
看板WNBA作者時間12年前 (2011/08/14 13:15), 編輯推噓4(405)
留言9則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
官網上的照片不知道位啥覺得很好笑 哈哈 背景的TSB也... (被洗掉的話:
) Catchings成為第六位破5000分 (Thompson,Leslie,Smith,Jackson,Taurasi) 第一個5000分2000板1000助 第三度平生涯最高得分(32) 三次都是對Liberty (Liberty:跟我有仇就對了...) 生涯第二度零籃板。 ``Catch is a multidimensional player,'' Indiana coach Lin Dunn said. ``I think sometimes she's not given enough credit for all the different things she can do. She gets assists, she gets steals, she gets rebounds, she scores and she defends like nobody else in the league. It's unfortunate that so much emphasis is put on 'Who's the leading scorer?''' 阿sea今天被電... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/14 14:27, , 1F
推Catchings 恭喜:)
08/14 14:27, 1F

08/14 14:28, , 2F
08/14 14:28, 2F

08/17 10:15, , 3F
fever對stars後面很刺激 嗯 輸的那一隊很可惜~ 差一點
08/17 10:15, 3F

08/17 12:01, , 4F
08/17 12:01, 4F

08/17 12:34, , 5F
dream vs sparks也打到最後幾秒 嗯 機會都有...(cp回來了)
08/17 12:34, 5F

08/17 18:59, , 6F
08/17 18:59, 6F

08/17 19:57, , 7F
08/17 19:57, 7F

08/18 09:03, , 8F
刺激還滿刺激 精采大概只有storm vs mercury那場
08/18 09:03, 8F

08/18 17:24, , 9F
我先看了Fever那場...mercury準備要來看 哈XD
08/18 17:24, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1EHrdhsN (WNBA)