[爆料] 老史跟猶他媒體的訪談(上)

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Hall of Famer John Stockton dishes out quips, candid remarks in Q-and-A If you needed any proof that times have changed, consider the fact that John Stockton invited media members to ask him questions at a press conference Friday morning. The Hall of Famer also eagerly signed autographs for a horde of Utah Jazz fans. 如果你想證明時代已經變了,想想John Stockton邀媒體朋友周五早上來個見面會的這回 事吧 這位名人堂球星也熱切的為一大群猶他球迷簽名。 The 6-foot-1 point guard then did a dunking exhibition. Truth be told, Stockton only did two of those three events as part of a weekend stop in Utah during his book tour for his recently released autobiography, "Assisted." 接著這6尺1的控衛來了場灌籃秀喔。 說句實話,Stockton這周末三場新書巡迴"Assisted.",就有兩場是停留在猶他。 The Jazz legend, who has his own statue, a street named after him, and his No. 12 jersey in the former Delta Center rafters, spent 25 minutes sharing candid responses and quips with Utah media before doing the first of two autograph sessions. "Kind of an added benefit," he joked about the press conference. 這位爵士傳奇,有條街也以他為名,12號球衣也高懸在球館。他在簽名前花了25分鐘跟媒體 談笑風生。 「算是多給的好處啦!」他為媒體見面會打趣。 During the Q-and-A, Stockton touched on his career, relationships with Jazz personnel and Utah; thoughts about Trey Burke and the current Jazz team; his family, privacy and priorities; the possibility of returning to the NBA; his fear of Twitter; and, of course, his book, which he personally wrote by hand with the editorial guidance of former basketball coach/mentor Kerry Pickett. Stockton also spent a moment in the Jazz shoot around before scurrying away for a full day, which included interviews and that book-signing session (another is scheduled for Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fanzz store at Energy Solutions Arena). Q&A的過程中,話題觸及他的球員生涯、爵士球員的關係、猶他、對Trey Burke的看法、球 隊現在的處境、他的家庭、隱私與對事情的輕重緩急、回NBA的可能性、對Twitter的抗拒、 當然還有他的新書,那是跟他的老教練Kerry Pickett共同出版的。 他在離去跑宣傳前也花了些時間,看看球員的投籃練習。 Stockton even got a chance to briefly visit with his old coach, Hall of Famer Jerry Sloan. "He looks a lot younger," Sloan joked. Here is the transcript from Stockton's Q-and-A: Stockton甚至還拜訪了教皇。 教皇打趣:「他看來更年輕了呢!」 接下來就是Q&A訪談: Q: Does it surprise you that you're doing this (press conference)? Stockton: It doesn't surprise me that I did the book. It surprised me that we published it and then therefore I have to do this. It goes with the territory we have, like when we were playing. We played basketball with the thought that I'd be speaking in front of you like this. Same thing with the book. It's kind of an added benefit. Q: 你有訝異你自己辦這個嗎(媒體見面會)? Stockton: 寫這本書沒讓我太訝異,比較讓我訝異的是出版之後還要跑宣傳,要跑一些過去 征戰過的地方,就像以前比賽一樣。我們打球時想法會像今天跟你們談話這樣的呈現出來。 跟這本書一樣,媒體見面會算是多給的好處啦! Q: How did it evolve from you maintaining a private life to deciding years later to open up and share it? Stockton: It's not a tell-all, if you've read it. I think I've preserved most of my private life, and I think that's still important for me and that's still important for my family. But I did open up some. It started out I wanted to pass on messages to my children and have a chance to put it down in writing and think about it a little instead of just blabbing on the way to a game one day or something. It started out with my old Coach (Kerry) Pickett, my sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade basketball coach who's rather a learned guy. We started the project. As the project progressed, I think the need to publish probably came more from him than me, to be perfectly honest, but here we are. Q:你是怎麼決定要在多年歸隱後跟大家分享自己的故事? Stockton:如果你讀了以後你會發現這不是全盤托出,我是想我保有我大部分的隱私,這不 論對我或我家人都很重要,但我確實有透露一些,這起源於我想跟我的孩子說些自己的故事 ,還有機會沉思與寫作,別只是某天去打球的路上透露些許而已。也起源於我跟我6到8年級 的教練Pickett,他也是個相當博學的人,我們就一起籌備了,隨著計畫進行,老實說,我 想在出版的動機上他是大於我的,但還是付梓囉。 Q: How much of the writing did you do? Stockton: I did it all. Well, what does all mean? I wrote every word of it to start. The process, if you're not bored by me talking, is when I met with (Pickett), we talked about doing it, we spent a couple of hours just kind of talking about it. Next time I talked to him (a week or so later), he had a little outline. He said, "Why don't you go write on this, this area of your life?" Whether it was my time at Gonzaga, whatever. I would just go off at home while my kids were away to school and start writing, literally on college-ruled paper, with pen, and then I would type it up, present it to him. He would add or subtract his comments - "I don't get this or I get that" - and then I'd rewrite it. And then he'd write more suggestions and then I'd rewrite it. It was a long, arduous process. I have a great respect for people that write. I don't know how they do it every day ... or do novels that they have to use their minds instead of just their memories. It's tough duty. Q:這本書你寫了多少? Stockton:全部都是喔,嗯,全部是指什麼?我寫了每個字,如果你不會對我接下來的談話 感到無聊的話,過程是我跟Pickett推敲,這推敲就花了數小時。 大概過一周後我再去找他,他已經有了個大綱,他說:「為何不把它寫出來呢,你的球員生 涯?」我在Gonzaga生活的時光,我趁孩子上學時休息並開始寫作,逐字逐句地在筆記活頁 紙上,然後我打好後給Pickett看,他再加減一些評論「我不懂這個或這我懂了。」然後我 再修改,然後他再加注更多建議後我再修改。 這是個漫長艱困的過程,我對這樣寫作的人們致上敬意,我不曉得他們每天怎麼寫的,或在 心中構思而非僅靠記憶,這真是一個艱難任務。 Q: Was there a part of your life that was especially interesting to go back and relive? Stockton: I think what I found is there was areas I just didn't want to go back to. I think there's a little bit of talking about the championship series (in the book). Those are a blast. We came out, obviously, on the losing end of that. I didn't have much to add to that, and that surprised me a little. I thought that would be more of a story. But for me, that was over, move forward, and that's probably how I approached it at the time. Q:你生命中有沒有一部分讓你特別想要回去再活一遍的呢? Stockton:我想有一部分是我不想回顧的,我在書中有稍稍提到總冠軍賽,那是一陣疾風, 我們登場,顯然地,最後輸了。我對此並沒有多所評論,而我自己也有點小小訝異,我想那 會更有故事性。但對我來說,那結束了,向前看,那或許也是我當時怎麼處理它的。 Q: Now that you're back and in a press tour, do you miss this? Are you looking to get back in the NBA at any point? Coaching? Stockton: I'm pretty much looking to crawl back into my cave after this weekend's over. (Laughs). This isn't bad. There's a lot worse things that can happen to a guy. And my experiences with you guys in the past have never been bad. I just felt the need to guard that privacy, guard it for my family, for myself, and I still feel that way. It's a little bit easier now. My kids are growing up. They're adults most of them, or at least half of them. It's just different. But, no, I'm not looking to get back into the lights. Q:現在你回來並宣傳新書,想念這感覺嗎?你是否嘗試要回來NBA?好比執教? Stockton:我想等這周結束我比較想爬回去我的老巢(笑),這也不是太壞啦,還有很多狗屁 倒灶的事會發生在一個人身上,我只覺得要捍衛我跟我家人的隱私,我始終是這麼認為的。 現在來說言之過早,小孩在長大,或許要等到他們都成年或至少一半的有成年,這就是差別 ,但現在我無意回來並暴露在鎂光燈下。 Q: What advice did you give Trey Burke and Alec Burks when they visited you in Spokane this summer? Stockton: I didn't give them a lot of advice. I had a good time with both of them. They're good, nice young men and they were both open ears, ready to learn and ready to hear whatever. Mostly what I did when they were there was babbled. We talked about certain plays and what they might see and what I would've done if I saw this. And then just babbled. And hopefully if there's some wisdom in my experiences, hopefully they pick it up and it helps them. But really it's not like coaching normally where you have a whole year to work on, and you can work on this move or that play and solidify it in your memory for the rest of your life. It's more conceptual. I enjoyed my time with them. It was a lot of fun for me. It was my treat really. A treat for me. Q:當Trey Burke跟 Alec Burks今年夏天去Spokane找你時你給了他們什麼建議? Stockton:我沒有給他們太多的建議,我跟他們共度美好時光,他們都是不錯的小夥子且樂 於去傾聽與學習。我做到最多的是當他們懵懂不明時,會針對某些特定的play看看他們怎麼 解,還有看我遇到的話會怎麼做,並期待自己過往的經驗有留下些智慧,也期待他們有學到 並幫到他們。但這真比不上一年的執教,並可以靠這些打球並終身牢牢記在心中,這是概念 性的居多。我享受跟他們的時光,對我來說很多樂趣,這實在是我的請客,我自己請自己。 Q: Did you consult with the Jazz before they drafted Trey Burke? What do you see in him? Stockton: I wasn't consulted on Trey before the draft or anything like that. They've asked since and that was part of it. That was all part of that working-out process. Q:在爵士選Trey Burke前,你有跟他們諮詢討論嗎?你又怎麼看Burke? Stockton: 選秀前爵士沒有問我對Burke的意見,他們從他加入後才有問我,那就是整個運 作的過程。 Q: What do you like about Trey's game? Stockton: I'm anxious to see him in a game. The environment I saw him in was a couple of guys up in an empty gym, with me doing a lot of talking. I don't know if you can get a great feel for where a person should be. I think Trey, in particular, has a great opportunity to learn where he's not forced into the action. Being hurt might actually be a positive for him because it gives him a chance to sit there. I know my first years sitting on the bench, largely behind Rickey Green, was a great learning tool for me. (I) would recommend that for young guards, especially if teams can manage to do it, is to sit some of these highly valued guys coming out, give them a chance to see how the team works without being stuck in the fray. Q:你覺得Trey打得怎麼樣? Stockton: 我非常想看他比賽,我先前只看過他在體育館跟幾個人打球的模樣,他也跟我做 了很多討論,我不曉得你能不能對一個人的未來有預感,我覺得Trey有很好的機會去學習, 這裡不揠苗助長,受傷也讓他有機會在場邊觀摩。我新人年在Rickey Green的庇蔭下坐板凳 ,藉此我也學到很多。我稱許球隊這樣培養年輕後衛,特別是球隊有能力這樣管理新人時, 讓他們看看團隊籃球而不是任由他們在場下廝殺。 Q: When Jeff Hornacek took the Phoenix Suns job, did you have advice for him? Stockton: I knew he wanted to coach. You could see it when we were playing together he was going to be a coach. I knew that time was coming. I knew that there was timing issues with his family and when he'd be comfortable enough to do that (he would). I was happy for him. That's a tough job. For me at that time would I want to jump into it? I don't think so, but I was happy for him because I think he was. His timing was ready. Q:你對老何當太陽教頭有沒有什麼建議? Stockton:我以前就知道他想執教,當我們打球時你就看得出來他想當教練了,我曉得時機 即將成熟,也曉得那時有些家庭因素影響他要不要執教。我為他高興,這不是個簡單的工作 。若我跟他有一樣的機遇我會跳下去嗎?我想不會的,但我還是為他高興因為我覺得他夠格 ,他的時機已成熟了。 Q: In your life, you never played for a struggling team like the (1-8) Jazz are now. How do you think you have would've responded? What would you recommend they do to persevere through it? Stockton: I like to think I would've responded well. However, I never had to. Maybe one of my most recurring thoughts is how thankful I am to that group that came before me with Rickey and Thurl (Bailey) and Adrian (Dantley) and John Drew , all these guys that changed the culture of the Utah Jazz from, I don't want to say cellar dwellers, but certainly not a threat to a winning organization. I think it's the hardest thing in sports. In fact, I think it's so hard people are jumping ship and getting themselves traded or free agented everywhere to change that environment rather than battle through it. They battled through it here. I give a lot of that credit to Frank Layden. He found a way to reach these guys and get them to play as a team and then the collective talents they brought in. I have great respect to that group that came before us. Now, to answer your question, they have an opportunity here. They're not a team that I think people have great expectations for and yet they're young; they're talented; they have an opportunity to be special - and not win championship special, maybe not yet, but change that culture, because right now it's tough, and it's tough to be young guys in here. Q:在你的生涯中,從未像現在的爵士如此地掙扎,如果是你的話你會怎麼承擔?你會建議他 們怎麼堅持不懈? Stockton:我想我會好好的承擔,然而,我從來沒機會過,或許回想起從前,我要好好感謝 Rickey、Thurl Bailey and Adrian Dantley等前輩,他們改變了爵士的文化,從…我不敢 說是最後一名,但對一個要贏球的團隊來說不是負面的。我想這是職業運動最難的一環, 事實上,要球員不跳船、不交易或不藉自由球員之身來改善周遭環境,而選擇跟原球隊一起 度過實在很難,但他們(Rickey等)度過了,我要給予Frank Layden教練很高的讚譽,他找到 了他們,並讓他們打得像一支球隊,然後善加利用他們原有的天賦,我對於前輩們有很高的 敬意。 那現在要回答這問題,後輩們有個機會,他們雖還不像隻球隊,但我想人們對他們抱有期待 ,且他們還年輕,他們有潛值,他們也有機會變特別-不是說贏總冠軍的那種,或許沒那麼 快,但要改變這文化,因為現在對年輕球員來說很艱困。 感覺跟SI問的方向不太一樣 有些雖然有重疊但這裡問更多關於猶他未來、他對猶他人、事、物的一些想法 SI比較辛辣一點,直接就問總冠軍賽的骯髒事跟00號與教皇之間的八卦了 新聞來源:http://ppt.cc/uo8p Hall of Famer John Stockton dishes out quips, candid remarks in Q-and-A -- GO!JAZZ!GO! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 22:19, , 1F
推翻譯 另外想看辛辣的 啊嘶~
11/17 22:19, 1F

11/17 22:21, , 2F
派謝XD 我說比較辛辣的是之前nobody翻的18136篇
11/17 22:21, 2F

11/17 22:51, , 3F
11/17 22:51, 3F

11/18 00:25, , 4F
11/18 00:25, 4F

11/18 00:29, , 5F
推! 期待TB回來
11/18 00:29, 5F

11/18 21:14, , 6F
最後一題:They are not a team that I think people
11/18 21:14, 6F

11/18 21:14, , 7F
have great expectations for and yet they're young
11/18 21:14, 7F

11/18 21:15, , 8F
應該翻成 他們雖還不像隻人們會抱有很大期待的球隊,
11/18 21:15, 8F

11/18 21:16, , 9F
但他們還年輕。 感謝Newstart指正:)
11/18 21:16, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1IYC-tSc (UTAH-JAZZ)