[閒聊] 官方對外掛的回應

看板WOW作者 (Lee DoRa)時間9年前 (2015/01/31 20:52), 編輯推噓6(6011)
留言17則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
有個人在美板官網發了一篇廢文 說外掛其實是Blizzard的陰謀 是官方為了要加速戰場排隊而故意做的 結果意外釣出客服的藍帖 並且跟玩家有一番問答 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/16201250165?page=1 ====================================================================== Stop complaining about Blizzard not taking action against the bots. If no one has yet to notice, the only reason these "bots" are allowed is because blizzard created them to speed up the BG queue process. Wont be the first time blizzard made a bad idea... 別再抱怨官方都沒抓外掛了 其實這些外掛是官方為了加速戰場排隊而放的 這不是Blizzard第一次出壞主意... There's a lot of threads on this topic in here, but this one had the most entertaining premise, so this is where I'll say this. We wage a constant battle against bots. Blizzard has an entire department devoted to tracking down bots, hacks, and the like, and punishing those who make use of them. In fact, if/when you have something to report, you can email that team directly at hacks@blizzard.com. They'd absolutely love to hear from you. 有很多文章都在討論外掛 但這篇有個最有趣的假說 所以讓我來回應一下 我們一直都在對抗外掛 Blizzard有一整個部門專門用來對付外掛或駭客 或懲罰使用這些工具的人 如果需要回報 你可以寫信到 hacks@blizzard.com 他們會很高興看到的。 That goes for more than just bots, as well. Exploits, cheats, hacks -- any such behavior you see, send our Hacks team an email. Any evidence you can put together is great as well, video in particular. Toss something up on Youtube (can be unlisted) and send us the link. Make sure character names and realms are included. Getting in-game reports of bad behavior is good, but it's even better to have hard evidence of said behavior. 除了外掛 像是使用Bug,駭客等作弊行為 都可以回報給我們的團隊 任何證據都可以 特別是影片 你可以把它們上傳到Youtube並給我們連結 記得回報要包含伺服器跟角色ID 遊戲內的回報機制很好用 但若能提供完整的證據更好 We probably can't completely wipe bots from existence. We sure as hell try, but the fight continues. We can, however, punish as many of those who use them as we can catch. And the more we catch, the better our ability to detect them gets. 我們可能無法消除所有現有的外掛 但我們絕對會繼續拼命的抓 我們會盡量制裁它們 抓的越多 我們辨識外掛的能力也會更好 And seriously, if you catch someone in the act, email hacks@blizzard.com (Also, juuuuust to be clear, we did not "create bots to speed up the BG queue process." That's silly.) 再次強調 有任何違規行為要回報 請來信 hacks@blizzard.com (另外澄清一下 我們絕對沒有自製任何外掛以控制戰場排隊 這太蠢了) ============================================================================== People are told SS/videos are not enough proof. 有人說截圖或影片不夠做為檢舉的證據 We won't outright ban someone out of the blue based on one screenshot. But typically, players that are using these sorts of obvious exploits have several reports against them as well. It's often difficult for us to catch those players in the act, so seeing visual evidence really helps. Videos also help us learn more about how a hack or exploit operates, so we can know what we're looking for in the future. In short, screenshots and videos aren't enough proof on their own, but they certainly help us pull the trigger. 我們不會只因一張截圖就把玩家封鎖 但一般來說 用bug的玩家都有許多回報舉發他們 要抓出他們並不是簡單的工作 如果能有視覺上的證據是非常有幫助的 影片也能幫助我們了解駭客或bug是如何運作 讓我們知道接下來要怎麼抓 簡單來說 截圖跟影片雖不足以直接將玩家定罪 但它們絕對有幫助 ============================================================================== If an individual cheating or exploiting, and we record videos or take screenshots. They "cannot be used as evidence". Many years ago (2 at least) I stumbled upon a thread with two blue posts backing up that screenshots and videos cannot be used as legitimate evidence since they can be easily be modified. Can you please; confirm or deny is this is still true in 2015? Regardless of PvE or PvP. I do understand calling out individuals on the forum is against the CoC/ToS however; if one were to properly follow through with a proper report, could said images and videos be used against the accused party? Or do we only give you guys our word and from there you do your investigation? 我以前曾經聽過 由於截圖跟影片很容易被修改 所以不能做為作弊或使用bug的證據 可以請你澄清一下Blizzard在2015的現行政策是什麼嗎? 我知道公開一個玩家的資訊會違反使用者協議 但如果我用正式的回報單舉報 那麼截圖或影片可否被做為證據? 或著我只能文字敘述 接下來全部由你們接手? I've only been at Blizzard just shy of 2 years, so I'm not sure what the policy was before I got here. I just know what it is now, which is what I said above. Calling out individuals publicly on the forums (aka "naming and shaming") is against the ToS largely to protect innocent players from harassment. As you can imagine, there are a lot of false reports. We'd hate for someone to be subjected to harassment in-game because some troll is pretty good with Photoshop, for example. It also helps us fight back against the bots if the surly individuals who create them are less aware of the exact evidence we're given. 我只來Blizzard兩年 所以我不確定過去的政策是怎樣 但我可以告訴你上述的回應就是目前官方的政策 在論壇上公布一個玩家的資料是違反使用者協議的 這是為了要保護無辜者受騷擾 你可以想見 有許多回報是假的 我們很討厭有小白用改圖去做假回報騷擾使用者 但在缺乏證據的時候 玩家的截圖確實可以幫助我們 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WOW/M.1422708769.A.0F0.html

01/31 20:57, , 1F
01/31 20:57, 1F

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01/31 21:14, , 6F
BLZ:請找台港澳代理商 依法行政謝謝指教
01/31 21:14, 6F

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01/31 23:56, , 12F
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02/01 02:07, , 13F
樓上在鬼服吧,我這邊還是很多人呀 冏
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02/01 09:32, , 14F
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02/01 16:59, , 15F
智冠: (無回應)
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02/01 17:29, , 16F
02/01 17:29, 16F

02/02 13:00, , 17F
02/02 13:00, 17F
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