[北美] 關於不同單位核發J-1

看板VISA作者 (是否)時間12年前 (2012/01/29 15:36), 編輯推噓0(008)
留言8則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
代po,我朋友沒有ptt id,但她很煩惱這個問題,請我幫忙po 感謝大大的幫忙 目前我拿 University A 的 J1 Visa (有效日期至三月底)在美國參加 program, 三月時 要換到 University B (DS 2019已經從 A transfer 到 B,有效日期至六月底)。五月時 需要回台灣兩三個禮拜再回美國,到AIT申請新的J1 Visa時該如何處理?我是不是要再填 一次DS-160,再繳一次簽證申請手續費和資料處理中心服務費?SEVIS I-901的費用是不 是不用再繳一次?另外還需要請 University B改SEVIS系統裡program開始的時間嗎? 我去AIT網站查了一下,我應該是符合第二或第三項吧? Transfer不知道算是in a single program or change between programs? When is paying a SEVIS I-901 fee not required for continuing exchange visitors? Continuing exchange visitors do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when they: Apply for reinstatement after a minor violation or technical infraction Return to the United States or apply for a visa to return to the United States to continue participation in a single program Apply to change between programs in the same exchange visitor category when the fee for the new program category is the same or less than that for the initial program category Apply to extend their stay in order to complete the current program Apply for a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider a denied change of status application within 30 days of denial of the status -- 到現在還是深深的深深的愛著你 是愛情的友情的都可以 那是我心中的幸福 我知道它苦苦的 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/29 16:02, , 1F
01/29 16:02, 1F

01/30 00:43, , 2F
01/30 00:43, 2F

01/30 03:22, , 3F
01/30 03:22, 3F

01/30 14:49, , 4F
看起來是要去AIT重辦簽證了 SEVIS不必再繳 其他都要
01/30 14:49, 4F

01/30 14:50, , 5F
01/30 14:50, 5F

01/31 23:18, , 6F
01/31 23:18, 6F

02/01 01:47, , 7F
02/01 01:47, 7F

02/01 08:21, , 8F
02/01 08:21, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1F9FSQCW (VISA)