[檢舉] 不當站內信

看板Violation作者 (Dark Moon Princess)時間1年前 (2022/06/12 09:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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(檢舉水球或信件違規,應將證據由個人信箱直接轉錄至本看板,並不得為任何編輯。 並請變更其標題與檢舉文一致。違反規定者得駁回之。詳情請見置底文檢舉規範。 另,檢舉點歌違規請附上日期。) * * * * ~ * * ** ˙οξ∵ 。﹒ ╰┘ ╭═╮╮╭╮╭═╮╭═╮╭═╮╭═╮╮ ╮╭╬╯╰╦╮╭═╮╮═╮ ∴ ★ ˙· ║ ║╠╯ ║ ║╰═╮╠═╝║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║║ ║ 。∴ ║═╯╰ ╰═╯╰═╯╰═╯╰═╯╰═╰ ╰╯╰╩═╰═╯╰ ╰ ┌╮ ο ☆ * * * * ~ * *~ ψCAMILLECHOU ξ**~ * * ~ * ˙ ∴ξ   ╭═════════════════════════════════╮ ψ 檢 舉 人︰angel07 ψ 被檢舉人︰heavydog ψ 檢舉事由︰違反使用者申訴及處理規則第六條第二款第一目之三 ψ 檢舉說明︰無視收件人拒收信件水球之通知繼續寄送站內信,依#14xM0aHS違規 ψ 所附證據︰若為信件水球證據,請記得直接自信箱轉錄至本板, 轉錄後得事後刪除涉及隱私及個資之文字. ╰═════════════════════════════════╯ *上述資訊請填載明確,秉實詳述,充分真實,否則不予受理。* -- If a card(s) or effect(s) is activating, OR a monster(s) is Summoning, OR a monster declare an attack, except this card: You must pay half of your life; Negate all the activation in this chain except this card, Summoning, OR attack, and if you do, destroy that card(s), then destroy all the other cards on the field and in either players' hand. (This effect is treated as spell speed 3.) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Violation/M.1654998424.A.58C.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1YfKMOMC (Violation)