[情報] 11/1~3 Q&A;AMX-13 57;美服免費1000金

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間9年前 (2014/11/04 22:06), 9年前編輯推噓25(25042)
留言67則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
- Q: “Are you aware of the number of players reporting “no damage” penetrations?” A (SerB): “We are aware four years already that a part of the players consists of whiners, posting permanently all kinds of crap in this forum topic.” Q:「你們知道有人在抱怨『無傷』的擊穿嗎?」SerB:「四年前就聽過啦,這種垃圾 抱怨文從未消失。」 - while you don’t get damaged from collisions with objects, you can actually get damaged by the environment, if you drive from a certain slope too fast and crash. In such cases, the damage is not determined by the height difference between the starting slope point and the ending point (SS: eg. “ what distance you cover by going downhill”), but by your vertical velocity 雖然撞物件不會扣血,但仍可能因為地形而損血,例如跌落陡坡。損傷值取決於終端速 度,跟你滑了多遠無關。 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/01/1-11-2014/ - Vickers MBT has its own branch planned. AC Sentinels are dealt with separately. 預計單獨推出 Vickers MBT 線;正在處理哨兵式的分車問題 - FV4004 hull will have “regular Centurion armor” FV4004 的車身裝甲是「正常版 Centurion」 - it’s not yet sure whether FV4005 will have 360 degrees turret traverse 尚不確定 FV4005 的砲塔能不能全周迴轉 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/02/2-11-2014/ - Q: “Why is Wargaming against introducing new matchmaker?” (SS: I think the player means skill MM, unclear) A (SerB): “There were already two ‘new matchmakers’. How many more there will be is not known for now. But they will not be designed by players.” Q:「為啥 WG 拒絕出新版 MM?」(SS: 技術分房的意味) SerB:「MM已經更新過兩次了。 雖不確定未來還會有多少個版本,但肯定不是由玩家來決定。」 - SU-122-44 will not get preferential MM SU-122-44 不會有分房保護 - Storm apparently liked the Fury movie Storm 喜歡怒火特攻隊電影 - Storm states that the tank textures will not be in the future in such a resolution as from 9.0 onwards (HD models), but the resolution will be higher than pre-9.0 Storm 表示,車輛貼圖未來將不再像 9.0 版以降的這麼細緻,但會比 9.0 版之前的要高 (譯者:意思就是放棄超高解析度貼圖) - according to Storm, the HD models from 9.2 onwards are of higher quality than the War Thunder ones 據 Storm 說法,9.2 之後出的 HD 模組品質上已經比 WT 的還要好了 (譯者:效能不知道,物理系統不要提 但畫面上就我在隔壁棚陸戰滾了過百場的感覺… 呵呵…) - Storm, when asked, where exactly is the “sufficient armor” of the Lowe: “ Gun mantlet.” 當被問到獅式「充足的裝甲」到底在哪,Storm:「砲盾」 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/03/3-11-2014/ ==== 超測流出:新的法國七階加值輕坦 AMX-13 57 詳閱:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/02/straight-outta-supertest-amx-13-57/ ==== 美服「免費」領1000金: 這是個 Overwolf 和 WoT 合作的活動;安裝他們的軟體,跑WoT一小時,就送1000金 1. 去下載 Overwolf http://www.overwolf.com/ 並安裝 2. 註冊帳號(可用免洗e-mail http://mailinator.com/) 3. 開啟 Overwolf 程式 4. 開啟 WoT 並登入 5. 在 Overwolf 中選取 Appstore → Games(左上角) → giveaway → WoT 會跳出一個視窗開始倒數60分鐘 (如果Overwolf沒抓到你電腦裡的WoT,Games →Add a game(左下角)新增即可) 6. 開著 WoT 60分鐘就能得到序號 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/11/04/free-1000-gold-eu/ 我現在正在跑。email是免洗的,帳號是亂取的,反正序號到手就刪程式 wwwww -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1415109995.A.BC5.html

11/04 22:09, , 1F
11/04 22:09, 1F

11/04 22:17, , 2F
11/04 22:17, 2F

11/04 22:18, , 3F
像是背景的品質 這部分真的是WT壓勝
11/04 22:18, 3F

11/04 22:18, , 4F
11/04 22:18, 4F

11/04 22:19, , 5F
11/04 22:19, 5F

11/04 22:19, , 6F
11/04 22:19, 6F

11/04 22:19, , 7F
11/04 22:19, 7F

11/04 22:21, , 8F
不過相對的WT就是吃資源怪獸 之前舊電腦開WT的時候
11/04 22:21, 8F

11/04 22:22, , 9F
11/04 22:22, 9F

11/04 22:22, , 10F
11/04 22:22, 10F

11/04 22:22, , 11F
WT開最低 比 WoT開最低 還順暢
11/04 22:22, 11F

11/04 22:23, , 12F
WOT吃CPU WT吃記憶體跟顯卡
11/04 22:23, 12F

11/04 22:23, , 13F
但是WOT如果特效開多一點顯卡會哭 這部分沒話說
11/04 22:23, 13F

11/04 22:24, , 14F
我其實覺得WT貼圖占的資源太多了 多到沒必要
11/04 22:24, 14F

11/04 22:24, , 15F
57神針彈夾 看起來坑坑的XD
11/04 22:24, 15F

11/04 22:25, , 16F
11/04 22:25, 16F

11/04 22:25, , 17F
不改善引擎火控之類的 法國LT只剩5 8階能玩
11/04 22:25, 17F

11/04 22:26, , 18F
我覺得12t雖然爛 但是還可以玩 至於1375就是台垃圾
11/04 22:26, 18F

11/04 22:27, , 19F
BW引擎限制就在那裏 除非有大更動不然就這樣了
11/04 22:27, 19F

11/04 22:27, , 20F
11/04 22:27, 20F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 11/04/2014 22:30:31

11/04 22:39, , 21F
11/04 22:39, 21F

11/04 23:04, , 22F
11/04 23:04, 22F

11/04 23:06, , 23F
除了SPG有數量上限之外 車種不是雙方平衡的考量因素
11/04 23:06, 23F

11/04 23:07, , 24F
只要兩邊權重差不多 MM就視為平衡
11/04 23:07, 24F

11/04 23:07, , 25F
所以不是MM有問題 是你的運氣有問題
11/04 23:07, 25F

11/05 00:37, , 26F
11/05 00:37, 26F

11/05 00:38, , 27F
11/05 00:38, 27F

11/05 00:48, , 28F
偵查車看過+-3 一邊0一邊3 所以我傾向偵查車無限制
11/05 00:48, 28F

11/05 00:51, , 29F
然後砲車主要是權重要接近 也不是數量
11/05 00:51, 29F

11/05 00:52, , 30F
看過一邊2台9階炮 另一邊4台7階炮(或7*3 8*1 忘了)
11/05 00:52, 30F

11/05 00:59, , 31F
車種數量考慮進去 等待分房大概每次要3分鐘起跳
11/05 00:59, 31F

11/05 01:00, , 32F
等待那麼久 隊友還是一樣爛 大概還是會嘴MM有問題
11/05 01:00, 32F

11/05 01:13, , 33F
技術分房不就表示 玩家玩越久 打越好 越會上+2+3房
11/05 01:13, 33F

11/05 01:13, , 34F
然後看一堆猴子開高階車 有能者無力回天 這樣誰玩的
11/05 01:13, 34F

11/05 01:13, , 35F
11/05 01:13, 35F

11/05 09:05, , 36F
11/05 09:05, 36F

11/05 09:06, , 37F
11/05 09:06, 37F

11/05 09:07, , 38F
11/05 09:07, 38F

11/05 09:07, , 39F
果左下角還是有capture by Overwolf的浮水印在...
11/05 09:07, 39F

11/05 09:08, , 40F
11/05 09:08, 40F

11/05 09:09, , 41F
11/05 09:09, 41F

11/05 09:27, , 42F
1000G get 等紅茶車特價來去買TOG !!
11/05 09:27, 42F

11/05 10:05, , 43F
e04 我的overwolf沒有giveaway這區塊阿
11/05 10:05, 43F

11/05 10:14, , 44F
11/05 10:14, 44F

11/05 10:46, , 45F
要登入遊戲 我傻傻的開在登入畫面以為可以XD
11/05 10:46, 45F

11/05 10:46, , 46F
11/05 10:46, 46F

11/05 10:46, , 47F
有啦 你要先在左上角"App" "Games" 先點"Games"
11/05 10:46, 47F

11/05 10:47, , 48F
然後在左邊有一排選單 最下面一個就是giveways
11/05 10:47, 48F

11/05 10:51, , 49F
11/05 10:51, 49F

11/05 10:54, , 50F
單純要找giveways的話 overflow打開-> appstore ->
11/05 10:54, 50F

11/05 10:55, , 51F
"Games" -> giveways
11/05 10:55, 51F

11/05 11:37, , 52F
11/05 11:37, 52F

11/05 14:21, , 53F
11/05 14:21, 53F
序號到手就刪吧~ ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 11/05/2014 14:33:44

11/05 14:36, , 54F
恩 反正就開著overwolf玩WOT一個小時就對了
11/05 14:36, 54F

11/05 14:37, , 55F
然後這一個小時似乎是有登入了就算 我開著沒打幾場
11/05 14:37, 55F

11/05 14:37, , 56F
11/05 14:37, 56F

11/05 14:38, , 57F
也不用打,掛網即可 wwww
11/05 14:38, 57F

11/05 15:15, , 58F
最近NA真是大手筆 又是送P又是送金 還人人有T14
11/05 15:15, 58F

11/05 18:40, , 59F
11/05 18:40, 59F

11/05 19:41, , 60F
11/05 19:41, 60F

11/05 20:57, , 61F
11/05 20:57, 61F

11/05 20:59, , 62F
我剩13分鐘 重開程式之後變成剩下59萬小時 求解
11/05 20:59, 62F

11/05 22:06, , 63F
11/05 22:06, 63F

11/05 22:07, , 64F
11/05 22:07, 64F

11/05 22:10, , 65F
9.4上線了 來看看MOD能不能直接用
11/05 22:10, 65F

11/05 22:11, , 66F
expired+1 QQ
11/05 22:11, 66F

11/05 22:32, , 67F
不行 重抓中
11/05 22:32, 67F
文章代碼(AID): #1KMDrhl5 (Wargaming)