[討論] Virgo horoscope for 星期日 9月 17日

看板Virgo作者 (visreum)時間7月前 (2023/09/17 01:57), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 1人參與, 7月前最新討論串1/1
Virgo horoscope for 星期日 9月 17日 翻譯: 在工作或是某些牽涉到他人的合作項目上,你可能會懷疑某人正在說謊或是扭曲事實。然而,在你表達你的疑慮之前,你需要確定一下事實。更重要的是,在說任何話之前,了解這件事的背景,將會對你有幫助。你可能沒有注意到這件事牽涉的其他事情,而為此發聲,比起得到的好處,可能會對你帶來更多的傷害。 你是非常正直的人,你也如此期望他人,然而,有些時候,事實遠比所見的還要複雜。這次可能就是其中一次。 原文: (Copyright to DailyHoroscope,translated by Kelsie) You may suspect that someone is lying or misrepresenting themselves at work or in some other venture that involves others. But before you voice your concern, dear Virgo, you will need to be sure. And more than that, it would help to understand the back-story before you say anything. There may be a complication or a connection that you are not aware of, and speaking up could do more harm than good. You are very honorable, and you expect that of others, but sometimes there is more to a situation than meets the eye. This may be one of those times. -- Sent from nPTT on my iPhone 13 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1694887036.A.D42.html

09/17 10:36, 7月前 , 1F
09/17 10:36, 1F

09/17 10:36, 7月前 , 2F
09/17 10:36, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1b1Unyr2 (Virgo)