[爆料] 詭異之夜=Burke初登板

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Weird loss as Gordon Hayward's shot goes missing, Trey Burke debuts Sometimes, NBA games are just flat-out weird. And, no, that wasn't a reference to last Wednesday's game against the New Orleans Pelicans when the Utah Jazz actually won for the only time in the 2013- 14 season. A week later, the rematch was simply an odd game with an oh-so-usual result. 有時候,NBA比賽就是這麼直截了當的詭異。 而且這跟上周三爵士對鵜鶘,能奪下本季唯一一勝一點關係都沒有。 一周後再戰,這場詭異的比賽以一般般的結尾作收。 Avenging their setback in Utah, the Pelicans (5-6) became the latest NBA team to earn a victory against the Jazz with a 105-98 win at New Orleans Arena. "It was a loss, which was unfortunate," Jazz rookie point guard Trey Burke said. "We hate losing, so we're going to just look forward to coming out against Dallas and try to get a win (on Friday)." 為上次在猶他敗仗復仇,鵜鶘(5-6)以105比98在主場拿下勝仗。 「很不幸的,這是場敗仗。」菜鳥Trey Burke說:「我們討厭輸球,所以我們期待周五跟小 牛的比賽,並試試看能不能拿下勝利。」 Yes, that quote was indeed from the guy who now wears No. 3 in a Jazz uniform, which was a good weird. Burke made his NBA debut after sitting out nearly six weeks with a broken finger , and he looked good doing so. The 6-foot-1 point guard, whom the Jazz traded for on Draft Night in June, was only allowed to play 12 minutes in his first game back but still scored 11 points with one assist, one rebound and zero turnovers. 是的,上述這段話是從某個身穿3號的球員口中吐出的,這種好法蠻詭異的。 因指傷休養六周的Burke終於初登板了,看來狀態也還不錯,這6呎1的小控衛從六月選秀之 夜被交易過來,即便上場時間被限縮在12分鐘,仍能有11分1助攻1籃板0失誤的佳績。 "I thought he did great. I thought he looked in tune and ready to get the ball in his hands," Jazz coach Tyrone Corbin said. "Unfortunately, we were restricted with the minutes for him and had to take him out. But he felt good, he looked good, so I'm happy for him." Now, about that other weirdness. 烤餅說:「我想他打得很棒。很進入狀況並準備好要主控全場。但壞消息是上面不讓他傷癒 一復出就打太多,但他感覺不錯,看來也打得不賴,我替他感到開心。」 接下來,是另一樁奇人奇事。 Nobody's night was more bizarre than the historically weird game Gordon Hayward had. The good: Hayward dished out a career-high 11 assists, grabbed six rebounds and blocked two shots. The bad: The Jazz's leading scorer only had six points. 沒有任何人的比賽能像黑蛙打得那麼不尋常。 往好處看,他傳出了生涯新高11次助攻、6籃板2火鍋。 往壞處看,爵士的第一得分主力僅拿了6分。 The ugly: The shooting guard had the worst shooting night in franchise history, going 1 for 17 from the field and 0 for 8 from 3-point range. Karl Malone had the previous worst night with a 1 for 16 game during his Hall of Fame career, and Thurl Bailey once went 2 for 20. 咱們把最醜陋、最黑暗的一面揭開:他投17中1(其中三分是8中0)創了隊史紀錄,馬龍先前 最糟糕是投16中1,Thurl Bailey曾有過投20中2。 "For whatever reason, they just didn't fall tonight. It's pretty frustrating," Hayward said. "If I would've hit two or three more shots, we probably would've won the game. But I missed 16 of them. It's, whatever, I've got to move on." 黑蛙道:「不管怎麼說,鵜鶘沒有變死鳥,真讓人挫折。如果我有多中兩到三顆搞不好就帶 走勝利了。但我浪擲了16次射籃,這,不管怎樣,我得好好加把勁才行。」 Meanwhile, the Pelicans had a couple of guys who seemingly couldn't miss. Reigning rookie of the year Anthony Davis (9 of 12 shots, 22 points) and sharpshooting reserve Ryan Anderson (6 of 9, 19 points). They helped push New Orleans' lead to 14 points during a quick 14-2 outburst, which ended with back- to-back Anderson treys. 同一時間,鵜鶘有兩個傢伙卻很準喔,內有新人王一眉12中9拿22分,外有Ryan Anderson投 9中6拿19分,他們帶領眾鵜以14-2攻勢取得14分領先,且還讓Anderson噴了兩顆背靠背的三 分作收。 In that spurt, the Pelicans took advantage of a couple of Alec Burks turnovers. In typical Jazz fashion this season, a close game became a blowout defeat. "Those are mistakes we can't afford to make, especially on the road," said Corbin, whose team has lost all seven away games. "Young or whatever, those are mistakes that cost you the game." 在此攻勢中,鵜鶘還占了Alec Burks兩個失誤的便宜,並上演今年爵士流行的戲碼,緊咬的 比賽最後演變成輸球的局面。 「這些錯誤是不可承受之重,尤其在客場作戰。」烤餅說,球隊今年七場客場也一勝難求。 「不管是不是因為年輕,這些錯誤讓我們葬送了勝利。」 Perhaps the oddest part of Burke's debut was how it seemed to spark John Lucas III, who's struggled mightily in his absence. But Lucas, who started at point guard, had his best game with the Jazz in the rookie's return, hitting his first four 3-point attempts and finishing with a season-high 14 points. 或許最詭異的在於,盧三小被Burke的初登板激勵到了,他過去為自己的存在掙扎,但今天 這位先發控衛打了場好球,前四顆三分都進了並拿下本季新高14分。 "It feels good. Every time I shoot I feel like my shot is going in," said Lucas, who'd only hit 24.3 percent from 3-point range before this 4 for 5 performance. "When I was missing, I wasn't going to back away and not shoot again, because I'm a shooter. To me I feel like it's the ball, it's not my shot. That's my mentality. Luckily, my shots were going in." 三小說:「感覺真爽!我出手就覺得會進啦!」而這場前他三分命中率是24.3%。三小又說 :「當我失去準星,我不會退卻,我也不會不敢再投,因為我就是射手。對我而言是那球, 而不是我投,這就是我的心性。天可憐見,我都進了。」 That's how most players on the Jazz felt. Center Enes Kanter had a team-high 19 points, Richard Jefferson and Derrick Favors each scored 13, and Utah hit 36 of 66 field goals, not counting Hayward's attempts. 那也是大多數球員的感覺,Kanter拿下全隊最高19分,Jefferson、Favors各13分,不算黑 蛙的份的話爵士是66中36。 Even Jeremy Evans, also making his season debut, had an excellent shooting night . The athletic 6-9 forward hit his first shot, a long jumper, and made all four field goals for eight points after missing the first dozen games with a rotator cuff injury. 就算是灌籃王也一樣,球季第一場出賽命中率就特高,第一球是遠距離進球,傷癒復出後總 共四球全中拿八分。 The strange part about that was how Evans claimed before the game that he might dunk a couple of times but felt like his shooting touch wasn't quite there yet. "It felt great," Evans said, "just going out, playing with the guys and bringing some energy." 詭異的地方在於灌籃王賽前說他或許會灌幾次給大家看,但感覺上他的投籃比較火燙。 灌籃王說:「感覺真好,就是出賽跟大家並肩作戰,並注入一些能量。」 Evans, who said his shoulder felt "great" after the game," was among the Jazz team members to try to lift up Hayward on this weird night, too. "I think he's a great shooter and he knows it," Evans said of his buddy. "Like I told him, 'I don't like to see you like this, shoot the next one. Keep going.'" 賽後灌籃王也說他肩膀感覺很好,爵士隊員試著為黑蛙詭異之夜開脫。 「我覺得他是好射手,而他自己也了解這一點。」灌籃王說他的兄弟:「就像我告訴他的, 我不喜歡看到他這樣,下球有機會還是得投,堅持下去。」 Added Corbin: "If we get him to score his regular amount (19.2 ppg), we're in good shape, but he missed some shots tonight. We'll love him, give him some love tomorrow and get back and be ready to go again on Friday." 烤餅補充:「如果他正常表現(19.2分)我們就OK了,但他今晚失投了幾球。但我們未來還是 愛他,明天再給他更多的愛並預備好周五的比賽。」 Burke said his finger was a bit sore and he got a little winded in his first short stint, but he's anxious for his second performance in Dallas. Burke說賽後指頭有點小疼,在他限時的第一戰也有點小喘,但他很期待在達拉斯的第二次 亮相。 Unlike his summer showing in Orlando, Burke looked smooth, comfortable and confident in his short stints. His first bucket was a sweet drive to the left, when he attacked the basket almost as if to let the NBA know he's here after a long road from Michigan. He said it reminded him of being an 18-year-old freshman when he got his number called for the first time Wednesday. 跟夏天在奧蘭多不一樣,Burke看來平穩自在又自信,他的第一球是甜蜜的左切,仿佛在昭 告天下他是遠道從密西根來。他說現場播音到他號碼時,喚醒了他18歲新鮮人的記憶。 "Just going to that scorer's table, it was like, 'Wow! I'm really here. This is my debut,' " Burke said. "It was definitely excitement." Burke「看到名字上計分板,就好像,哇嗚!我真的在NBA了,這是我的初登板。這真叫人興 奮。」 NOTES: Corbin said Andris Biedrins (sprained ankle) and Brandon Rush (knee rehab ) are both getting closer to returning to action as well. Biedrins hasn't played since injuring himself two days before the season started, while Rush appeared for 10 minutes against Brooklyn but has been trying to get himself physically and mentally ready since then. … Jazz forward Marvin Williams was fitted for a specialized mask to wear Tuesday in Utah, and he'll undergo surgery to reset his broken nose Thursday. Williams is expected to rejoin the Jazz in time for Friday's game in Dallas. 筆記:烤餅說 Biedrins (踝傷)、Rush(膝復原中)也快回來了,Biedrins開季前兩天受傷後 就沒打過,Rush對布魯克林打了十分鐘但身心都還待調整,Marvin周二比賽時有戴面具護鼻 ,周四他會動手術,並期待周五隊達拉斯就會披掛上陣。 新聞來源:http://ppt.cc/v96k weird我把它稱之為詭異,因為這樣念起來比較通順 盧三小的部分翻得稍微誇張化 但其實也算實情,不要誇不得下一場又失去準頭啦 -- GO!JAZZ!GO! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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新人太認真 該冰
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初登場 妖受爽
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傻傻的,我們現在在連勝阿~沒看出來唷? 資質很弱耶
11/22 09:18, 6F
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