Fw: [外電] Wade仍然是熱火最重要的球員嗎?

看板Wade作者 (策馬天下本命)時間11年前 (2012/12/01 11:56), 編輯推噓9(902)
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※ [本文轉錄自 MiamiHeat 看板 #1GkN-lGy ] 作者: sherry821224 (策馬天下本命) 看板: MiamiHeat 標題: [外電] Wade仍然是熱火最重要的球員嗎? 時間: Sat Dec 1 11:55:22 2012 在總板看到新聞後去找了原文,覺得滿有感觸的所以就翻一下了。 這篇其實是SLAM的宣傳稿,所以有滿多地方在宣傳雜誌就是了....... 原文:Is Dwyane Wade still the Heat’s most important player? http://tinyurl.com/codbvoa Thursday, November 29th, 2012 at 11:00 am words by Tzvi Twersky | photos by Tom Medvedich Why, you may be asking, is Dwyane Wade, the third-leading scorer on the Miami Heat, on the cover of SLAM 164. Why, you may be asking, is Wade, whose overall stats are at post-rookie year lows, on a cover usually reserved for star players on the come up? 為什麼,你可能會這樣問,為什麼Dwyane Wade這個熱火第三高的得分者可以上SLAM 第164期封面。你可能也會這樣問,為什麼一個數據下滑到菜鳥年來最低的球員可以上一 個封面總是為了明星球員保留的雜誌? The answer is simple: Dwyane Wade and his “mediocre” numbers are the reason that the Miami Heat has evolved from Champions-in-theory to actual Champions. 答案很簡單:Dwyane Wade跟他「平庸」的成績是邁阿密熱火從帳面上的冠軍進化到 真正冠軍的原因。 If only people understood. 如果人們真的了解的話。 “I know everyone has an opinion and everyone has a right to exercise that opinion,” Wade told me at a late-October photoshoot. “It just sucks that people don’t really understand the reasoning why. When we got together the first year, I averaged 25, LeBron averaged 26 and it doesn’t work. Everybody was talking about, ‘Well, they have to find a way to make it work.’ Then when we find a way to make it work, and everyone talks about this and that. They don’t really understand.” 「我知道每個人都有意見,而他們也有權利發表他們的意見。」Wade在十月拍攝照片 時這樣跟我說,「只是很爛的是他們從來不是真的了解原因是甚麼。當我們在一起的第一 年,我平均二十五分,LeBron平均二十六分,但那不管用。每個人都在說『嗯,他們得找 到方法才行。』然後當我們找到一個可行的方法時,他們又在那邊說三道四。他們真的不 懂。」 They don’t understand the finite difference between losing in the 2011 Finals to the Dallas Mavericks and winning in 2012 against the Oklahoma City Thunder was some nuanced and inspired coaching by Erik Spoelstra. That it was mostly due in large part to Wade graciously handing over the ball and keys of the team to one of his best friends. 他們不懂Erik Spoelstra在2011年輸給小牛跟2012年贏了雷霆之間細微且靈活的調 度。最大的不同就在於Wade把球權跟球隊和平的交給了他最好的朋友之一。 “He had the humility to take a step back to allow LeBron James to become the greatest player in the world,” says David Fizdale, an on-the-rise assistant coach with the Heat. “If he would have kept competing at the level he was competing at to show who he was, LeBron would have never developed to that. That’s the reality of it.” 「他很謙虛的退後一步讓LeBron James成為了世界上最好的球員。」熱火的助理教練 David Fizdale說,「如果他持續競逐在他應該維持的高度去展現他自己,LeBron永遠不 會進步到那個程度。這就是現實。」 What Wade and his coach are saying without actually verbalizing it is not obvious to the average fan. They’re saying, in essence, that while LeBron made the Decision that brought championship expectations to Miami in 2010, Dwyane made the decision that ultimately brought the championship to Miami in 2012. Wade跟教練這段沒錄音的對話對於一般球迷而言不是那麼顯而易見的。他們指的是, 實際上來說,LeBron的決定在2010為邁阿密帶來了冠軍的希望,而Dwyane的決定最終替邁 阿密在2012年帶來了冠軍。 “He’s like,” Lisa Joseph, Wade’s business manager, says of Dwyane’s mindset, “‘I’ll get all the accolades at the end of my career. I’ve won a gold medal; I’ve got a ring; I know what this feels like and I want it again and I’m not going to be able to do it on my own. So I don’t have a problem taking that step back.’” 「他就像,」Wade的經紀人Lisa Joseph談到了他的心態,「『在我的生涯結束之前 我要得到所有榮耀,我已經贏了一面金牌,我已經有一個戒指,我知道那是甚麼滋味而我 想要再體會一次,而且我不打算一個人達成它。所以我對於退居後面完全沒有問題。』」 Taking a step back, in this case, meant helping the Heat taking a step forward. Meant earning the cover of SLAM 164. 後退一步在這裡意味著幫助熱火往前進。意味著成為SLAM第164期的封面。 While you can read my full cover story on Wade in the magazine (This is NOT the actual story in the mag—Ed.), there was lot of stuff that I had to cut out of the story due to spatial constraints. With that in mind, here are a few noteworthy DWade items that you won’t necessarily find in the magazine: 你可以在雜誌裡閱讀完整的Wade的封面故事(這篇報導不是實際在雜誌裡的內容), 因為篇幅考量我必須拿掉很多東西。因為如此,這裡有些關於Wade值得一提但你不會在雜 誌裡看到的事情。 ◎ As much as everyone says that the teaming up of Dwyane, LeBron and Chris Bosh was years in the making—and as much as it was—Wade is quick to point out that at 22 or even 25 he would not have been mature enough to swallow his pride and play with those guys. ◎ 幾乎很多人都說Dwyane、LeBron跟Chris Bosh的合體是經過多年才得以形成的── 實際上也是如此──Wade表示,二十二歲或是甚至二十五歲的他都還沒有成熟到願意放下 自己的驕傲跟他們一起打球。 “It’s all evolution; it’s all growth,” says Wade. “When I was young there’s no way I could’ve played with these guys. I was in competition with Bron and Melo (Anthony) and those guys. You get to a point where that doesn’t matter the same. We all competitors, but that same ‘I’ve got to make a name for myself thing’ goes away after a while. You understand there’s a bigger picture.” 「一切都進步、都成長了。」Wade說,「當我還年輕的時候我絕對不會跟這些傢伙打 球。我跟Bron和Melo還有那些人一直都是競爭關係。到某個地步之後,那也不重要了。我 們依然是競爭者,但是那種『我要為自己立下一個什麼名號』的想法已經不復存在。你會 明白還有更偉大的藍圖在那後面。」 ◎ For that matter, according to Joseph, Wade would not have been able to alignhimself with a brand like Li-Ning a few years ago. He wouldn’t have had the junkto make such a bold marketing move. As we all know though, as of this summer, Wade is now the face of Li-Ning, and hopes to take the shoe and apparel company to new heights nationally and internationally. ◎ 根據Joseph表示,也因為如此,幾年前的Wade絕對不會把自己跟李寧這種品牌連 結在一起。他不會傻到去做這樣大膽的市場移動。但就像我們知道的,這個暑假Wade已經 成為了李寧的代言人,他希望讓這間公司無論在國內或國外都到達一個新的高點。 “He’s always thinking about the bigger picture now,” says Joseph. “This Li-Ning deal, let’s be real about it, most guys of his caliber would hear Li-Ning and walk away. Dwyane was like, ‘Hold on; let’s think about this. Does this make sense? What would this mean for my brand? What does this mean for the game of basketball? Is this a risk?’ We’ve had countless conversations about this. It’s a huge risk for him. But it’s a risk that he was willing to take because he knew that in order to blaze a trail you have to be the first one to step out there. That would not have happened, obviously, nine years ago.” 「他現在總是談著一個更大的遠景。」Joseph說,「這個合約已經定了,讓我們面對 現實吧。很多像他這樣的人聽到李寧只會調頭走掉。但是Wade的想法就像是『等等,讓我 們思考一下,這到底可不可行呢?這對我的品牌有甚麼幫助嗎?這對籃球比賽會有甚麼幫 助嗎?這會是一個賭注嗎?』關於這件事情我們有過無數的討論,這對他是一個很大的冒 險。但這是一個他願意冒的險,因為他知道如果要闖出一條路就必須要先踏出第一步。這 些事情顯然不會發生在九年前。」 ◎ Despite somewhat declining stats and the toll taken by myriad injuries, Wade still firmly believes that he could be one of the top scorers in the League. He just understands that, after leading the L in scoring in 2008-09, it’s just not that important. ◎ 除了有點下滑的數據和無數的傷病,Wade仍然堅信他可以成為聯盟頂尖的得分手。 他只是在2008-09拿過得分王後了解到那其實不是那麼重要。 “I mean, if you put greatness on scoring, than that’s just you don’t know sports,” say Wade. “I could go out there and shoot enough shots where I could average 26-plus a game, but that’s just not the [recipe] for winning, especially with the team I have. If I didn’t have this team and I’m the only individual on this team, I could go out there and be top-three in the League in scoring—and go home early. It’s just not what I want.” 「我的意思是,如果你認為得分才是偉大的事情,那只是因為你不懂運動。」Wade 說,「我可以出去然後投足夠的籃讓我可以每場都拿到二十六分,但那就不是贏球的方法 了,特別是我在這樣的隊伍裡。如果我沒有這樣的隊伍,而我又特立獨行的話,我可以出 去成為聯盟前三的得分手──然後更早打包回家。只是那不是我要的。」 ◎ It wasn’t just a simple dream-like epiphany that turned Wade into a wise 30-year-old, that turned him into a we-first instead of me-first player and person. It was, rather, the lowest moments of his life that helped him flip a 90, if not 180. ◎ Wade的轉變不只是如夢成真一樣簡單的事情。讓他從個人優先到團隊優先的契機 是他人生中最低潮的那段日子。那如果沒讓他有一百八十度的轉變,至少也有九十度。 “Getting divorced and going through a lawsuit at the same time at the age of 25,” says Wade. “Being in court a lot, you just look in the mirror and look at your life and know that you’ve got to do things better and make better decisions. That was the toughest time for me personally, going through all that, not having my kids around, it was tough. There were a lot of lonely, lonely moments in my life at that time, and no one around me can know what I was dealing with, can know what I felt, can know what I was going through. At that point, going through that, I kind of matured and kind of grew.” 「離婚和訴訟同時發生在我二十五歲的時候。」Wade說,「去法院的時間多了,你就 會看著鏡子回首自己的人生,然後你會了解你應該把事情做的更好並且做出更好的決定。 那段時間對我而言是最困難的時期,我要面對那些事情,而且我的孩子們也不在身邊,那 真的非常艱困。那段時間是我人生中非常非常寂寞的一段日子,我身邊沒有人知道我在盤 算甚麼、我的感受是甚麼、我正經歷著甚麼事。走過那個時期讓我成長也讓我成熟了。」 ◎ Immediately after the summer of 2010, people tried qualifying the Heat as Lebron’s team or Dwyane’s team. For his part, Wade has never seen it that way. ◎ 在2010夏天之後,人們試著找出熱火究竟該是Lebron的球隊或是Dwyane的球隊。但 對Wade而言,他從來不是這樣看待的。 “It’s not my team,” says Wade. “It’s not LeBron’s team; it’s not Chris Bosh’s team; it’s Micky Arison’s team, that’s whose team it is (laughs). We play on his team and we’re teammates together. We can’t win without each other. LeBron James can’t be LeBron James without me and the team and vice versa.” 「那不是我的球隊,」Wade說,「那不是Lebron的球隊,不是Chris Bosh的球隊,是 Micky Arison的球隊,那就是他的球隊(笑)。我們在他的隊伍裡,我們是隊友。沒有彼 此我們不可能贏球。沒有我,LeBron James不會是LeBron James,這個球隊也是。反之亦 然。」 原文後面是雜誌宣傳,就不貼過來了。 然後感謝我的朋友幫我校正。 -- [[ = ]] ψsherry821224◥◤ ▎ ▂ ▎ ▂ ▊◢╲ ▎◢◤◥▎ ◢▎ ◢◤◥▎ #3 ▊◤◣ ▎▊ ▎ ▊ ▊╱◥ ▎◥◣◢◣ ▎ ◥◣ ◢◣ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: sherry821224 (, 時間: 12/01/2012 11:56:07

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阿我漏看了 感謝:D
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12/02 00:19, , 11F
淚推 ...
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文章代碼(AID): #1GkN_O9w (Wade)