[情報] 6/10 Q&A

看板Wargaming作者 (hsinhanchu)時間11年前 (2013/06/11 02:20), 編輯推噓25(25019)
留言44則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
WoWP刷起來比想像中的累,到處都有人在倒數場數就算了,還得隨時提防那種滿腦子 場數的人整架飛機撞上來......... 首先是開發組Vallter的問答 - woman crewmembers and kill barrel rings are unlikely to be ever implemented 女性組員和擊破數塗裝不打算做 - as mentioned in earlier posts, Superpershing rebalance is still being discussed, at this moment there is no plan for SP penetration buff 超潘最新進度:暫時沒打算buff穿甲力,討論中 - premium consumable price will likely stay as it is now, that 10k on test server is for test purpose only 金幣消耗品價格應該不會動,PT上面的數據是測試用。 - 8.8 will not bring US vehicle branch (SS: as it was speculated earlier), but there will be something interesting in it 8.8不會是美國線,但是會有好玩的東西 - Waffenträger E-100 gun being 150mm L/68? “No comment, but you will like it ” (SS: earlier, it was confirmed it won’t be the 210mm gun, so there are various options, including 150mm L/68 or 128mm FlaK 45) WTE-100會有150mm L68嗎? 「不予置評,反正你會喜歡」(目前確認不會是210,所以可能是150L68或是自動裝填(?)的 128mm ) - Firefly will be implemented after other tanks, that were promised earlier 螢火蟲會出,但是要等 - Garage battles most likely won’t come in 2013 車庫模式今年大概不會出現 - Superpershing historically had a GAF V8 engine (450-500hp), it’s not SP that is underpowered, it’s M26 that is unhistorically buffed 超潘史實引擎是GAF V8,並不是超潘的機動力被定太低(史實就是那麼慢),是M26拿到 不符合史實的高性能引擎。 - you will be able to sell Superpershing for gold after it gets changed, so players have the opportunity to try it out 如果相信WG的話就去買台超潘玩吧,反正以後可以賣。 - at this moment, the visual camo system (you can buy only one of each type) will stay as it is 視覺迷彩效果(只能買一種)暫時不變動 Vallter explains camouflage: Camouflage bonus as a result of using camo net and camouflage was multiplied on the camouflage value of the given tank. This resulted in the situation when the tank with good camouflage (i.e. tanks of average size) enjoyed more advantages – for instance, if camouflageof the tank was 30% (relative value) and together with the camo net it made the following 30% * 1.25 = 37.5% – 7.5% difference. At the same time tanks with bad camouflage (i.e. tanks of a big size) this effect was very insignificant. – when the tank had 5% camouflage, together with camo net it made 5% * 1.25 = 6.25% – 1.25% difference. The coefficient from camo net and camouflage itself was equal for all vehicles – 1.25 and 1.05 respectively. Bonus to camouflage from camo net and camouflage will now (starting from 8.6) be added to the camoflage value of that tank. In other words, camouflage and camo net use will provide a fixed bonus to the vehicle’s camouflage, which doesn’t depend on tank’s parameter but depending on the type of the vehicle. Due to the fact that during summarizing, old camo net and camouflage coefficients (+25% and +5%) would have influenced more – for instance, for the tank with 30%camouflage and camo net the overall rate would have been 30% + 25% = 55%, their value has been degraded and distinguished by types of vehicles – SPG and HT acquire a small bonus, LT and MT – average bonus, and TDs – a big bonus (the camo net bonus is still bigger than simply a bonus from camouflage – i.e. bonus from camo net for SPGs and HT is greater than bonus from camouflage for TDs). 大意:現行的隱蔽系統是相乘(基本值*偽裝網*迷彩),基本值受車的尺寸影響, 大車的效果不好。 8.6會改為相加(基本值+偽裝網+迷彩),基本值改為受車種影響,TD>LT=MT>HT=SPG Regular Q&A: Q&A部分 - tracks have various armor thickness, which doesn’t directly depend on vehicle weight and type of the vehicle 履帶有不同的裝甲厚度,這個數字和車重/車種不直接相關 - toughness of tracks (SS: and it’s not clear, whether hitpoints, armor, or simply module thickness are meant here, even to the player asking) is 3 times bigger in the center of the tracks module than on its edges, it’s connected with the fact that a loss of one supporting wheel is not as critical as a loss of a roadwheel) 履帶中央的強度(不知道問的是模組血量、裝甲強度還是單純的物體深度)是邊緣的三倍 ,原因是路輪受損比頂支輪受損嚴重得多。 - the reason of 50 meter automatic detection distance is somewhat realistic: at this distance, the infantry supporting the tanks can hear another tank and warn the tank crew. However, as SerB states: “want realism? join the army” 50m強制開光是因為伴隨步兵在這個距離可以聽到其他戰車且警告友方。 不過SerB還是表示「追求真實,國軍人才招募中心歡迎您」。 - there will be no infantry in WoT, because it would raise the game age restriction 不會有步兵,因為加步兵會讓遊戲分級變動。 - apparently (SS: and this is based on one Russian blog post), chat rules are practically not enforced on test server. A player tried to report some other players for advertising some botting or fake gold seller, got told that Support doesn’t deal with tickets regarding test server, SerB stated only that developers don’t deal with this PT似乎不會管制遊戲中交談內容,有玩家回報有些人在廣告掛機、詐騙之類的,客服 回應「不處理測試服的內容」,SerB表示是「開發組不管這些事」。 - developers, even the big boss (V.Kisly) pay for gold 開發組都掏錢買黃金,大頭也這樣。 - the purpose of test server is not for players to test all the vehicles (SS: SerB replies on whine that other vehicles than arties are practically impossible to test) SerB回應某玩家抱怨測試服除了SPG之外根本沒得混:「測試服不是給你拿來玩爽爽的」 - SerB states that stats such as these are possible even without botting (102k battles, 48 W/R) SerB表示不靠掛機是有可能達成102K場48% (大概是幾個人輪班打吧...) - apparently, there were cases, where some developers were banned from the game and forums too, for breaking the rules 有些開發組成員似乎因為違反規則也被ban(論壇和遊戲都是) - there is a theory on RU forums that in the 2nd German TD line, the tier 10 TD will be the Jpz E-100, in the first line it will be replaced by Jagdmaus. SerB: “No comment” (SS: that would be truly retarded, as performance-wise, those vehicles were very close to each other. And yes, there was a Jagdmaus project.) RU有個謠傳是JPE-100會被拉到WT線去,空位由獵鼠取代。 SerB表示:「懶得理你」。 (SS:這個點子超蠢,獵鼠和JPE在定位上太相近了。另外沒錯,真的有獵鼠計劃) - will some high-caliber guns be nerfed somehow in connection with their increased accuracy in 0.8.6? “If needed.” 「大口徑砲會因為8.6的精度提升而被nerf回來嗎?」 「有必要的話(潛台詞:有沒有必要我們講了算)」 -- - Q: "All tier 10 heavies lost their meaning!" - A: "Checked your stats, shrugged, didn't read further" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/11 02:24, , 1F
06/11 02:24, 1F

06/11 02:26, , 2F
這引擎聲...恩是小蟑螂 (?!)
06/11 02:26, 2F

06/11 02:32, , 3F
06/11 02:32, 3F

06/11 02:42, , 4F
06/11 02:42, 4F

06/11 03:04, , 5F
06/11 03:04, 5F

06/11 03:05, , 6F
06/11 03:05, 6F

06/11 03:08, , 7F
就放步兵但和傷害視野無關 純做視覺效果不是更好
06/11 03:08, 7F

06/11 03:12, , 8F
...樓上 重點在分級
06/11 03:12, 8F

06/11 03:13, , 9F
就純做效果和分級無關 我只是想看車長塔真的有車長xd
06/11 03:13, 9F

06/11 03:17, , 10F
然後就一砲打穿車長塔嘛 (抖)
06/11 03:17, 10F

06/11 03:19, , 11F
06/11 03:19, 11F

06/11 03:21, , 12F
06/11 03:21, 12F

06/11 03:50, , 13F
06/11 03:50, 13F

06/11 04:02, , 14F
可以做成死掉直接消失 玩家:這樣很怪阿 WG:要真實(ry
06/11 04:02, 14F

06/11 04:02, , 15F
06/11 04:02, 15F

06/11 04:15, , 16F
不可能這樣做 WG覺得這很煩
06/11 04:15, 16F

06/11 04:15, , 17F
消失就消失啊 砲管都能穿過敵車開炮射後面那台惹
06/11 04:15, 17F

06/11 04:28, , 18F
我猜WG就是只怕麻煩 =w=,難講ESRB不會看到戰車砲對人
06/11 04:28, 18F

06/11 04:29, , 19F
06/11 04:29, 19F

06/11 04:30, , 20F
06/11 04:30, 20F

06/11 08:01, , 21F
只看的到車長而已吧通常 然後把車長打掛會噴蕃茄醬
06/11 08:01, 21F

06/11 08:01, , 22F
然後用急救包會看到車長又爬起來了 然後又被打死了
06/11 08:01, 22F

06/11 08:01, , 23F
怎麼樣 我又爬起來拉~ 我又被打死拉~ 咬我阿笨蛋
06/11 08:01, 23F

06/11 08:05, , 24F
樓上講得滿有畫面的XDD 車長是殭屍嗎
06/11 08:05, 24F

06/11 08:07, , 25F
被打掉半截又長回來 有點不蘇服=w=
06/11 08:07, 25F

06/11 08:12, , 26F
這是惡靈古堡 (O) 戰車世界 (X)
06/11 08:12, 26F

06/11 09:31, , 27F
06/11 09:31, 27F

06/11 09:31, , 28F
06/11 09:31, 28F

06/11 09:32, , 29F
擊破數塗裝不做 這分明是好野人炫耀用的 居然不想賺
06/11 09:32, 29F

06/11 09:33, , 30F
超潘說法反反覆覆 Q&A 也是會吃書的
06/11 09:33, 30F

06/11 10:04, , 31F
06/11 10:04, 31F

06/11 10:14, , 32F
理論上還是76mm 目前最好的76mm是T71的彈夾
06/11 10:14, 32F

06/11 10:14, , 33F
06/11 10:14, 33F

06/11 10:26, , 34F
06/11 10:26, 34F

06/11 10:32, , 35F
06/11 10:32, 35F

06/11 10:34, , 36F
06/11 10:34, 36F

06/11 10:38, , 37F
06/11 10:38, 37F

06/11 10:42, , 38F
06/11 10:42, 38F

06/11 10:45, , 39F
06/11 10:45, 39F

06/11 12:38, , 40F
步兵被輾斃...18禁 不和諧阿!!
06/11 12:38, 40F

06/11 14:28, , 41F
螢火蟲應該是T5 or 6吧
06/11 14:28, 41F

06/11 14:59, , 42F
06/11 14:59, 42F

06/11 14:59, , 43F
victor0lynn 你忘記本身的引擎聲也是超級吵啊...
06/11 14:59, 43F

06/11 14:59, , 44F
不過畢竟是稻草人 拍起來就是奇怪
06/11 14:59, 44F
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