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看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間10年前 (2014/01/05 11:47), 編輯推噓42(42036)
留言78則, 28人參與, 最新討論串1/1
今天又多到滿出來了XD WG EU fail? So, uh, the calendar says something about Happy New Year part 1 event this weekend, yet I see nothing on the WG EU homepage. Maybe it’s a new type of solution: instead of releasing buggy event, they better didn’t release it at all :) (幾乎每隔一段時間就會出現的WGEU出包,看過就好。) - not all tracks act as 30mm thick spaced armor (SS: the 30mm part is wrong, tracks have various thickness) 不是所有履帶都有30毫米厚的間隙裝甲。(SS:每個履帶有不同的裝甲厚度 設定) - Israel tanks will apparently not appear in EU tree (SerB: “Israel is in Asia, or did I learn geography wrong?”) 以色列坦克不會加入歐洲線。(SerB:我的國中地理常識告訴我,以色列在 亞洲,沒錯吧?) - Merkava Mk.I will not apparently appear in WoT 梅卡瓦MK.1不會加到遊戲中。 (譯:105mm M68 看起來是個合理的選項,但是1974年才開始生產,時間上 太晚) - Object 279 will not appear in WoT. Yuri Pasholok states that they actually thought about it at one point, but found out, that ALL the publications have its model (projections) wrong. And to go to Kubinka (or wherever the prototype is) and to measure it by hand is expensive and ineffective use of labor, according to Yuri Pasholok Obj.279不會加到遊戲中,但Yuri Pasholok表示他們確實有考慮過,但是找 尋資料的時候發現全部的草圖設計都是錯的。然後到了庫賓卡親手測量既花 錢又沒效率。 - apparently, prototype Maus (early Maus concept) had even thicker armor than the Maus itself and had 128mm L/70 planned, according to Yuri Pasholok 根據Yuri的描述,實際上,原型鼠有著比鼠式更厚的裝甲,並且有計畫裝上 128mm L/70炮 - apparently, Yuri Pasholok is cooperating personally with kit companies (specifically Bronco and Miniart and their SU-152 model) to make their models more historical 目前Yuri個人正與一些公司合作(這裡特別指重製SU-152的模型)將車子的 模型製作的更符合史實。 - Storm on incoming T10 TD nerf: their DPM will generally be kept, but their alpha will be lower. Jagdpanzer E-100 will remain the same, T110E4 will get its alpha reduced, but will recieve a ROF buff Storm對於接下來出現的T10TD的Nerf表示:DPM會保持不動,但是Alpha會降 低,Jagd E-100不會動(譯:這裡不確定是不是指Alpha)、T110E4的Alpha 會降低,但是會用ROF平衡回來。 - special APHE mechanics (shells) will not be introduced 特殊的APHE彈機制不會做。 (譯:我的了解沒錯的話,這玩意做出來會擁有AP的穿深、HE的高傷?) - the option to give KV-5 better gun and standard MM was not considered by developers 給予KV-5更好的武裝與分房等級的選項並不受開發組青睞。 - Storm confirms that the first tanks to be reworked to HD will be the legendary and massproduced tanks and after them will come other tier 10 tanks Storm表示第一波會被重製成高畫質版的坦克會是具傳奇性且曾被大量製造的 坦克,之後才是其他十階坦。 (譯:我猜一定有T-62A,以下歡迎亂猜XD) - the new map (in 8.11) will be a winter map from Sweden/Norway, it will be a city with big buildings + port + large open suburbs 8.11的新地圖將會是來自瑞典、挪威的冬季地圖,他將會是綜合龐大建築群 、港口以及大型開放式的郊區地形。 - there will apparently be no “jerking” in the new motion model during gear switch, the acceleration will be smooth 加速時不會因為換檔造成「顫抖式的」停頓,整個加速會是順暢的。[更正] - more Asian tree branches (Japan and China) will not come anytime soon due to their low popularity amongst players 有鑑於在玩家中受歡迎的程度不高,亞洲線短期內不會推出更多車輛。 - multicore support will come AFTER the introduction of Havoc and HD client 多核心支援會在Havoc客戶端引擎實裝後推出。 - in 8.11, tank models will switch to new format, that’s why all skins and remodel mods will stop working 8.11中的坦克模型會轉換成新的格式,因此所有玩家自製的坦克貼圖和重製 模組的部分會停止運作。 - there are plans to introduce sunset maps, where the sun is on the horizon and everything casts sharp and gloomy shadows 有計畫要推出太陽升起時候的地圖,在地圖中太陽會在地平線上,所有事物 看起來會投射出銳利而黯淡的影子。 - Roaming will be introduced “when it’s done” 漫遊功能「好了就會出」。 - Jagdtiger 88 will not appear in historical battles, it’s however possible Sturer Emil will appear 八八獵虎不會出現在歷史戰之中,但是Sturer Emil可能會。 - for now, no actual non-graphic optimization plans are made. Storm states that it’s possible the rework of the rendering distance (from a square to a circle) will come first. 目前沒有計畫要做非圖形類的優化,Storm表示渲染距離(判定從方形變圓型) 有可能會是第一個要重製的對象。 - the developers have not yet decided, how to rework the spotting and camo system. Regarding the earlier proposed solution (that a vehicle only partially visible will have better camo than a completely visible tank), there is a feeling that such a system would only support camping behind bushes and it would also increase the amount of invisible tanks shooting you without you seeing them 開發組目前還沒確定,要如何重製瞄準與隱蔽系統。關於早先的建議方案( 只能看見部分車體的坦克將會比能被完全看見的坦克擁有更好的隱蔽效果) ,這樣的系統會讓更多人躲進草叢黑槍,而這些坦克打你的時候你看不到他 們。 - Storm confirms that the HD models will be added gradually, which means that there will be a situation where one tank (IS-4 for example) already has HD models, while the others do not Storm確認了高畫質模組會慢慢地加入遊戲之中,這表示可能會有某些坦克 已經經過重製了而其他坦克仍維持原樣的情況。 - long battles (3 hours mentioned) are not planned 馬拉松式的戰鬥不會做。 - in historical battles, you will pay for shells just like you pay in random 歷史戰你還是得付彈藥錢,就如同你打隨機的時候一樣。 - changing tanker profession (from radioman to driver for example) is still planned (“when it’s done it’s done”) 「可以改變組員的職務」這項功能仍舊在開發名單內,WIDID。 - the game mechanics in historical battles will be identical to random battles (SS: eg. no hardcore oneshot mode), crews and perks will work in historical battles too 歷史戰的遊戲機制會跟隨機戰鬥相同(SS:一發開罐甚麼的沒有)組員的技 能與歷練照常運行。 - hardcore mode (no hitpoints, oneshots) was tested even for historical battles, both for regular players and supertesters 歷史戰套用硬派模式的方式曾經給超測與普測的玩家試過了。 - there will be new camo patterns and inscriptions/decals too 會有更多迷彩塗裝與坦克貼圖推出。 - no tier 8 premium will come anytime soon 短期內不會有新T8金車。 (譯:又沒有了QQ) - Havoc was selected for client physics, because it’s the most developed engine on the market Havoc引擎被選為客戶端引擎,是因為他是市面上開發最完整的引擎。 - it’s possible the names of tanks will change depending on their configuration (SS: that means 75mm L/24 Panzer IV = Panzer IV Ausf.F, 75mm L/43 could be Ausf.F2) 坦克因為武裝不同而有不同名字的功能是有可能的。(SS:例如搭載75mm L/24的四號會是四號F型、搭載75mm L/43的四號會是四號F2型) (譯:遊戲中的頂升四號是H型) - it’s possible a view from the gun (like in Xbox WoT) will be implemented 炮手觀測口視野可能會實裝在PC版遊戲中(XBOX版的那樣)。 - German base color will be changed after HD remodelling 德國車的顏色會在高畫質模組重製之後做更動。 (譯:不確定Base是不是指這個意思,有請高手orz) - the “yellow” (dunkelgelb) and “whole green” camos for German tanks will not be implemented 德國暗黃與全綠的迷彩塗裝不會被實裝進遊戲中。 - it’s not yet definitely decided that the second British medium branch will appear in 2014 還沒決定英國第二條中坦會在2014年推出。 - it’s too early for 9.0 graphics screenshots 目前要發布9.0的顯示截圖還太早。 - for now it is not known when (if) the Sixth Sense will be nerfed: Storm states that the rework of perks will not come anytime soon 目前不知道第六感甚麼時候會被Nerf,Storm表示歷練重製近期不會發生。 - in 8.11, TD camo will not be nerfed, Storm states that this will happen maybe later 8.11中TD的隱蔽不會被Nerf,Storm說這個晚點才會去調整。 - Storm states that for now no good solution how to improve light tank gameplay has been found, the problem is that with buffing their role, teams would become too much dependent on the performance of their LT’s Storm說,目前沒有早到更好的解決辦法改善輕坦的遊戲體驗,問題在於: 若Buff他們的在遊戲中的定位,整個隊伍的勝敗會過於依賴輕坦的表現。 - currently, the work of the matchmaker is being studied in order to check for issues 目前,MM娘的運作狀況正在被研究,以檢查是否有問題。 - the fact that you can mount two of the same type of consumable (one regular and one golden) on a tank is not a bug, it’s a feature 可以裝上兩個同樣種類的消耗品(一個普通的一個金幣的)不是Bug,是我 們設計的功能! - there will be no option to disable enemy messages only in the battle chat 戰鬥中的聊天系統不會有選項去消除敵方的訊息。 - arties are doing fine currently, they will not be touched for now 砲兵目前運作良好,所以他們不會被調整。 (譯:最近美服砲兵數量又回復正常了的感覺,昨天遇到兩隊各三砲兵的場 次不知凡幾...) - there might be an XP bonus for tanking (potential damage recieved) implemented 坦傷的經驗加乘功能可能會做。(譯:T95表示愉悅) - historical battles in the beginning will not feature captured tanks 歷史戰剛推出時不會加入擄獲坦克。 - war junk (trenches, anti-tank hedgehogs, guns etc.) will be added to the maps in order to improve their war atmosphere 戰場上的佈置(戰壕、坦克陷阱、反坦克炮等等)會加入地圖中以增進玩家 戰場體驗。 - apparently there is no issue with artillery being too accurate on short distances (SS: some player was complaining that FV304 was too accurate) 目前炮兵在沒有近距離準度太高的問題。(SS:有玩家在抱怨FV304太準了) - autoaim will not be removed from the game 自動瞄準不會自遊戲中移除。 - XVM and noobmeter will not be banned – for now 目前,XVM跟怒伯尺不會被Ban。(譯:XVM我可以理解,怒伯尺為啥要Ban?) - E-25 is slightly OP E-25「微OP」。 - actual vehicle setups for historical battles will be tested after current (Christmas) holidays in Russia 歷史戰實際的車輛配置會在這段俄羅斯假期之後測試。 - the respawn mechanics in historical battles have not yet been completely decided according to Storm 根據Storm的消息,歷史戰的重生機制還沒有被決定該如何運作。 - first batch of historical battles will not feature French tanks 首波歷史戰中不會有法國車。 從十點半打到十二點...我的翻譯速度好慢啊OAQ 原文網址:http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/01/04/4-1-2013/ --

05/04 19:29,
05/04 19:29

05/04 19:30,
樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!
05/04 19:30

05/04 19:32,
還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿
05/04 19:32

05/04 19:33,
05/04 19:33

05/04 19:34,
05/04 19:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/05 11:57, , 1F
01/05 11:57, 1F

01/05 12:02, , 2F
隊友肯活久一點的話 SPG不會讓你失望的=w=
01/05 12:02, 2F

01/05 12:03, , 3F
最近有點討厭XVM的原因是 有些人在說沒裝XVM來觀察
01/05 12:03, 3F

01/05 12:04, , 4F
01/05 12:04, 4F

01/05 12:08, , 5F
查了一下dossier M12 直接命中率41% 每發均傷499
01/05 12:08, 5F

01/05 12:08, , 6F
M40/43爬頂炮中 M41是SPG改版前玩的
01/05 12:08, 6F

01/05 12:10, , 7F
01/05 12:10, 7F

01/05 12:10, , 8F
01/05 12:10, 8F

01/05 12:12, , 9F
歷史戰役沒有法國? B1表示: how terrible
01/05 12:12, 9F

01/05 12:13, , 10F
01/05 12:13, 10F

01/05 12:13, , 11F
01/05 12:13, 11F

01/05 12:16, , 12F
Pegasus99是怎麼算的? 又不能預設沒直擊就是0傷
01/05 12:16, 12F

01/05 12:22, , 13F
01/05 12:22, 13F

01/05 12:23, , 14F
01/05 12:23, 14F

01/05 12:35, , 15F
01/05 12:35, 15F

01/05 12:42, , 16F
01/05 12:42, 16F

01/05 12:50, , 17F
所以我覺得SPG還有蠻多可能性的 加上爆散傷數值還能
01/05 12:50, 17F

01/05 12:50, , 18F
01/05 12:50, 18F

01/05 12:56, , 19F
01/05 12:56, 19F

01/05 12:59, , 20F
01/05 12:59, 20F

01/05 13:01, , 21F
另外279不做也太可惜了... 做出來就變祖國鼠式了
01/05 13:01, 21F

01/05 13:30, , 22F
no jerking in the new motion model during gear
01/05 13:30, 22F
感謝doom大 我終於看懂了 果然還沒學開車無法參透那是啥意思...

01/05 13:34, , 23F
先是砍準度 再砍連臉 再看阿發 地獄貓線冰存的時機
01/05 13:34, 23F

01/05 13:37, , 24F
279不會變祖國鼠式 等效裝甲接近鼠式但車重僅有60頓
01/05 13:37, 24F

01/05 13:38, , 25F
01/05 13:38, 25F

01/05 13:38, , 26F
doomhammer那句是說 換檔時不會亂抖 這樣嗎?
01/05 13:38, 26F

01/05 13:38, , 27F
switch 是指戰車換檔不會抖一下吧
01/05 13:38, 27F

01/05 13:39, , 28F
01/05 13:39, 28F

01/05 13:39, , 29F
01/05 13:39, 29F

01/05 13:40, , 30F
01/05 13:40, 30F

01/05 13:40, , 31F
01/05 13:40, 31F

01/05 13:42, , 32F
以後實裝換檔機制換檔瞬間會抖動一下 那個歷練技能
01/05 13:42, 32F

01/05 13:42, , 33F
01/05 13:42, 33F

01/05 13:42, , 34F
01/05 13:42, 34F

01/05 13:48, , 35F
01/05 13:48, 35F

01/05 13:52, , 36F
switch gear純只換齒輪的時候 "jerking "只抽動的現
01/05 13:52, 36F

01/05 13:54, , 37F
01/05 13:54, 37F

01/05 14:00, , 38F
喔 看原文 應該是說新的換檔機制不會抖動 加速過程會
01/05 14:00, 38F

01/05 14:01, , 39F
01/05 14:01, 39F
不好意思造成誤會了 orz

01/05 14:02, , 40F
01/05 14:02, 40F

01/05 14:03, , 41F
單一炮的傷害 也就是一打照面立刻噴掉的血量
01/05 14:03, 41F

01/05 14:03, , 42F
01/05 14:03, 42F

01/05 14:04, , 43F
01/05 14:04, 43F

01/05 14:04, , 44F
ex: E-25 alpha很低 而DPM很不錯
01/05 14:04, 44F

01/05 14:05, , 45F
01/05 14:05, 45F

01/05 14:07, , 46F
01/05 14:07, 46F

01/05 14:14, , 47F
IS6任務 法國SPG打了十萬經驗
01/05 14:14, 47F

01/05 14:18, , 48F
01/05 14:18, 48F

01/05 14:19, , 49F
01/05 14:19, 49F

01/05 14:23, , 50F
KV1S的DPM不差 裝填太久的錯覺而已
01/05 14:23, 50F

01/05 14:26, , 51F
哦 好吧 看來錯覺的是我XD
01/05 14:26, 51F

01/05 14:30, , 52F
樓上怎麼了 ....
01/05 14:30, 52F

01/05 14:32, , 53F
01/05 14:32, 53F

01/05 14:57, , 54F
E 25能連射2分鐘的話也有5500了
01/05 14:57, 54F

01/05 15:03, , 55F
我的意思是 下面沒有了
01/05 15:03, 55F

01/05 15:28, , 56F
是三分鐘吧 60發彈藥量 RoF:20
01/05 15:28, 56F

01/05 15:34, , 57F
快填車長100之類該有的東西差不多了 2秒左右
01/05 15:34, 57F

01/05 16:09, , 58F
01/05 16:09, 58F

01/05 16:09, , 59F
01/05 16:09, 59F

01/05 16:26, , 60F
頂多壓到2.4~2.5s吧 2秒應該是沒法
01/05 16:26, 60F
※ 編輯: tai33ru 來自: (01/05 18:30)

01/05 19:56, , 61F
SPG上刺刀我個人感覺2 3階還算準,高階就不一定
01/05 19:56, 61F

01/05 19:57, , 62F
01/05 19:57, 62F

01/05 19:58, , 63F
我有被全速前進中的AMX 13 F3 AM刺刀爆過,超不爽XD
01/05 19:58, 63F

01/05 20:12, , 64F
現在砲車要刺刀 請至少縮圈5秒
01/05 20:12, 64F

01/05 22:06, , 65F
E-25 快填 BIA 100%組員好像2.55 2.4大概還要吃食物
01/05 22:06, 65F

01/05 22:18, , 66F
01/05 22:18, 66F

01/05 22:28, , 67F
01/05 22:28, 67F

01/05 22:32, , 68F
01/05 22:32, 68F

01/06 00:02, , 69F
01/06 00:02, 69F

01/06 00:45, , 70F
e4 降 ALPHA 不就變成更軟的 E5
01/06 00:45, 70F

01/06 09:05, , 71F
T95外面兩條是輔助用的 279不是吧
01/06 09:05, 71F

01/06 09:21, , 72F
T110E4廢很久了 E4就是一台炮比較大根的重坦而已
01/06 09:21, 72F

01/06 09:51, , 73F
一樣有分左右邊阿 同邊的履帶共用模組血量不就好了
01/06 09:51, 73F

01/06 09:55, , 74F
T95靠外側的履帶也不是輔助用吧 記得有導齒
01/06 09:55, 74F

01/06 11:47, , 75F
E4連重坦都算不上 軟趴趴
01/06 11:47, 75F

01/06 12:59, , 76F
wot善用手法恐怖平衡 沒什覺定性因素的輪流buf/nerf
01/06 12:59, 76F

01/06 13:00, , 77F
反正人人有機會 你就會覺得算了 結束這回合又是
01/06 13:00, 77F

01/06 13:02, , 78F
又是ㄧ條龍 輕坦和某些特定車種異常悲劇 沒實質buf過
01/06 13:02, 78F
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