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看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (馬桶之上可以棲遲)時間1年前 (2022/06/07 08:33), 編輯推噓-4(111545)
留言71則, 13人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
囫圇吞棗地看了幾個隨隊的報導,大部分都是客套話或廢話,無非就是說自己很感謝米勒給他機會,他跟Amy還有小朋友都喜歡猶他,尤其第一年更是生動,他還記得很多球隊的關鍵畫面...等等 摘錄一部分上來 *Sarah Todd: https://www.deseret.com/2022/6/6/23156340/utah-jazz-coach-quin-snyder-makes-emotional-goodbye-to-jazz-danny-ainge-ryan-smith-gail-miller?utm_campaign=nbasarah&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter Q決定後 24小時內盡可能打給所有球員,並稱取得很多支持 Since then, things have moved quickly. Snyder informed Jazz ownership and the front office of his decision and tried to get in contact with as many players on the team as he could during the last 24 hours. Snyder had a lot of calls to make and the Jazz had a lot of ducks to line up before the team announced the news Sunday evening. As such, his conversations with the players were brief but they were positive and supportive according to Snyder. Q覺得無法使球隊前進了(自知之明) According to league sources, the Jazz offered Snyder a deal that would have made him one of the highest paid coaches in the NBA, but Snyder felt that staying would mean that the Jazz wouldn’t get what they needed to help the team move forward. 對於接班波波,仍持否認態度 Though recent rumors have pointed tonyder possibly being the heir to Gregg Popovichn San Antonio, Snyder denied having given any thought to his next coaching post. *Ryan Miller: https://www.ksl.com/article/50418326/sense-of-loss-and-sorrow-and-sadness-quin-snyder-says-goodbye-to-the-utah-jazz Q思考了很久,最後談不上為什麼,就是一種直覺,現在離開對大家都好 But why leave now? That's a question that Snyder, so known to have strong reasoning for every decision, didn't have a complete answer to at the moment. He spent the weeks since the season ended laboring over and contemplating the choice, but on Saturday night he came to the conclusion that it was time. He didn't know exactly why, but he trusted his gut. "You try to be introspective and analyze all those things. I just got back to the same place — it was time," he said. "It was time for the Jazz to move forward, time for me to move forward. It made the most sense to me." 安吉這可能是客套話,也可能是暗示Q已經找到下一份工作 Ainge, however, seemed confident that Snyder will soon be back in the coaching seat, calling him "probably the most wanted coach out there." *Ben Anderson: (他一口氣寫了四篇,一篇跟上面大同小異,一篇歌功頌德,一篇關於美式足球員作為球迷的想法,一篇就是底下關於新教練的部分) https://kslsports.com/487611/ainge-smith-hint-at-extended-jazz-coaching-search/ Ben 的意思差不多就是新老闆會有自己的想法,選擇教練也是 When the team decided to replace Matt Harpring on the television broadcast, Smith and the Jazz brought in Holly Rowe, a national name who was already working for ESPN. After Vice President of Basketball Operations Dennis Lindsey stepped away from the team, Smith hired Ainge to serve as the Jazz CEO, a major shakeup for a team that was coming off a season in which they recorded the best record in the NBA. 安吉在波士頓找了兩個好教練,這方面有他獨到之處,安吉暗示會用不同(於波士頓)的方式來找新教練 Despite his previous success, Ainge hinted at a different coaching search with the Jazz. “I’m in a position where I haven’t really been looking to the same extent for those coaches,” Ainge admitted. “There’s a lot of names I know I’m familiar with in the coaching world, but this will be much different than the two previous ones. Probably more thorough.” Eric Walden的內容大同小異,就不放了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1654561986.A.6E3.html

06/07 09:06, 1年前 , 1F
06/07 09:06, 1F

06/07 09:06, 1年前 , 2F
06/07 09:06, 2F

06/07 09:06, 1年前 , 3F
06/07 09:06, 3F

06/07 13:31, 1年前 , 4F
06/07 13:31, 4F

06/07 15:24, 1年前 , 5F
陣中球星沒有教練罩了 教練也走人了 再回想早已失勢的林賽
06/07 15:24, 5F

06/07 15:25, 1年前 , 6F
06/07 15:25, 6F

06/07 15:25, 1年前 , 7F
06/07 15:25, 7F

06/07 16:31, 1年前 , 8F
06/07 16:31, 8F

06/07 16:50, 1年前 , 9F
對蜘蛛人米丘來說,應該是:蜘蛛人-有枷日 XD
06/07 16:50, 9F

06/07 21:00, 1年前 , 10F

06/07 21:43, 1年前 , 11F
06/07 21:43, 11F

06/08 00:21, 1年前 , 12F
不用對安吉抱太大期望 這裡是猶他不是波士頓
06/08 00:21, 12F

06/08 07:57, 1年前 , 13F
06/08 07:57, 13F

06/08 08:32, 1年前 , 14F
06/08 08:32, 14F

06/08 08:32, 1年前 , 15F
06/08 08:32, 15F

06/08 08:32, 1年前 , 16F
06/08 08:32, 16F

06/08 08:32, 1年前 , 17F
06/08 08:32, 17F

06/08 08:38, 1年前 , 18F
反正看阿爵比賽越來越像只看招牌情懷的了,跟看Top Gu
06/08 08:38, 18F

06/08 08:38, 1年前 , 19F
06/08 08:38, 19F

06/08 08:50, 1年前 , 20F
06/08 08:50, 20F

06/08 09:40, 1年前 , 21F
06/08 09:40, 21F

06/08 10:25, 1年前 , 22F
我印象中老闆很喜歡米邱和JC 那Gobert和Bojan大概
06/08 10:25, 22F

06/08 10:28, 1年前 , 23F
要走了...但如果是安吉主導 我猜全部清掉換籤 (笑)
06/08 10:28, 23F

06/08 10:33, 1年前 , 24F
認為狗貝會被安吉拿去詢價 價格好就會賣了
06/08 10:33, 24F

06/08 10:34, 1年前 , 25F
米丘不會 因為球隊看起來更在乎米丘一點
06/08 10:34, 25F

06/08 10:40, 1年前 , 26F
教練候選 個人偏好Alex Jensen或Will Hardy
06/08 10:40, 26F

06/08 11:26, 1年前 , 27F
06/08 11:26, 27F

06/08 11:26, 1年前 , 28F
06/08 11:26, 28F

06/08 12:19, 1年前 , 29F
06/08 12:19, 29F

06/08 14:35, 1年前 , 30F
06/08 14:35, 30F

06/08 14:44, 1年前 , 31F
06/08 14:44, 31F

06/08 15:40, 1年前 , 32F
06/08 15:40, 32F

06/08 15:40, 1年前 , 33F
不是柏楊守的爛是 他那個位置得要守的更好
06/08 15:40, 33F

06/08 21:14, 1年前 , 34F
柏楊那個位子要扛體能怪物 又要他射三分 三分不准他還想
06/08 21:14, 34F

06/08 21:14, 1年前 , 35F
辦法開始打兩分 之前臉書社團有人嫌他戰犯我都不知道啥
06/08 21:14, 35F

06/08 21:14, 1年前 , 36F
06/08 21:14, 36F

06/09 00:15, 1年前 , 37F
06/09 00:15, 37F

06/09 00:15, 1年前 , 38F

06/09 08:01, 1年前 , 39F
In short, the Jazz are looking for someone that is go
06/09 08:01, 39F

06/09 08:01, 1年前 , 40F
ing to be detail-oriented but also able to command th
06/09 08:01, 40F

06/09 08:01, 1年前 , 41F
e respect of a locker room. The Jazz are going to nee
06/09 08:01, 41F

06/09 08:02, 1年前 , 42F
d someone that can manage personalities and put toget
06/09 08:02, 42F

06/09 08:02, 1年前 , 43F
her a coaching staff that will be on the same page an
06/09 08:02, 43F

06/09 08:02, 1年前 , 44F
d hungry to improve.
06/09 08:02, 44F

06/09 09:29, 1年前 , 45F
06/09 09:29, 45F

06/09 09:29, 1年前 , 46F
06/09 09:29, 46F

06/09 11:31, 1年前 , 47F
確實 要解決防守輪轉 賣狗貝也是個方式 這樣底角就不會空了
06/09 11:31, 47F

06/09 11:31, 1年前 , 48F
但是每個人都能輕鬆殺進禁區暴扣囉 好欸 ^^
06/09 11:31, 48F

06/09 20:13, 1年前 , 49F
有個疑問 找教練是渣尼克的事 還是安吉的事 ?
06/09 20:13, 49F

06/09 20:17, 1年前 , 50F
聽報價 應該是渣尼克的事,但他這幾天沒什麼發聲,我們
06/09 20:17, 50F

06/09 20:17, 1年前 , 51F
06/09 20:17, 51F

06/09 20:32, 1年前 , 52F
06/09 20:32, 52F

06/09 20:32, 1年前 , 53F
06/09 20:32, 53F

06/10 11:01, 1年前 , 54F
06/10 11:01, 54F

06/10 12:48, 1年前 , 55F
公牛籤出夠就香啊 但換了我就要去支持公牛了 呵
06/10 12:48, 55F

06/10 12:50, 1年前 , 56F
當初支持的鋼砲屁孩沒進步 只有心態越來越腫 反倒是覺得過譽
06/10 12:50, 56F

06/10 12:50, 1年前 , 57F
的頂級藍領拼的讓我心服口服 直接轉粉
06/10 12:50, 57F

06/10 13:20, 1年前 , 58F
06/10 13:20, 58F

06/10 13:20, 1年前 , 59F
06/10 13:20, 59F

06/10 13:20, 1年前 , 60F
06/10 13:20, 60F

06/10 13:20, 1年前 , 61F
06/10 13:20, 61F

06/10 20:05, 1年前 , 62F
Gobert的頂薪資格 也是他以場上的表現和成就掙來的
06/10 20:05, 62F

06/10 20:12, 1年前 , 63F
貴是貴了些 但我爵這種小市場球隊也只能盡量跟
06/10 20:12, 63F

06/10 20:19, 1年前 , 64F
只能希望米邱多遇見幾個良師益友 讓他心態有所成長
06/10 20:19, 64F

06/10 20:30, 1年前 , 65F
Favors被丟來丟去 Ingles也送走 誰被交易都不意外了
06/10 20:30, 65F

06/10 20:33, 1年前 , 66F
06/10 20:33, 66F

06/10 20:33, 1年前 , 67F
06/10 20:33, 67F

06/10 20:33, 1年前 , 68F
06/10 20:33, 68F

06/10 21:51, 1年前 , 69F
中鋒33歲應該不會退化太多 但他的接球不穩 協調性
06/10 21:51, 69F

06/10 21:52, 1年前 , 70F
還有下盤太弱等問題 大概很難改善了 Q辭職 Gobert被
06/10 21:52, 70F

06/10 21:55, 1年前 , 71F
交易的機率也大增 若成真 只能祝福他去別隊發展更好
06/10 21:55, 71F
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