[情報] cp3

看板WNBA作者時間13年前 (2011/06/28 12:44), 編輯推噓6(605)
留言11則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
An MRI on Monday revealed that Los Angeles Sparks post player Candace Parker has torn the lateral meniscus in her right knee and will be sidelined for approximately six weeks. 好慘... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/28 13:22, , 1F
CP3拍拍 火花可能要困頓一陣子了
06/28 13:22, 1F

06/29 07:17, , 2F
去年沒有cp3還是進了季後賽 應該不至於太慘 吧
06/29 07:17, 2F

06/29 08:10, , 3F
06/29 08:10, 3F

06/29 23:26, , 4F
唉...難得火花開季打一波出來= =~~囧~~
06/29 23:26, 4F

06/30 06:29, , 5F
LJ 動手術8-12週 Briann January torn ACL本季報銷QQ
06/30 06:29, 5F

06/30 06:38, , 6F
super sad news for storm and fever, maybe KT will
06/30 06:38, 6F

06/30 06:40, , 7F
play pg now... Agler announced the surgery at
06/30 06:40, 7F

06/30 06:41, , 8F
white house......XD
06/30 06:41, 8F

06/30 12:23, , 9F
噢 可憐的Briann QQ KT打PG的話會影響得分吧!? Fever還
06/30 12:23, 9F

06/30 12:25, , 10F
06/30 12:25, 10F

06/30 14:54, , 11F
飛利浦最近莫名被冰 可以解凍了...
06/30 14:54, 11F
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