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看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間10年前 (2014/01/03 01:30), 編輯推噓18(18029)
留言47則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
單日進帳E-25和T7CC兩張M牌。T7 combat car這種歡樂用小車拿M牌不稀奇,稀奇的是看到 有台Ha號被50機槍打到爆彈藥架... SerB entered new trolling phase: he’s now being a “grammar nazi”, commenting on grammars of those who are asking stupid stuff. Nice form of trolling :) SerB的新花招:文法納粹模式,凡是問蠢問題的都會被挑語病挑拼字啥的。 Check also the Soviet tree for WoT Blitz Overlord posted. http://overlord-wot.blogspot.cz/2013/12/all-end-of-year-summary.html WOT:B的蘇聯科技樹。 - SerB confirms that you will need entirely new skins for the HD client (SS: the old ones will not work), but WG will continue to allow you to make your own skins SerB證實新的素材包實裝之後所有舊skin都會無效,WG會繼續讓玩家自製skin。 - skill MM for random battles is not being developed (SS: it will not come) 沒有在開發,也不會有技術分房...(可不可以加個規定,誰再問這個直接鎖帳號一個月) - SerB (when commenting on one player’s whine – a player who wrote something in Russian not correctly, claiming there is a conspiracy against some players): “There is a Wargaming conspiracy against illiterate people” SerB評論某人用破俄文指控WG陰謀對付某些玩家:「對啊,對付文盲的陰謀。」 - SerB states that they already checked into the garage battle issue of players in teams that are losing, intentionally sabotaging their team or just quitting, he mentions “mega punishments” for early leavers as an option SerB表示WG已經研究過車庫戰模式下逆風那隊的玩家故意擺爛的狀況,包含故意亂玩 或是中離。他表示可以考慮「狠狠的」懲罰早早就跳出的玩家。 - the turret being ripped off during ammo rack explosion will be computed by the serverside Havoc, so that it flies the same for everyone seeing it. SerB states he’s not sure whether the turret will drop always bottom down (SS: since the bottom/inside of the turret is not modelled), but states it’s possible that the turret will simply always end up with its bottom down 被炸飛的砲塔由伺服器端的Havoc引擎計算,因此對所有玩家而言那個砲塔都會飛到同一 點上。SerB表示他還不確定炸飛的砲塔究竟會是頂蓋朝上還是頂蓋接地,(SS:因為WG 沒做砲塔內部模型),有可能被炸飛的砲塔永遠都是頂朝天。 - when asked about T110E1 and T110E2 tanks, SerB points the player towards Hunnicutt’s book “Firepower”, T110 section, first two pictures T110E1和T110E2(也就是TS-31)請自己去看Hunnicutt大師的"Firepower: A History of the American Heavy Tank", pp. 172-176。 - SerB states that there are currently no guarantees, what kind of computer will you need for HD client maximum details, but states that it should work fine on GT760 graphic card SerB表示要多好的電腦才能在HD貼圖實裝後開最高特效還不確定,GT760應該夠用。 - Object 278 tank is not planned (SS: experimental Soviet heavy tank with 130mm M-65 gun) Obj.278 (實驗型HT,主砲130mm M-65)沒打算做。 (這個問題應該回鍋了,M-65太先進所以被打槍。) - when shooting a large building, it will be possible by bring it down by shooting the ground floor to make it collapse 砲彈打進大型建築的一樓可能讓整棟建築倒塌。 - SerB states that it will most likely be impossible to destroy a tank by burying it under the falling house rubble, because a lot of the rubble will be computed client-side (Havoc) and it is practically impossible to make such calculations server-side without crashing the servers SerB表示藉由砸房子讓殘骸壓毀戰車不太可能,因為這樣會需要讓伺服器端計算一堆破壞 效果,會讓伺服器過載。 - the camera field of view will not be made selectable via a settings slider 攝影機視野不會開放在設定中用滑條方式調整。 - apparently, a turret, ripped off by an ammo rack explosion, will keep its former armor (when calculating penetrations and shells flying through it) – SerB states that if it doesn’t work (if they don’t manage to implement it), it will be made impenetrable 被炸飛的砲塔還是會視為有裝甲物體,穿透機制還是會運作,不過如果這個系統不成功或 是WG不打算裝它,那就會讓被炸飛的砲塔成為不可穿透物體。 - A-44 V-5 engine having too few hitpoints (it has 120, while other engines of its tier have 190+)? “No comment” A-44的V-5引擎模組血量太少(120,同階車的引擎血量都是190+)? 「不予置評」(之前有說過,史實上不可靠的引擎血量會比較少,大概是這個原因) - AMX-30 will come (“it’s done when it’s done”) AMX-30 WIDID - new KV-1 and IS track model is not connected with (a part of) the HD model introduction KV-1和IS的履帶模型和HD版無關。 - SerB states that LAN tournaments and team battles are two different things: that’s why team battles have “draws”, while LAN tournaments have winners counted by points SerB表示LAN錦標賽和團隊模式不一樣,所以團隊模式會有平手,而錦標賽模式則有較高分 隊伍獲勝的規則。 - captured German KV-1 will be slightly worse than elite Soviet KV-1 (“as usual”) 擄獲版KV-1會比原版稍弱(「老規矩」) - apparently (if I understand it correctly), Germans could get some hightier medium premium tanks, such as Panther Ausf.F, Panther II prototype (SS: Panther II hull with Panther I turret) or East German T-54, but no more info ( “details at our discretion”) 如果SS沒搞錯,德國可能會有某些高階金幣MT候選,例如豹F、豹二原型車(SS:豹二車體 配豹一砲塔)或是東德T-54(!),不過目前沒有詳細資料(「保密防諜」) - Tetrarch has no special MM rules (SS: apart from the ones already known) 小君主式沒有特別分房規則 - apparently the lowtier Soviet tank destroyers, announced a long time ago (SU-76BM and IT-45 was it I think) were not forgotten, their fate will be disclosed in the future 低階蘇聯金幣MT,例如SU-76BM(T-70車體配76mm S-54,組員4人,全重10噸,100hp, 正面裝甲30mm,因為人體工學實在太爛以及動力系統的問題被放棄) 和IT-45(類似的東西,基本上可以視為祖國版追獵者)並沒有被遺忘,最近會公布相關消息 - SerB confirms that within the tank (after armor penetration), the shell flies the distance of 10 gun calibers SerB確認彈頭穿入車體的深度是口徑十倍(例如150mm就是1.5m) - when roaming gets implemented, you will only be able to use it via client (SS: some Russian was asking whether he will be able to write something to the evil capitalists on forums or portal) 漫遊系統只能用客戶端系統啟動(SS:某些毛子在問能不能在論壇之類的地方宣揚我祖國 天威之類的。) - SerB states that fines for teamdamage were never directly tied to the amount of damage you cause SerB表示TK的罰金從來就不是和打出的傷害直接換算的。 (題外,昨天晚上又手滑把一顆120砲砸在自家人身上,一賠就是兩萬多...) - SerB states that things not controlled by server will have no influence on the battle (SS: as in, there will be no cheats abusing havok physics) SerB表示沒有經過伺服器運算的數據不會影響遊戲(也就是,Havoc引擎的效果只是每個 玩家在自己電腦面前看爽的,不會和傷害、隱蔽、經驗有任何連結,也沒辦法用來作弊) - Havoc has nothing to do with modelling holes in the ground apparently Havoc引擎和地上的坑洞無關連。 - Overlord admits that the M60 might not have been a good choice for CW reward tank Overlord出面承認M60拿來當CW獎品可能不是什麼好決定。 (不知道會不會在T95E6上面再包一次,我個人是希望把T95E6保留下來當MT二線頂車。) -- Tier1 似乎很好玩的樣子... Tier7 你能面對白板車嗎? Tier2 新主砲真是太令人高興了   Tier8 把組員賣掉的我,真是個笨蛋 Tier3 已經沒什麼好研發的了     Tier9 那樣的前置變速箱,我絕不允許 Tier4 死組員、壞零件,都是存在的 Tier10 再也不依靠隊友 Tier5 怎麼可能會爆彈藥架 Tier11 最後留下的科技樹 Tier6 燒兩次車絕對很奇怪啊 Tier12 我最好的開發商(WG) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/03 01:39, , 1F
01/03 01:39, 1F

01/03 02:06, , 2F
T95E6 \0.0/ 外型挺討喜的 防護能力應該也差不多
01/03 02:06, 2F

01/03 02:07, , 3F
01/03 02:07, 3F

01/03 02:29, , 4F
車庫戰防止擺爛也不難 拉近勝跟敗的exp/錢加成就好了
01/03 02:29, 4F

01/03 02:32, , 5F
01/03 02:32, 5F

01/03 02:34, , 6F
差異大才會擺爛 殺很大可是兵敗如山倒 誰不會想早早
01/03 02:34, 6F

01/03 02:34, , 7F
01/03 02:34, 7F

01/03 02:35, , 8F
差異小 就算快輸 換一台進去多殺幾台就是exp/錢
01/03 02:35, 8F

01/03 02:36, , 9F
那不如敗方傷害/偵傷/潛傷之類 前三的收益增加
01/03 02:36, 9F

01/03 02:36, , 10F
01/03 02:36, 10F

01/03 02:38, , 11F
Leopard2 ProtoType! 這有一定要衝的!
01/03 02:38, 11F

01/03 02:40, , 12F
看錯原來是放在老美博物館的Panther II原型~
01/03 02:40, 12F

01/03 02:42, , 13F
那是Panther2豹2式坦克 非現代Leopard2豹二阿
01/03 02:42, 13F

01/03 03:08, , 14F
T7CC五零機槍真得很崩潰 MkⅣc的娛樂性還高些
01/03 03:08, 14F

01/03 03:22, , 15F
01/03 03:22, 15F

01/03 03:29, , 16F
做的出現代豹二那根本屠殺 大家全部轉投德國
01/03 03:29, 16F

01/03 07:24, , 17F
01/03 07:24, 17F

01/03 07:24, , 18F
打得要死要活拿一千左右 沒做事就能拿300多
01/03 07:24, 18F

01/03 07:46, , 19F
聯屬支持敗方前?結算視同勝方 勝方末?視同敗方~
01/03 07:46, 19F

01/03 07:46, , 20F
01/03 07:46, 20F

01/03 09:14, , 21F
跨掉的房子沒有物理效果真的有點可惜 看他是二樓以上
01/03 09:14, 21F

01/03 09:15, , 22F
房子垮掉這運算量超大的 感覺不太可能做 不然就是優
01/03 09:15, 22F

01/03 09:15, , 23F
01/03 09:15, 23F

01/03 09:15, , 24F
才有這種設定 對地形影響也不大 跨下來還是ㄧ堵牆在
01/03 09:15, 24F

01/03 09:16, , 25F
01/03 09:16, 25F

01/03 09:18, , 26F
還有炸飛炮塔沒有說大概落點算法 只說由伺服器同步
01/03 09:18, 26F

01/03 09:19, , 27F
01/03 09:19, 27F

01/03 09:19, , 28F
會不會只有設定幾個方位雖機選擇 沒加入物理運算
01/03 09:19, 28F

01/03 09:33, , 29F
看漏有用物理運算 拍謝
01/03 09:33, 29F

01/03 09:34, , 30F
01/03 09:34, 30F

01/03 09:55, , 31F
130mm M65某些情況角度下其實表現比美國120M58還差
01/03 09:55, 31F

01/03 09:56, , 32F
01/03 09:56, 32F

01/03 09:59, , 33F
01/03 09:59, 33F

01/03 10:05, , 34F
278是渦輪引擎 277是一般引擎 同279 這三台可以算兄
01/03 10:05, 34F

01/03 10:05, , 35F
弟 反正不管怎樣都會比IS7好
01/03 10:05, 35F

01/03 10:08, , 36F
01/03 10:08, 36F

01/03 10:09, , 37F
至於M58 vs M65,30deg@1000m分別是221/240
01/03 10:09, 37F

01/03 10:10, , 38F
01/03 10:10, 38F

01/03 10:13, , 39F
01/03 10:13, 39F

01/03 10:13, , 40F
01/03 10:13, 40F

01/03 11:49, , 41F
那三台SerB有說過太先進不能放 不然我也想要
01/03 11:49, 41F

01/03 13:34, , 42F
OBJ277和278是兄弟車沒錯 但除主砲外和279也差太多
01/03 13:34, 42F

01/03 13:49, , 43F
277/278/279/770 這串共同點就是核防護跟M65武裝
01/03 13:49, 43F

01/03 13:50, , 44F
277/278同設計群 另外兩台的設計群都不同稱不上兄弟
01/03 13:50, 44F

01/03 15:25, , 45F
被原PO T7CC carry到M牌的mk.VIc路過
01/03 15:25, 45F

01/04 10:26, , 46F
01/04 10:26, 46F

01/04 10:26, , 47F
01/04 10:26, 47F
文章代碼(AID): #1InQ9C0Z (Wargaming)