[情報] 7/5~7/12 Q&A集

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2014/07/13 10:30), 10年前編輯推噓22(22026)
留言48則, 26人參與, 最新討論串1/1
嗯,總得有人做。 7/5 SerB沒動作,Storm放假中,The Chieftain在各種戰車上面放上他的招牌帽子。 7/6 - there are no plans to buff Super Pershing 不打算Buff超潘。 (目前表現良好,真的) - developers are working on a fix of the bug where you can’t see your friends in your friendslist online even though they are (SS: nope, it’s still not fixed) 開發組還在努力修復「朋友名單中顯示沒上線朋友」的問題 - the Sixth Sense is currently working fine (SS: some player was complaining that it doesn’t light up properly) 第六感目前狀況良好 (SS:某些玩家抱怨該亮燈的時候沒亮) (翻譯君補:SerB之前則是想要弱化第六感的功能) - an interesting thing, a developer (of some sorts anyway) stated that the legendary MTLS-1G14 tankette (the one with twin cannons) is a part of the American gift edition. I am pretty sure he’s wrong since there is no “ American gift edition”, but it was planned as such in the distant past it seems. 某開發者(之類的來源)說MTLS-1A14豆戰車設定上是要給「美國特別版」,看來是很久 之前的決定。 (MTLS-1G14:雙聯裝37mm機砲,可以在5秒內打出10發37砲,有打穿就是秒殺任何同級車) 7/7 沒有盧溝橋相關訊息。 - Chrysler “K” Tank as a premium American heavy tank? Tanitha: “I’ve not seen any development for the tank. But i’ll gather some more information on the tank and send the details off to the development team for their consideration.” 克萊斯勒的K戰車作為US PremHT? Tanitha表示「我沒看過相關的研發紀錄,不過我會找資料送拿給開發組做為參考」。 (翻譯君註:K戰車的資料應該也是去看Hunnicutt大師的著作) - the marks of excellence exact formula is very complicated and won’t be released Marks of excellence計算公式非常複雜,不公布。 (不負責任的陰謀論:實際公式或許很呆,和personal rating一樣公布完之後就會被恥笑) - no news on the Porsche heavy tanks characteristics changes 時效性已過的資訊。 - it’s possible that all the tanks will not be reworked to HD in 2014 今年可能所有戰車都會做好HD版 - it’s not possible to say yet, what branches will appear in 2015 (SS: yes, 2015) 明年會有那些新線還未知。 (再複習一遍。美國T95MT線、法國AMX-30線、常規重坦線、中國TD線、英國LL線、或許會 有蘇聯HT三線) - multiturret/multigun mechanism in WoT? Tanitha: “Its been considered in the past, but penetrating tanks isn’t always easy for a tanks main gun, mind about the usually smaller secondary gun. I’m not aware if it currently being developed.” 多砲塔和多砲機制 Tanitha「以前有想過,但考慮到即使是主砲都不一定能打穿目標,副砲就更困難,目前 似乎是沒有在繼續開發。」 And from Russia: - Sturer Emil shortcut will be shortened into “St.Emil” or something like that to avoid the awkward Pzsfl.V Emil以後的縮略稱呼會是St.Emil之類的東西,而非Pz.sfl V。 7/8 - Australian server in WoT? “While there is no further specific information on a possible AUS cluster at the moment… We are continuing to expand into the Asia/Australasia region with WOT and other titles, Such as the recent launch of WOT Blitz IOS. Sorry I don’t have any more information available at the moment.” 澳洲伺服器? 官話略,基本上就是沒計畫。 - Storm states that the use of PVE bots in WoT would for example be in historical battles, where bots would play the small tanks noone wants to play Storm表示PVE的官方bot有可能放在史實戰役中,讓電腦去開那些沒人想玩的小車。 (翻譯君註:誰想在布里揚斯克戰役開三號、38T和BT7的麻煩舉手喊個聲。) - regarding the same question as above (players not playing weak tanks in historical battles), Storm states that giving even more credits to players for playing lowtier tanks is not an option (“very few people like to suck for money”) 延續上述的問題,Storm表示「給你錢快點開(cr獎勵)」不是解決方案。 - T-62A armor change will happen only if WG gets better info on its armor thickness 62A的裝甲在沒有史實資料佐證下就不會修正 - “it is not yet clear”, what will happen to FV4202 when the tier 10 one it is changed to another vehicle 「還不確定」UKTXMT換成維克斯MBT(?)之後4202會怎樣。 (應該就是當作T8Prem,但是這次可能不會像T34大放送) 8/9 - according to Inscending, more emblems, flags and inscriptions will be released in future, currently however there is no ETA 會有更多的塗裝圖案、旗幟和標語,沒有明確的預計釋出日期。 - Storm: it’s “highly unlikely” that FV4202 will (if it gets changed to a premium tank) be given out for free the way T34 was, when the tier 10 gets replaced by something else (Storm: “Free stuff is bad :)”) Storm表示免費的金幣4202大放送「非常不可能」 (Storm:免費的午餐是壞事。) Overlord about the decision makers in WoT, producers and his own role: Overlord談WOT內的決策者、製作人以及他自己的角色: “WG is huge company now with over 3k employees (there were about 100 when I joined). Right now it’s pretty decentralised, so it would be hard to come up with top 10 global decision makers. Speaking of particular games, I definitely won’t be on the top list for WoT PC, since I don’t work on the project for quite some time. As for WoT Blitz and other mobile projects, I’m definitely on the top 10 chart. :) Producer role here at WG basically means global supervision of the product, so I’m responsible for everything and nothing at the same time.” WG是個目前有三千名員工的大公司(我加入的時候只有一百來個),目前內部分權很嚴重, 因此要排出「十大具影響力人物」很難。以特定遊戲來說,我不會是WOT的前十大決策者 ,因為我已經離開這個案子一段時間了;但是如果是Blitz和其他移動平台上的案子, 我一定是十大人物。製作人在WG的工作是對產品做全球性的監督指導,所以我對什麼事務 都有責任,但是又都沒有責任。 7/10 - the info about Tanitha being in charge of WoT wiki is obsolete, he no longer is (for quite some time apparently) Tanitha並不管WOT Wiki。 - it’s possible that the “supertest leak” policy will be revised. Tanitha: 超測洩漏的相關規則可能會修正。 Tanitha表示: “However leaks do happen, and then are announced on other websites without the accompanying information/facts/reasoning/purpose/disclaimers/etc .. this situation isn’t ideal so we will be revising the current “leak” procedures in the short future. It will be my aim in these discussion to attempt to aim at having ST leaks channeled to our players through our official sources (forums) so we can include the required associated information with the leaks. Instead of the leaks sometimes being being accompanied by misinformation and speculation when released unofficially.” 反正超測洩漏救世會發生,我們短期內會修正相關政策。我在這些討論中會試著讓 超測洩漏相關的事情集中到官方論壇內,這樣我們可以給出相關的資訊,因為非官方的 超測洩漏有時候會伴隨著芭樂消息和憑空猜測。 (SS: I think everyone with half a brain knows that the supertester data are preliminary and instead of revealing how exactly the vehicles will behave, they basically only reveal the direction Wargaming is thinking in and sometimes the visuals of a model (which is unlikely to change further unless there is some serious problem with the model). Personally, although what Tanitha suggested is quite interesting, I very much doubt anything will change, since he will run into the same obstacles as others did for years before him – “we can’t release info that will change”) SS:連笨蛋都知道超測就只是超測,超測洩漏資訊並不是給精確數值,只是WG大概的 製作方向,或者是視覺模型。個人立場上我認為Tanitha的想法很有意思,但是當他 實際上工,大概就會碰上前人遇過的問題:「我們沒辦法釋出未來會更動的數據」。 - no plans to return Type 59 to the shop 不打算賣59式 (翻譯君註:RU管理員應該把問這題的笨蛋抓出來,鎖一個月遊戲帳號) - tier 9 premium tanks – no such plans 沒有T9Prem (同上,鎖半個月) (SS: one more note about this info from Tanitha – where he works as a Wargaming representative, I need to interpret his data. In the past, he asked me specifically to include words such as “maybe” and “unlikely” in the translations – here, he wrote that tier 9 premium tanks are unlikely, but I know for a fact from RU forums that that will not happen, because RU players ask such stupid shit every now and then, hence including “unlikely” in the transcript is counterproductive, as it actually leaves players the impression that there is a small chance of that happening (there is not) and encourages them to ask this stuff further, even though game developers have repeatedly states this will not happen). Tanitha會和SS交換資訊,包含哪裡該翻成「可能」或「機會不大」。 這邊Tanitha指定的是「不太可能」,但是T9Prem這種智障問題在RU是月經問題,已經被 否決過N多次,所以SS還是翻譯成「不會有」。 - Tanitha, regarding the Type 59 not returning to shops: “There will likely however be similar tanks up for sale later this year though.” (SS: T-54 Light) Tanitha表示雖然沒有59式,但是會有類似的計畫。 (T-54 Mod.1945) And from Storm: - from 9.3 onwards, there will be more HD tanks per patch, since the outsourcing finally started working 因為外包工作順利,9.3之後每一版都會有新的HD戰車。 - alternative hulls will definitely not come this year 今年不會有可換車體 - Storm explains why alternative hulls will not come this year: “Internal art department is too small to produce models of such complexity. We had to find an external company for outsourcing, give them test models, evaluate the test results, then we found out they suck, we had to find another external company, then tests again, then we had to give them their tasks, then the schedule was pushed several times, then there was a lot of rework and corrections in the models, then fixes again, work optimization, training etc. All this took several months and this process is still not finished.” Storm解釋為什麼今年生不出來:「我們內部的美術部門太小,只好外包。外包出去才發現 原本的簽約廠商爛到不行,只好換廠商,接著(下略)」 - 9.2 will bring many smaller graphical fixes (regarding the way the models look) 9.2會有小畫質修正。 - 9.3 will bring cca 18 new HD tanks apart from the new regular tanks 9.3會有大約18台既有戰車換成HD。 - the turret turning sounds are intentionally quiet – when the developers tried to make them louder, they started to be annoying 砲塔旋轉聲音量是故意設計的比較小聲,開發者一度試過調大聲,但是這樣很煩。 - FV215b (183) “will do fine in 9.2〃 183@220HESH在9.2的表現會OK (等著看囉...) - the WT E-100 changes in 9.2 concern only the 128mm gun WTF只砍128砲而已。 - KV-1S will be split “later” (SS: as in not in 9.2) KV-1S會晚點分家(9.3或以後) - there will be no compensation (free stuff) for WT E-100 and FV215b (183) nerfs 183/WTF的擁有者不會收到任何補償。 - interestingly enough, the light T-54 is now being tested as a “light tank” for some reason (SS: probably just some test thingie) LT-54做為輕坦測試中。 7/11 - Havok is planned for this year Havok預定今年上路 - multicore support is apparently being gradually worked on 多核心持續工作中。 - why is there no Steam support? “Something on the top level didn’t work out with Steam” and “No comment” 為什麼不和Steam合作? 「某些高層的東西和Steam不相容」&「不予置評」。 - Storm confirms again the fact that Soviet LT7 will be the LTTB and LT8 will be the “Light T-54〃 蘇聯T7LT會是LTTB,T8是LT54。 - Veider confirms that the improved VK4502B turret, mentioned in patchnotes (roof thickness buffed) didn’t get to the first test round, it will appear however in the next one Veuder確認4502B的砲塔頂部會加厚,雖然PT1沒有做出這點,但是之後會加入。 - 9.3 will bring cca 18 new HD tanks - the turret rotation sound “kicks in” in sniper mode only when the turret is turned significantly – during very small adjustments, there is a less loud sound of the fine adjustment gears playing instead (handcranking) 狙擊模式中只有做出大幅度砲塔轉動的時候才會有砲塔驅動聲,小幅修正只有小的聲音 (手搖砲) - HD IS-3 will come in 9.4 IS-3 HD在9.4會引入。 - the HD model production was delayed as a result of the outsource company failure to produce sufficient results and it took long time to look for a new company 見上面。 - apparently, one of the Russian developers confirmed that “from now on, only your tank will be in HD, the others will look like the old ones”, because at distance you don’t notice the difference anyway 只有自己的戰車會是HD,反正玩家也不在乎狙擊鏡中的敵車是不是HD。 - Q: “Since you nerfed the 183mm HESH gold ammo since players used it too much, what about 150mm gold ammo for E-100?” A: “E-100 is fine, I am enjoying grinding it.” 「如果你們因為玩家打太多183HESH就砍它,那E-100的150HEAT呢?」 「E-100很好啊,我玩得很開心」。 翻譯君:我自己也覺得沒什麼問題(繼續打HEAT) - regarding the fate of other OP vehicles, such as Hellcat, T18, T49, KV-1S? “They too will meet their fate” 其他OP車像是地獄貓、T18、T49、KV-1──「出來混總是要還的」 - the recent drop in numbers of online players is not something extraordinary, it’s caused by summer 上線玩家數減少是因為夏天到了(俄國吧)。 - Russian 9.2 patchnotes had a mistake – it was written there that M48A1 armor would be changed, when the correct tank is M8A1 不重要 - Knopka on historical battles removal in 9.2: “The way they were implemented, historical battles were not a full-fledged mode which we wanted them to be from the start. We also recieved many improvement proposals and comments about the issues from players. That’s why we decided to remove historical battles from the game and to review their concept itself, the influence of lowtier tanks on battle and their role and implementation in this mode and also the influence of high-tier vehicles and their amount. Several HB concept improvement ideas appeared in time period after patch 9.1. While the mode is disabled in the game, we will implement and test these concepts in order to make the mode more interesting, dynamical and not as dependent on hightier vehicles, which previously often decided the fate of the battle.” 歷史模式移除:都是官話,不太重要。反正就是拉下馬重作。 And regarding the future of historical battles: “It’s possible that they will have a feature, that was never implemented into the game before. It will allow lowtier tanks to make a decent income in this mode and it will make it more useful especially in this mode.” (SS: otherwise, she stated only “too early to tell”, but generally speaking, there were two approaches discussed: respawns for lowtier tanks and the possibility that lowtier tanks in historical battles will be played by bots – we will see, which one (if any) will it be) - hangar interface will still be reworked 車庫介面會重做 - apparently, “Fire Arc” (SS: the new Prokhorovka – correct English translation of the Russian name would probably be something like “Fiery Salient” or “Salient on Fire”), is identical to the old Prokhorovka gameplay-wise, the changes were only cosmetical such as the wrecks and smoke 新的Prokhorovka基本上和舊的一樣,只是加入了一些地景和效果。 7/12 - developers are considering how to improve the tank movement in WoT, specifically “drifting”: “On one hand, it would widen the gameplay. On the other hand, you’d have to ‘fight your own tank’” 開發者正在思考要怎麼改進WOT的戰車動態系統,特別是甩尾:「一方面這會拓展遊戲性 ,但是另一方面玩家就得和自己的車奮戰。」 - the hangar interface will get a new header 新車庫頂部,見圖。 http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/the_eugene_k/68127668/2412/2412_900.png
- dynamic (reactive) armor will not be implemented 不會有反應裝甲。 Storm explains the new motion physics and how it will differ from the current motion physics – there are two variants of implementation, unlimited and limited. With the new motion system limited, it is not too different from current tank motion. But with unlimited historical motion physics: Storm解釋移動物理系統,目前有限制版和無限版。限制版和現在差不多,至於無限版.. - there would be many, many drifts WOT:戰車甩尾。 - turning of a tank would be more “sharp” and “twitchy” 轉動會更加靈巧。 - a lot of “rocking” of the tank (when stopping, when accelerating, turning) 戰車會有一大堆晃動(停車、加速、轉動)。 - generally there would be a lower speed of moving due to the significant losses of speed when turning 移動速度基本上下降,因為轉彎會大幅度掉速 - the tank would rock a lot due to various obstacles on the ground 地上的障礙會導致戰車晃來晃去 - no instant stops 有剎車距離。 As a result, it would be a lot harder to control the vehicle when going fast. However, there are advantages: 也就是說高速控制性下降不少,優勢是: - not getting stuck on slopes 不會卡在斜坡上 - no significant losses of speed or strong rocking on small obstacles 輾過小型障礙物時不會掉速掉太多 - no losses of speed on sloped surfaces 下坡不減速 - beautiful switching of gears (in connection with new sound set) 換檔! - the drifting, if you learn to do it, can be used for some cool stuff, like instant reverse turns and such 如果會玩的話,甩尾可以拿來做一些歡樂事,例如瞬間180度轉向之類的。 (SS: oh now I SO want to try it!) Storm adds that the tank rocking is not so bad by itself, but it does mess up the aiming. Storm表示戰車晃動本身不是問題,問題是瞄準被打亂。 - Q: “Storm, what about you and buying Crytek, are you considering it?” A: “I personally am definitely not considering it, I don’t have enough money.” 「Storm,你有沒有在考慮買下Crytek?」 http://www.crytek.com/  ←匈牙利的遊戲開發商 「個人立場上,沒有。我的錢不夠。」 - non-material barrels will not be changed 非實體砲管這點不會變動。 - the dynamic suspension will appear only on HD reworked tanks 只有HD戰車才有動態懸吊。 - the current HD models in 9.2 were made by the same people as the earlier 9.0 HD models 9.2HD和9.0HD出自同一批人之手。 - Storm states that the “shiny” metallic tracks are historical (“tracks got worn out on metal”) Storm表示閃閃發光的金屬履帶很史實,表層磨掉了顯現出來的當然是金屬色。 -- Bohan:來,兩手放旁邊,キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━ !!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1405218629.A.CFB.html ※ 編輯: hsinhanchu (, 07/13/2014 10:30:55

07/13 10:46, , 1F
辛苦了 op車那條不是KV-1,是1S
07/13 10:46, 1F

07/13 10:50, , 2F
07/13 10:50, 2F

07/13 10:55, , 3F
07/13 10:55, 3F

07/13 10:55, , 4F
07/13 10:55, 4F

07/13 10:55, , 5F
07/13 10:55, 5F

07/13 11:03, , 6F
E100穿深都夠慘了 還偷陰E100
07/13 11:03, 6F

07/13 11:12, , 7F
07/13 11:12, 7F

07/13 11:12, , 8F
07/13 11:12, 8F

07/13 11:13, , 9F
07/13 11:13, 9F

07/13 11:14, , 10F
07/13 11:14, 10F

07/13 11:17, , 11F
07/13 11:17, 11F

07/13 11:29, , 12F
._./ 我不介意開小車.事實上我的確把小車BT7買回來打
07/13 11:29, 12F

07/13 11:30, , 13F
07/13 11:30, 13F

07/13 11:54, , 14F
常常一個人都沒 lol
07/13 11:54, 14F

07/13 12:29, , 15F
07/13 12:29, 15F

07/13 12:41, , 16F
07/13 12:41, 16F

07/13 13:08, , 17F
07/13 13:08, 17F

07/13 13:45, , 18F
就是砲管不會卡牆壁 也不會卡到其他車
07/13 13:45, 18F

07/13 14:06, , 19F
KV-1S還拖真久...( ′_>`)
07/13 14:06, 19F

07/13 15:16, , 20F
" KV-1S會晚點分家(9.3或以後) "
07/13 15:16, 20F

07/13 15:26, , 21F
07/13 15:26, 21F

07/13 15:31, , 22F
KV-1S可以開賭盤了 麻煩直接從10.3開始
07/13 15:31, 22F

07/13 15:34, , 23F
07/13 15:34, 23F

07/13 15:38, , 24F
07/13 15:38, 24F

07/13 15:58, , 25F
07/13 15:58, 25F

07/13 15:58, , 26F
07/13 15:58, 26F

07/13 15:59, , 27F
沒分房保護就是上T10當肥料 不如買T34或獅子
07/13 15:59, 27F

07/13 16:27, , 28F
Crytek 是德國公司(1999 年創立,總部在法蘭克福)
07/13 16:27, 28F

07/13 16:27, , 29F
07/13 16:27, 29F

07/13 19:56, , 30F
KV-1s ....以後再說吧
07/13 19:56, 30F

07/13 21:11, , 31F
E100不上金 只有235 砍金的話不慘嗎
07/13 21:11, 31F

07/13 21:20, , 32F
07/13 21:20, 32F

07/13 21:29, , 33F
183砍了穿深 可以buff一下準度嗎 那圈真的只能靠信仰
07/13 21:29, 33F

07/13 21:37, , 34F
在8.6得了便宜還賣乖阿 想想為啥要nuff吧
07/13 21:37, 34F

07/13 22:35, , 35F
07/13 22:35, 35F

07/13 22:46, , 36F
07/13 22:46, 36F

07/14 01:06, , 37F
07/14 01:06, 37F

07/14 11:43, , 38F
07/14 11:43, 38F

07/14 13:42, , 39F
07/14 13:42, 39F

07/14 13:42, , 40F
如果都躲回掩體了,那也不用亮了吧 XD
07/14 13:42, 40F

07/14 15:48, , 41F
開光機制不是無間斷的掃描 是每間隔一段時間才掃一次
07/14 15:48, 41F

07/14 15:49, , 42F
有可能開第一炮的時候 其實沒被開光到 第二炮或射後
07/14 15:49, 42F

07/14 15:50, , 43F
移動才被開光 這樣就有可能讓人有燈泡延遲亮的感覺
07/14 15:50, 43F

07/14 16:06, , 44F
記掃描點有1.啟動瞬間2.停車瞬間. 另外就是週期掃描
07/14 16:06, 44F

07/14 18:09, , 45F
07/14 18:09, 45F

07/14 18:09, , 46F
07/14 18:09, 46F

07/14 18:09, , 47F
07/14 18:09, 47F

07/14 18:32, , 48F
可能看到炮線盲射吧 有被開光就會亮不用被瞄準
07/14 18:32, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #1JmUz5px (Wargaming)