[正規] 語音+翻譯 含TFT 中立英雄單位

看板WarCraft作者 (喜歡/討厭下雨?!)時間15年前 (2008/12/05 23:48), 編輯推噓16(16016)
留言32則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
新增TFT單位台詞 作者:黃卓 (驢子抓的中英文語音翻譯檔)   熊貓酒仙   =建造音效=   - "Fresh, cool ale here." ---有新鮮涼爽的啤酒(ale:含較多酒精的淡啤酒)   Warcry - "For Pandarea!" ---為了熊貓帝國!   =選定音效=   - "Is trouble brewing?" ---有什麼麻煩嗎?(brewing:在釀造中)   - "Name your poison." ---為你的毒藥起個名字。   - "You seem a little parched." ---你看上去有點火氣。(在他吐火之後。。。)   - "Another round?" ---再來一回合?(挑釁的意味。。)   =行動/執行動作音效=   - (japanese) ---       (一句日語,因為原先設定為日本家伙,後來雖然改了服裝,但語言沒有變。懶暴雪)   - "Oh, gladly" ---噢,很樂意   - (Japanese)   - "Ill give it a shot." ---我給它來一下子。   - (Japanese)   =攻擊音效=   - "This will be grizzly." ---這會有點灰。   - "For the Shodopon" (sp?) ---為了Shodopon!(那個padanarea的名字?)   - "Now your endangered." ---老兄現在你危險了。   - "I bring Panda-monium!" ---我帶來padan-monium!   - "Prepare to get trashed." ---準備受死!   =罵玩家音效=   - "Ale is my bear necessity."---啤酒是我生存的必需品!   - "Last call before Closing!" ---結束之前最後的召集!   - "Come drown your sorrows." ---不用太難過。   - "This will put hair all over you." ---這會讓你渾身長毛。(?!)   - "I'd kiss you, but i've got puke breath." ---我想吻你,但是我滿嘴的酒氣。   - "My dad... he was a bi-Polar."    我老爹。。。他曾是個bi-polar。(??,bi-polar:雙級。。)   - "I can't breed in captivity" ---我可不想被關起來養著。   - *burp* "Sorry." ---(『飽嗝聲』),對不起。  黑暗游俠   =建造音效=   - "Im here. As always." ---我在這,總是。   Warcry - "Let phantom arrows fly." ---讓幻影之箭飛出。   =選定音效=   - "My bow is ready." ---箭已在弦。   - "I will aid you." ---我來支援你。   - "Direct my hatred." ---指引我的憎恨。   - "Let the living beware." ---活著的傢伙你們小心點。   - "End my torment." ---請結束我的痛苦。(仍然『活』在痛苦中。。)   =行動/執行動作音效=   - "If that is your wish." ---如果你那樣想。   - "If I must." ---我必須。   - "I go." ---我這就去乾。   - "Will this ever end?" ---永無終結。。   =攻擊音效=   - "Embrace the end."---擁抱終結。    (這幾句話大家應該比較熟悉,是女妖。她原來就是女妖。)   - "Goal: death."---目標:死亡。   - "You're the lucky one." ---算你走運。   =罵玩家音效=   - "I hate what i've become." ---我憎恨我的前身。(女妖)   - "The living haunt me." ---到處都是活物!   - "Men are from Mars, I'm from the grave." ---男人來自火星,我來自墓穴。   - "I went on a job interview the other day and they were like    'uhh, whats that smell?' and I was like, 'Oh, sorry, it's me'. And    then they said they didn't think i'd be able to fit in with the other    employees, 'cause they're living and, you know, i'm dead, so i    wouldn't be a team player. But then I said I could work 24 hours. And    they said 'Oh, right. You could work the graveyard shift'."    曾經有一天我去參加了一個工作的面試,他們總是問『恩?什麼味道?』    (死人嘛,總是會有點味道的),然後總是我說『噢,對不起,那是我』。他們於    是認為我不能夠和其他同事共處。那是因為他們是活人,你知道,我是死人,所    以我不能成為團隊中的一員。但是接著我說我能夠一天24小時工作,於是他們說    『啊,對了,你可以幹大夜班。』(graveyard-shift:全體夜班的工人,而    graveyard就是墓穴)  深淵領主   =建造音效=   - I come from the darkness of the pit. 我來自黑暗深淵   =選定音效=   - Ahh  啊~~~   - What trickery is this? 這是蝦米把戲?   - What is your feeble request? 給我你那弱智的命令   - Dont waste my time 別浪費我時間   - Tremble before me! 在我面前顫抖吧!   =行動/執行動作音效=   - Ahh 啊~~~~   - What a foolish glory 多傻的榮耀啊   - Pitful 真黑   - I bring darkness 我帶來了黑暗呀~~   - You failed to amuse me 你根本沒能讓我開心~   =攻擊音效=   - I go to destory 我去破壞   - This would please me 這會讓我高興   - To the Slaughter 殺 殺殺殺殺殺   =罵玩家音效=   - You know what burns in my Ass?The flame of Desire.    知道我屁股裡蝦米在燃燒嗎?欲望之火!   - Err~~I think I`ve someone stuck in my teeth. 靠~不知道是哪個傢伙塞進了我牙縫兒~~   - Herr Herr Herr呵...呵....呵.........   - I think it`s certern.FINISH is called for here~~~OAhhhhhhrrrrrr~~~    沒錯,終結即將到來.嗷嗷~~~   火焰領主   =建造音效=   - You`re here I live 你來了,我便得到了生命   =選定音效=   - Fire away.你可以退下了.   - You may speak 你可以說話   - I`m lit 我被點著(火)了~~   - I`ll reduce all to ashes.我把一切變成灰燼   =行動/執行動作音效=   - I`ll like away(Fire away.你可以退下了.的回答)   - The order has given 得到了命令   - It is done 搞定了   - It shall be 我會搞定的   =攻擊音效=   - Ashes to ashes 一個灰燼又一個灰燼   - Consume 削弱   - The order has given 收到   - They`ll be cleansed by fire 他們會被火淨化   =罵玩家音效=   - They are mops,err~ 他們真難看~ㄜˊ   - No thanx, i don smoke.不,謝謝,我不抽煙   - Though I`m hot or what 雖然我有點熱   - Why i`m here with a foreign stranger keep following me?    為什麼總有個國外的陌生人跟著我   - So thirsty.....hahaha 太渴了~~哈哈   - I am Lord of all fire 我是一切火的領主   煉金術士   =建造音效=   - care for a cocktail?想要馬尾酒嗎?   =選定音效=   - I'm all stucked and ready to go,我準備好了,可以出發   - what do u want to be when u grow up,你長大了想幹什麼?   - i'm a chemical super freak 我是一個化學瘋子   - no, shake it, not...(explosion)不,叫你搖晃它,不是。。。(爆炸)   - one of those potions smell aweful, 『hehehheeh』 有一瓶藥水聞起來很奇怪。。。(坐騎:嘿嘿嘿。。。)   - ay, pull his finger. "that's not my finger" 把手指拿開, (坐騎:那不是我的手指)   * glass shatter *o no what did i drop? "o yeah" o wait what are you    doing? o No not the laugh potion (玻璃破碎)啊,不好,我丟了什麼?(坐騎:太棒了)啊,等等,你在幹什麼?    天啊為什麼是那瓶讓人發笑的藥水?   - you love my new recipe 你喜歡我的新配方。。。   - wanna blow something up?想炸掉些什麼嗎?   =行動/執行動作音效=   - i'll shake that right up 我去搖它。(這是方言,可以理解為交給我了)   - i'll get that mixed up 我去把它解決(原文mix翻譯為溶解)   - don't rush me不要催我   - you got it沒問題。   =攻擊音效=   - hurry i got things to blow up 快,還有東西等著我去炸呢   - taste my firery potions 嘗嘗我的火焰藥水   =罵玩家音效=   - !@#(!@^*(&^(goblin language? -.-) you fool地精語,你這個笨蛋   - for the highest bidder!為出價最高的人賣力!   獸王   =建造音效=   - I'm ready to track 我準備好追蹤了   =選定音效=   - force them out 把它們趕出去   - unleash my strength 讓我發揮力量   - my glory nears 我的榮耀即將來到   - what lies before me 我前面有什麼   - the beasts obey me 野獸們受命於我   =罵玩家音效=   - where lay ahead is my home, see that block? that's my pillow. 前面的地方就是我家,看見那塊石頭沒有?那是我的枕頭   - the beasts are on me, i'm nothing compare to the beasts within.    野獸和我共存,於體內的野獸相比,我什麼都不是   - i will now summon the "afree dwinkto" 我現在要召喚可怕的『阿佛瑞德文托(名字,音譯-。-)』了。。。   - i summon the...grasp*roar* 我開始召喚。。。(恐懼而發出的嘆氣)(野獸的怒吼)   - don't have a cow? mooo... o dear...*roar* bare with me..."moo"... *bear roar* 沒有母牛嗎?*召喚*mo(牛叫)天啊,(熊吼聲)和我一起往下看吧,不要退縮。   =行動/執行動作音效=   - on the brawl衝擊中。(brawl指球賽中少見的群毆場面。。。)   - i wander alone 我一個人漫步   - our path converage 我們的路相並   - i'm acting on an instant 我立即行動   - i've got the decent 我有這種感覺。(decent不明,可能錯誤)   =攻擊音效=   - by ban and claw 用重擊和爪   - unleash the beast 把野獸從禁制中解放   - for the mok by thrual! 為了mok by thrual音譯人名   - magie cur *orc language?*獸人語   修補匠   =建造音效=   - i'm all geared up 我武裝好了   =選定音效=   - all systems go 所有系統正常   - whatcha got 你有什麼   - the engine's running 引擎在活動   - i'm more than meets the eye (comment: ??? have no idea) 這個估計聽錯了,不過它說得很清楚,翻譯不過來,meets可能是meats   - *din!* uh-oh, my tinker bell! 叮!嗯,我的修補鐘響了   - yeah, runs on 2:20, 2:21 whatever it takes    對啊,它會在2:20,或者2:21,或者其他需要的狀態下工作   - *crack, crack*bad noise, that's a bad noise *機器摩擦*這個聲音不好聽!   - she'll hold it together, yeah baby, hold it together... *engine starts* 她(引擎)當然可以勝任,yeah baby,去吧。*引擎發動   - *machine cracking....*..*boom!* O...gona need a new hamster *機器磨損中* 。。。*爆炸*天啊。。。這回需要一個新的大老鼠了。   - i've got a rocket in that pocket我口袋裡有顆導彈   - that guy's nuts, grab him!那個家伙真是食古不化,抓住他!   =行動/執行動作音效=   - i'm on top of it 我就來了   - i can handle that 我可以擺平它   - yeah... baby 寶貝~   - let's roll out 我們出發吧   =攻擊音效=   - Owahlallalla grahlalala...    (暴氣中)歐拉歐拉歐拉歐拉~   - aye yaww 哎呀   - you have 10 seconds to comply 你還有10秒鐘來答應我   - you are terminated你掛了   =罵玩家音效=   - I'm more than meets the eye:不要以貌取人。    meet the eye就是指看上去的樣子,也就是說"我可不僅僅是看上去這樣"   - I'm all stucked and ready to go: 也是一句黑色幽默.    I'm all stucked,我被困住了. Ready to go,準備好出發了.想想他那身瓶瓶罐罐    估計想不被困住也難- -!   - bang!爆炸聲   納迦海妖   =建造音效=   - our will shall be done我們的願望會實現   =選定音效=   - is it time?時間到了嗎?   - time is short, mortal普通人,你的時間不多了   - i grow anxious to act我急躁地想出擊   - i will not be trifled with我不會任憑嘲弄的   - soon, we will reclaim the surface world, and take vengence upon the    night elves 我們(納迦)很快就會重新佔領地面世界,並向夜精靈復仇!   =罵玩家音效=   - illidan will show us the path to power,伊力丹會帶領我們走向力量之路   - keep tripping over this, damn tail! 一直被這個絆倒,可恨的尾巴!   - damn sea world, i will never get those coils out of my hair!    可恨的海洋世界,我永遠無法把頭髮裡的海草弄掉   - it's far too bright in the surface world, and this *sniff* fresh air    is irretating my eyes!    陸地世界太亮了,而且這個(嗅)新鮮空氣正在感染我的眼睛!   =行動/執行動作音效=   - brilliant 太聰明了   - in nar sharral's name  以nar sharral的為名。。。   - *sort of screaming* yeah~... (吼叫,嘶喊。。。)耶~...   - for the emperece 為了女王   - by your command 聽你的指揮   =攻擊音效=   - for nad atar! 為了nad atar   - afero afo blas *naga language*納迦語   - taste my stin 嘗嘗被我刺的滋味   - var na tada *naga lan*納迦語 -- 人生九件無能為力的事情:無可奈何的遺忘。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/06 00:23, , 1F
為什麼是M這串 而不是M前面那串?
12/06 00:23, 1F

12/06 00:38, , 2F
12/06 00:38, 2F

12/06 00:49, , 3F
GIVE IT A SHOT 不是給他一個機會嘛?
12/06 00:49, 3F

12/06 00:52, , 4F
12/06 00:52, 4F

12/06 00:52, , 5F
12/06 00:52, 5F

12/06 00:56, , 6F
12/06 00:56, 6F

12/06 01:01, , 7F
fl的音效應該是 beware, I live吧 ?
12/06 01:01, 7F

12/06 01:04, , 8F
bm應該是 i hear the call of the wild..
12/06 01:04, 8F

12/06 01:06, , 9F
獸王 行動/執行動作音效第2句 wander翻徘徊或流浪比較好
12/06 01:06, 9F

12/06 01:13, , 10F
12/06 01:13, 10F

12/06 01:14, , 11F
12/06 01:14, 11F

12/06 01:41, , 12F
Last call before Closing! 指的是BAR關店前叫的
12/06 01:41, 12F

12/06 01:42, , 13F
12/06 01:42, 13F

12/06 01:48, , 14F
In Ashara's name..naga 那句指的是wc3裡的神之一
12/06 01:48, 14F

12/06 01:49, , 15F
alchemist :" you'll " love my recipe.
12/06 01:49, 15F

12/06 01:56, , 16F
我好像感覺深淵領主那邊的台詞好像少了 sob 的感覺...
12/06 01:56, 16F

12/06 02:30, , 17F
Ashes to ashes 這是成語"塵歸塵"
12/06 02:30, 17F

12/06 08:33, , 18F
獸王 where i lay my head is home 所到之處即為吾家
12/06 08:33, 18F

12/06 10:18, , 19F
12/06 10:18, 19F

12/06 12:05, , 20F
12/06 12:05, 20F

12/06 17:29, , 21F
I hate what i've become." ---我憎恨我的前身。(女妖)
12/06 17:29, 21F

12/06 17:30, , 22F
12/06 17:30, 22F

12/06 17:30, , 23F
12/06 17:30, 23F

12/06 17:30, , 24F
12/06 17:30, 24F

12/06 17:33, , 25F
I am Lord of all fire 下面還有一句,那是重點啊!
12/06 17:33, 25F

12/06 17:33, , 26F
之後他被一盆水波到了,然後熄了XD 然後說:Hey, that's
12/06 17:33, 26F

12/06 17:34, , 27F
not funny. = = (嘿,這一點也不好笑==) XDDDD
12/06 17:34, 27F

12/06 17:37, , 28F
只能說翻的亂七八糟的== I'm more than meets the eye
12/06 17:37, 28F

12/06 17:38, , 29F
是來自一句成語:Love is more than meets the eye.
12/06 17:38, 29F

12/06 17:38, , 30F
12/06 17:38, 30F

12/29 23:16, , 31F
12/29 23:16, 31F

12/29 23:17, , 32F
12/29 23:17, 32F
文章代碼(AID): #19EKrKEg (WarCraft)