[情報] Get Ready for BIG Changes已刪文

看板WOW作者 (偽惡碎唸者 戰力奶騷神↑)時間3年前 (2020/10/13 03:08), 3年前編輯推噓-23(1235132)
留言179則, 37人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
版本:現行 情報來源:CBR.com 情報網址:https://tinyurl.com/y67ur2bl 情報原文˙ 情報翻譯˙ World of Warcraft: Get Ready for BIG Changes 《魔獸世界》:準備好迎接巨變 World of Warcraft is getting a major overhaul October 13 that will change how the game is experienced. Here's what you need to know. 《魔獸世界》即將於10月13日(美國)進行更新 而此將改變遊戲體驗,以下是妳們需要知道的 (臺灣時間則預定於10月15日,下同) BY GINA 2 HOURS AGO https://upload.cc/i1/2020/10/13/gIlpyY.jpg
World of Warcraft's upcoming Shadowlands expansion may have been delayed, but its pre-patch is still on the way with some major changes. Several features are being overhauled, mostly for the better, and many players will be in for a big surprise when it drops on October 13. Even the way the game is played is getting a refresh, so prepare yourself by being aware of what's coming and how it will affect your characters. 雖然《魔獸世界》即將到來的資料片《暗影之境》延期 但是《版本前夕》仍然自帶部分重大更新蓄勢待發 某些功能得到全面大幅提陞、而其它功能也都有進行進化 在10月13日(美國)更新時相信會帶給許多玩家十月驚喜 有些遊戲玩法甚至會因而有所創新 因此請大家枕戈待旦,對於即將到來之變革及其如何影響妳的角色有所準備 The Shadowlands pre-patch will be the second time World of Warcraft receives a major overhaul. The last time was when Cataclysm released back in 2010, and it changed the world of Azeroth forever. Maps, quests, dungeons and even raids were all changed to be more coherent and up to date with how gaming has evolved. Now, 10 years later, WoW is getting another facelift, although it's more about the progression and how the game feels for new and old players. 《暗影之境》《版本前夕》將會是《魔獸世界》第二度全方位全面性重大變革 上一次有如此巨變乃是2010年所推出之《浩劫與重生》 而其徹頭徹尾永恆永遠地改變了『艾澤拉斯』的地型地貌生活生態等等樣貌 包括地圖、任務、地城甚至團隊在當時都變得更加息息相關牽一髮動全身 而今,十年過去了,《魔獸世界》又再一次改頭換面 儘管這次的變革牽涉到遊戲功能變動以及萌新與資深玩家之遊戲體驗較多 One of the biggest changes affects the way players will be able to level through content and the level and stat adjustment (or squish) coming with it. After Tuesday, players at level 120 will become level 50, the new cap, and stats and enemies will be pared down to reduce the game's calculations. This doesn't mean players will be weaker. In fact, they'll be just as strong as before (not counting the usual class adjustments with the patch), but numbers won't be insanely high. This is just like when stats were adjusted back in Legion because player damage in the millions was causing problems. 其中一項最重大變革就是玩家等級及屬性將重新調整(或壓縮擠壓) 週二之後,Lv120封頂玩家將變為Lv50新天花板 而角色能力屬性以及怪物素質也將隨之調整以降低遊戲之計算負荷 但這並非意味著玩家將變弱 事實上,玩家強度仍等同於以往(撇開隨著更新而來的職業調整) 但治療及傷害量將不會再妖獸高,之前在《魔獸世界:軍臨天下》亦曾有過此調整 因為玩家造成的傷害高達數以百萬計確實導致某些問題 https://upload.cc/i1/2020/10/13/dU4kNv.jpg
The content change is the most notable and interesting since it will overhaul gameplay. Instead of leveling through nearly all of WoW's content -- which currently spans seven expansions -- new characters will have the option to choose which expansion to play through. At this point, most of the older content is dead or easily plowed through while leveling without really experiencing it. While it's not really a problem for older expansions, more recent ones like Legion or Pandaria are meant to be experienced all the way through. 遊戲內容變革是最值得注意且令人感到有趣的,因為隨之而來的就是全新遊戲體驗感受 萌新將可以選擇要體驗哪款資料片(先前共有七款資料片) 相較於以往萌新必須橫跨歷來廣大浩瀚的艾澤拉斯全時空闖蕩江湖以練等 這次讓萌新有了更彈性開放的選擇 基於此,萌新這次在陞等期間總算更有機會深層體驗經典資料片那些內容 更不會因為太容易就農怪過場導致沒有好好感受各區域在地風土民俗 當然較新資料片比如《軍臨天下》或《潘達利亞之謎》較無此等問題 Blizzard is resolving this by changing how expansions are experienced. Characters will play through the entirety (or most of) any one expansion to get to max level. This means enjoying your favorite expansion on a new character the way it was meant to be played and leveling without the need of having to go through years of content. You can also change which one you're playing at any time. 暴雪這次解決歷來陳舊資料片體驗度不足的問題 每個角色將可決定全程或多數在特定一資料片陞等至封頂 這意味著妳可以為妳每位新角色擇定一個妳最喜愛的資料片並在陞等過程中深度探險 再也不用如同走馬看花似讓歷來各資料片如跑馬燈般白駒過隙卻沒什麼深刻印象記憶點 而妳隨時都可以改變當前要在哪款資料片進行一場歷險 This system isn't just for alt's either. Max level characters can go back and play expansions with dynamic leveling to experience old raids and other content the way it was meant to be. This means actually grouping up for difficult enemies and putting together your own Timewalking groups outside of the weekly campaigns. It also means farming old content is about to get much more difficult. It will be interesting to see how these changes will effect the economy too, since items from Wrath of the Lich King raids and other expansions will be relevant again thanks to the level adjustments. 此系統並非僅適用於新創之分身或萌新 封頂角色同樣也能以動態等級調整技術時光回溯至舊時代各資料片回味歷次美好的戰役 這意味著在體驗最新資料片《暗影之境》每週團隊戰役行程之餘 還可以自組一支『光陰旅團』前往值得緬懷的舊時代討伐當時的經典首領而且饒富挑戰 同時也即將見證此項鉅變對於經濟有何改變 例如即使是來自《巫妖王之怒》時代之舊武器裝備攜回現世時將會變得等同於神兵利器 To go along with these changes, there will be a new starting area called Exile's Reach for new and experienced players. Players under level 10 can learn how to play the game while being introduced to its newer mechanics, like treasure and rare enemies showing on the map. All these new changes will bring WoW into current modern gaming and do it a huge favor. 為了適應這項時代巨變,將會有一個萌新與資深玩家共享之出生地名為『放逐之境』 十級以下的玩家可在此習得遊戲方式以及種種機制,比如地圖上所顯示的寶箱以及稀有怪 種種這些變革對於《魔獸世界》與時俱進跟得上時代潮流皆有莫大助益 https://upload.cc/i1/2020/10/13/Z1kpA0.jpg
Character customization is being overhauled too, something that has been needed for a while now. While other games have innovated and experimented in this regard, WoW has maintained the same old system with a few new hair styles here or there, and sometimes a new race with its own features. 角色客製化也將進行大改,這確實是現在迫切需要改革的功能 當其它遊戲早已以她們的方式進行創新與試驗 而我們《魔獸世界》於此方面卻仍然維持著經典款紙娃娃系統 頂多就是在這兒或那兒增添一些新髮型變化或者有時引進新種族有她的新風格 This update will, finally, introduce a new interface and, even though it won't be as intricate as The Sims with sliders, a ton of new options are on the way. It will include new details, like whether bones show on an Undead character or if leaves are woven into a Night Elf's hair. There are also just far more options for facial and color options like ears, eyebrows, beards or mustaches, and even eye color. Players will finally be unique not just in armor, but with their actual characters. 本次更新將引入全新介面,儘管尚無法達到《模擬市民》般能以拖曳進行捏臉 但我們還是提供了諸多新功能,包括許多新細節 好比不死族外露的骨頭、夜精靈髮梢的葉飾 而且還將提供各種各樣的面容以及顏色可供選擇 比如耳朵、眉毛、鬚髯、髭鬍甚至虹膜色澤 玩家最終除了武器裝備之外,面容也將變得獨一無二形形色色與眾不同 These are just some of the biggest changes headed to the game this week. There's even more on the way, like a Mentor system, achievement changes, Allied Race qualifications and a new event. World of Warcraft's huge update should breathe new life into the game, hopefully attracting new players with its updated style. However, it should be noted that previous major patches like this caused major problems at first, so it may take some more time to experience the new content. 上述僅為本週即將帶來的首要重大變革 另外還有『導師系統』、『成就系統革新』、『同盟競賽資格』以及新活動 這些變革都將為《魔獸世界》注入新活力並希望以嶄新風貌吸引玩家們目光焦點 然而,必須要特別注意的是,就往例而言,如此巨變往往最初會招致某些問題 因此如果想要體驗全新遊戲感受勢必得多點耐性多花些時間 About The Author https://upload.cc/i1/2020/10/13/2FNrIQ.jpg
Gina (114 Articles Published) An avid gamer with a poochy sidekick living just outside of Ottawa, Ontario. When not gaming she dons capes for writing, creating digital art, and sometimes game development. Games she's worked on can even be found on the app stores. Also loves metal music, horror movies, and a good book. 關於作者 琴娜 ( 已發表 114 翩文章 ) 一位擁有『快樂的小夥伴』x1共同住在加拿大安大略省渥太華郊區的狂熱玩家 當她不玩遊戲的時候喜歡從事寫作、數位藝術、遊戲開發 她所開發的遊戲甚至可以在App商店找到 同時熱愛重金屬搖滾樂、恐怖電影、一本好書 備註:TeNet˙天能》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1602529687.A.402.html

10/13 03:10, 3年前 , 1F
對不練分身的人來說 變化只有等級數字跟角色自訂不是..
10/13 03:10, 1F

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10/13 03:49, 3年前 , 8F
阿哉XD 我看起來長得很像暴雪娛樂嗎?XD
10/13 03:49, 8F

10/13 03:52, 3年前 , 9F
反正今晚就有美國先當白老鼠XD 觀望看看
10/13 03:52, 9F

10/13 05:18, 3年前 , 10F
倉庫一堆舊武器 舊飾品 (分身)~
10/13 05:18, 10F

10/13 07:04, 3年前 , 11F
那個已經沒用了 啊不是!那個我不知道啦XD
10/13 07:04, 11F

10/13 08:16, 3年前 , 12F
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10/13 08:36, 3年前 , 13F
哪會有啥變超猛 你就當成時光刷裝 充其量就是過渡用
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10/13 09:35, 3年前 , 23F
精華區有文章就不會雲 不會洗廢文 神邏輯
10/13 09:35, 23F

10/13 09:36, 3年前 , 24F
在其他版被警告就跑來這賣老 廠廠
10/13 09:36, 24F

10/13 09:41, 3年前 , 25F
你老婆PReDeSTiNeD 怎麼沒一起來
10/13 09:41, 25F

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10/13 10:13, 3年前 , 29F
啊這篇需不需要架過dkp網站才能回 廠廠
10/13 10:13, 29F

10/13 10:16, 3年前 , 30F
這篇是你沒有預言過不能回。 每一篇都說的好像BZ參考你的
10/13 10:16, 30F

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10/13 10:19, 3年前 , 35F
話說 @Dedian: 要不要我日後貼證明給你看看?
10/13 10:19, 35F

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10/13 10:20, 3年前 , 39F
10/13 10:20, 39F
還有 100 則推文
還有 1 段內文
10/13 17:42, 3年前 , 140F
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10/13 17:42, 3年前 , 141F
衝擊波啦幹 骨灰這樣當的喔
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10/13 17:50, 3年前 , 157F
我那 Ctrl + C 之後 Ctrl + V 的
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10/13 17:51, 3年前 , 163F
快轉啦 話那麼多==
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10/13 19:57, 3年前 , 168F
請避免無意義爭吵 小組長M文待版主處理 請都冷靜
10/13 19:57, 168F

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