
看板VISA作者 (EW0412)時間5年前 (2019/05/16 11:51), 5年前編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
我本人是F1帶著我老婆F2於5/8內湖新館早上十點半面試 我們十點就到了排了好長的隊才入內 在面試預約單上有說明僅能以塑膠袋裝個人物品, 不過到現場還滿多人通過安檢之後還是背著後背包 所以這點應該不是問題 誠如前篇的大大分享的面試官們中,我們是給白人哥面試 以下是對話 ------------------------------- 面試官:Good morning. 我們:Good morning. 面試官:You’re going to Cornell University! Good school! F1:I know. (?) 面試官:So... animal genetics PhD? F1: Yes. 面試官:Explain it. F1:I used to study marine animals development. And I’m going to study butterfly wing development there. 面試官:Is that bioengineering ? F1:No. There’s another program for BioE. 面試官:Did you bring your CV? 我們:(遞) 面試官:........Just give me a second. (離席消失兩分鐘) (可能是因為敏感領域,又回答蝴蝶讓他難以置信?) 面試官:Explain why you are interested in butterflies again. F1:The developmental principles among animals are the same. I have experience in marine animals so I convinced them to get me in the program to study different animals. Such as butterflies, chicks and mice. F2 面試官:(直接忽略我開始轉戰我老婆)Ma’am, I notice that you’re studying in National Taiwan University. F2:Yes. 面試官:What do you study? F2:Foreign languages and literature. 面試官:Cool. So what literature do you like? F2:...Actually I’m not a big fan of literature. 面試官:Ok. So which language do you learn? F2:German and Japanese. 面試官: すげー! F2:(傻眼) 面試官:!@#$%^&*(德文) F2:(再度傻眼) 面試官:!@#$%^&*(日文) F2:(繼續傻眼) 面試官:為什麼想要學日文?(中文) F2:.....Cuz we travel to Japan quite a lot. 面試官:Why do you travel to Japan? For business? F2好像還在傻眼還沒平復,F1趕快幫答:For sightseeing. 面試官:Ok. So when did you get married? F2:We just got married last month. 面試官:恭喜恭喜!(中文)So where did he propose to you? F2:On campus. In front of the library actually. 面試官:Was that romantic? F2:Not really. 面試官:(大笑)And you said yes! So did you go on your honeymoon? F2:Not yet. We will go this summer. 面試官:Where will you go? F2:Japan. 面試官:Nice choice. So ma’am, I have another question for you. F2:Sure. 面試官:Does he talks about butterfly wings a lot on the dining table? F2 :And I always ignore him. 面試官:(笑)Good answer. Your visa has been approved . 我們:(鬆一大氣)Thank you so much. 面試官:(叮嚀了一些have a good time on your honeymoon ,還有Ithaca很冷要多帶外 套之類的)Have a nice day! 我們:Have a nice day! ---------------------------------- 5/10收到email通知取件 我們兩個都收到5年的簽證,不過我的護照再兩年就到期了... 心得: 1. 我們帶的東西幾乎都沒用上,他只看了一眼CV 出入境證明 戶籍謄本 結婚證書也沒用上 2. 出乎意料的F2被問了很多問題,雖然知道只是閒聊,但是當下還是很緊張 畢竟跟其他人分享F2的面試經驗不同 3. 前一個人讀Neuroscience,太緊張了好像都聽錯問題,但是白人哥還是只問了兩三題就 approve -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VISA/M.1557978710.A.FE6.html ※ 編輯: eric990429 (, 05/16/2019 11:54:01

05/16 12:20, 5年前 , 1F
05/16 12:20, 1F

05/16 12:43, 5年前 , 2F
05/16 12:43, 2F

05/16 13:48, 5年前 , 3F
05/16 13:48, 3F

05/16 16:52, 5年前 , 4F
05/16 16:52, 4F

05/20 08:34, 5年前 , 5F
05/20 08:34, 5F
參考 http://www.ustraveldocs.com/TW-Sample%20resume.docx ※ 編輯: eric990429 (, 05/20/2019 11:30:21
文章代碼(AID): #1StDvM_c (VISA)