[討論] Virgo horoscope for Apr 20 2015

看板Virgo作者 (鴿子)時間9年前 (2015/04/20 11:56), 9年前編輯推噓15(1501)
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Virgo horoscope for Apr 20 2015 (Laco) Birds are designed with almost weightless feathers and hollow bones so that they can gracefully fly through the vast expanse of the sky. And yet human beings capture many species of birds, trap them in tiny cages, and keep them confined for the majority of their lives. Because humans are bigger and stronger, the birds don't have much choice. However, Virgo, you do have a choice. You may be longing to be a "free bird" in some way now - at work, in a relationship, or someplace else that has grown increasingly confining. Just remember that you do have a choice in the matter. -- 鳥兒與生俱來輕盈的羽毛與中空的骨頭,所以他們才能優雅的掠過天際。 然而人類捉住了許多種類的鳥,將他們囚禁在小小的籠子裡,限制住他們的生活。 因為人類比起鳥類來的大又壯,鳥兒沒有太多選擇。 然而,處處,你是有選擇的~ 你應該會在某些情況下渴望成為一隻自由的鳥 - 工作上,與人的關係,或是越來越令你感到受限的其他層面。 記住,你是有選擇der~ -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://frtns.com/dh feather (n.) 羽毛 hollow (n.) 中空的 gracefully (adv.) 優美地; 溫文地 vast (adj.) 廣闊的; 巨大的 expanse (n.) 廣闊的區域; 蒼天 species (n.) 物種; 種類 trap (v.) 使...受限制; 困住 cage (n.) 籠子; 牢房 confine (v.) 限制; 局限於 long (v.) 渴望 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1429502197.A.D69.html ※ 編輯: david8226 (, 04/20/2015 11:57:23

04/20 12:19, , 1F
04/20 12:19, 1F

04/20 12:37, , 2F
04/20 12:37, 2F

04/20 12:52, , 3F
04/20 12:52, 3F

04/20 13:03, , 4F
04/20 13:03, 4F

04/20 13:04, , 5F
很準 今天完全符合~謝謝你:)
04/20 13:04, 5F

04/20 15:53, , 6F
04/20 15:53, 6F

04/20 17:33, , 7F
04/20 17:33, 7F

04/20 17:57, , 8F
04/20 17:57, 8F

04/20 18:25, , 9F
有準到 一起加油~
04/20 18:25, 9F

04/20 18:57, , 10F
04/20 18:57, 10F

04/20 21:09, , 11F
04/20 21:09, 11F

04/20 22:08, , 12F
04/20 22:08, 12F

04/20 22:22, , 13F
特別準確的運勢 就今天而言
04/20 22:22, 13F

04/20 22:39, , 14F
04/20 22:39, 14F

04/21 09:55, , 15F
早就這麼想了 很厭煩啦
04/21 09:55, 15F

04/21 17:55, , 16F
04/21 17:55, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1LD7Zrrf (Virgo)