[半神] Catching Up with Vince Carter

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原文: http://blogs.thescore.com/raptorblog/2012/05/11/catching-up-with-vince-carter/ 翻譯轉自卡特中國: http://www.vc15.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=32200&fpage=0&page=1 Catching Up with Vince Carter (From RaptorBlog) RaptorBlog(Joseph): What’s it like to be the new guy on a team that’s won a championship, where they’re trying to defend their title and repeat, but you haven’t won with these guys and you’re still looking for your ring? RaptorBlog(Joseph):作為一隻冠軍球隊的新成員是什麼樣的感覺?你們想衛冕卻沒能成功 ,所以你還在繼續追求總冠軍戒指對嗎? Vince: It’s kind of weird because when I was traded to New Jersey they had just left the Finals. When I was traded to Orlando they had just left the Finals. And now coming to Dallas they were just in the Finals. I just missed them all by a year or so. But it’s great to be a part of this team. To actually see them with the ring ceremony, actually see them with the trophy, in person, really just ignited the hunger for a ring even more than every other year. You want that opportunity. To see the reaction, to see the actual ring. Man, this is what I’ve been wanting since day one and now to get the opportunity to play on a team that’s a contender and just won it, so they all know what it’s like and they want it again. The guys who won it before, want it again, so it just makes it a great mesh. Vince:我有點覺得是命運的捉弄(WEIRD不好翻譯,VC可能在無奈的苦笑自己吧),當我被 交易到新澤西的時候,他們剛好走下打總決賽的巔峰,當我被交易到奧蘭多,他們也剛好離 開了總決賽。現在我被交易到達拉斯,他們正在總決賽狀態中(其實我覺得VC是不好意思直 接說達拉斯已經離開總決賽水平了)。我差不多剛好錯過了他們最好的時候一年或者若干年 。然而,能成為達拉斯的一員還是很棒的。親眼目睹總冠軍戒指頒發儀式,親眼目睹他們和 總冠軍獎盃在一起,使我對一枚戒指的慾望更加熾烈,甚至超過了以往任何一年。我想要那 樣一個機會。我想要結果,想要一枚戒指。你懂的,我從進聯盟第一天起就想要戒指了,現 在我有了這個機會,在一隻有競爭力的球隊里打球,並去贏取它,同時隊友們想衛冕成功, 所以大家都懂得這是一種什麽樣的感覺。曾經拿過總冠軍的人,再想拿一次,而我也想要總 冠軍,這使我和這隻球隊很好得契合在一起。 RaptorBlog(Scott): There’s a lot of speculation from fans and media about your plans beyond this season. The next two years of your contract are only partially guaranteed, so do you think you’d consider re-entering the free agent market again if the Mavs don’t pick up the next two years, or have you given some consideration to retirement? RaptorBlog(Scott):媒體和球迷對你這賽季以後的打算有很多猜測。你合同的接下去兩年是 非保障性的,所以你覺得你會在達拉斯沒有續約你的時候重新進入自由球員市場,還是考慮 退役的問題? Vince: I’m definitely not looking into retirement right now. I’m just going to see how it plays out first and foremost and see where it goes from there. I haven’t really looked that far ahead. I just want to complete this season. I feel like if good things happen with the team and I play well, and do what needs to be done and do what’s asked of me, then you know, it will take care of itself. Vince:我很清楚的知道自己短時間內不打算退役。我只是打算看看接下去首先會發生什麽, 然後在那之後再進一步考慮。我還沒有想的那麼長遠。我只是想先把這個賽季結束掉。我覺 得如果球隊續約了我,然後我打的不錯,做了該做的和要求被做的,那麼你懂的,這樣的問 題它自然就會被解決。 RaptorBlog(Scott): One of the reasons a lot of Raptors fans might be interested in your possible free agency plans is that a lot of fans hold on to the hope that you’ll finish your career in a Toronto Raptors uniform. Assuming the Raptors submitted an appealing offer in that situation, is that something you would consider? RaptorBlog(Scott):大量猛龍球迷對你關於可能面臨的自由選擇權的計劃感興趣,仍然有很 多球迷保留了希望你在多倫多退役的願望。假如猛龍能拿出一份很誘人的報價,你會考慮這 事嗎? Vince: Of course it’s something that I would definitely consider. And it’s something in the free agency this year, once everything was worked out with Phoenix and I was a free agent, that was a question I was asked by my family and by my agent. He’s like ‘what if?’ and I was like, ‘hey, definitely, we’ ll hear what they have to say.’ So I never rule it out. Vince:當然這是我絕對會考慮的事。當初在我和太陽的合同結束之後,這事就已經被我家 裡人和經紀人提出來過了,問我想回猛龍嗎。他意思是“如果去猛龍怎麼樣”,我意思是“ 顯然我們應該先看看猛龍那邊是什麽態度”,所以到最後我都沒有排除任何可能性。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): Vince, the reason we actually wanted to talk to you is because we’re doing something for RaptorBlog called the Ultimate Raptors Rankings. We’re ranking the top-30 Raptors of all time, and the reason we’re talking to you is because in the next couple of weeks, we’re going to unveil you as the top Raptor of all time… Vince: Oh, wow… RaptorBlog(Joseph):文斯,事實上我們想和你聊聊的原因是我們正在為RaptorBlog搞一樣 叫“猛龍終極名單”的玩意。我們要排列出猛龍隊史上最牛逼的30個人,我們找你聊的原因 就是,在接下去的幾星期里,我們要公諸於世:你是猛龍隊史上最叼爆的球員…… Vince:喔,哇…… RaptorBlog(Joseph): Yeah. And obviously what most of our readers want to hear you talk about is the Toronto Raptors and your time as a Raptor. And there were a lot of good times. Looking back now, we’re eight years removed from the situation. If someone asked you to sum up your time in Toronto, as a Raptor, what would you say? RaptorBlog(Joseph): 是的。而且明顯地,我們的大多數讀者希望聽到的是你談論猛龍隊以 及你的猛龍時光。那明顯是一段很美好的時光。現在往回看,這已經過去了8年。如果有人 問你如何總結在多倫多打球的時光,你會怎麼說呢? Vince: It’s where it all started for me, my opportunity. Glen Grunwald, Butch Carter gave me the opportunity. I remember day one, Butch Carter comes to me and says ‘Vince, we’re gonna show the world what you’re made of, who you are and what you’re about.’ Day two, Charles Oakley puts his arm around me and says ‘Hey, I’m gonna show you the ropes.’ And from there I felt comfortable. It was a young kid coming to a new city, just growing up in front of millions of people. It was just an unbelievable experience. You’re going to go through ups and downs in your life, in your career, that we all go through. That’s understood. But they were all worth it, because it adds character. It was just phenomenal. You can learn. Eight years removed from it, you’ve seen so many things happen to other players, and you can kind of really enlighten them if ever asked. It’s been a wonderful ride. It’s just hard to believe it’s been 14 years now, and I’m still playing the game I love. Vince: 那是一個我所有的一切開始的地方,是我最初的機會。Glen Grunwald,Butch Carter給了我這個機會。我記得第一天,Butch Carter過來對我說“文斯,我們即將要給這 個世界展示,你是一個怎麼樣的牛逼,你能做到多麼牛逼的事”。第二天,查爾斯奧克利摟 住我并對我說“嘿,我要傳授我的經驗給你”。從那時候起我就覺得舒服。當時幾乎就是一 個小屁孩來一個新的城市然後在幾百萬人面前成長起來的故事。那真是一段難以置信的經歷 。我在生活中和職業生涯中經歷了起起伏伏,每個人都會經歷。那是很好理解的事。然後所 有這些都是值得的,因為這些成為了我的特點的一部份。這是非凡的經歷。你懂的。八年過 去了,我看到了很多事發生在了其他球員身上,如果被問起關於這些的問題,我的經歷有點 能真正地啓發他們。這是一段非凡的經歷。從進聯盟到現在已經有14年了,這真令人難以置 信,而我還在從事我喜愛的運動。 RaptorBlog(Scott): I wanted to get your take on the Dwight Howard situation in Orlando. You played with Dwight, so you’ve seen first hand how important he is to that team, but his public image has taken a serious hit this season with the way he’s appeared to lead the team on with his future plans, and his falling out with Stan Van Gundy. Since you had a similar experience with how things ended between you and the Raptors in 2004, what advice would you give Dwight about how he should handle the situation going forward? RaptorBlog(Scott): 我想請你站到如今奧蘭多的德懷特霍華德的位置上。你曾經和德懷特 一起打過球,所以你很清楚地知道他對他的球隊來說有多重要,然而由於他的個人計劃和球 隊計劃的出入,他帶領球隊打球的態度,以及他和傻逼范甘迪關係緊張,使他的公眾形象大 受打擊。因為你有類似的經歷,即2004年你和猛龍結束的那會,所以你對德懷特該怎麼處理 這樣的情況有任何建議嗎? Vince: It’s a tough situation either way you look at it. He wants to make the best decision for him and that’s fine. I think right now, I think too many people have their hand in to the situation, and I think that’s where the problem lies. And I think Dwight should just take a step back now that he’s out of this season, to really think about what he wants to do. It shouldn’t be friends and the other bodies or representatives. He should sit down with the organization and they should just talk it out. And talk it out meaning say what you have to say, they say what they have to say. And a decision can be made from that. Because I feel like when you get other people involved, words get twisted. And that’s where things tend to go left, if you understand what I’m saying. So if they’re both sitting there, all of the outside speculation doesn ’t really matter, because you’ve said it to the player or to the organization, and pretty much cleared the air. So I think that’s what needs to happen. Vince: 不管從什麽角度看,這都是一種很艱難的處境。他想做一個對他自己來說最好的決 定,這毫無問題。我覺得現在有太多的人把自己的看法加到這件事里去,這就是問題的所在 。我覺得德懷特現在應該先退一步,他已經結束這個賽季了,他應該認真想一想,他到底想 要怎麼做。而不是什麽他的朋友,或者其他什麽能代表他的人來考慮這事。他應該坐下來和 球隊好好談一談,他把他不得不說的說出來,球隊把球隊不得不說的說出來。這樣才能有一 個最終的決定。因為我覺得如果你讓其他人捲進這樣的事,言語就換變得扭曲。然後這就讓 事情變的糟糕,我想你能懂我的意思。所以如果他們都能坐下來,所有的外在推測就無所謂 了,因為他們都把想說的說出來了,於是輿論也就清淨了。這就是我的建議。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): Vince, you had a major role in putting the Raptors on the map in the NBA. I’ll never forget as a kid in Toronto, growing up watching the NBA on NBC, that Sunday when the Raptors were going to be on NBC. Hearing that music hit and knowing it was the Raptors who were going to be on, it was surreal to me. And I’m sure it was a big deal to Toronto basketball fans and fans around Canada. In the years since you’ve left, even through some successful seasons, the Raptors have never really grabbed the NBA spotlight like they had when you were here. And there’s this perceived notion out there that Toronto’s like this little team on an island, and even if players have great seasons here, they still can’t get recognition. As someone who never seemed to have a problem getting that recognition while you were here, what are your thoughts on that perception? RaptorBlog(Joseph):文斯,你曾經是猛龍隊融入NBA版圖這場大戲的主角。我從來無法忘記 當我在多倫多還是個小孩的時候,我是看著NBC頻道的NBA長大的。每個星期天NBC都播猛龍 的比賽。聽到熟悉的音樂和節奏,我就知道是猛龍隊在打比賽了,這對我來說真是神奇的經 歷。同時我確信這對多倫多的籃球迷和整個加拿大的籃球迷來說都是一樣重要。自從你離開 之後,就算是在幾個戰績不錯的賽季,NBA的聚光燈也沒有像你在的時候一樣照射到猛龍隊 身上。有一種明顯的感覺就是多倫多就像是一隻在孤島上的球隊,就算有球員在這裡打出不 錯的賽季,他們也得不到重視。而你在的時候任何人都毫無壓力地得到了重視,那麼你對這 有何看法? Vince: Toronto is one of the best kept secrets, and that was one of the tough things about convincing other players to come play for the Raptors at the time is that they didn’t know. And that was one of the things I was trying to push at the time with the NBA, along with the fans and the organization, help Toronto gain recognition and put us on the map. Let the world see who we are and what we’re about and what the city of Toronto is about. I can speak on behalf of some of my friends, basketball fans, when they come to Toronto, they fall in love with it. They say ‘Oh man, I love Toronto, I love Toronto.’ It’ s just that on a national level, it wasn’t known and it didn’t gain that recognition. We had some pretty good teams, but we had to get into the playoffs to be recognized. And it was just tough. And that was one of the things I talked about when people said ‘your team is underrated.’ I used to say ‘hey, give us a shot. Let us put Toronto and Canada on the map. Let us be seen.’ It’ s unfortunate. It has happened, but it just hasn’t happened consistently. And I still think the younger players in the league now have no idea how great Canada is. Vince: 多倫多是最好的幾個保持神秘感的地方之一,然而這也是一個很糟糕的原因使得說 服其他球員來這裡打球變得困難,因為他們對這裡一無所知。這也是當時我、球隊以及球迷 ,為之奮鬥的目標之一,即要使多倫多受到重視,把我們猛龍隊送到NBA的版圖上。讓全世 界都知道我們是誰,我們是怎麼樣的,以及多倫多這個城市是怎麼樣的。我可以替我的一些 朋友和籃球迷說,他們來到多倫多以後,就愛上了這個城市。他們說“哦哥們,我愛多倫多 ,我愛多倫多”。但那只是停留在國家水平,它還是不廣為人知,沒有得到重視。我們是一 隻優秀的球隊,然而我們必須得打進季後賽,從而得到重視。可是那並不容易。每當別人對 我說“你的球隊被低估了”,我就告訴他這些。我會說“喂,給我們一次機會。讓我們把多 倫多和加拿大放入版圖,讓我們被看見”。很不幸你們現在會有這種感受。其實這種感受一 直有。我仍然覺得聯盟里年輕一代的球員不知道加拿大有多好。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): Well no one in Canada forgets what you did for the franchise, or your role in the most successful period in franchise history, but there’s still a lot of bitterness from the fans over how things ended, and you still hear the boos when you come here. There is that perception that you could have given more, because of the John Thompson interview. Do you see why some fans see it that way, based on the interview? RaptorBlog(Joseph):好吧,沒有加拿大人忘記你為猛龍隊做的一切,以及你在球隊史上最 輝煌一段時間里所扮演的角色。然而球迷對于最後的結果還是留有怨恨,你來的時候還是能 聽到噓聲。根據John Thompson的採訪節目,給人的感覺就是你曾經可以給予球隊更多幫助 你知道有些球迷就是因為那個訪談節目而怨恨你嗎? Vince: I don’t see it, because the interview was definitely taken out of context. For those people that were sitting in that interview room that day, they’ll tell you the same. I just find it hard to believe that people say I didn’t play hard for the franchise. I loved being there, they gave me my opportunity. That was how my career started. I was able to become Rookie of the Year, I was able to help that franchise win and make it to the playoffs, along with everybody else. I got into the All Star Game, which also helped gain recognition for Toronto, and that’s all I wanted. And that’s everything I put forth to do each and every night, just play the game that I love. So it was unfortunate that the interview turned out like it did. You only saw one side of the story and it was unfortunate that the other side didn’t really come out. People just hear what they hear on the interview and it’s unfortunate, like I said. You know, you just take the hit, and you just keep moving. I know deep down that people really know who I am and what I’m about and my love for the game. And if I didn’t have that love for the game, I wouldn’t be in it this long. Vince: 我不知道,因為那個採訪是有明確的上下文語境的。那些當時也坐在採訪間的人也 會告訴你同樣的話。我真的很難相信竟然有人說我當時沒有好好打球。我喜愛那裡,他們給 了我機會。那是我職業生涯的開始。我成為了那年的最佳新秀。我和球隊的其他人帶領球隊 贏得了比賽,並且打進了季後賽。我被選進了全明星,這也幫助多倫多受到重視,這一切也 都是我想要的結果。這也是當時我每個晚上盡力做的,打我喜愛的比賽。所以這個採訪最後 變成了這樣的結果,真的很遺憾。你們很不幸地只看到了故事的一面,另一面卻沒有被放出 來。人們只是聽到了他們所聽到的,就如我所說,這一切很不幸。你懂的,我只是接受了打 擊,然後繼續前進。我知道人們心裡其實還是知道我是怎麼樣的人以及我那份對比賽的熱愛 。如果我不是這麼熱愛比賽,我不可能在聯盟里打這麼久的球。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): Do you think if Raptors fans could have seen the interview from your side, the way you intended it to be seen, do you think the reaction would have been a lot different? RaptorBlog(Joseph): 你覺得是不是如果猛龍球迷們能看到你所說的採訪的另一面,即你原 本想讓採訪展示的那一面,事情的結果會有很大不同? Vince: Sure, but you know that’s just the way it goes. I mean even now, some interviews that you do that don’t come off like that, you still say ‘hey, I wanted them to say this or why did they edit out some of this, I thought that was a good line that I said,’ so on and so forth, but you know that’s just editing, that’s just the way it goes. And it was edited that way. And it’s just really nothing I can do. I just hope people forgive and forget and move on. Like I said, of course it’s unfortunate that it happened that way. Vince: 當然。不過你懂的,事情已經這樣了。我想說就算是現在,一些採訪,你明明是這 樣說的,結果出來的時候又是另外一幅樣子了。你還是不得不說“靠,我讓他們說的其實是 這樣的或者爲什麽他們編輯掉了一些我覺得很好的原話”,等等,不過你懂的,他們確實進 行了剪輯,然後事情就變成這樣了。我對於這種事真的無可奈何。我只是希望人們能夠原諒 ,能夠忘卻,然後向前看。就像我說的,這一切那樣發生當然是很不幸的。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): Do you think there will be a time, either when you come back as an opposing player or maybe in retirement, years down the road, where you step out on to that Air Canada Centre floor, and you get an ovation? Do you see Vince Carter ever receiving that in Toronto? Do you even hope for it? RaptorBlog(Joseph):你覺得會不會有這樣的時刻,多年以後,當你作為客隊選手,或者退 役以後,你站到加拿大航空中心的地板上,你受到了熱烈歡迎?你覺得你以後會有機會受到 那樣的待遇嗎?你可曾希望過這樣的情景? Vince: Yeah, of course you hope for it. You know, that’s where I started. I have so many memories. Like with the questions you’ve asked, it’s brought chills because you just think back to where it started. I was able to play in a time in this city where it was, it wasn’t known, it wasn’t a popular place to be. But at the same time, there was love. When we were able to beat the Knicks for that first playoff win, I recalled making the first basket in the Air Canada Centre. That’s something that I’ll never ever forget. So I do hope for it because every time I walk in there now and I look up there, I just say, ‘ Hey man, I made history here.’ You know? I won Rookie of the Year here. I won the slam dunk contest representing Toronto. That’s never been done. I have plenty of memories and you definitely hope for it. Vince: 是的,當然你會希望如此。你懂的,那裡是我開始的地方。我有如此多的回憶。就 像你已經問過的問題,只要你回憶起你開始的地方,你就會感到愉悅。在這個城市還不廣為 所知,還不夠流行的時候,我就在這裡打球了。不過在那時,這裡已經有了愛。當我們打敗 了尼克斯,獲得了季後賽首勝,我就想起了我在加拿大航空中心投進的第一個球。那是我永 遠不會忘記的。所以我真的希望能發生你所說的情況,因為我每次進入那裡或者看那裡,我 會對自己說“嘿,我曾經在這裡創造歷史”。你懂嗎?我在這裡獲得了最佳新秀。我代表猛 龍隊獲得了扣籃大賽冠軍。那是之前沒人做到過的。我有太多的回憶,我也確實希望能再次 受到歡呼。 RaptorBlog(Scott): Alright Vince, that was fantastic. Joseph and I both really appreciate you giving us your time. Vince: Yeah, no problem. RaptorBlog(Scott):好吧文斯,這次採訪真是精彩極了。Joseph和我都很感謝你能抽出時間 Vince:呵呵不謝。 RaptorBlog(Scott): As I said, you’re still a significant figure here, and I think deep down inside, all of us hope that there’s that sort of full reconciliation and that maybe your jersey will be hanging from the rafters of the Air Canada Centre one day. Vince: Hey, I hope so. RaptorBlog(Joseph): Thanks a lot, Vince Vince: Thanks guys. Thanks for your time. RaptorBlog(Scott): 就像我說的,你仍然是這裡的一個極具意義的標誌,而且我想在我們 所有人心底,都希望有一天能把所有不開心的一掃而光,而你的球衣能在這裡,加拿大航空 中心,退役! Vince:嘿,我也希望如此。 RaptorBlog(Joseph): 真的很感謝你,文斯。 Vince: 謝謝你們。謝謝你們的採訪。 -- █◣ ◢█ █◣ ◢█ █◣ ◢█ █ █ █▃▃mysterio ▏ ▕ █ █ █ 619 RAPTORS RAPTORS TORONTO ◥◣◢◤ █ ψ ◥◤ █▅▅█ 1 5 ▏ 1 5 ▕ 1 5 Toronto Raptors #15 ▏ ▕ 1998/99 ~ 2004/05 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysterio619 來自: (05/21 20:04)

05/21 21:45, , 1F
不管剩下幾年 我想我都會支持下去
05/21 21:45, 1F

05/21 21:52, , 2F
05/21 21:52, 2F

05/21 22:14, , 3F
05/21 22:14, 3F

05/21 22:53, , 4F
05/21 22:53, 4F

05/21 23:09, , 5F
05/21 23:09, 5F

05/21 23:17, , 6F
05/21 23:17, 6F

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05/21 23:32, , 8F
05/21 23:32, 8F

05/21 23:34, , 9F
05/21 23:34, 9F

05/21 23:34, , 10F
大家都知道太陽不會附這麼高的薪水 只想等封館
05/21 23:34, 10F

05/21 23:37, , 11F
05/21 23:37, 11F

05/22 00:08, , 12F
05/22 00:08, 12F

05/22 00:39, , 13F
希望VC不要甘心於就這麼成為一個角色球員 還是希望他打的更
05/22 00:39, 13F

05/22 00:39, , 14F
05/22 00:39, 14F

05/22 00:39, , 15F
05/22 00:39, 15F

05/22 11:09, , 16F
還是希望他可以能拿到一枚戒指阿!!! 加油 !!
05/22 11:09, 16F

05/22 12:01, , 17F
感謝 VC加油 另外這篇也澄清了當時的媒體不實報導
05/22 12:01, 17F

05/23 11:46, , 18F
05/23 11:46, 18F
文章代碼(AID): #1FkYxm7v (VinceCarter)