[情報] FTR Q&A 2

看板Wargaming作者 (磁磚大)時間10年前 (2013/11/02 01:47), 編輯推噓9(9011)
留言20則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
比起每日Q&A FTR每周Q&A的問題好像能引起大家的興趣 所以今天就優先翻這個吧 :D 1. Is it possible for battle results (debriefing) screens to be saved into replays? If so, how high a priority does this have? 任務報告有可能跟RP存在一起嗎?如果可以的話優先度大概多高? This won’t be touched for now. We are working on server replays. (Storm) Storm:目前還不會做,我們正在弄伺服器RP 2. We know the developers are thinking of high-level (tier 10) content, similiar to 7/42 battles. But are there are plans for any low level content, based on the same principle? (7 players, tier 4-6 maximum as an example) 之前有說開發組考慮做10階的團體對戰模式,那有可能做低階的(例如 4-6階)的團體對戰嗎? There are no plans for such content. (Storm) Storm:目前不考慮。 3. The French and the Chinese currently have their light branches up to tier 8 and we know there are such plans for the Germans (RU251) and Americans, while the Soviets have only “paper” tanks for those tiers. What about the Japanese and the British – are there any hightier candidates for the light tank branch? 目前法國線跟中國線擁有高階輕坦線,而之後有德國和美國的高階輕坦 計畫,不過蘇聯符合條件的好像只有圖紙車。那日本跟英國呢?他們有 相對應的高階輕坦可以做候選車嗎? We haven’t found yet any fitting Japanese or British tanks. If we find data, we will implement tanks. (Storm) Storm:目前沒有找到合適的,如果有任何資料,我們就會做。 Cannoneer explains this issue further: Cannoneer之後補充: The most powerful light tank of the Imperial Army (eg. until 1945) is the Ke-Ho, that we will have on tier 4. Many know already, that there will be Type 61 (first mass-produced Japanese post-war tank) and STA-1 (first Type 61 prototype) in the release tree. Before STA-1, there were technical requirements issued for a 20 ton tank with 76mm gun and after that for a 25 ton tank with 90mm gun – and after that the weight was increased to 30 tons because of the thicker armor. That means there is some potential, but unfortunately we don’t have information about the projects, that were presented by the company as an answer to the requirements. One player on the US forums collected all that is known at this moment about those projects here. 日本陸軍至1945年的計劃裡威力最強的是在遊戲中將會放在四階的ケホ 。而61式(日本第一台量產的戰後車)與STA-1(61式的第一台原型車) 已經被放進遊戲裡了。而在STA-1之前,日本曾提出技術上的需求,發展 裝有 76炮的20噸坦克跟之後計畫裝有90炮的25噸坦克,之後更提出裝甲 更厚的 30噸計畫。儘管這些看起來有做進遊戲的潛力,但是這些計畫沒 有更進一步的資訊。這就是WG對於這個問題的解釋。底下有一個WOTNA論 壇的朋友收集了所有目前已知的計畫,見連結: http://tinyurl.com/pznbbft 有機會再翻出來 For Britain, there are two potential candidates. First is the A46/FV301. A46 is a project from 1943 to replace the Stuart and Chaffee with something carrying the 77mm gun (the same Comet has). FV301 is the development of the A46 project. Unfortunately, there are no drawings found for A46 yet. 英國現則有兩個可能的候選車,一個是A46/FV301,A46是1943 年英國為 了取代史都華跟霞飛,所發展的77mm砲輕坦(彗星頂炮)FV301是根據前 述計畫發展出的樣車。不過目前為止沒有發現任何有關A46的設計圖。 http://tinyurl.com/nvdzd9p FV300系列介紹 The second is the light tank project by Vickers-Armstrong from 1960 (Vickers Design No. 45569 T), armed with the same gun as the Centurion (20pdr), but two times lighter. The development of this project led to the Vickers MBT. Again, there are no drawings of this tank yet. 另一個計劃是維克斯─阿姆斯壯公司 1960年的計畫,裝設跟百夫長相同 的 20磅炮,但是重量輕一半。之後這個計劃發展成維克斯主戰。同樣這 台車也沒有留下設計圖。(這個就找不到介紹了) 4. Are there any plans to implement player activated skills or perks for the crew? 有計畫加入可以讓玩家控制開關的組員歷練或技能嗎? No, there are no such plans. 目前沒有計畫。 5. Is it planned to increase the visual customization of vehicles, like adding of achievement markers, extra toolboxes, sandbags and the like, if so, could we expect that feature possibly next year? 可能讓玩家有更多自訂車輛外觀的選項出現嗎? 例如說貼出獎章、外掛 工具箱、沙包或之類的。如果有這計畫,明年有機會看的到嗎? Completely possible. But I will not reveal the details yet. (Storm) Storm:非常有可能!不過我們不會透漏更多細節。 6. On several meetings with EU British tank expert Challenger, it was openly said that the current British tier 10 medium tank FV4202 is not historical and that the armor was much worse in real life. Will the FV4202 see any changes, aside from the possible 20 pounder stock gun? Specifically, bringing the armor to historical parameters and replacing it with something else. 在跟EU論壇的坦克專家 Challenger談過幾回之後,大家認為目前的英國 10階中坦 FV4202不符合史實,現實裝甲比遊戲中差。那麼這台車之後會 有除了改回白板 20磅炮之外的改變嗎?例如說將他的裝甲改回史實,或 是用別台車取代之類的。 Yes, we are thinking about that question and adding the 20pdr gun as the stock gun on current tier 10 tank will be only a half-hearted solution, influencing balance. 沒錯,我們正在考慮這個問題,但是將 20磅炮加到這台車上並不是個很 好的解決辦法,而且也影響平衡。 7. Is there a chance to see the Chieftain tank (prototype) in 2014? 2014年可能看到酋長式原型加到遊戲裡嗎? There is a chance, but our only guess for now is first half of 2014 這有可能,不過我們目前預估時間點會在2014上半年。 8. The multiturret mechanism: if it is implemented, will it be possible to unlock secondary gun modules too? (for example, M3 Lee upgrading both the 75mm and the 37mm turret gun separately) 如果多砲塔機制做好了,我們能夠在這台車上點出第二管炮的?(例如 M3 Lee會有37mm跟75mm兩管炮) Yes, definitely. 肯定有 9. Can we expect to see South American tanks in the game at some point? 未來某個時間點有可能會加入南美洲的坦克嗎? Yes, one way or another they will appear. (SerB) 會有的,不管用哪種方式。 10. Has the fate of the S-Tank been decided yet, given its complicated suspension and aiming system? 瑞典 S-Tank的命運已經決定了嗎?會讓他們有複雜的懸吊跟瞄準系統嗎? For now, we don’t plan to implement it. All’s fine with the Swedes even without this tank. (SerB) (as in, Swedish branch is filled) SerB: 目前我們沒計畫要做,目前規劃的瑞典線甚至沒有把它放進去。 (也就是說,可能瑞典線已經放滿了。) 11. Will you add tanks and proposed tank designs from 1900 – 1921? Like the Motorgeschütz (Burstyn tank), British Mark series, Saint-Chamond and A7V? 會放入1900年到1921年之間的坦克嗎?( Motorgeschütz、英國Mark系 列、聖夏蒙或是德國A7V) For now there are no plans for that, but principially it’s possible. (SerB) 目前還沒有這個打算,不過原則上有可能。 12. Is there a plan to implement an American premium tank destroyer? Is there any (even vague) ETA other than KTTS? (this is a very popular question) 有計劃加入美國金幣TD嗎?預計大概何時實裝? With high probability next year. 明年有很大的機會會出。 13. Do skill bonuses such as improved ventilation or the commander bonus have any effect on the Jack of All Trades skill effects? For instance, if the commander fills in for one crew member, will this virtual crew member always be 50% trained, regardless of ventilation, etc? 風扇或是車長滿百的組員加成對「半桶水」的效果有影響嗎? 舉例來說 ,如果半桶水技能發動, 車長替補一名組員的工作,那麼這個位置不管 有沒有風扇或是其他效果的加成,都會是50%的熟練度? Yes, all bonuses apply. SerB:有影響,任何的熟練度加成都會生效。 14. A very common question: from previous communication with developers, we know that the developers will not be banning “troll platoons” (for example one tier 10 tank platooning with two tier 1 tanks) – could we please hear the official reason, why are such platoons allowed, because many feel they bring nothing to the game and are a destructive element only. 之前跟開發組溝通的結果, 我們知道開發組不會把「亂組戰車排」的人 給BAN掉(例如10階車組 1階車)。可以給一個正式的解釋,為什麼允許 這樣的組隊情形存在嗎?在我看來這些人對遊戲只有壞處沒有好處啊? Such a platoon is compensated by other vehicles on the team being stronger compared to the opponent. Battles consisting of only tier 10 tanks (with the inclusion of Chaffee and tier 8 light tanks with 12 battletier) are insignificantly few. (SerB) SerB: 這樣組隊情況給予自家隊伍分隊的補償,使分隊結果比其他隊更 強,而且其實現在12階分房(純10階場,包含8階輕坦進這種房的情況) 並不多見。 15. The developers talked about server-side replays – if that happens, does this mean the replays will be compatible with old versions? 開發組曾提到在開發伺服器端RP ,如果這功能實裝了,是代表以前的RP 會跟新版本相容嗎? No. The versions will be incompatible the same way (as it is), since the content, on which the replays are viewed is in changing (maps first and foremost). (Storm) Storm:不是, 版本對應還是照舊,重點是RP的內容呈現方式改變。 (地圖重製是目前最重要的工作) 16. Will they extend the friends list so that you can have several friends there? 你們會放寬好友數量限制以容納更多的好友嗎? Yes. The next chat version the contact list will be made longer and improved. (Storm) Storm:會的,在下個版本的聊天機制我們會改進聯繫名單,並將他做得 更長。 17. Is there a possibility of low and high velocity ammunition for artillery being introduced in the future as an option? (So an artillery player must choose whether to fire a high velocity shell with flat curve, or “lob” a low velocity shell under high angle, allowing him to reach behind obstacles better, but sacrificing the velocity) 未來有可能做出飛行速度可供選擇的炮兵彈藥嗎?(這樣的機制讓砲兵 玩家可以在平射高速彈─可以更快的打擊到目標,或是曲射低速彈─讓 砲彈容易打到躲在障礙物之後的坦克,之間做出選擇) Maybe in the future, when we reach the artillery balance point we desire with current simple rules. 也許之後,如果未來必須平衡砲兵,我們傾向跟目前的機制一樣簡單。 18. I understand that the current 8.9 new German TD line is set for now, but I ’m curious however what led to the choice of the Waffentrager E-100 as the top-tier, versus – say – the Waffentrager Panther in its various proposed forms (such as the Rheinmetall’s “Skorpion”, see Doyle and Spielberger’s work). The transition to the much larger and heavily armored (hull) E-100 seems jarring given the progression and playstyle of the line. 我了解目前德國TD線已經定案了,不過我好奇為什麼會決定將 WT E-100 設做該線10階?而非WT Panther的衍生型號(像是萊茵金屬WT Panther ,參見Doyle跟Spielberger的著作)。WT E-100 大而厚重的車體似乎跟 該線的特色與升級的過程似乎不太合? Scorpion is not strong enough for tier 10. No way. The point of the E-100 is the fact it can mount more powerful and heavier AA system without such a loss of mobility like the Maus has. And you can’t mount anything more powerful than the tier 9 normal 128mm on the Panther chassis. (SerB) SerB:不可能,因為萊茵金屬「天蠍式」如果作為 10階會不夠強。選擇 E-100的原因是因為他的車體可以裝上威力更強的防空系統而不會像鼠式 一樣犧牲太多的速度。而且沒辦法在黑豹的底盤上裝上比 9階128mm火力 更強的炮。(譯:我認為有道理,如果Skorpion放到10階卻只能裝128, 對TD來說太悲劇了...) 19. Was it ever or is it considered for very good players (with “good” being defined by Wargaming-picked criteria such as winrate) to recieve visual rewards for their mastery (new camouflage, possibly a reward tank in extreme cases) as an incentive to “learn to play better”? 曾經有任何提議要讓「好玩家」(在WG所採用的標準下有好表現的玩家) 因為他們的成就而獲得看的見的獎勵,來鼓勵大家學習如何玩得更好嗎? (獎勵可能可以是新的偽裝塗裝,甚至可以獎勵一台坦克) Such rewards were considered. For now, this will not be implemented because of the possible “toxicity” of bad players. (SerB)   SerB:這提議可以列入考慮。不過目前考量到心術不正的玩家所造成的 不確定性,目前不會發展這個想法。 20. Storm wrote recently that he expects a break between the Japanese tanks and any new tanks added after them. Does this break also concern (subjectively highly requested) French tanks (second heavy line) – or, specifically, when it comes to tanks added after the Japanese, how high a priority do the French heavies have? Storm曾經寫到希望在日本線加入遊戲後,會暫時停歇,讓其他線的新坦 克加入。請問這個意味著法國第二重坦線(個人強烈希望)會接在後面 ?或更精確地講,法國新重坦線接在日本線後面推出的優先度多高? For now we won’t comment on tank plans. There are many changes. (Storm) Storm:我們目前不評論任何坦克計畫,有很多變數。 原文網址:http://tinyurl.com/ontpdlt 然後今天有沒有人能夠幫忙翻一下Q&A?? 明天早上要上德文應該是沒時間繼續翻了 OAQ --

05/04 19:29,
05/04 19:29

05/04 19:30,
樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!
05/04 19:30

05/04 19:32,
還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿
05/04 19:32

05/04 19:33,
05/04 19:33

05/04 19:34,
05/04 19:34
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/02 01:49, , 1F
11/02 01:49, 1F

11/02 01:57, , 2F
如果Q&A是日文我能幫忙 英文抱歉沒辦法(苦笑
11/02 01:57, 2F

11/02 01:58, , 3F
11/02 01:58, 3F

11/02 01:59, , 4F
比如RP版本跟伺服器端RP的影響 還有半桶水跟BIA
11/02 01:59, 4F

11/02 02:00, , 5F
哈哈沒有關係啦~我發現今天Q&A沒有很多 繼續來翻XD
11/02 02:00, 5F

11/02 02:02, , 6F
11/02 02:02, 6F

11/02 02:02, , 7F
11/02 02:02, 7F

11/02 02:03, , 8F
11/02 02:03, 8F
對不起...我念起來順就...早該想到是 Rhine-metall了QQQ 已更正 :)

11/02 02:05, , 9F
11/02 02:05, 9F

11/02 02:08, , 10F
11/02 02:08, 10F

11/02 02:09, , 11F
11/02 02:09, 11F
了解~大致補上該段翻譯了 :)

11/02 02:23, , 12F
Estimated Time of Arrival
11/02 02:23, 12F

11/02 03:36, , 13F
11/02 03:36, 13F

11/02 04:30, , 14F
11/02 04:30, 14F

11/02 08:46, , 15F
好認真仔細~ 推~
11/02 08:46, 15F

11/02 15:11, , 16F
YA酋長式原型要來了XD 然後FV4202要變強了?
11/02 15:11, 16F

11/02 19:23, , 17F
11/02 19:23, 17F

11/02 19:35, , 18F
11/02 19:35, 18F

11/02 19:36, , 19F
11/02 19:36, 19F
更正了~ 翻這個每次都會眼花OAQ

11/02 20:12, , 20F
11/02 20:12, 20F
※ 編輯: tai33ru 來自: (11/02 21:10)
文章代碼(AID): #1IS-afBo (Wargaming)