[北美] CAQ紙本寄丟

看板VISA作者 (燒酒螺)時間9年前 (2014/07/07 16:19), 9年前編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
各位版友好,有個問題想請教大家~ 我的CAQ在5月7號時,已線上核發,但過了一個多月還遲遲沒收到紙本郵件, 發了信詢問,得到毫無相關的答覆,打電話去按英文服務卻還是法文... 怕延誤到學簽,先打印PDF送件,目前還在審核中,但CAQ直到今天還是沒收到。 後來電話打通後,對方和我說可以先送件,有申請成功,沒有紙本的CAQ也可入境, 為了保險起見,我又發信問一次,對方給我的答案如下: It is impossible for us to tell you how long it will take to receive your Qué bec acceptance certificate for studies because it depends on mail delivery times in your country. However, as soon as we send you your certificate, we will advise the Canadian visa office. If you have applied on line, you will receive confirmation of obtaining a certificate in your on-line file. You must print out and attach this confirmation to the application for a study permit that you will present to the Canadian visa office. If, after receiving your study permit and visa, you have still not received your Quebec acceptance certificate for studies, you may request a duplicate once from Québec by phoning us at one of the following numbers:(以下省略) 所以..我到底需不需要紙版的CAQ入魁省阿阿阿(崩潰中) 我的班機在八月中,沒時間再等補寄了, 麻煩大家指點一下,非常感謝!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VISA/M.1404721166.A.6C7.html

07/10 00:14, , 1F
07/10 00:14, 1F

07/10 01:01, , 2F
07/10 01:01, 2F
※ 編輯: pocket1414 (, 07/10/2014 01:07:57

07/10 21:27, , 3F
還是你就把pdf印出來 >< 或者去問問看旅行社?
07/10 21:27, 3F

07/10 21:34, , 4F
07/10 21:34, 4F

07/11 12:58, , 5F
謝謝你的建議:)辦事處今天好像提早關門= =但我又
07/11 12:58, 5F

07/11 12:59, , 6F
07/11 12:59, 6F
※ 編輯: pocket1414 (, 07/11/2014 13:08:35

07/12 20:00, , 7F
恭喜你^^ !!
07/12 20:00, 7F

07/12 20:22, , 8F
謝謝你喔! 雖然到時候還是得看狀況,哈哈
07/12 20:22, 8F

07/22 23:30, , 9F
請問你是要去哪個學校啊?感覺我們很近 哈哈
07/22 23:30, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1JkbWER7 (VISA)