Fw: [專欄] ESPN:羅伊被裁已成定局

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※ [本文轉錄自 PACERS 看板 #1EiM9pDz ] 作者: PiGFAcE (被遺忘在沙灘上的腳印) 看板: PACERS 標題: Fw: [專欄] ESPN:羅伊被裁已成定局 時間: Wed Nov 2 23:32:01 2011 ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1EiLwRPX ] 作者: sampsonlu919 (父親,願你安息) 看板: NBA 標題: [專欄] ESPN:羅伊被裁已成定局 時間: Wed Nov 2 23:15:36 2011 http://www.espnstar.com.tw/news/basketball/2011/1101/219055.htm ESPN:羅伊被裁已成定局 叱吒 黃曼巴之死 ESPN專家團近日就「球隊裁員」展開新一期圓桌會議。羅伊(Brandon Roy)、阿泰斯特 (Metta World Peace)、邁克.米勒(Mike Miller)是否會被各自的球隊裁掉成為了 關注焦點。具體如下: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Five of the toughest amnesty calls 原文:http://es.pn/vIsi4p 翻譯:一線戰鬥 1、拓荒者會裁掉羅伊嗎? Fact or Fiction: The Blazers should cut Brandon Roy Jordan Heimer, ClipperBlog::會(Fact) Cutting Roy will be a strange animal -- simultaneously a heartbreaker and a no-brainer. Portland simply can't afford to pay nearly $70 million over the next four seasons for a sixth man with cartilage-free knees, no matter how important Roy has been to the franchise. 裁掉羅伊讓人感覺悲慘,但是拓荒者卻沒法在接下來的4年裡,付給一個膝傷嚴重的球隊 第六人接近7000萬美元的工資。不論羅伊之前在拓荒者隊是多麼重要。 John Hollinger, ESPN.com:會(Fact) Roy was even worse after his midseason surgery than before it, save for one glorious quarter against Dallas. 盡管上賽季季後賽曾經上演單人逆轉小牛隊的好戲,但手術之後的羅伊,狀態卻比以前 更差。 Beckley Mason, HoopSpeak::難以否認的事實(Cold hard fact) Unless the Blazers can get Roy to undergo Kobe Bryant's "futuristic German vampire" knee procedure, Roy's game will only deteriorate as bone scrapes bone in his most precious joint. Luckily for the Blazers, LaMarcus Aldridge looks every bit the franchise player Roy did a couple of years ago. Aldridge's ascension makes cutting Roy even more obvious. 除非羅伊接受柯比(Kobe Bryant)今夏的膝蓋手術,否則,羅伊的傷勢只能越來越 糟糕。加之阿德里奇(LaMarcus Aldridge)在過去幾個賽季已經悄然結果拓荒者核心 的位置,阿德里奇的上升讓羅伊被裁顯得更明顯。 Michael Schwartz, Valley of the Suns:會(Fact) In the NBA's new financial landscape, nothing will be more important than avoiding long-term albatross contracts, even if that guy used to be the face of your franchise and should be in his prime. 在新的勞資談判達成後,沒有什麼比捨棄長年的爛合約更重要,即使被裁的球員是球隊 的特權球員或者正處在當打之年。 Timothy Varner, 48 Minutes of Hell:會(Fact) Given Roy's wheels and salary, it's not difficult to see this from the Blazers' perspective. But I'm not sure why Roy's camp wouldn't lobby Portland to cut him loose. Roy is ideally suited to help fill out rosters in cities like Miami, New York, San Antonio, Chicago, Dallas, New Orleans and Los Angeles 從拓荒者的角度看,裁掉羅伊並不是一件很難的事情。而羅伊也非常適合去一些球隊 補強陣容,比如熱火隊、尼克隊、馬刺隊、公牛隊、小牛隊、黃蜂隊和湖人隊。 2、湖人隊會裁掉阿泰嗎? Fact or Fiction: The Lakers should cut Metta World Peace Heimer:不會(Fiction) Cut Metta World Peace? Are you crazy? He'll pay for his salary in No. 37 World Peace jerseys alone, regardless of what he does on the court. 阿泰在場上仍然能夠做出貢獻,裁掉阿泰是一件很瘋狂的事情。 Hollinger:不會(Fiction) The obvious cut here is Luke Walton; in fact, I'd argue Metta is only fourth on the to-go list after Walton, Steve Blake and Derek Fisher. 很明顯,L.沃頓(Luke Walton)才是湖人隊首要的裁員目標。而且布雷克(Steve Blake)和費雪(Derek Fisher)被裁的可能比阿泰更大。 Mason:不會(Fiction) The artist formerly known as Artest is being paid like he was when he dominated the wings in Indiana. But MWP's rebranding can't mask a stale product, even in makeover-friendly L.A. Still, Walton doesn't play, so expect his surgically repaired back to be surgically removed from L.A.'s bench 阿泰的實力下滑是不爭的事實,但沃頓已經很長時間未出場打球,而且離開湖人隊 有助於他的背傷恢復。 Schwartz:不會(Fiction) would not be the case if not for the presence of Luke Walton. The Lakers would save only about $2 million more the next two years by choosing Metta over Luke (plus another $6 million in 2013-14), and then they would still need a starting small forward. 裁掉阿泰留下沃頓只會為湖人隊在未來兩年省下200萬美元左右,但是湖人隊仍舊需要 一個可以打先發的小前鋒。 Varner:不會(Fiction) World Peace simply isn't a game-changing player anymore. His defense is solid, but it's no longer fantastic, and it hasn't been for a few seasons. 阿泰僅僅不再是一個可以改變比賽的球員,他的防守仍舊出色,不過不如以前固若金湯 而已。 3、熱火隊會裁掉邁克.米勒嗎? Fact or Fiction: The Heat should cut Mike Miller Heimer:會(Fact) Unlike some of the other players on this list, Miller, due $24 million over the next four seasons, is actually worth the money he makes … just not to the Heat, who need cap room in order to address glaring holes at point guard and center. 他和別的球員不一樣,他還剩下4年2400萬美元的合約,如果是在別的球隊,他的表現 完全配得上這樣的合約。但是在熱火隊卻不行。熱火隊需要薪資空間來補充控衛和中鋒 位置的薄弱。 Hollinger:會(Fact) Miller hasn't been good in three years and still has four overvalued years left on his deal. Spot-up shooters can be found cheaply, and unlike Miller, many of them require little prodding to shoot when they're open. 最近3年裡,米勒的表現都不算好,而他還剩下4年2400萬美元的合約。對熱火隊而言, 簽下一個更廉價的空位射手並不難。 Mason:會(Fact) The Heat's fourth-largest contract goes to a guy who plays the same position as its two best players 米勒的合約價值排在熱火隊第4位,他和詹姆斯(LeBron James)、魏德(Dwyane Wade) 的位置重複。 but Miami may need that cash for non-wing positions. 而熱火隊需要補充其他位置。 Schwartz:不會(Fiction) The Heat will still surpass any soft cap in salary with or without Miller, and they need all the depth they can get with cap exceptions likely mitigated. Therefore, Miami can't afford to say goodbye to Miller, who is still an excellent fit when healthy. 即使裁掉米勒,熱火隊的球隊薪資總額也依然會超過薪資總和,而且米勒在健康的時候 仍舊是一個不錯的角色球員。 Varner:會(Fact) Unfortunately for Miller, the next CBA is reportedly laden with super taxes. Ultimately, in a world of cost/benefit analysis, Miami benefits more from cutting Miller loose. 新勞資談判達成協議後,聯盟很可能實行超級豪華稅,所以裁掉米勒會讓熱火隊受益 頗多 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 另外補充中文版沒有翻譯到的兩題,但原因請自行點選閱讀 4.The 76ers should cut Elton Brand 2票贊成,3票反對 Jordan Heimer, ClipperBlog: Fact. John Hollinger, ESPN.com: Fiction. Beckley Mason, HoopSpeak: Fiction. Michael Schwartz, Valley of the Suns: Fiction. Timothy Varner, 48 Minutes of Hell: Fact. 5.The Celtics should cut Jermaine O'Neal 同樣是2票贊成,3票反對 Jordan Heimer, ClipperBlog: Fact. John Hollinger, ESPN.com: Fact. Beckley Mason, HoopSpeak: Fiction. Michael Schwartz, Valley of the Suns: Fiction. Timothy Varner, 48 Minutes of Hell: Fiction. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (11/02 23:15)

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: PiGFAcE (, 時間: 11/02/2011 23:32:02

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: kaikai1112 (, 時間: 11/03/2011 07:21:16

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膝蓋爆掉 能組織的雙能衛 讓你想到誰..........
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Roy 賣米都不錯阿 ....... 可以撈一隻來玩玩嗎??????
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馬嫂<->ROY 雙贏!
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