[情報] 6/30 Q&A+8.7超測資訊

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/07/01 11:25), 編輯推噓82(853164)
留言252則, 50人參與, 最新討論串1/1
超測資訊。請注意下述的東西隨時都有可能變動,要戰SerB老母之前請先弄清楚這點。 - T-50 will NOT apparently lead to MT-25, it will lead to T-34 T-50的科技樹會改為連上T-34,而不是MT-25 - MT-25 will be unlockable from KV-1S MT-25可以從KV-1S上面點出 - current accumulated T-50 XP will be somehow transferred to KV-1S 現在T-50上的經驗會被轉到KV-1S上面 - Panther tanks (apparently both Panther I and II) will be rebalanced, they will lose their top engines, but will recieve a rate of fire buff (amongst other things) 豹式和豹二的頂引擎都會被拔掉,但是開火速率會提升 = SS:SerB現在沒有複製原問題,所以有些答案得跳掉(我搞不懂原本到底問了什麼問題) - according to The_Chieftain, it’s possible (not anytime soon tho) that the T29 series of US heavy tanks will eventually be nerfed, because preliminary measuring suggest that the mantlets aren’t as thick as it was originally thought Chieftain表示T29/T30/T34未來可能會nerf,因為測量結果表示砲盾沒有原本想的厚。 - SerB won’t tell, how EXACTLY is the XP income calculated SerB不會透露XP的詳細公式 (透露之後大概會每天有幾十個笨蛋拿著戰報問SerB他為什麼少拿30經驗之類的) - apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the developers ran across) 之前提過4502B可能會拔砲拔裝甲降級,保時捷線的T9可能會放老鼠原型車。 - SerB states that while the HESH might be reconfigured for another mechanism, the spall liner will continue to work against it SerB表示即使未來HESH可能開發出專用的傷害計算機制,襯層仍然會對HESH有效 - no new heavy lines have been introduced lately, because there are few candidates for them. They will come in time. 最近沒有新的HT線,因為缺車。總之WG會想辦法生出來。 - it’s possible there might be a new “Interesting mechanics” video, explaining the 8.6 changes 有可能會有新的影片解釋8.6的新引入機制 - it’s possible the option (mentioned in March) to retrain various crewmembers to another role (for example radioman to gunner) will come in time, but it doesn’t have too high a priority, as there are “more important tasks” and implementing this would take like a month of work 之前提過曾經考慮開發把組員改訓為別的專長(例如說無線電手二度就業),目前有在開發 ,但是優先順序很低,因為「我們有更重要的工作」,而開發這個系統可能要一個月。 - random games without platoons are not planned 不會有無裝甲排的隨機模式 - there are no plans to nerf tank destroyers for now 不打算nerf TD,至少目前不打算。 - SerB said he predicted that the next target of mass whining will be the tank destroyers – and that he was right SerB表示他老早就猜改版後會有幾卡車的人開始對TD哭哭,而且他猜對了。 - shells in WoT are not objects, they have no mass or dimensions, they are basically just dots (so are the points of impact – they are not “holes”) 砲彈沒有被做成物體,沒有質量或是體積,基本上只是點,所以打在裝甲上的點不會被 認定為洞。 - SerB states it’s not true that a shell only has following parameters: penetration, damage, velocity, he also names caliber, base ricochet angle, base approach angle, damage to modules and splash. And that’s all. SerB表示砲彈的數值除了穿甲、傷害和飛行速度之外,還有口徑、基本彈跳角、 基本入射角、模組破壞值和爆風半徑,而這些就是砲彈的所有數值。 - SerB confirms that since the RU7 server works with a special matchmaker version, then yes, at any point the developers can change the MM mechanism on various servers separately SerB承認他們在RU7測試特殊分房規則這件事情表示開發組有權在任何時間點在不同伺服器 上引入不同的分房規則。 - the WoWp open beta will be launched on 2nd July, but the unified premium account will come a bit later WoP的OB會在7/2上路,但是和WoT共用的P帳會晚點上路。 - SerB is playing WoWp even for pleasure (not just as a job), he plays with mouse-keyboard SerB玩WoP除了工作外也是玩好玩的,他是用鍵盤滑鼠。 - apparently, the preferred trees in Baltic countries and in China are Soviet 波羅的海三國和中國玩家喜歡的科技樹是蘇聯 - it won’t be possible for players to choose their preferable MM spread (SS: some player actually wanted a -2/+4 spread for his KV) 不可能讓玩家選自己想要的MM(某玩家要求讓他的KV有-2~+4,也就是最高往上分到T9) - keyboard indicator on password screen, tank carousel selection in the garage and aim sights with timers and colour choices are not considered too important by SerB 輸入密碼時的鍵盤指示器(這啥,capslock?)、車庫中的轉盤式戰車選擇(旋轉木馬那樣?) 、有倒數功能或可以選顏色的瞄準器之類的東西對SerB來說不太重要。 - there are no plans to introduce a “cyclone filter” equivalent for German and American tanks 不打算讓德美戰車安裝濾清器。 - Q: “There are too many KV-1S, will they get their 122mm removed?” A: “ How terrible…” 「KV-1S太多了,可不可以拔了122砲?」 「好貼蘿蔔....」 - Q: “Will Hetzer lose its 105mm?” A: “How terrible…” 「追獵者的105砲會拔掉嗎?」 「好貼蘿蔔....」 - it’s possible that when the hulls of the vehicles are interchangeable, the name of the tank will change with them, but for now this won’t be implemented (SS: there is a plan to introduce a feature that hulls will be unlockable as modules) 未來當車體變成可變更組件的時候,戰車的名稱會隨著不同的車體變動,不過目前 還不會實裝。 - the “bamboo canes” on Chinese maps provide no camo bonus at all 中國地圖的竹子沒有隱蔽效果 - more realistic tank destruction model will come 以後會有更真實的戰車破壞模型 - SerB states that since this answering is not his duty but his free time, he considers it a relaxation 「SerB表示回答玩家的問題不是職務而是在他的自由時間進行的,他覺得這是種休閒。」 - MT-25 stats? “No comment on leaks, wait for patchnotes” MT-25的性能? 「不評論流出資料,去等我們的patchnote」 - your game settings are stored on your computer, not on the server, it’s impossible for now to do it serverside 遊戲設定檔案存在電腦上而不是伺服器端。目前不可能在伺服器端幫玩家存設定。 - SerB confirms: E-79 is a fake tank, invented by the Japanese (modellers) E-79是永野護空想的。 (看E-79那個樣子就知道它完全不符合E系列的設計風格和命名方式,) - this situation is impossible in WoT, as the physical armor in the game is 0mm thick – armor thickness is just a number 某個狀況(我猜是彈頭卡在裝甲之類的,圖掛了)在WoT裡不可能,因為裝甲設定上沒有 模型厚度,只有一個叫做「裝甲厚度」的數值。 - SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never showed up SerB表示即使有人威脅要燒他全家打他媽媽,到目前為止從來沒有真的怎樣過。 - no alternative turret designs for Indien-Panzer have been found, if some appear, the devs will add them to the game 目前沒有找到iPanzer的替換砲塔,如果有的話會加進遊戲中 - T-44 is moving worse than T-54 (despite having a powerful engine), because “the suspension is obsolete” 即使引擎出力比較好,T-44的機動性還是比T-54差,原因是懸吊系統設計太舊。 - SerB states that the implementation of Japanese tanks into the game goes slowly. Wargaming did get some data, but SerB is asking players – if anyone has any additional data on the Japanese heavies, send them SerB表示日本線的開發進度很慢,WG雖然有找到一些資料,但是還是公開徵求日本重坦 的相關資料,手頭有資訊的玩家請寄給WG。 - SU-14-2 elevation angle won’t be buffed SU-14-2的仰角不會buff。 - periodical map changes are based on Wargaming’s interpretation of map statistics, such as sides winrates, places where tanks die etc. 定期更動地圖的依據是WG的地圖數據評估,例如說出發點和勝率的關係、戰車通常在哪些 點爆車之類的。 - the case where a new tank crew member is being added to a tank (the MT-25 case) has not happened before MT-25多送一個組員這件事沒有先例(ELC是送全車組員) - Japanese medium tanks won’t be commented for now, but SerB comments on the Japanese tanks in general: medium tanks are ready (SS: as in all found), there are some issues with the heavies (not enough credible info on the O-I variants and the T10 tank), there are still tier 4 and 5 holes (Type 91 and Type 95 are tier 3 max, while the Iwakuro heavy tank goes to tier 6). As for tank destroyers, those are theoretically all found, but the developers are looking for more credible info on them (not the one found on the internet). 即使目前沒有進一步評論,但是SerB表示日本MT線基本完工,但是HT線有問題(O-I的可信 資料不夠),T4和T5缺車(九一式/九五式重戰車最多放到T3,岩畔戰車放T6)。 TD部分基本完工,但是製作組還在找可靠的資料而不是網路上的說法。 - KV-1S will stay on tier 6 and will NOT lose its 122mm KV-1S會留在6階,D-2-5T不會拔掉 - it’s possible, that the Japanese tree won’t come out with a heavy branch, but with TD’s and mediums only, or even with a light/medium branch, without TD’s and heavies. 日本線實裝的時候可能不會有HT線,而是MT+TD,或是LT/MT同一線,沒有TD/HT。 - Sturmtiger is still planned 突擊虎老樣子... - Chi-He and Chi-Nu Japanese tanks will appear as mediums 一式中戰車和三式中戰車會是MT - SerB confirms that the age of the tanks fighting each other is irrelevant, Leopard 1 fighting a T-44 is just fine SerB確認交戰車種間的登場年代不重要,T44對上豹一沒什麼問題。 - SerB states that the lower penetration of wartime Soviet guns is caused not by low quality gunpowder (which was partially imported from USA, thus being of good quality), but by bad armor-piercing shell design SerB表示二戰時期蘇聯砲的穿甲能力不好不是因為發射藥品質不佳(一部分發射藥是從美國 進口的高級品),而是因為穿甲彈設計不良。 -- Немцефилен унд немцефилкен нихьт ерсте по ст тема читайнен? Орднунг мус зайн, дарум фирцейн таге нихьт шрайбен! Germanlovers und Germanloverettes nicht erste post of the topic readen? Ordnung muss zein, darum fierzen tage nicht schreiben. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/01 11:31, , 1F
07/01 11:31, 1F

07/01 11:33, , 2F
07/01 11:33, 2F

07/01 11:35, , 3F
超心酸的 竹子!!!
07/01 11:35, 3F

07/01 11:37, , 4F
你看不到我 你看不到我......
07/01 11:37, 4F

07/01 11:37, , 5F
07/01 11:37, 5F

07/01 11:38, , 6F
07/01 11:38, 6F

07/01 11:39, , 7F
07/01 11:39, 7F

07/01 11:40, , 8F
07/01 11:40, 8F

07/01 11:45, , 9F
07/01 11:45, 9F

07/01 11:46, , 10F
看MT25的影片 感覺速度不會超過50 不過加速度還OK
07/01 11:46, 10F

07/01 11:46, , 11F
07/01 11:46, 11F

07/01 11:46, , 12F
07/01 11:46, 12F

07/01 11:47, , 13F
而KV1S接MT25 所以是六階中坦
07/01 11:47, 13F

07/01 11:48, , 14F
07/01 11:48, 14F

07/01 11:54, , 15F
07/01 11:54, 15F

07/01 11:56, , 16F
MT-25是輕坦,自己去看ASAP 8.7
07/01 11:56, 16F

07/01 11:56, , 17F
07/01 11:56, 17F

07/01 11:56, , 18F
07/01 11:56, 18F

07/01 11:58, , 19F
07/01 11:58, 19F

07/01 12:02, , 20F
囧囧 原來有全數據 http://ppt.cc/kq5c
07/01 12:02, 20F

07/01 12:02, , 21F
07/01 12:02, 21F

07/01 12:03, , 22F
07/01 12:03, 22F

07/01 12:03, , 23F
看似是很胖的T-50-2 應該還是可以裝57神針
07/01 12:03, 23F

07/01 12:04, , 24F
07/01 12:04, 24F

07/01 12:21, , 25F
乾 竹子沒用.... 休閒嘛 難怪可以troll玩家
07/01 12:21, 25F

07/01 12:23, , 26F
07/01 12:23, 26F

07/01 12:23, , 27F
所以T-50-2的期貨要不要買進啊 (重點錯誤
07/01 12:23, 27F

07/01 12:24, , 28F
07/01 12:24, 28F

07/01 12:27, , 29F
07/01 12:27, 29F

07/01 12:30, , 30F
07/01 12:30, 30F

07/01 12:31, , 31F
真的 而且TD太輕都會被推開=w=
07/01 12:31, 31F

07/01 12:32, , 32F
07/01 12:32, 32F

07/01 12:33, , 33F
07/01 12:33, 33F

07/01 12:34, , 34F
用3001三兄弟的75L48對上KV-1S根本絕望啊 哭哭
07/01 12:34, 34F

07/01 12:41, , 35F
距離要拉遠 沒人叫你跟他玩進身戰..
07/01 12:41, 35F

07/01 12:42, , 36F
07/01 12:42, 36F

07/01 12:42, , 37F
SerB: 你們這些資本主義走狗甭想打 KV1S 的主意
07/01 12:42, 37F

07/01 12:42, , 38F
看到竹子 好心酸阿 XDD
07/01 12:42, 38F

07/01 12:44, , 39F
但是我覺得很公平阿 KV1S 軟軟的弱點多 裝填慢
07/01 12:44, 39F
還有 173 則推文
07/01 14:43, , 213F
其實我進 T6 場第一個打的常常是 3601 或地獄貓
07/01 14:43, 213F

07/01 14:45, , 214F
07/01 14:45, 214F

07/01 14:45, , 215F
07/01 14:45, 215F

07/01 14:47, , 216F
07/01 14:47, 216F

07/01 14:49, , 217F
kv1s的確超強 有什麼問題嗎? 為什麼要戰?
07/01 14:49, 217F

07/01 14:49, , 218F
07/01 14:49, 218F

07/01 14:50, , 219F
就像說KV1強勢就會有人出來說其實有很多弱點 對懂得
07/01 14:50, 219F

07/01 14:50, , 220F
07/01 14:50, 220F

07/01 14:55, , 221F
07/01 14:55, 221F

07/01 14:58, , 222F
剛剛就遇到KV1S近距離122打我邱七正面兩發都彈 科科
07/01 14:58, 222F

07/01 15:00, , 223F
1s不是中坦嗎 跟你玩近戰幹嘛 跑很快也沒那麼好追
07/01 15:00, 223F

07/01 15:03, , 224F
城鎮選1s 開闊地選3601 完美
07/01 15:03, 224F

07/01 15:05, , 225F
跑的快 單發超痛 就有很多可能性 T6就只有這一台
07/01 15:05, 225F

07/01 15:06, , 226F
07/01 15:06, 226F

07/01 15:09, , 227F
因為他被隊友賣一個人守一線 確認沒其他人就CALL隊友
07/01 15:09, 227F

07/01 15:10, , 228F
圍上去拉 歐拉歐拉歐拉..不過給他開到第二發有點失敗
07/01 15:10, 228F

07/01 15:13, , 229F
07/01 15:13, 229F

07/01 15:16, , 230F
克倫威爾也是 T6 很強的車阿.....
07/01 15:16, 230F

07/01 15:17, , 231F
07/01 15:17, 231F

07/01 15:18, , 232F
削弱以前的白板頭105 E2
07/01 15:18, 232F

07/01 15:21, , 233F
07/01 15:21, 233F

07/01 15:36, , 234F
虎式長88被kv-1彈掉三發... 都有瞄弱點了...
07/01 15:36, 234F

07/01 16:10, , 235F
我朋友開KV-1S 看到喵式就騎上去 打完才發現他開的
07/01 16:10, 235F

07/01 16:11, , 236F
07/01 16:11, 236F

07/01 16:12, , 237F
不要在騎小喵了 (‵ε′) 我要叫警察了
07/01 16:12, 237F

07/01 16:16, , 238F
07/01 16:16, 238F

07/01 22:17, , 239F
我有IS-3 但我完全沒開過KV-1S KV-3比較好開
07/01 22:17, 239F

07/01 22:17, , 240F
還有 8.6最快樂的是KV-2吧 152亂砸超舒壓的
07/01 22:17, 240F

07/01 22:53, , 241F
07/01 22:53, 241F

07/01 23:01, , 242F
07/01 23:01, 242F

07/02 00:51, , 243F
07/02 00:51, 243F

07/02 00:52, , 244F
07/02 00:52, 244F

07/02 00:57, , 245F
07/02 00:57, 245F

07/02 12:32, , 246F
07/02 12:32, 246F

07/02 12:32, , 247F
帳面上kv-1s裝甲不高 但是你不瞄準打其實很容易彈
07/02 12:32, 247F

07/02 12:33, , 248F
大家都知道kv-1s填充很久 但是並不是每次都是一對一
07/02 12:33, 248F

07/02 12:33, , 249F
對面三台kv-1s擺在那邊 一台開完砲你敢上嗎?
07/02 12:33, 249F

07/02 12:34, , 250F
以前就已經夠全面了 8.6改準度之後這台還可以狙擊
07/02 12:34, 250F

07/02 12:34, , 251F
07/02 12:34, 251F

07/07 03:59, , 252F
07/07 03:59, 252F
文章代碼(AID): #1HqFQTp_ (Wargaming)