another discussion, specifically about hull weapons and tanks aiming by turning) according to SerB, the hull 75mm howitzer of the Char B1 was useless, that’s why Germans removed these guns when they captured the vehicles (接續某個有關車身武裝和用轉車身來瞄準的討論)據 SerB 說法,B1 車身上的 75 砲 用處不大;所以德國人擄獲他們後就拆掉了 - according to SerB, removing the render range limit would not cause more camping SerB 表示,若去除顯示範圍限制,並不會造成更戰鬥更龜 - Storm states that increasing penetration RNG and reducing shell damage when hitting spots like hatches would only cause boring campfest Storm 表示,若增加穿深浮動或降低艙蓋被擊穿時所扣的血量,只會造成大家更龜更無聊 11/27 - viewrange indicator will be added to the minimap, but not complete viewrange circle, it would only confuse newbies and noobs by sheer minimap overload 會有視距指示器,但不是完整視距的圈;這樣做會混淆新手 - render range won’t be added to minimap either 但不會有顯示範圍標示 - the minimap settings will be optional 小地圖的功能將是可設定的 - FV4202 switch will not come anytime soon 最近不會把 FV4202 轉金車 - Storm states that Severogorsk was removed because it was “unsuccessful”, other maps judged as such will be removed in the future as well, there is no list yet however, it’s still being put together Storm 表示 Severogorsk 地圖因為「不成功」而被移除。其他被如此判定的地圖未來也 將被移除。目前還沒有名單,但正在找。 11/28 - Q: “Why is spotting damage rewarded so little?” A (SerB): “Don’t do spotting damage.” Q:「偵傷賺太少?」SerB:「不要玩偵查。」 - Storm confirms there will be various settings for the minimap – you will be able to disable the viewrange sector and the tank names on it independently 小地圖各項新功能將可個別設定開啟關閉 - Storm confirms that three “mounds” of rubble (covers) will be removed in Stalingrad Storm 證實史達林格勒地圖將有三堆瓦礫被移除 - Storm’s opinion is that 40 maps in the game is too much, it would be perfectly fine to remove 10 of them, the game would only improve Storm 認為 40 張地圖太多了,若減去 10 張有益無害 - Storm confirms that “bad” maps will be deleted from the game 「爛」地圖將被完全移除 - Storm is aware that the change from square to circle will change the gameplay on some maps, developers are running tests how exactly – for now, they found no big issues with it Storm 知道更改顯示範圍會影響某些地圖的玩法。正在測試影響有多大;目前沒啥重大 問題 - Severogorsk was removed because according to WG heat maps, it turned out to be extremely bland 因為根據官方的射擊數據統計,Severogorsk 地圖非常單調,所以被移除 - Prokhorovka will apparently not be removed from the game, the “copy” of it (Fiery Salient) only had its probability reduced Prokhorovka 地圖不會被移除,其衍生地圖也只會降低出現機率 11/29 - apparently, the faces of the female crew include Ola, Asya (another WoT “ celebrity”), Knopka (infamous RU developer, can’t remember why people hated her) and some developer from WoWp 女性組員的頭像將包含 Ola、Asya(WoT 的「名人」)、Knopka(惡名昭彰的俄國開發人 員;不太記得她為啥被討厭了)和一些 WoWp 的開發人員。 Storm Q&A - new (reworked) crew perks will not come very soon, perhaps next year 最近不會重製技能,或許明年吧 - new French tanks will definitely not come in 2015 (SS: he means HT and new TD branches, AMX-30 minibranch still planned) 明年不會有新的法國車(SS: 他講的是重坦和 TD 線;AMX-30 支線仍在計畫中) - there will be new regular branches in 2015 明年會推出新線 - new tree, grass and bush render, circular render range and camo system rework are all planned for 2015 明年的計畫包含:新的植物貼圖、圓形顯示範圍和隱蔽系統重製 http://ftr.wot-news.com/category/qa/ 同場加映 比膽量:轎車 vs 戰車! http://youtu.be/Pj9_0tmyaR0
-- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1417701048.A.1FF.html ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 12/04/2014 21:53:17

12/04 21:54, , 1F
「爛」地圖將被完全移除 龍脊UCCU
12/04 21:54, 1F

12/04 22:41, , 2F
我的認知是城市圖=爛地圖 可是WG的想法好像剛好相反
12/04 22:41, 2F

12/04 22:42, , 3F
IS表示: 城市我最愛了
12/04 22:42, 3F

12/04 22:56, , 4F
12/04 22:56, 4F

12/05 00:08, , 5F
簽名檔我看過XDDD 喝了伏特加的戰鬥民族比坦克還威!
12/05 00:08, 5F

12/05 08:32, , 6F
12/05 08:32, 6F

12/05 08:33, , 7F
12/05 08:33, 7F

12/05 08:34, , 8F
12/05 08:34, 8F

12/05 08:38, , 9F
12/05 08:38, 9F

12/05 09:59, , 10F
我只討厭地形起伏太大的地圖 該死的龍脊!!
12/05 09:59, 10F

12/05 13:28, , 11F
12/05 13:28, 11F

12/05 13:28, , 12F
那種開闊過頭的地圖 開場出去就是15個人眼睛會掃到
12/05 13:28, 12F

12/05 13:29, , 13F
你 LT開得多有壓力 老是看到中間LT繞來繞去 無聊死
12/05 13:29, 13F

12/05 13:30, , 14F
如果說其他坦克肯跟LT共患難還有戲可演 但現實情況
12/05 13:30, 14F

12/05 13:31, , 15F
是LT偵查到敵方少量比較菜的車 友方集火 碰!爆炸
12/05 13:31, 15F

12/05 13:32, , 16F
走錯一步被對方反偵察 碰!沒死也半殘 隊友馬上換倒
12/05 13:32, 16F

12/05 13:32, , 17F
退檔 到草叢後面再亂開幾槍 一副LT不曾存在過的樣子
12/05 13:32, 17F

12/05 13:34, , 18F
LT死光了再推MT去槍口 哪天最好排個全TD 全HT 讓他
12/05 13:34, 18F

12/05 13:35, , 19F
們自己玩去 LTMT狼群贏得快輸得也快至少have fun
12/05 13:35, 19F
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