[情報] 5/9 Q&A 以及 Storm 談 9.1 改版

看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/05/11 01:05), 10年前編輯推噓37(38153)
留言92則, 39人參與, 最新討論串1/1
不管你有什麼意見,請不要罵髒話 看了很不爽 - some exceptions from the 9.1 LT matchmaking: A-20 will be like T-80 (battletier 4-6), SU-26 and T-127 battletiers 3-4 9.1 版有特殊分房規則的包括:A-20,四至六階;Su-26 和 T-127,三至四階。 - WoT Blitz betatesters will get a reward tank – Russians a Russian one, Europeans an European one and Americans an American one (all tier 5) WoT Blitz 超測玩家會得到獎勵車輛,俄國玩家拿俄國車,歐洲玩家拿歐洲車,美國玩家 拿美國車(全部是五階)。 - in North America, WoT Blitz might launch in a few weeks, depending on the softlaunch results WoT Blitz 在北美地區會在幾周內正式開戰,時間看上線結果而定。 - Mad Catz C.T.R.L. controller for WoT Blitz? “We have done some basic support, but it’s not yet polished.” WoT Blitz 支援 Mad Catz 出的 C.T.R.L. 控制器嗎?「有完成支援的基礎工作,但還沒 到可發佈的階段。」 - Chieftain on Maus restoration: “Near as I can tell, the goal is to get the thing to clank along using whatever motor and transmission they can find. The mantlet will certainly have to be secured.” Chieftain 談到重建 Maus 的計畫:「就我瞭解,計畫目標是:只要它動不論用什麼引擎 和傳動系統都好。但砲盾肯定會保留。」 - Chieftain on multiturret mechanism: “My guess is that the programmers who would be working on the multi-gun support code can also be working on other things, and they only have so many hours in the day. Compared to whatever else they’re working on, is Multi-Gun really such a priority?” Chieftain 談到多砲塔機制:「我猜負責多砲塔機制的程式設計師也同時要忙其他事,而 每天的時間有限。多砲塔機制值得優先處理?」 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/09/9-5-2014/ 請理性討論 - apparently, unlike EU and US, RU server doesn’t have the “restore sold premium tanks” mechanism, it’s still being tested there 俄服不像歐、美服已實裝「誤賣金車取回系統」,它還在測試。 - low performance of Hidden Village map is connected to the existence of tons of small objects on the map Hidden Village 因為小物件多所以效能差 - developers are putting the “HD conveyor” (mass production of HD tank models) in motion currently 正在努力讓「HD 模組生產線」投入運作 - developers are working on both CPU and GPU (render) multicore support 正在發展支援多核 CPU 和 GPU - Storm admits that patch 9.0 was very complicated and after its release and that only a little was added to the patch of what was promised (in general) Storm 承認 9.0 改版是很複雜的工作,而且很多當初答應要實裝的功能沒有做進去 - developers are working on general fixes for tank color 正在修正戰車的顏色 - “Xbox-like” weather effects did not get introduced to the PC version yet, because “there are completely different issues on PC and we have to deal with them first and then we do weather” XB360 版的天氣系統還不會在電腦版實裝,因為「我們另外有東西要忙,忙完了再換它」 - for now, new portraits for Soviet crews are not planned 目前沒打算新增蘇聯成員頭像 - apparently, the buffs/nerfs will still be discussed, Storm got an idea so that players don’t get butthurt so much about it buff 和 nerf 仍是可討論的,Storm 知道這樣做才不會讓玩家在這議題上抓狂跳針 - developers already transformed the viewrange into a circle, right now they are testing the mechanism so it doesn’t create some sort of problems, it will not appear in 9.1 tho 已成功將繪圖範圍改為圓形,正在測試除錯中,但不會在 9.1 實裝 - Strongholds in 9.1? “For now, no comment” 9.1 會有公會堡壘嗎?「不予置評」 - Kharkov map will not be implemented in HD Kharkov 推出時不會是 HD 版 - “Dynamic FOV” (mentioned in the 9.1 patchnotes) means the FOV will change based on the zoom from the tank 「動態 FOV」功能是讓視野角度依攝影機縮放而改變 - for now, the developer position on not displaying which players have chat disabled has not changed 目前開發者依然不認為需要顯示哪位玩家關閉了聊天系統 - high winrate of a vehicle by itself is not a reason to nerf it, it is a reason to check other statistics of the vehicle – damage, damage done to the tank, average XP, scouting, player skill percentage (SS: as in how many noobs/pros play that tank) atc. 光有高勝率並不是 nerf 車輛的原因,但它會提醒開發者確認這台車的其他數據:受到傷 害、傷害輸出、平均經驗、偵查、玩家技術比例之類的 - regarding further nerf requests: Foch has been nerfed “to shit” already, T57 doesn’t stand out in practically no statistic anywhere (it’s possible to do something about it, but it has low priority), KV-1S will be split into two vehicles, which will come in HD quality 談到其他 nerf 要求:Foch 已經被砍成渣了,T57 沒有哪項數據特別突出(或許以後會動 到,但優先度低),KV-1S 會拆成兩台車,推出時都會是 HD 版。 - Tiger P was nerfed, because it has on its tier 55 percent winrate. The argument that this is because skilled players play it is false, WG has the statistic of the skill of players playing a tank and Tiger P does not differ in it from other tanks. There are many other statistics Tiger P is too good in, not just winrate, that’s why it was nerfed Tiger P 被砍的原因在於對上同階時有高達 55% 的勝率。「因為都是高手在玩」的說法是 錯誤的,數據顯示 Tiger P 和其他車輛在玩家的操縱技術上沒有差別。除了勝率外, Tiger P 還有其他許多數據太優秀,所以挨刀不意外。 - Storm admits that balancing department did make mistakes in the past, such as the overbuffing of the Tiger, or “invisible Borsig” Storm 承認平衡部門也曾出錯,像是把虎式調太強和讓 Borsig 幾乎隱形。 - some player was whining that balancers don’t play their own game – Storm linked the account of one such balancer, he adds that all the balancers are like that – skilled players with high amount of battles 有人指責平衡部門的人都不玩自己做的遊戲;Storm 出示一個平衡員的紀錄,並表示所有 平衡員都和這位一樣:是有大量戰鬥數的高手。 http://worldoftanks.ru/community/accounts/928772-ziggy_stardust/ http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/05/10/storm-talks-a-bit-more-about-9-11-changes -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WoT/M.1399741502.A.355.html

05/11 01:08, , 1F
地獄貓也幾乎隱形 所以被砍了?
05/11 01:08, 1F

05/11 01:16, , 2F
殘局剩下隱形TD 中重坦完全吃屎
05/11 01:16, 2F

05/11 01:21, , 3F
虎P超OP T57HT平衡 幹你媽的WG
05/11 01:21, 3F

05/11 01:29, , 4F
05/11 01:29, 4F

05/11 01:33, , 5F
05/11 01:33, 5F

05/11 01:37, , 6F
IS-2勒 砍了前四名跳過第二名
05/11 01:37, 6F

05/11 01:41, , 7F
T57H還好 虎式太強... 我去你媽的WG....
05/11 01:41, 7F

05/11 01:41, , 8F
T-150 KV2 T-54表示
05/11 01:41, 8F

05/11 01:41, , 9F
怎麼不去砍砍9-10階那些蘇聯跟法國中坦啊 = =
05/11 01:41, 9F

05/11 01:42, , 10F
05/11 01:42, 10F

05/11 01:42, , 11F
borsig幾乎隱形? 那地獄貓怎麼也不砍砍隱蔽值?
05/11 01:42, 11F

05/11 01:44, , 12F
05/11 01:44, 12F

05/11 01:44, , 13F
05/11 01:44, 13F

05/11 02:02, , 14F
05/11 02:02, 14F

05/11 02:10, , 15F
虎式調太強?? 哪版的虎式?
05/11 02:10, 15F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang (, 05/11/2014 02:11:22

05/11 02:23, , 16F
05/11 02:23, 16F

05/11 02:27, , 17F
05/11 02:27, 17F

05/11 02:55, , 18F
05/11 02:55, 18F

05/11 03:01, , 19F
05/11 03:01, 19F

05/11 03:53, , 20F
跟以前比起來虎式的確強不少 但是說太強!?
05/11 03:53, 20F

05/11 03:54, , 21F
05/11 03:54, 21F

05/11 04:08, , 22F
突然發現OPrating第二IS-2沒被動到 後勢看漲:)
05/11 04:08, 22F

05/11 04:39, , 23F
05/11 04:39, 23F

05/11 06:03, , 24F
翻譯辛苦了 虎式調太強?我五階時看到牠都覺得是肉阿
05/11 06:03, 24F

05/11 06:15, , 25F
05/11 06:15, 25F

05/11 06:22, , 26F
其他幾條我都沒什麼意見 唯獨虎式太強這句...
05/11 06:22, 26F

05/11 06:48, , 27F
是強在射速快嗎? 但...牠彈藥架也很容易黃阿 疑惑中
05/11 06:48, 27F

05/11 06:49, , 28F
05/11 06:49, 28F

05/11 09:15, , 29F
05/11 09:15, 29F

05/11 09:35, , 30F
05/11 09:35, 30F

05/11 09:37, , 31F
05/11 09:37, 31F

05/11 09:39, , 32F
05/11 09:39, 32F

05/11 09:43, , 33F
05/11 09:43, 33F

05/11 09:44, , 34F
能拿來說嘴的射速都沒了 強?
05/11 09:44, 34F

05/11 10:14, , 35F
05/11 10:14, 35F

05/11 10:15, , 36F
05/11 10:15, 36F

05/11 10:18, , 37F
降射速ok 但是血量降100我覺得有點過頭吧?... :\
05/11 10:18, 37F

05/11 10:20, , 38F
我是覺得要砍也是砍50比較適合 不要過兩個月又加回來
05/11 10:20, 38F

05/11 10:20, , 39F
原本能多吃一砲 現在改過連一砲都不能多吃惹
05/11 10:20, 39F

05/11 10:42, , 40F
05/11 10:42, 40F

05/11 10:45, , 41F
05/11 10:45, 41F

05/11 11:04, , 42F
05/11 11:04, 42F

05/11 11:05, , 43F
05/11 11:05, 43F

05/11 11:09, , 44F
borsig隱蔽比Hellcat高沒錯 但也要考慮到階數
05/11 11:09, 44F

05/11 11:09, , 45F
8階車視野比6階車高多了 這樣扣下來應該是差不多
05/11 11:09, 45F

05/11 11:14, , 46F
Tiger P太強,完全不覺得,只能騙正面不會打的玩家而已
05/11 11:14, 46F

05/11 11:16, , 47F
平衡員...大量用祖國車扁人的高手= = 啥鳥毛
05/11 11:16, 47F

05/11 11:17, , 48F
幾乎隱形的車是UE 57跟Hellcat吧
05/11 11:17, 48F

05/11 11:20, , 49F
不對喔~ 波席格除了炮管太大開炮會現形 的確隱蔽系數
05/11 11:20, 49F

05/11 11:20, , 50F
這樣砍到最後什麼特點都沒有 乾脆玩卡爾 一人一個
05/11 11:20, 50F

05/11 11:20, , 51F
也是OP等級的 我覺得要nerf不能缺他
05/11 11:20, 51F

05/11 11:20, , 52F
05/11 11:20, 52F

05/11 11:21, , 53F
05/11 11:21, 53F

05/11 11:21, , 54F
假如波席格和WTF都沒有頭 我絕對不會抱怨他們太OP
05/11 11:21, 54F

05/11 11:23, , 55F
hellcat也有頭啊 還有砲盾偶爾可以彈砲咧
05/11 11:23, 55F

05/11 11:23, , 56F
05/11 11:23, 56F

05/11 12:03, , 57F
05/11 12:03, 57F

05/11 12:05, , 58F
我上次用borsig在CW彈了T69兩砲 我隊友都快笑死了
05/11 12:05, 58F

05/11 12:05, , 59F
05/11 12:05, 59F

05/11 12:10, , 60F
05/11 12:10, 60F

05/11 12:24, , 61F
Tiger進9階 拿ACE也不是不可以阿 XD
05/11 12:24, 61F

05/11 15:52, , 62F
05/11 15:52, 62F

05/11 15:53, , 63F
隱蔽性+速度+還是要瞄才能穿的正面= won't be shit
05/11 15:53, 63F

05/11 15:55, , 64F
雖然我還是覺得F155該拔掉Autoloader後buff RoF
05/11 15:55, 64F

05/11 16:09, , 65F
05/11 16:09, 65F

05/11 16:26, , 66F
05/11 16:26, 66F

05/11 16:47, , 67F
A-20要正常分房了~~~ 溫馨
05/11 16:47, 67F

05/11 17:51, , 68F
虎式軟的要死 給他點rof臭了嗎?
05/11 17:51, 68F

05/11 17:51, , 69F
祖國一堆黑洞裝甲又+122mm 真他媽爛車?
05/11 17:51, 69F

05/11 17:52, , 70F
反正我是沒差啦 反正我的技術有辦法cover 但就是不爽
05/11 17:52, 70F

05/11 17:53, , 71F
德蘇車超級不平等待遇.... 尤其是KV-1S.....
05/11 17:53, 71F

05/11 19:04, , 72F
05/11 19:04, 72F

05/11 20:14, , 73F
ARL44 105砲OP BJ4
05/11 20:14, 73F

05/11 20:35, , 74F
請問ARL 44拿105好還是90好啊?雖然我都還沒研發完畢
05/11 20:35, 74F

05/11 20:37, , 75F
ARL44 105似乎好像KV-1S弱化的122mm D-2-5T ?
05/11 20:37, 75F

05/11 20:39, , 76F
穿深少10 威力少90 應該是還能用?
05/11 20:39, 76F

05/11 20:39, , 77F
準度跟擴散比祖傳122好 手感想像中應該很好XD
05/11 20:39, 77F

05/11 21:13, , 78F
ARL 44的105上金彈威力只比KV-122少60呦xd
05/11 21:13, 78F

05/11 21:15, , 79F
我知道 囧
05/11 21:15, 79F

05/11 21:16, , 80F
可是我從 全銀彈→全金彈→銀彈為主 必要時打金彈
05/11 21:16, 80F

05/11 21:17, , 81F
05/11 21:17, 81F

05/11 22:29, , 82F
05/11 22:29, 82F

05/11 22:30, , 83F
05/11 22:30, 83F

05/11 23:06, , 84F
05/11 23:06, 84F

05/11 23:07, , 85F
05/11 23:07, 85F

05/11 23:08, , 86F
05/11 23:08, 86F

05/12 00:58, , 87F
05/12 00:58, 87F

05/12 00:59, , 88F
但是依然是拉低各項數值的元兇= =
05/12 00:59, 88F

05/12 01:07, , 89F
對耶 那個工程師的虎式勝率比Tiger P還高 ....
05/12 01:07, 89F

05/12 01:08, , 90F
他玩最多的前15台車都美俄中 :[ 第16名E-50
05/12 01:08, 90F

05/12 11:00, , 91F
05/12 11:00, 91F

05/12 11:00, , 92F
05/12 11:00, 92F
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