[討論] 10/04 05 The Daily Horoscope

看板Virgo作者 (獨角獸貓貓)時間10年前 (2014/10/04 23:03), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Saturday Oct 4 You may be attributing a bad feeling you are experiencing about something or someone to intuition. When you do listen to your intuition, Virgo, it doesn't lead you astray. Right now, however, that feeling you're getting could be coming from someplace else. It may be coming from a fear or insecurity. Or it could just be coming from your generally frazzled state of mind. If something (or someone) doesn't feel right to you, don't dismiss the feeling without questioning it, but do make a point of figuring out its source. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 你可能會把一個不好的感覺當做是對你所經歷的事情或人的直覺。處處,當你聆聽 你的直覺時,她不會讓你誤入歧途。然而,現在你所感受到的感覺可能是從其他地方而 來。 它可能來自由你的恐懼或不安,或著只是來自你疲憊的精神狀態而已。如果你對某 事(或某人)感覺不對,不要沒有質疑,而要找出這樣情緒的來源。 Sunday Oct 5 You may be longing for a change right now, Virgo, but don't go and do anything radical. You may think you need to do something big to get past the "blah" feeling you're experiencing, but you can spruce up your life in a lot of small ways. You could rearrange your furniture, and add a few interesting decorative items you find at flea markets. You could go out and buy some music that you would love to have in your CD player. You could surprise an old friend from out of the blue and make plans to get together. Any of these ideas, and others, can shake you out of the doldrums. -- Copyright (c) The Daily Horoscope by Fortunes Foundry http://bit.ly/DHmobile -- 處處,你現在可能渴望有一些改變,但請別做出任何激進的事情。你可能會想你需 要做出一些大事來撐過你現在的"無聊"感覺,但你有很多的方法可以妝點你的生活。 你可以重新安排你的家具,並添加一些你在跳蚤市場找到的裝飾品。你可以出去買 一些音樂放進你的音響裡頭,你也可以給你的老朋友一些驚喜並約他出去。任何這樣或 其他的想法,都可以讓你走出生活中的低迷狀態。 .............................................................................. 昨天早上四點一大群人在清理麵包坊,一路忙到9點才休息,所以無力翻譯 -- 試著把心中的美好 用文字傳遞出去 http://sujaya.pixnet.net/blog -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1412435010.A.9AA.html

10/04 23:27, , 1F
10/04 23:27, 1F

10/04 23:42, , 2F
10/04 23:42, 2F

10/04 23:47, , 3F
這兩天真的 有點低迷
10/04 23:47, 3F

10/04 23:48, , 4F
10/04 23:48, 4F

10/05 01:02, , 5F
10/05 01:02, 5F

10/05 01:12, , 6F
感謝翻譯 ^^
10/05 01:12, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1KC0n2cg (Virgo)