[情報] Storm 的雜談 part.1

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/07/19 01:19), 10年前編輯推噓15(15016)
留言31則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
- Storm confirms the WT E-100 reload time nerf from 52 secs to 58 secs (for the 128mm) WT E-100 的 128 砲裝填時間從 52 秒砍到 58 - developers will think about removing Prokhorovka completely and reworking it, leaving the Fire Salient for now (SS: noticed how the map got renamed from Fiery Arc in test 1? Someone used google translator with that “arc”) 考慮把 Prokhorovka 下架重製,暫時讓 Fire Salient(戰地版Prokhorovka) 獨撐大局 - roaming was delayed because it has low priority, it was moved to the back of the development queue - roaming was delayed because “everything changes, current situation does not require roaming” 漫遊系統有得等;因為現況不需要它,所以優先度降低。 - roughly 70 people are working on WoT currently (Storm adds that they would hire more specialists, but they aren’t any available in their country and it ’s not possible to hire westerners, when all the documentation is in Russian) 目前約有 70 人在弄 WoT(Storm 表示想多雇一些專家但找不到人;因為檔案都在俄國, 不可能僱用西方世界的人。) - WG on hiring mod makers: “there are few smart ones and those don’t want to be hired” 那寫模組的人呢?「有些很厲害,但他們沒興趣。」 - M46 Patton will get improved torsion bars equipment in 9.3 (SS: this is the third time in last days I see this question for some reason) 9.3版 M46 可裝負重輪 - the bug where you can’t see your friends as online in the friend list will be fixed, “when it’s done it’s done” 好友上線顯示問題「WIDID」 - developers chose the T-54 Model 1945 as Soviet premium MT8, because they didn’t find an alternative with a good mobility 之所以選 T-54 Model 1945 作為蘇聯八階金幣中坦,是因為找不到其他機動力佳的衍生 型 - regarding the issue above and T-44: “T-44 is in the game already, T-44-85 doesn’t fit due to weak gun, T-44-122 goes to supertesters and T-44-100 will possibly be an alternative hull for T-44〃 (承上)那 T-44 系列?「已經有 T-44 了,T-44-85 砲太弱,T-44-122 是超測車,而 T-44-100 可能作為 T-44 的可選車體。」 - T-34-100 would definitely not fit Soviet premium MT8 slot (承上)T-34-100 也不合適。 - Storm confirms, FV215b to be replaced by the Chieftain Chieftain 會取代 FV215b。 - FV4202 will be replaced by Vickers MBT (earlier than the Chieftain replacement? “No comment for now”) Vickers 主戰車會取代 FV4202(比 Chieftain 更早?「不予置評」) - new motion physics in WoT? “Definitely not exactly the way it was shown in the motion physics video. We will modify it so that everyone can play and not just a few simulator lovers” (later Storm adds: “At first, we do it so we like it and then we will test. Noone likes the current realism”) 新移動物理系統?「不會跟之前釋出的展示影片一模一樣;正在修改,讓非硬派玩家也可 接受。」 - Chieftain model is not ready yet Chieftain 未建模完成 - FV304 nerf will come and soon, the vehicle is too good considering winrate, average XP and damage (exact nature of nerf is not decided yet) FV304 的勝率、平均經驗和傷害都太高了,近期會動刀(但未決定怎麼砍)。 - regarding “too little new this year” – “Stronkholds are new and we invested a lot in them” 略 - reworked historical battles (removed in 9.2) will not return this year, there will be “something else”, but “I can’t comment for now” (the way historical battles will be changed: “no comment for now”) 歷史戰鬥今年回不來了;會有「其他的」代替,是什麼先保密。 - new tier 7-8 premiums will come until the end of the year 新七、八階金車年底會出。 - MM will be fixed (SS: an issue was mentioned when one team has more top tanks than the other) but not soon (“we consider current MM satisfactory”) 會調教MM娘(頂車不平均的問題),但不是近期(「目前狀況可接受」)。 - on unplayable tanks in game: “All the tanks in the game are playable, even AMX40, even though it sucks” 「遊戲中沒有不能玩的車;就算是很鳥的 AMX40 也一樣。」 - Winter Himmelsdorf was removed from low tiers “for technical reasons” 低階場將移除冬季版 Himmelsdorf「因為技術考量」 - new motion physics is not connected to Havok, it will be separate. Havok will include nice destruction effect and destruction of tank parts (SS: as in, the equipment on it etc) 新移動物理系統是獨立於 Havok 引擎之外。 - developers decided that pieces of buildings falling on a tank will not be able to damage it, otherwise it could turn out very nasty (Havok 實裝後)崩落的房屋殘骸將不會傷害戰車,不然狀況會很難搞。 - no plans to ban XVM 不會禁 XVM - there was no drop in playerbase caused by 9.0 graphics, “everything is within the normal seasonal playerbase changes” 9.0 繪圖變更並未造成玩家流失 - too many noobs and bots in battles? “Play team battles” 野生猴太多?「去玩團隊戰鬥」 - 4 man platoon is not planned 略 - future mods to be implemented officially into WoT are minimap descriptions and the gun traverse angles, no ETA 有打算納入官方程式的模組:小地圖標示、射界角度。沒有時間表。 - more passages between buildings will not be implemented into Ruinberg and Himmelsdorf (reason: “FPS”) 不會在 Ruinberg 和 Himmelsdorf 的建築物上開更多洞 - the rectangle-to-circle drawing range change will come “soon” 很快會把繪圖範圍改成圓形 - XP for tanking (soaking damage) will come as well 會讓坦傷者有經驗賺 - camo and spotting system will improve (“here I cannot promise anything, it ’s complicated” 會改進隱蔽/視線系統(「這很複雜,無法作任何保證。」) - Q: “Introduce something to change gameplay!” A:”Why would we change gameplay? Should we add starships? Or mages with healers?” 想要能改變遊戲玩法的東西!「星艦?或是補師?要來做啥?」 (譯者:鬼子加戰術核彈plz) - Veider states that the idea of some hardcore players that hardcore players create the majority of WG revenue is a delusion 略 - Chat 2.0 in 2014? “I can’t say anything, everything is very complicated due to server load” 新聊天系統會在今年弄好嗎?「無法保證,碰到伺服器乘載限制一切都很難搞。」 - FV 215b (183) stopped with oneshots in 9.2? “We decided that it’s better without them” 9.2版 FV215b(183) 無法一擊必殺了?「我們覺得這樣較好。」 - Chinese top tanks are a bit underpowered, but not critically (Veider: “The tank itself is fine, but it suffers from good speed with poor alpha combination. We are aware of that tank, we will work on it.”) 中國的頂車有點弱但不嚴重。 - 121 tank depression will not be buffed 121 不會增加俯角 - there are plans to buff T-34-3, its combat effectivity is okay, but it needs to be more comfortable 不會 buff T-34-3,但需要讓它好開一點 - PVE will not come this year 今年不會出 PVE - Q: “Why did my FPS drop?” A: “I don’t know, telepaths are on vacation” 「為啥我的 FPS 下降了?」「我哪災,你當我們有心電感應?」 - Wargaming wont change its monetization model, “we consider the current one to be correct” 不會更動貨幣的體制 - heavily armored tanks will not be rebalanced to reflect the fact that the gold ammo is available for credits and it diminshes the role of their armor: “we have discussed this for a long time and decided not to do it” 不會重新平衡重型車輛,來應對金彈銀買造成的裝甲角色弱化。「長時間討論後決定不這 麼做。」 - Firefly will come in “forseeable future” 螢火蟲?可預見的未來內會實裝。 - 9.3 will come until the end of summer 9.3 要等到夏季結束才會出 - Storm is quite unhappy with the AFK Panther, there are currently variants to replace it with Storm 不太爽 AFK豹,正在找替代車。 - skill MM is not planned (SS: you know someone HAD to ask :)) - why no skill MM? “It would not be interesting to play” 不打算做技術分房,「因為玩起來不有趣」 - it’s possible however that “skill MM” will come in a separate mode 然而「技術分房」有可能會以獨立模式推出 - reworked ingame sound will come soon 很快會推出重製的音效 - developers will add a graphic setting that will disable various effects for the weakest computers (SS: something like official WoT Tweaker) 將會讓爛電腦可以關掉各種特效 - tree and grass render will be completely reworked 植被著色會完全重製 - Maus is doing fine statistically 略 - Storm confirms that the German premium MT8 will be the Panther (Storm adds that other variants for hightier Germans have all been shelved for now) 德國八階金幣中坦會是豹式衍生型(豹式裝長88) - end-game content for solo players? “We are considering it” 略 - captured tanks will not come anytime soon 近期不會有擄獲戰車 - there are no plans to implement an option where the post-mortem view (you watching the gameplay of another tank) would also follow that tank’s camera (you’d see exactly what the he sees) 不會讓背後靈視角跟該車的操作視角同步 - there will most likely never be a WoT Content Development Kit 不會有自製內容工具 - tier 10 HD tanks? “Soon” 很快會有X階車 HD 化 - confrontation mode return is still planned 仍打算救「國家對抗」模式 - various ingame bonuses to XP like in War Thunder? Nope – “so that you don ’t screw the battle when chasing the bonuses, victory is important” 不會抄 WT 的經驗算法 - developers created a mechanism that influences the probability of map drops for players, it’s possible it will be tied to certain mission events 有新的機制可控制地圖出現的機率,或許會用在任務/活動上 - some tier 10 vehicles have optional guns “so that there are variants of the tank use” (IS-4 has D-25 as stock because the gun is historical) (SS: Storm states it was a “forced measure”, probably was forced by SerB who really wanted the D-25) 某些X階車有可選砲,「因為有衍生型使用」(IS-4 的初始砲是 D-25,因為符合史實) (SS: Storm 表示這是個「受壓下的決定」,大概是奉熱愛D-25的SerB帝之令) http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/07/17/big-storm-qa/ 這篇文還有一半…讓我富堅一下…… -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1405703968.A.612.html

07/19 01:27, , 1F
07/19 01:27, 1F

07/19 01:32, , 2F
07/19 01:32, 2F

07/19 01:36, , 3F
07/19 01:36, 3F

07/19 01:37, , 4F
螢火蟲講很久囉 不懂不同季節是差在哪 只砍冬季版?
07/19 01:37, 4F

07/19 01:39, , 5F
這遊戲真的需要一些機制來吸引老手 CW不夠有趣
07/19 01:39, 5F

07/19 01:51, , 6F
終究還是得面對技術分房.. 呵呵
07/19 01:51, 6F
可能性不高 ※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 07/19/2014 02:27:55

07/19 02:36, , 7F
技術分房終於有回應! AMX40掛機率挺高的。
07/19 02:36, 7F

07/19 03:48, , 8F
鴨子出四階房一樣好玩 想怎樣打就怎樣打
07/19 03:48, 8F

07/19 04:29, , 9F
Storm認証的坑車... AMX 40: 淦!!
07/19 04:29, 9F

07/19 04:31, , 10F
07/19 04:31, 10F

07/19 04:31, , 11F
07/19 04:31, 11F

07/19 06:56, , 12F
技術分房更痛苦阿 對面人人會擺角賣頭開光
07/19 06:56, 12F

07/19 06:57, , 13F
07/19 06:57, 13F

07/19 08:01, , 14F
07/19 08:01, 14F

07/19 08:52, , 15F
最重要的大概就是不會BAN XVM
07/19 08:52, 15F

07/19 08:53, , 16F
另外 拜託不要把模組收為官方 根據經驗都是變超鳥
07/19 08:53, 16F

07/19 09:28, , 17F
我不用XVM 矮棟凱爾
07/19 09:28, 17F

07/19 10:07, , 18F
07/19 10:07, 18F

07/19 10:08, , 19F
吸收傷害有額外經驗 不錯不錯
07/19 10:08, 19F

07/19 10:08, , 20F
07/19 10:08, 20F

07/19 10:49, , 21F
07/19 10:49, 21F

07/19 11:02, , 22F
技術分房模式大概會變成下一個歷史模式 :P
07/19 11:02, 22F

07/19 11:52, , 23F
AFK豹終於要改了 不過我都遇到好隊友 還有56%
07/19 11:52, 23F

07/19 12:32, , 24F
07/19 12:32, 24F

07/19 12:32, , 25F
07/19 12:32, 25F

07/19 13:03, , 26F
07/19 13:03, 26F

07/19 16:23, , 27F
現在沒甚麼神奇草叢了 4/5階LT很難過
07/19 16:23, 27F

07/19 17:50, , 28F
07/19 17:50, 28F

07/19 22:26, , 29F
07/19 22:26, 29F

07/19 23:29, , 30F
AFK豹白板玩到我都快哭了 車身超肥大 走得又慢 又沒
07/19 23:29, 30F

07/19 23:29, , 31F
辦法裝105 ;_;
07/19 23:29, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1JoLSWOI (Wargaming)