Re: [問題] 二戰後美軍對德國戰俘..... 是真的嗎?

看板Warfare作者時間11年前 (2012/12/02 02:48), 編輯推噓5(5013)
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※ 引述《DomainT (DomainT)》之銘言: : 以下這段是真的嗎? 假的,來源是某加拿大記者,已經被專文駁斥,以下我引用相關片段 : 而向美军投降的520万德国俘虏却遭到了比向苏联投降的俘虏还要惨的恐怖待遇。盛传 : 有一百万德国俘虏被虐杀在美军集中营里,当然这个耸人听闻的数字已无从考证, "盛传有一百万德国俘虏被虐杀在美军集中营里" 與西線失蹤德軍與德軍戰俘死亡數量不符合。 美軍紀錄,美軍俘擄的西線德軍戰俘有15,000人死亡,德國紅十字會統計西線德軍有 41,000人失蹤,考慮美軍害死戰俘的極限:失蹤西線德軍都是被美軍戰俘營害死的, 西線德軍戰俘被美軍害死的上限人數:56,000人,佔美軍俘擄西線德軍戰俘的1.1%。 "死於美軍俘虜營的一百萬德軍戰俘"沒有來源依據,被懷疑是德軍戰俘死於蘇軍的數據 加以部分挪用才得到的。 2. James Bacque's worst charges rebutted by Bischof, Ambrose, et al. In 1989, a Canadian publisher issued James Bacque, Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners of War at the Hands of the French and Americans After World War II. Bacque, a Canadian novelist, charged that US General Dwight Eisenhower, motivated by personal hatred of Germans and partly abetted by the French, caused the death (by neglect or worse) of 1 million(!) German PoWs in 1945-48. Bacque's theme sold well among certain anti-American fever-swamps in Canada, and even more among German Holocaust-deniers: if Americans killed a million helpless German PoWs from idle spite, then Nazi atrocities against Jews (which the deniers claim were exaggerated anyways) don't look so uniquely horrible. Bischof and Ambrose (and the contributors to their book) shredded Bacque's "one million" claim, highlighting crude mathematical errors and distortion of sources. Among points brought out: 1 year after the last acknowledged German PoW was released by the Soviets (1956), the West German government set up the "Scientific Commission for the History of German Prisoners of War," (sometimes called the "Maschke Commission") . They spent the next 16 years tracking the fate of German PoWs in various countries, publishing their results in 22 books. They noted Western mistreatment of German PoWs in 1945, but, studying the 6 worst camps that held 560,000 PoWs, estimated deaths from 3,000-9000, in the range of 1%. Bacque was aware of the Maschke studies, and dismissed them as a cover-up arranged between Cold War allies. He also claimed they were not released to the public at large. A limited edition (431 copies) was sold primarily to universities and research libraries. The German Red Cross in 1974 reported 41,000 missing who were last known on the Western Front. Even if one assumes they all died in US PoW camps, and adds the 15,000 PoW dead listed by the US provost marshal , that yields a maximum of 56,000, 1.1% of the peak number of PoWs held by the US. Where were the 1,000,000 bodies? For no logical reason, Bacque reduced the generally accepted death toll of PoWs taken by the Soviets by 1,000,000 while adding the same figure to the US account. Before one is too quick to blame the Soviets for their gruesome death toll (up to 50%), however, one should note that the Nazis, with greater economic resources than the Soviets, allowed a death toll of Soviet PoWs of 60% or more. Eisenhower was under careful supervision by both the US and British governments, and could not have carried out a murderous conspiracy without their knowledge. His staff included many British officers, yet Bacque, for whatever personal motives, chose to claim the British were innocent. Nevertheless, setting aside Bacque's inflated numbers and apparent vendetta against Eisenhower, there were enough truthful individual horror stories about the "Rheinwiesenlager" (USA) and French captivity to give his work some plausibility, especially to those coming across such information for the first time. -- ╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 三支女大十一金三支女大十一金三支女大十一金三支女大十一金三支女大十一金 金一十大女支三金一十大女支三金一十大女支三金一十大女支三金一十大女支三 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (12/02 02:50)

12/02 04:12, , 1F
對了 寫專文駁斥的Ambrose 就是Band of Brothers的作者
12/02 04:12, 1F

12/02 10:46, , 2F
12/02 10:46, 2F

12/02 10:46, , 3F
12/02 10:46, 3F

12/02 10:47, , 4F
12/02 10:47, 4F
是的,就是誤傳幻想文而已。 ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (12/02 10:54)

12/02 11:07, , 5F
12/02 11:07, 5F

12/02 11:48, , 6F
是有美軍虐俘的紀錄 特別是對SS戰俘
12/02 11:48, 6F

12/02 11:49, , 7F
但是要害死一百萬戰俘....美軍效率比集中營高太多了 真威XD
12/02 11:49, 7F
1948年以前的美國平民死亡率都高於1%, 照當時的戰俘營標準,紅十字會稱讚德國開設的英美軍戰俘營死亡率4%是辦得很好的, 美軍開設的德軍戰俘營死亡率則更低,也難怪德軍寧願投降美軍也不要投降蘇軍。 Official claims that the German prisoner death rate was under 1% have been disputed and the conditions in some of the camps that housed captured German soldiers support claims for a higher mortality rate.[13] For comparison the British civilian post-war mortality rate was 1.2% while in America, where there were no food shortages, the U.S. civilian mortality rate did not fall below 1% until 1948. Anglo American troops held in German POW camps had suffered a 4% mortality rate which was praised by the ICRC who credited the low figure to the German military ensuring that POWs continued to receive Red Cross food parcels despite their own food shortages in the final months of the war. ※ 編輯: Geigemachen 來自: (12/02 16:46)

12/02 17:52, , 8F
12/02 17:52, 8F

12/02 21:41, , 9F
hazel0097提的那本 作者的戰俘生活幾乎佔了全書的後半部
12/02 21:41, 9F

12/02 22:21, , 10F
12/02 22:21, 10F

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12/02 23:30, , 13F
12/02 23:30, 13F

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12/11 10:06, 15F

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01/07 18:51, 16F

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