[競技] Azael訪談節錄 ─ 競技技巧篇 by AJ

看板WOW作者 (懷念菠蘿油包與芝麻糊)時間13年前 (2011/05/02 04:42), 編輯推噓16(1606)
留言22則, 17人參與, 最新討論串1/1
約莫兩天前,術士玩家Azael接受了arena junkies訪問, 後者也是國外點閱率相當高的魔獸世界競技場討論網域。 arena junkies之前已經訪問過很多著名玩家, 每次看了都想整理重點,翻譯上來與各位分享,每次都發懶而作罷。 但這篇的細膩度高,易懂程度超低,內容也頗豐富。 蠻多東西能分享。 更重要的是,Azael不會像很多高手一般,遇到大哉問就展現"哲學式"答話風格, 他真的講出了很多東西。 縱使某些觀點並非首創,已令人感到相當不藏私了。 這篇也被讀者認為是AJ推出〈高玩訪問單元〉以來,內容最引人入勝的一篇。 全篇主要分為A桑自我介紹、競技技巧、對WOW大環境展望這幾個主題, 僅在此翻譯我有興趣的地方,也就是Azael眼中的競技場技巧。 有興趣一睹全文者,請連結至 http://tinyurl.com/3fy6btp -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Azael訪問錄,競技技巧篇: Pro-Tips Q:How does a player know when they might be ready to try and go pro? 一個玩家要如何知道自己已經夠資格往高玩之路邁進? A:I think that it can be hard to know simply because most people have a much higher opinion of themselves than others have of them, so I think a good way to tell is when you're getting recognition from other top players. I'd also say a good indicator is if you're able to consistently take games off of other pro teams with a non-fotm setup. 我認為這很難輕易地知曉。人們往往自視過高,比旁人眼中的自己要強。 所以我認為一個較中肯的方法就是「當你被頂尖好手們認同」, 此外,還有一種不錯的指標就是,如果你能經常地用非主流隊伍幹掉那些強隊, 那也可以說你邁向高玩了。 (譯者按:google過non-fotm setup,依舊不確定其意是否翻對,請版友指點) Q:As one of the best warlocks in the business, what 3 pro-tips would you give a Warlock that's new to arena? 身為最出色的職業術士玩家之一,如果要給剛參與競技場的菜鳥術士們建議, 你認為當中最要緊的三件事是什麼? A:Positioning is the most important part of arena, make sure you're always forcing people to use a gap closer (Intercept, Shadowstep, Skull Bash etc ) to swap to you before you demon portal to kite them much more easily. 「位置」永遠是競技場內最重要的焦點。 永遠記得你在使用傳送法陣前,迫使對手先使用近身特技 (如攔截、暗影閃現、碎顱猛擊),讓你更有效地風箏他。 I think that people need to really think about when they're using Fear more simply because I get a lot of messages about people asking me why I don't spam fear more in my video, and you really just have to realize that there should always be a reason to use it. If you just Fear for the sake of using the ability then the person may be on DR for when you really need it to peel, or when you really need to interrupt a cast or free yourself up to get casts off without having to fake against Melee. Just make sure there's you're not wasting your DRs and focus more on keeping damage up if the time isn't right to use it. 我認為人們需要在使用恐懼前多想想。 有太多人傳訊息問我,為什麼影片中的我並沒有多少連續恐懼的橋段。 關於這點你要知道,使用「恐懼術」時,永遠得先存在必須這樣做的理由。 如果你只是為了恐懼而恐懼,那麼到了真正「有理由」使用它的時候, 目標已經進入遞減。 別讓遞減效應出現在無謂的時間點,在沒有適當理由使用恐懼術之前, 專心做好你的傷害。 I think that a lot of people aren't very good at faking interrupts, and one of the biggest issues I see is that they're locking themselves out simply by wasting so much time doing it or not doing it at the right times. You need to make sure you're always faking with an instant meaning start your cast then cancel it by using Corruption, Agony, a curse etc so that you're not wasting the global. Also don't get too caught up in faking, because although avoiding interrupts is very good if a top level player notices you will only cast when interrupts are down they'll simply stop using them. 我認為大多數玩家對於「騙斷法」斷法這件事,都做的不夠好。 這裡面最大的癥結在於,浪費太多時間在騙斷法的動作上,而在該騙的時候卻不騙了。 你需要確保永遠在騙斷法動作中,加入一個瞬發技能。 (譯者按:其實類似技巧很多人提過,例如zilea兩年前在wom發表過的paladin tips) 就是說你先唱一個法術,然後瞬間取消它,同時放出一個瞬發技能, 像是腐蝕術、痛苦災厄,或某個詛咒等等。 這樣便不會為了騙斷法而浪費了公用CD。 另外,不要太執著於騙斷法這事兒上,雖然騙到了很賺,但一個頂尖玩家 若意識到「他不打斷你就絕不唱完」的話,他們便能安心地扣著打斷技能不放了。 Q:Would you be willing to share a couple macros with us that you use the most? 你願意和我們分享一些慣用的巨集嗎? A:I use pretty standard stuff, a ton of focus macros (CoEX, Fear, Coil, Weakness, Tongues, Spell Lock etc), and targeting macros such as /target arena 123 and /focus arena 123, the only one I have which people might not would be - #showtooltip Fel Flame /cast [target=mouseover,harm] Fel Flame; Fel Flame. It basically just casts Fel Flame on my target if I don't have a mouse over target, and casts it on my mouse over target if I do. I also use the same macro for Banish and some other stuff and find it quite nice. 我用的都很一般啦,一狗票的焦點巨集(焦點疲勞、焦點恐懼、焦點死纏、焦點虛弱、 焦點語言、狗狗焦點反制)。 並使用巨集切換目標,諸如/target arena 123 這些, 與/focus arena 123 等等。 唯一只有我在用而別人沒在用的巨集就是「鼠標魔化烈焰」。 這巨集在我鼠標沒有敵對目標時,對當前目標放魔化烈焰, 如果鼠標存在敵對目標,則對該目標施放魔化烈焰。 我也會運用同樣的概念去設定放逐術巨集或類似法術,感覺超讚的。 WASD or ESDF? Q:你是WASD流還是ESDF流? (譯者按:應指方向鍵配置) A:Neither actually, I use QWE and have everything else bound to abilities since I have like 100 binds I have to use pretty much everything on the keyboard haha! I use as far over as Shift-M on the keyboard, and I have a huge amount of ctrl and alt modifiers as well of course, then a lot of stuff on my mouse as well bound with modifiers. 都不是,我是QWE流 (譯者按:應該就是QE左右平移,W前進的意思)。 此外我把其他鍵位都綁了技能,有一百個左右吧。 我透過鍵盤去做每一件事! 哈哈! 就算像shift+M這種有點遠的組合鍵也拿來綁技能,而我設定了超多包含ctrl 與alt的多功能熱鍵,更別提還有不少功能鍵是綁在我的滑鼠上。 Q:So, it can be really hard getting used to new keybinds - what advantage do you think having such extensive keybinds gives you in arena? 這樣的話,不就代表很難適應新的熱鍵設定? 你覺得自己搞了這麼一脫拉庫熱鍵, 究竟在競技場帶來什麼好處 =.=? A:It just allows me to do basically whatever I want to do in arena quickly and easily instead of having to fumble around trying to click stuff. I see a ton ton ton of people who target by clicking on Gladius or Arena Frames and honestly I think it's not very good as it's simply a lot slower and you could be using your mouse for other things that you can't do without it like mouseover attacks and whatnot. 它們讓我在競技場想到什麼就能做什麼,比起笨拙的鼠標流來說,真是迅速又便利。 我看過一狗狗狗狗狗票的人,是透過競技場框架來點敵人的, 老實說我覺得這真的不太好。 當你換目標得透過滑鼠點框架的時候,總是比用熱鍵切目標慢的多。 你應該把滑鼠流天賦用在「只有滑鼠才能勝任」的地方上,像是鼠標攻擊與類似東西。 For example if I'm trying to watch Hex while killing a Mage against a Shaman / Mage team then I can simply scroll on my Mouse wheel to focus the Shaman then Shift Scroll to target the Mage, and then if the Shaman drops Mana Tide or Spirit Link totem etc I can use my mouse to mouseover pet attack or Fel Flame or I could mouse over Banish the Water Elemental etc all at the same time without having to be clicking anything, it just makes it a lot easier and makes your gameplay more smooth. 舉例來說,碰上法薩隊伍,當我想在督法師的同時監控薩滿妖術, 只要輕鬆地轉動滑鼠滾輪,就能把薩滿設為焦點,然後按住shift再滑動滾輪, 就能把當前目標切換到法師身上。 此外,若薩滿插了法潮圖騰,靈魂連結圖騰等不祥之物,我可以透過「鼠標寵物攻擊」 或「鼠標魔化烈焰」拆除之。 我還可以透過「鼠標放逐術」去搞像是水元素的壞東西。 以上動作通通不需要「點」任何東西(譯者按:應指滑鼠左鍵點選目標之動作), 這種設定風格讓一切都變的更簡單也更流暢。 I just figure if there's something you don't have to use your mouse for then why would you do it when you can accomplish the same thing in a faster / easier way and still have your mouse free for things that you can't otherwise do. 我只想說,如果有任何動作是不需要透過滑鼠就能辦到的,那為何不試著用 更快更便利的方式去實現它,然後把滑鼠流操作完全留給只有滑鼠才能辦到的任務呢? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ps: 文意若有譯錯者,請推文或來信告知。 若需轉貼請於推文處告知,並務必附上出處(pttbbs之NVK)。 這樣要抱怨翻譯太爛的人才知道找誰,敬請配合嘍。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NVK 來自: (05/02 04:59)

05/02 05:06, , 1F
Skull Bash不是野性衝鋒哦 不過我猜是受訪者口誤
05/02 05:06, 1F

05/02 05:08, , 2F
那招叫做碎顱猛擊,是我自己翻譯出錯,感謝啊 ^^
05/02 05:08, 2F
※ 編輯: NVK 來自: (05/02 05:09)

05/02 05:19, , 3F
05/02 05:19, 3F

05/02 06:04, , 4F
05/02 06:04, 4F

05/02 08:29, , 5F
碎顱猛擊也有接近的效果 可是我想他不是特別指這個
05/02 08:29, 5F

05/02 09:32, , 6F
推 我都快忘記魔化烈焰這招
05/02 09:32, 6F

05/02 10:29, , 7F
有人知道裡面 /target arena 123 和 /focus arena 123
05/02 10:29, 7F

05/02 10:30, , 8F
怎樣達到那種效果呢? 不用點目標就能直接切敵對1-3甚至1-5
05/02 10:30, 8F

05/02 10:44, , 9F
05/02 10:44, 9F

05/02 10:50, , 10F
05/02 10:50, 10F

05/02 10:56, , 11F
巨集 /target arena1
05/02 10:56, 11F

05/02 11:19, , 12F
05/02 11:19, 12F

05/02 12:17, , 13F
05/02 12:17, 13F

05/02 12:23, , 14F
05/02 12:23, 14F

05/02 14:08, , 15F
05/02 14:08, 15F

05/02 16:07, , 16F
05/02 16:07, 16F

05/02 16:07, , 17F
05/02 16:07, 17F

05/02 16:09, , 18F
05/02 16:09, 18F

05/02 16:09, , 19F
05/02 16:09, 19F

05/02 17:03, , 20F
05/02 17:03, 20F

05/02 20:00, , 21F
05/02 20:00, 21F

05/03 01:53, , 22F
05/03 01:53, 22F
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