[情報] 促銷要考慮當地觀感啊XDD

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間9年前 (2014/08/20 22:44), 編輯推噓14(1405)
留言19則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/08/19/of-political-sensitiveness/ 這篇實在是太爆笑了,我覺得非翻不可...XD Hello everyone, some (not many, but some) people blame me that I include posts related to Ukraine on FTR. Well, the truth is, I try not to at all costs, unless they are related to tanks, but on the other hand, when we are already talking about it, I will not hide my opinion. But of course I am a private person, just one guy. SS:我盡力避免讓FTR捲入俄羅斯/烏克蘭議題了,但我個人還是有立場,反正我就只是 一個人而已。 Wargaming on the other hand is a company. A large company. And it has business analysts. Lots of them. SerB himself for example wrote that he (and Wargaming) is aware of the specific requirements of Russian market for example (this includes Russian patriotism – and why not, it’s their market, their rules). On the other hand, Russian market is not European market. Three largest communities on EU server are German, Polish and Czech, two of which with… let’s say problematic attitude towards Russians and the history related to them. WG不一樣,WG是一間大公司,而且一定有市場分析師。SerB之前提過他們得注意一些 俄羅斯市場的特色(例如說要愛國),反正他們賺的是盧布,沒人在意。 不過歐洲市場不是俄羅斯市場,EU玩家最大的三個族群分別是德國、波蘭和捷克, 其中兩個在歷史上和俄羅斯有點......嗯,問題。 (譯註:前蘇聯/華沙公約國家多半對俄羅斯還是沒什麼好感,波蘭和俄羅斯有點像是世仇 ,至於捷克....今天剛好是布拉格之春被鎮壓的紀念日。 如果還是覺得很難理解,想一下中日韓三國的關係就懂了。) So who the fuck did have the brilliant idea of naming a set of premium shop offers “From Russia with Love“? Especially with the recent events in Ukraine (that, however you look at it and no matter what side you are on, are tragic and involve Russia)? And to name the “main feature” offer “Hammer and Sickle?” 所以到底是那個腦包想到在禮品店賣「來自祖國的愛」?外加看一下最近在烏克蘭 發生的事(不管你站在哪邊都是個悲劇),為什麼要把主打商品命名「鐵鎚與鐮刀」? I can’t decide whether that’s just a gross incompetence and deliberate trolling. 我實在不懂到底是有人完全腦洞還是故意troll人的。 As you can imagine, the Polish and Czechoslovak communities did not appreciate this very much, but neither did anyone else, considering it (ironically enough given its name) a ripoff. Some of the reactions seriously made me laugh though. Here are the best of them: 和預料的一樣,波蘭/捷克斯洛伐克玩家社群並不喜歡這個活動,不過也沒有什麼特別 的反應,因為這就是個(名字取得很鳥的)大特價。 (參考: 一個月P帳+1000G=13.5歐、一個月P帳+3500G=20歐、IS-6+Tetrach+車庫+半年P=85歐) 某些回應是真的讓我笑翻了,以下是精華: - “I see that the Buk and Grad launchers are missing. Weak offer.” 「我沒看到山毛櫸防空飛彈*和BM-21多管火箭**,很鳥的禮品包。」 *就是把馬航MH-17砸下來的防空飛彈 ** Grad=俄文的「冰雹」,最近烏克蘭軍和東烏克蘭分離勢力互控對方用這款火箭砲攻擊 車隊。 - “Good that there are no apples in the offer, although they would be pretty cheap :D” 「還好禮品包沒有包含蘋果,雖然說現在應該很便宜」 (註:俄羅斯宣布禁止歐盟蔬果進口,波蘭原本出口一大堆蘋果給俄羅斯,禁運之後價格崩 跌,所以當地鄉民發起了出口轉內銷的活動,口號是「一天五蘋果,普丁遠離我」 ↑這是真的) - a certain picture http://imgur.com/jnBd549
↑這張圖 - (reacting at “get the 50 percent skill crew for free”) – “green men with 100 percent skill will go after you” 對「免費得到50%組員」的回應:「會有100%的小綠人來找你」 (俄軍士兵?不太懂這則在寫什麼。) - “the offer is missing white trucks with volunteers straight from Specnaz” 「沒有白色卡車和來自Specnaz的『志工』。」 (註:Specnaz是俄軍特種部隊,前幾天俄羅斯編組了兩百多輛卡車的大型車隊宣稱要對 烏克蘭東部運送人道救援物資,不過烏克蘭方懷疑俄國想趁機偷渡戰鬥人員和軍火到當地 ,一直到昨天才放行的樣子。) - “one of the offers should be called ‘humanitarian aid’ and the other ‘ white convoy’” 「其中一個禮包應該叫做『人道救援物資』,還有『白色車隊』。」 Etc. Perhaps next time, instead of “realizing the special conditions of RU markets”, conditions on EU server should be considered as well. 之類的,下次WG除了考慮俄國國情之外,也該考慮一下EU的狀況。 -- Bohan:來,兩手放旁邊,キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1408545852.A.A3F.html

08/20 22:53, , 1F
08/20 22:53, 1F

08/20 22:59, , 2F
08/20 22:59, 2F

08/20 23:06, , 3F
Visit Russia......before Russian visits you!!
08/20 23:06, 3F

08/20 23:06, , 4F
08/20 23:06, 4F

08/20 23:13, , 5F
In eastern Europe, Russia visits YOU!
08/20 23:13, 5F

08/21 00:25, , 6F
08/21 00:25, 6F

08/21 01:10, , 7F
08/21 01:10, 7F

08/21 01:11, , 8F
08/21 01:11, 8F

08/21 02:14, , 9F
08/21 02:14, 9F

08/21 02:16, , 10F
08/21 02:16, 10F

08/21 04:53, , 11F
小綠人是指俄軍嗎 好像也不對
08/21 04:53, 11F

08/21 06:25, , 12F
「一天五蘋果,普丁遠離我」 XD
08/21 06:25, 12F

08/21 07:50, , 13F
08/21 07:50, 13F

08/21 07:51, , 14F
08/21 07:51, 14F

08/21 08:56, , 15F
08/21 08:56, 15F

08/21 12:25, , 16F
只能說 不意外啊
08/21 12:25, 16F

08/22 01:42, , 17F
08/22 01:42, 17F

08/22 01:42, , 18F
08/22 01:42, 18F

08/22 01:58, , 19F
說真的如果64包裡面是Type59 應該還是很多人買
08/22 01:58, 19F
文章代碼(AID): #1JzBGye_ (Wargaming)