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看板Wargaming作者 (Willie)時間10年前 (2014/03/06 03:48), 編輯推噓11(1103)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
*的好長… 看之前建議先看過新的物理效果展示影片,很多相關 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDunV2yVyjA
- apparently, torque (in connection to tank friction, eg. the ability of the tank to “grab” on sloped surfaces without slipping) will not be implemented 不會做出力矩的效果(ex.高富帥的車在斜坡比較容易滑之類的) - crew skill will influence the new tank motion physics just like it does now 新運動物理計算中,組員技能效果和現在相同。 - the issue with the T-26 suspension was is model being very complicated T-26的懸吊很難搞(新的獨立懸吊效果) - the “friction” (whether a tank slips or not) is calculated on the points under roadwheels, not for the entire surface of the track 摩擦力是用接地輪數量計算的,非整個履帶的面積。 - the suspension stiffness will be calculated, based on how much the (virtual) spring coils in suspension are compressed (in maximum compression state, the suspension will be practically stiff – solid) 懸吊的硬度會是用計算的,彈簧壓縮越多越硬。 - the fact that many tanks have it so that the turret lies on the bearings (turret ring) by its own weight will be taken in account when calculating the turret flying off, it however will not fall off on slopes for example (SS: realistically, it probably would on extreme slopes, developers decided not to do this for gameplay reasons) 許多戰車的砲塔是單靠自身的重量固定在砲塔環上。這在計算砲塔炸飛效果時會列入考慮 但是傾斜並不會造成砲塔脫落。(SS: 實際上在極端的傾斜角時,砲塔真的可能脫落。但 這是遊戲) - the main danger in the ammo rack explosion, according to Storm, comes from the explosions of HE warheads (SS: usually, the cook-off is caused by burning propellant) 據 Storm 說法,彈藥架被引爆時,主要的危險來自高爆彈彈頭的誘爆。(SS: 被燃燒的推 進藥點燃。) - catastrophic ammo rack explosion effect on turretless tanks (in another form, such as the tank being ripped apart) will not be implemented 不會做出無砲塔戰車彈藥架被誘爆時的災難性效果。 - it will be not possible to tear tanks to more pieces 戰車無法被解體 - the disposable parts on a tank (such as the extra fuel tanks) that will be possible to lose, will not act as a part of armor 可被擊落的車外懸掛物(ex.附加油箱)不會有裝甲的效果 - there are no plans to make ALL objects destructible 沒打算把所有物品做成可摧毀的 - Storm confirms that there will be more parameters for tanks/surface than the usual terrain resistance 戰車和物體表面的多邊形數量多過地形的 - captured tanks will most likely not take part in historical battles 擄獲戰車不大可能出現在史實戰鬥 - Jagdtiger 88 will not appear in historical battles 88獵虎不會在史實戰鬥中出現 - Storm confirms that Sherman Firefly will be a regular researchable vehicle 螢火蟲會是銀幣車 - Storm states that the FOV change in 8.11 was a “bug fix” 8.11的視角改變是為了修正Bug - the fact Winter Himmelsdorf is a winter map doesn’t influence the traction, in other words – the slopes on the map are not more slippery than on the regular map, the change is visual 冬季版Himmelsdorf並沒有改地面摩擦力,純粹只是視覺效果 - Storm states that the fact the same gun has different accuracies on different tanks is correct, as the accuracy depends on other factors too (SS: such as the mount) 同一門砲在不同車上準度也不同很正常,它受很多其他因素影響 - Sturmtiger will most likely not come in 2014 (SS: told you) 突擊虎,2014年生出不來 - Jagdtiger 88 will not have the optional Porsche suspension 88獵虎不會有可選的 Porsche懸吊 - experimental and rare Soviet vehicles in historical battles (KV-2, KV-13): “if they will appear at all, they will be very rare” 史實戰鬥中一些稀有或是實驗性的車(KV-2、KV-13):「有出的話數量也會極少」 - apparently no Krupp and Rheinmetall medium tanks were found yet (SS: WTF? What about VK2001Rh for example?) 還沒找到克虜伯(Krupp)和萊茵金屬(Rheinmetall)的中坦(SS: 三小?VK2001(Rh)表示?) - currently, whether a tank slips from the slope or not (for example when climbing rocky slopes), depends on the slope angle of specific landscape polygons, on which the tank stands at that very moment. It is further influenced by terrain resistance, but this is only an additional value 車輛在斜坡上是否會滑動,主要取決於車輛當下所在位置的地面多邊形斜度。另還會受履 帶阻力影響,但這是次要的 - if a tank lands on its roof, it will be apparently impossible to continue to fight, even if it survives it, it will be impossible to shoot as well (player loses control completely) 四腳朝天,就算沒爆車也會無法操控和開火。 - even moving trucks (from the video) will be considered a penetrable obstacle (just like it is now), it will be possible to destroy them by ramming (like now) 可移動的卡車將會被視為可擊穿物體,也可用衝撞摧毀。 - developers really wanted to implement Havok in 9.0, but they unfortunately didn’t make it 其實開發人員也想在9.0實裝Havok引擎啊…但是… - it will be possible to use a ripped off turret as cover 炸飛的砲塔可防彈 - large pieces of buildings falling off will not be usable as cover 但掉落的大塊建築物殘骸不能當掩體 - Storm confirms hightier premium Soviet medium tank 證實會有高階蘇聯金幣中坦 - winter maps will not have breakable ice surfaces 不會有可破壞的冰層(譯者:輕坦可過但重坦會沉之類的) - drowned tanks will not be destructable (SS: they will count as just corpses), however it’s possible that tanks destroyed by killing the entire crew will be destructable 淹死的戰車無法被進一步破壞,但組員死光而不動的車可以 - reworked Prokhorovka will not appear in 9.0, it was delayed 重製版Prokhorovka 不會在9.0推出 - rubble from buildings will have no effect on shooting (SS: covering your tank in rubble will give you no protection) 建築物掉落的瓦礫不會影響射擊(SS:被瓦礫埋起來也不會增加防禦) - Storm states that while he cannot say anything in details, the new motion physics will NOT mean a LT mobility nerf 雖然細節不能講,但新的移動物理系統不會nerf輕坦機動 - Storm states that in today’s physics video, the amount of movement of small parts (SS: as in, how much the IS-4 fuel tanks “wiggle”) was intentionally exaggerated for testing purposes 影片中的小物體移動(SS: 例如IS-4的外掛油箱擺動)是為了測試而故意特別誇大的 - it will be possible to destroy trucks as well by crushing them (instead of just pushing them) thanks to dynamic destruction model, apparently there will be a different destruction model for them as well (shooting them with AP will not turn them flat like it is now) 衝撞碾壓能摧毀卡車(不會一碰就扁);他們也會有不同的摧毀模式,以後卡車不會再被 AP彈壓扁了 - proper multicore support will come, but later – for now, the game will use core 1, while other cores will be used by Havok 多核支援會有但不是現在;目前遊戲會在第一個核心運算,而其他的會交給Havok利用 - Storm states that it’s possible that the “individual track link” model, mentioned in the physics video, will (for the sake of optimization) appear only on your own tank and in hangar, developers will have to see how much resources it requires 「獨立履帶」效果有可能只在你自己的車上和車庫中生效,還要看這玩意需要多少運算 資源而定(譯註:現在遊戲中的履帶是『一條』的,而不是一片片接起來的) - HD models will bring detailed tank bottom visual model HD 模組會把車底也做出來 - killing a teammate by having your turret land on him will not count as teamkill 若你被炸飛的砲塔砸死了隊友,帳不會算在你頭上 - the suspension parameters will remain hidden 懸吊參數不會公開 http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/03/05/5-3-2014/ -- In church, they say to forgive! Forgiveness is between them and God; it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/06 04:31, , 1F
03/06 04:31, 1F

03/06 07:39, , 2F
03/06 07:39, 2F

03/06 07:39, , 3F
03/06 07:39, 3F

03/06 07:53, , 4F
03/06 07:53, 4F

03/06 07:54, , 5F
03/06 07:54, 5F

03/06 08:38, , 6F
03/06 08:38, 6F

03/06 08:44, , 7F
03/06 08:44, 7F

03/06 08:51, , 8F
if a tank lands on its roof,這應該是在說翻車
03/06 08:51, 8F

03/06 09:32, , 9F
└用天花板著陸 是說翻車的意思
03/06 09:32, 9F

03/06 09:33, , 10F
03/06 09:33, 10F

03/06 09:34, , 11F
told you...XDDD
03/06 09:34, 11F
※ 編輯: WillieHuang 來自: (03/06 12:47)

03/06 15:11, , 12F
03/06 15:11, 12F

03/06 15:20, , 13F
03/06 15:20, 13F

03/06 22:24, , 14F
03/06 22:24, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1J5t-3xU (Wargaming)