[情報] WindowBlinds 7.0

看板Wallpaper作者 (敏)時間14年前 (2009/11/18 20:56), 編輯推噓3(303)
留言6則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.stardock.com/products/windowblinds/ change log - Native support for Windows 7 - Native Aero skinning for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users - Native 64-bit support for Windows Vista and Windows 7 users - Auto-conversion of Windows XP era skins to Windows Vista or Windows 7 - Ability to apply textures to skins - A new, easy to use configuration program - Native Clear-Type support for better font handling - New Skin format called UIS0 for skinning Aero (takes hours instead of days to create a new skin). - New WindowBlinds 7 skins included such as Submline, Aero Metals, Corporate, Aero Woods, Aero Clay, Sabertooth along with new WindowBlinds 7 skins being released soon after to the public such as Altitude. - Option to have a random skin applied each logon - Much better customization of fonts - Massive performance improvements in applying of skins. - Optimization of Windows Vista and Windows 7 DWM drawing to improve battery life on laptops. - Aero skinning (UIS0) is 100% compatible (it’s Aero) with all Windows programs. 基本上就是支援Windows 7 跟 64位元 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: abccbaandy 來自: (11/18 20:57)

11/19 02:25, , 1F
借問,winblind跟visual style這兩種改主題的方式
11/19 02:25, 1F

11/19 02:25, , 2F
11/19 02:25, 2F

11/19 05:08, , 3F
11/19 05:08, 3F

11/19 08:34, , 4F
VS +1,理由也是不用另外裝軟體
11/19 08:34, 4F

11/19 09:17, , 5F
11/19 09:17, 5F

11/19 09:18, , 6F
11/19 09:18, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1B0-yL6J (Wallpaper)