[爆料] Gobert準備好要再打一次你的臉了

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原文網址—https://goo.gl/ZKxVVu 本文同步刊登於JazzNation.TW爵士國度:https://www.facebook.com/JazzNationTW/ Rudy Gobert Will Prove You Wrong Again by Talor Griffin 《SLC Dunk》 The often overlooked All-NBA center is looking to take yet another leap in his game next season. ◎Rudy Gobert準備好要再打一次你的臉了 by Taylor Griffin    Rudy Gobert has made a living on proving people wrong. He’s been passed on, overlooked, underappreciated, and misevaluated. This has shaped his entire being and made him the intense competitor that he is.    NBA的數年生涯下來,Rudy Gobert已經打了很多人的臉。就算是選秀大會上被跳過、被忽 視、被低估、被錯看,這些都無法擊敗他,反而造就了他積極渴望的競爭意識,使他更為 強大。       Gobert was selected 27th in the 2013 NBA Draft by the Denver Nuggets, later to be traded to the Utah Jazz for a second-round pick and cash considerations. 26 NBA prospects were drafted before Gobert, and he hasn’t forgotten about it. He wears the number 27 on his jersey to keep him reminded of this and to maintain his mental edge in preparing, training, and performing. Gobert now towers over the entire 2013 draft class, and has the most win shares out of any pick with 30.4.    2013年首輪的第27順位,金塊選了Rudy Gobert,隨後拿來和爵士換了一支二輪籤和一筆 現金。為了隨時提醒自己不要忘記這件事情,Gobert選了27號當他的背號。幾年過去了, Gobert的表現在13梯的所有新秀球員中名列前茅,以30.4的win shares高居第一。       Draft night was just the beginning of Gobert’s journey against critics and experts. He was sent to the NBA D-League during his rookie year after not appearing ready to play at an NBA level. He only appeared in 45 games for the Jazz during the 2013-14 season, and averaged under 10 minutes a game in those stints. The Jazz went 25-57 that season while Gobert rode the bench and hopped back and forth between the D-League. This didn’t stop Gobert from improving, as he continued to fuel his fire and work harder each day, with hopes of one day proving everyone wrong.    綜觀Gobert至今的NBA生涯,他面對的一直是各方專家的不看好,以及來自四面八方的批 評;選秀之夜的挫折,對他而言不過只是個起頭罷了。新人年裡,Gobert被認定還不足以 應付NBA的水平,因此被下放到了發展聯盟。這年他在爵士隊只出賽了45場,平均上場時 間不到10分鐘;同一年裡,爵士只取得了25勝57負的戰績。在板凳上和發展聯盟浮浮沉沉 的一季,並沒有熄滅Gobert的鬥志,他日復一日的努力訓練,渴望有天能夠證明自己,證 明所有人都看錯了。       This hard work paid off immensely for Gobert in the following season, and he proved he was an NBA-caliber player. He played in all 82 games for the Jazz in the 2014-15 season, and increased in nearly every statistical category, averaging eight points, nine rebounds, and two blocks in 26.3 minutes per game. Gobert finished third in the NBA’s Most Improved Player voting, and had already proven many wrong at that point in his career. But he wasn’t finished.    刻苦的鍛鍊很快地便在第二年獲得了回報,Gobert打滿82場比賽,幾乎在所有數據都有所 成長;每場26.3分鐘的上場時間裡,留下平均8分、9籃板及2火鍋的成績。另外他也在當 季最佳進步獎的票選中獲得第三名。 Gobert已經證明他能夠在NBA站穩腳步,也讓外界對他的看法有所改變,但對他來說,這 還遠遠不夠。       He came out strong again in 2015-16, but was hindered by an MCL injury that kept him out of 21 games. Gobert continued to show the NBA that he was a force to be reckoned with, and occasionally graced national highlights with ruthless swat, big-time dunks, and thunderous alley-oops. The Jazz missed the playoffs by a sliver that season, and that drove Gobert even more as that was one of his highest goals as a leader of the team.    2015-16的球季中,Gobert變得更加強壯,但也因為內側副韌帶的傷勢影響,缺席了21場 比賽。他持續證明自己的真材實料,用毫不留情的火鍋和氣勢萬鈞的灌籃來彰顯自己巨大 的存在。 這個球季,爵士差一名就能擠進季後賽的行列,這個遺憾讓Gobert更加充滿野心;對他而 言,帶領球隊打進季後賽是他自詡球隊一哥的目標之一。         2016-17 was Rudy Gobert’s coming out party. He exploded onto the scene for many casual NBA fans, and showed strong signs of improvement in nearly every area. During most of the season he led the NBA in blocks, defensive box plus-minus, and defensive win shares. Being an acclaimed “one-way player”, Gobert also spent time as the league leader in offensive rating, field goal percentage, and true shooting percentage. He proved many critics wrong with his offensive improvement in 2016, averaging 14 points per game on an incredible 66 percent.    2016-17的球季是Gobert大爆發的一年,他可以說是在全方位都有著明顯的進步,在火鍋 、DBPM和DWS等等防守數據雄踞榜首大半個球季。雖然被定位成是守優於攻的球員類型, 但其實他在ORtg、投籃命中率、真實投籃命中率等等進攻數據也一度高居全聯盟第一。 他用每場平均14分,投籃命中率66%的數字,狠狠地打了那些不看好他、批評他的人的臉       But even then, it was not enough to convince players, coaches, media and fans of him being worthy of an NBA All-Star bid.    但儘管他的表現如此出色,依然沒有讓他獲得球員、各隊教練或是媒體的青睞,這一年裡 ,Gobert沒能入選明星賽。        Gobert missed a deserving spot as an All-Star in New Orleans, and continued to wreak havoc on the NBA in the months following his snub. In the month of March, Gobert posted outrageous stat lines including his 35 point, 15 rebound, 4 block performance on March 22nd against the New York Knicks. He also posted a 16 point, 23 rebound, 3 block, 3 steal performance against the Sacramento Kings on March 5th in a game in which he tipped in the winning basket at the buzzer. Gobert used the All-Star snub to motivate him even more, which was painful for many NBA teams.    再一次嘗到不被肯定的滋味,Gobert決定以肆虐各隊的禁區來作為反擊。3月5號對上國王 的比賽,他拿下16分、23籃板、3火鍋、3抄截,並用一記再見補籃絕殺了國王;3月22號 對上尼克,他更進一步砍下35分、15籃板和4火鍋。沒能入選明星賽這件事,給了Gobert 更多的動力,也讓大家知道他是絕對不好惹的。       His incredible push post-All-Star Game helped him to second team All-NBA of which he deservedly earned. After an incredible 2016-17 season, Rudy Gobert was named a finalist for Defensive Player of the Year and Most Improved Player. His performance and statistics backed up a solid argument for his winning of the awards, but again Gobert fell short. Golden State’s Draymond Green was selected as DPOY, and Milwaukee’s Giannis Antetokounmpo was selected as Most Improved Player.    而後半季Gobert驚人的演出,也終於為他博得了一些肯定,他入選NBA的防守第二隊,同 時也獲得最佳防守球員以及最佳進步獎的提名。但結果就像我們知道的,Gobert在最佳防 守球員的票選上輸給了勇士隊的Draymond Green,而最佳進步獎則頒給了公鹿隊的 Giannis Antetokounmpo。       Now with former Jazzman Gordon Hayward out of the picture, Gobert has the world in his hands as Utah’s lone leader. With the loss of Hayward and veteran guard George Hill, many have already counted the Jazz out in an incredibly tough Western Conference. Gobert has made it clear that he doesn’ t plan on the Jazz falling from grace any time soon.    在球季結束後,Gordon Hayward和George Hill相繼離隊,外界普遍不看好爵士在競爭激 烈的西區能夠有什麼好表現,但對身為球隊一哥的Gobert來說,這些話他聽得多了,他可 從來都不這麼認為。         Gobert has made a habit of ‘liking’ slander and disrespect on Twitter, maintaining the chip on his shoulder. Several individuals have criticized Gobert’s ability to carry a team with Hayward gone. Gobert has also liked several tweets that aimed at ranking NBA teams, all of which had the Jazz very low and out of playoff contention.    “He is not. Cannot carry a team by himself.”    “At the moment I see the West tiers as: GSW SAS / HOU / OKC MIN / POR / DEN LAC / MEM / NOP UTA / DAL PHX / LAL / SAC”    These are just two of several examples. You can find a plethora of Gobert hate tweets by simply going through all of his ‘liked’ tweets.    在Twitter上,有些人會批評Gobert的領導能力,認為他不足以在Hayward走後負起領導球 隊的責任;另外也有些人將爵士評為一支無法進入季後賽行列的弱隊。Gobert會去「讚」 那些針對他的誹謗或是輕視的言論,這讓他的鬥志高昂,持續猛烈地燃燒。    「不行。他不是個獨自帶隊的料」 「西區隊伍在我看來就是… 勇士 馬刺/火箭/雷霆 灰狼/托荒者/金塊 快艇/灰熊/鵜鶘 爵士/小牛 太陽/湖人/國王」    上面只是其中兩則而已,如果有興趣的話,去Gobert的twitter上「按讚的項目」找找, 你可以找到一大堆類似的批評。       This disrespect shouldn’t be unfamiliar for Gobert, who has faced similar criticism throughout his entire NBA career. From what we can tell, he remembers comments, tweets, segments, and articles that question his ability as an NBA player, as well as his team’s ability to compete this upcoming season.    這對Gobert來說一點也不陌生,他可是從進NBA開始就一直在對抗這些言論。而這些關於 他、關於球隊的所有質疑與批評,一字一句,他全部都記著了。       The NBA in it’s entirety has not yet experienced the summit of Rudy Gobert’ s game, which should be a terrifying thought.    平心而論,現在的Gobert還沒有達到巔峰,讓我們試著想想,封頂的Gobert能打出什麼樣 的比賽… 「不要問,很可怕」       Now with a pass-first point guard at the helm in Ricky Rubio, Gobert is in position to have his best season yet.    現在隊上有了個傳球優先的控衛Ricky Rubio,Gobert已蓄勢待發,準備在下個球季大展 身手。       If there’s anything that NBA personalities should have learned over the last couple of years, it’s not to mess with Rudy Gobert. Obviously some have not heeded this warning, and they should soon experience the great and dreadful wrath of Rudy Gobert.    從過去這幾年的經驗看起來,我們都曉得最好別讓Gobert不開心,但顯然還是有人沒學到 教訓。那也沒關係,他們很快就能嚐嚐Rudy Gobert的怒火了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UTAH-JAZZ/M.1502469593.A.675.html ※ 編輯: dreamknitter (, 08/12/2017 00:44:24

08/12 01:25, , 1F
08/12 01:25, 1F

08/12 01:41, , 2F
08/12 01:41, 2F

08/12 04:14, , 3F
08/12 04:14, 3F

08/12 06:31, , 4F
我貝開團練 正式接管一哥....總算有個帶頭大哥惹
08/12 06:31, 4F

08/12 08:10, , 5F
Only you~ 能伴我取西冠~ Only you~ 能蓋鍋和搶板~ Only you
08/12 08:10, 5F

08/12 08:10, , 6F
能保護我 叫姆斯和鬍子無法吃我~ 你本領最大~ 就是only you~
08/12 08:10, 6F

08/12 08:10, , 7F
08/12 08:10, 7F

08/12 08:18, , 8F
Rubio+Gobert+Favors主軸 搭配側翼海
08/12 08:18, 8F

08/12 08:19, , 9F
Hood Exum Burks Ingles Mitchell Johnson
08/12 08:19, 9F

08/12 08:20, , 10F
08/12 08:20, 10F

08/12 08:23, , 11F
08/12 08:23, 11F

08/12 09:21, , 12F
進攻練一下 絕對有可能阿
08/12 09:21, 12F

08/12 09:26, , 13F
08/12 09:26, 13F

08/12 09:54, , 14F
總覺得去年都16分了,今年20分只是基本 XD
08/12 09:54, 14F

08/12 09:59, , 15F
上季應該是平均14分(內文也是這樣寫) 因為我研究的時候常確認
08/12 09:59, 15F
感謝debug! XD

08/12 10:00, , 16F
一下還蠻有印象的 不過爵士的傳統數據會受低PACE影響 所以主
08/12 10:00, 16F

08/12 10:01, , 17F
08/12 10:01, 17F

08/12 10:33, , 18F
不擔心狗熊 狒狒要加油
08/12 10:33, 18F
※ 編輯: dreamknitter (, 08/12/2017 13:15:32

08/13 19:51, , 19F
爵士竟然也有爵黑了 看來也是晉升強隊之列了
08/13 19:51, 19F

08/13 20:32, , 20F
我要求不高 16分13板3鍋就好 今年14+12.8+2.6
08/13 20:32, 20F

08/13 21:02, , 21F
08/13 21:02, 21F

08/13 21:03, , 22F
08/13 21:03, 22F

08/13 21:11, , 23F
08/13 21:11, 23F

08/13 22:03, , 24F
08/13 22:03, 24F

08/13 22:06, , 25F
08/13 22:06, 25F

08/13 22:41, , 26F
08/13 22:41, 26F

08/13 22:53, , 27F
賽迷就兩個特愛嘴 CHADA和BrandonMai
08/13 22:53, 27F

08/13 22:54, , 28F
還有一個在水桶的JaeCrowder 感覺是小帳
08/13 22:54, 28F

08/13 22:54, , 29F
08/13 22:54, 29F

08/13 22:55, , 30F
其他其實都還好 那兩個很愛主動挑釁
08/13 22:55, 30F

08/13 22:55, , 31F
08/13 22:55, 31F

08/14 00:18, , 32F
賽迷比爵迷多了好幾倍 XX也特別多
08/14 00:18, 32F

08/14 02:47, , 33F
08/14 02:47, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #1PZTtPPr (UTAH-JAZZ)