Re: [情報] 4.2 地城指引介面一覽(Ragnaros)

看板WOW作者時間13年前 (2011/05/15 13:26), 編輯推噓19(19014)
留言33則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/1
一個晚上醒來,發現還沒有人動拉格納羅斯,感覺超爽的。 Ragnaros Ragnaros, lord of the Firelands, embodies the fury and destruction of the primordial infernos that forged Azeroth itself. Promised the chance to set Azeroth aflame without interference from Neptulon and Therazane, Ragnaros seeks to appease the Old Gods by incinerating the World Tree of Nordrassil. He has legs now. Who knew? 拉格納羅斯,火源之界的統治者,他是鍛鑄艾澤拉斯的原初煉燄,是煉燄在狂怒與破壞 面向的化身。火王被給予了一次機會,得以在奈普圖隆與賽拉贊恩無法插手下,焚燒整 座艾澤拉斯。他想借此良機把世界樹諾達希爾燒掉,以取悅古神們。 他現在還長了雙腿...天知道他怎麼長腿了? Stage 1: By Fire be Purged! 第一階段: 以烈燄淨化一切! + Sulfuras Smash: Ragnaros faces a random player and begins prepares to smash Sulfuras on the platform. The impact creates several Lava Waves which move out in several directions from the point of impact. + Lava Wave A Lava Wave inflicts 68250 to 71750 Fire damage and knocks back all playe it passes through. Targets who are knocked back suffer an additional 1950 20500 Fire damage every 1 sec for 5 sec. + 薩佛拉斯重擊: 拉格納羅斯轉向隨機一名玩家,並準備以他的戰槌薩佛拉斯擊打平台。這所產生 的衝擊會塑出數道熔漿浪,自擊打點向數個方向散出。 + 熔漿浪 熔漿浪對途徑上所有玩家造成68250~71750點火燄傷害,並擊飛他們。被燒到的 玩家每秒額外受到19500~20500點火燄傷害,持續5秒。 + Wrath of Ragnaros Ragnaros targets a player, inflicting 58500 to 61500 Fire damage to all players within 0 yards and knocking them back.$[1,3 In 25 player raids, Ragnaros targets three players.$] + 拉格納羅斯之怒 火王會點一位目標玩家,該目標??碼內的所有玩家受到58500~61500點火燄傷害,並 遭受擊退。(25人下,火王會選3個目標。) + Hand of Ragnaros Ragnaros inflicts 29250 to 30750 Fire damage to all enemies within 0 yards, knocking them back. + 拉格納羅斯之手 火王對??碼內的所有玩家造成29250~30750火燄傷害,並擊飛他們。 + Magma Trap Ragnaros periodically forms a Magma Trap at a random player's location. The Magma Trap persists for the duration of the battle, and will trigger when stepped on, causing a Magma Trap Eruption. + Magma Trap Eruption When triggered, a Magma Trap erupts for 58500 to 61500 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands, and violently knocking the player who tripped the Magma Trap into the air.$[2,3 An enemy that triggers a Magma Trap will take 50 additional damage from the Magma Trap Eruption for 30 sec. Stacks.$] + 熔岩陷阱 火王會周期性在隨機一名玩家的腳下塑造熔岩陷阱。陷阱在整場戰鬥中會一直留存。 當有任何不長眼的冒險者踏上陷阱時,便會觸發陷阱噴發。 + 陷阱噴發 一旦被觸發,熔岩陷阱就對所有在火源之地的玩家造成58500~61500點火燄傷 害,並把觸發者彈射入高空。(觸發者也會受到額外50點傷害,持續30秒,可堆 疊。) + Intermission: Minions of Fire! At 70% health, Ragnaros will cast Splitting Blow, wedging Sulfuras into the platform and creating Sons of Flame across the platform. Ragnaros will stay submerged for 45 seconds or until all of the Sons of Flame are destroyed. + 串場: 火燄的奴僕們! 當火王的血降到70%時,他會施放爆烈碎擊,將薩佛拉斯打入平台,並將它化成數隻在 平台上四散的烈燄之子。 火王這時也會沉回地下,直到45秒後;或是到烈燄之子被殺光的時候,拉格納羅斯才會 回到地面。 + Son of Flame Sons of Flame will cross the platform and attempt to re-form with Sulfuras, causing a Supernova if they are able to reach the mighty weapon. + Burning Speed Sons of Flame move faster as their blaze burns hotter. Their movement speed is increased by an amount equal to every 1% health they have above 50% health. + Supernova If a Son of Flame reaches Sulfuras, the elemental will explode in a Supernova, inflicting 87750 to 92250 Fire damage to all players within the Firelands. + 烈燄之子(召喚物) 烈燄之子會四散在平台上,並嘗試移動到薩佛拉斯之處,好回歸到這把戰鎚之中。一 旦到達,烈燄之子便會引發超新星。 + 灼燄之速 烈燄之子的移動速度一如他們的溫度一樣地高。只要烈燄之子的血量在50%之上,每 多1%血他們的移動度便提高1%。 + 超新星 一旦到達戰鎚,烈燄之子將會爆開,引發超新星。對所有火源之地的玩家造成 87750~92250點火燄傷害。 Stage 2: Sulfuas will be Your End! 第二階段: 薩佛拉斯將成為你們的死神! + 薩佛拉斯重擊(見第一階段) + Engulfing Flame Ragnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame, inflicting 68250 to 71750 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration. + 襲世烈火 火王周期性的以烈燄襲卷平台三分之一的區域,對火場中的玩家造成68250~71750點 火燄傷害。並造成沒世狂燄 + World in Flames Ragnaros periodically engulfs one third of the platform in flame every 2.6 sec for 13 sec, inflicting 68250 to 71750 Fire damage to players caught in the conflagration. + 沒世狂燄 火王周期性的以烈燄襲卷平台三分之一的區域,每2.6秒對火場內的玩家造成 68250~71750點火燄傷害,持續13秒。 + Molten Seed Ragnaros forms a Molten Seed at the location of 10 random players, inflicting 53625 to 56375 Fire damage to all players within 0 yards. After 10 sec the Molten Seed will burst in a Molten Inferno.$[1,3 In 25 player raids, Ragnaros targets 20 players.$] + Molten Inferno When Molten Seeds burst, they cause a Molten Inferno that inflicts 100000 Fire damage to all players who are near the Molten Seed. The damage decreases the farther away the target is. Following the Molten Inferno, a Molten Elemental is created at the location of the Seed. + 熔火種子 拉格納羅斯會找一塊有隨機10名玩家的區域,在上面塑出一顆熔火種子,種子範圍?? 碼內的玩家會受到53625~56375點火燄傷害。10秒後,種子會爆出一道熔火惡燄。 (在25人中,火王會找20名玩家的區域。) + 熔火惡燄 對種子附近所有玩家造成十萬點火燄傷害,距離越遠受到的傷害越低。之後在種子 的位置會生成一名熔火元素。 + Molten Elemental The Molten Elemental is spawned from a Molten Inferno. It will attack and fixate on a random player. + Molten Power The Molten Elemental is empowered by nearby Molten Elementals, increasing its damage done by 25% and causing it to be immune to Snare effects. + 熔火元素(召喚物) 在熔火惡燄中生成,牠會追逐隨機一名玩家並進行攻擊。 + 熔火權能 熔火元素會被附近的熔火元素強化,提升25%的攻擊力並免疫緩速效果。 + Intermission: Denizens of Flame! + 串場:烈燄的貴客們! 在火王血剩40%時觸發,與第一階段串場相同,除了追加熔漿後裔。 + Lava Scion One Lava Scion will form on each side of the platform. + Blazing Heat The Lava Scion inflicts a random target with Blazing Heat, causing them to create a trail of Blazing Heat in their wake. Blazing Heat inflicts 48750 to 51250 Fire damage every 1 sec, and heals Sons of Flame and Lava Scions for 10% every 1 sec. + 熔漿後裔(召喚物) 在串場開始後,平台的每一邊都會產生一名熔漿後裔。 + 閃燄高溫 熔漿子嗣對隨機一名目標施放閃燄高溫,使目標之後行徑的地區留下一道高溫。 這道高溫區域會對踏到的玩家造成48750~51250點傷害,但熔漿後裔或烈燄之子踏 到的話,每秒會被治療10%生命。 Stage 3: Begone From my Realm! 第三階段: 滾出我的國度! + 薩佛拉斯重擊: 同第一階段。 + 襲世烈火: 同第二階段。 + Summon Living Meteor Ragnaros calls down an increasing number of Living Meteors over time, inflicting 63375 to 66625 Fire damage to players within 0 yards of the location. + 召喚活體隕石: 拉格納羅斯會隨時間不斷地召出活體隕石 ,被砸中的玩家會受到63375~66625點火燄 傷害。 + Living Meteor The Living Meteor will fixate on a random target and chase them. A player that gets within $99279A1 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Meteor Impact, inflicting $99287s1 Fire damage to enemies within $99287A1 yards. + Meteor Impact A player that gets within 0 yards of the Living Meteor will trigger a Meteor Impact, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to enemies within 0 yards. + Combustible The Living Meteor is highly Combustible. When attacked, it will cause Combustion, knocking it back several yards away from the enemy that hit it. Combustible is removed for several seconds after Combustion is triggered. + Combustion While Combustible is active, the Living Meteor is knocked back several yards from the enemy that hit it. + 活體隕石(召喚物) 隕石會隨機追逐一名目標,當目標與隕石距離只剩??碼時,隕石會開始施放隕石衝擊 ,對隕石附近??碼內的玩家造成??點火燄傷害。 + 隕石衝擊 一旦隕石碰到追逐目標。便會對目標造成487500~512500點火燄傷害。 + 易爆性 活體隕石有高度的易爆性,一旦被擊中,隕石便會處在爆發狀態,自被命中位置彈 開到幾碼外,在爆發狀態後幾秒內,易爆性會暫時的消失。 + 爆發狀態 爆發狀態下,隕石會自被命中位置彈飛到幾碼之外。 Stage 4: The True Power of the Fire Lord! The Fire lord unleashes his full power and is able to move freely around the platform. Players have the aid of powerful heroes of Azeroth to support them. 第四階段: 全力全開的火王! 火王將使出全力,並可以自由的在平台上移動。然而玩家也會受到來自艾澤拉斯英雄們的 支援。 (這個階段應該是直接接第三階段,火王應該不再施放活體隕石。) + Superheated Ragnaros is at his full power and is now Superheated, inflicting 1950 to 2050 Fire damage every 1, increasing damage taken from Superheated by 10%. Stacks. + 超高溫 拉格納羅斯使出全力,並成為超高溫的熱點,每秒對周圍造成1950~2050點火燄傷 害,受傷者受到的超高溫傷害會提高10%,此效果可堆疊。 + Empower Sulfuras Ragnaros begins to empower Sulfuras. After 5 sec, Sulfuras becomes Empowered and attacks made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands. + Flames of Sulfuras When Sulfuras is Empowered, attacks made by Ragnaros cause Flames of Sulfuras, inflicting 487500 to 512500 Fire damage to all enemies within the Firelands. + 強化薩佛拉斯 火王開始強化薩佛拉斯。5秒後,這把戰鎚將被強化,使拉格納羅斯的攻擊產生薩佛 拉斯烈焰。 + 薩佛拉斯烈焰 對所有在火源之地的玩家造成487500~512500點火燄傷害。 (雖然沒提到,但這招可能是移動中施法) + Dreadflame Sulfuras creates a Dreadflame at two nearby locations. The Dreadflame multiplies rapidly and spreads across the platform. Dreadflame inflicts 34125 to 35875 Fire damage and an additional 3500 Fire damage every 1 sec for 30 sec.$[1,3 In 25 player raids, Dreadflame will strike five locations at once.$] + 懼怖烈燄 薩佛拉斯會在附近兩個區域產生一群懼怖烈燄。這群烈焰會快速的在平台四散。對 玩家造成34125~35875點傷害,並每秒造成3500點火燄傷害,持續30秒(25人下,會 一次生成五區懼怖烈燄。) + Magma Geyser Ragnaros will target a Magma Geyser whenever he notices four players in a cluster together. The Magma Geyser inflicts 53625 to 56375 Fire damage every 1 sec and destroy any nearby Breadth of Frost.$[1,3 In 25 player raids, Ragnaros will use Magma Geyser on cluseters of 10 players.$] + 熔岩噴泉 當任何4個玩家擠到一起時,火王會瞬間對該區域施放熔岩噴泉。噴泉每秒造成 53625~56375點火傷。同時消掉附近的霜寒氣息。(25人下,對10人聚集區域施放) + Cenarius Cenarius is a demigod, the son of Malorne and Elune, and the patron of all of Azeroth's druids. Cenarius will support the raid by freezing Living Meteors and reducing the damage caused by Superheated. + Breadth of Frost Cenarius forms a Breadth of Frost at a nearby location. Any Living Meteors that enter the Breadth of Frost are Frozen and take 15000% additional damage. Additionally, players who stand within the Breadth of Frost are immune to Superheated damage and have the Superheated debuff removed from them. + 塞納留斯(玩家盟友) 半神塞納留斯,馬洛恩與艾露恩之子, 艾澤拉斯所有德魯依的保護者。他將會凍結活 體隕石,並減少來自超高溫的傷害來幫助玩家們。 + 霜寒氣息 塞納留斯對附近一塊區域施放霜寒氣息,任何飛入氣息區域的活隕石會被凍住,並額 外受到15000%的傷害。玩家進入氣息區域的話會消除超高溫的易傷狀態,在區域內的 時候,玩家將免疫超高溫。 + Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem Hamuul Runetotem is a tauren druid and leads the druids of Thunder Bluff. In Mount Hyjal, he assists Ysera in protecting Nordrassil from Ragnaros. The arch druid will support the raid by entrapping Ragnaros. + Entrapping Roots Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem forms Entrapping Roots at a nearby location. If Ragnaros enters the area of the Entrapping Roots, he will become stunned for 10 sec and take 50% additional damage while stunned. + 大德魯依哈繆爾‧符文圖騰(玩家盟友) 牛頭人德魯依哈繆爾‧符文圖騰是雷霆崖的德魯依領導者。在海加爾山協助伊瑟拉保 護諾達希爾不受拉格納羅斯的破壞。他將會纏住火王來協助團隊。 + 糾節纏根 哈繆爾‧符文圖騰對附近的區域施放糾節纏根。當火王踏入這塊區域時,他將會被纏 根絆住而被擊暈10秒,在擊暈狀態下火王受到的傷害會提高50%。 + Malfurion Stormrage Malfurion Stormrage is an ancient and powerful night elf druid. He leads the army of Cenarius in the Defense of Mount Hyjal against the forces of Ragnaros. Malfurion will support the raid by protecting players from Dreadflame. + Cloudburst Malfurion forms a Cloudburst. The players who interacts with the Cloudburst will be surrounded with a Deluge. Deluge makes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and also allows the player to extinguish any nearby Dreadflame.$[1,3 In 25 player raids, up to three players can use a single Cloudburst.$] + Deluge Makes the player immune to Dreadflame damage, and also allows the player to extinguish any nearby Dreadflame. + 瑪法里恩‧怒風(玩家盟友) 瑪法里恩‧怒風是一名古老而強大的夜精靈德魯依。他在海加爾山防禦戰中帶領著塞 納留斯的軍隊對抗拉格納羅斯。他會使玩家不受懼怖烈燄的困擾。 + 暴雨 瑪法里恩‧怒風凝聚出一朵暴雨雲團。任何使用雲團的玩家將得到降雨的狀態,使 他免疫懼怖烈燄的傷害,並澆息這些危險的火燄。 + 降雨 帶此狀態的玩家免疫懼怖烈燄的傷害,並會澆息他附近的懼怖烈燄。 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/15 13:29, , 1F
推翻譯 有三個盟友~
05/15 13:29, 1F

05/15 13:30, , 2F
05/15 13:30, 2F

05/15 13:31, , 3F
噢噢 好多招阿@@
05/15 13:31, 3F

05/15 13:32, , 4F
05/15 13:32, 4F

05/15 13:33, , 5F
就很愛擊飛 這個也擊飛 那個也擊飛
05/15 13:33, 5F

05/15 13:35, , 6F
推翻譯然後第一段的最後那句who knew好像翻得不太對?
05/15 13:35, 6F

05/15 13:36, , 7F
看來獵人術士法師要出頭天了 一堆擊飛...
05/15 13:36, 7F

05/15 13:36, , 8F
05/15 13:36, 8F

05/15 13:43, , 9F
推!! 辛苦哩 :) 謝謝
05/15 13:43, 9F

05/15 13:44, , 10F
05/15 13:44, 10F

05/15 13:44, , 11F
05/15 13:44, 11F

05/15 13:46, , 12F
05/15 13:46, 12F

05/15 13:47, , 13F
05/15 13:47, 13F

05/15 13:48, , 14F
目前journal上是H mode才有p4沒錯
05/15 13:48, 14F

05/15 13:49, , 15F
好多招 真可怕
05/15 13:49, 15F

05/15 14:03, , 16F
全力全開!盟友也才三隻 這是打精英作戰嗎
05/15 14:03, 16F

05/15 14:20, , 17F
05/15 14:20, 17F

05/15 14:24, , 18F
who knew應該是指[誰會想到他會長腳]之類的意思
05/15 14:24, 18F

05/15 14:25, , 19F
05/15 14:25, 19F

05/15 14:39, , 20F
05/15 14:39, 20F

05/15 15:03, , 21F
困難模式我覺得是會 選擇性開啟 像是奧杜亞0燈 之類的
05/15 15:03, 21F

05/15 15:27, , 22F
到時候八成又要搞 火焰之地的一盞蠟燭 之類的成就了...
05/15 15:27, 22F

05/15 15:30, , 23F
05/15 15:30, 23F

05/15 15:41, , 24F
應該是火焰之地的潮吹 = =
05/15 15:41, 24F

05/15 16:13, , 25F
這個竟然被M了... 先當參考資料吧 4.2還沒上阿...
05/15 16:13, 25F

05/15 16:17, , 26F
0燈不太可能 傷害50萬會直接躺地板吧....
05/15 16:17, 26F

05/15 16:23, , 27F
當初0燈少了芙雷亞 理智值也是個很突破性的挑戰呀
05/15 16:23, 27F

05/15 16:55, , 28F
理智值起碼有辦法不降 但傷害就...
05/15 16:55, 28F

05/15 17:12, , 29F
eyei 張爸文 他x的我竟然點了~
05/15 17:12, 29F

05/15 18:07, , 30F
05/15 18:07, 30F
※ 編輯: kuarcis 來自: (05/15 21:08)

05/15 21:21, , 31F
這根本是要melee死嘛 XDDDDDDDDDD
05/15 21:21, 31F

05/16 11:37, , 32F
05/16 11:37, 32F

05/16 18:49, , 33F
05/16 18:49, 33F
※ 編輯: kuarcis 來自: (05/28 17:33)
文章代碼(AID): #1DpsGRVc (WOW)