[爆料] Carlos Boozer says he'll miss Utah J …

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (庫恩)時間14年前 (2010/07/11 00:09), 編輯推噓7(14727)
留言48則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
"I'll miss a lot," he said. "My teammates, the coaching staff, the organization — they were all great to me for six years. I grew up a lot out there, learned a lot about who I was and where I was going." Most NBA observers expected Boozer to leave Utah a year ago, but he surprisingly chose not to opt out of his contract. Asked if he considered re-signing with the Jazz this year, Boozer didn't waver in his answer. "I did," he said. "I had talked to (CEO) Greg (Miller) first, as soon as 9 o'clock hit (on July 1). I was in L.A. when free agency started. I told Greg I really wanted the opportunity to stay. I wanted to talk to him first. I wanted to see what they had in store and what they were going to do. "Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be for me to stay. That's OK. Sometimes that happens. But coming here, I know I'm coming to the right place." Boozer wouldn't get into what was said in his initial conversation with the Jazz, but suggested contract terms were discussed between the two sides. Introduced in Chicago the day after LeBron James snubbed the Bulls and announced plans to join the Miami Heat, Boozer was enthusiastic about the choice he made. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boozer說他會想念隊友們、教練團跟這個他待了六年的地方。 一年以前就很多人說他將要離開阿爵,不過他沒跳脫合約,被問起他是否要跟 阿爵續約,Boozer很肯定的說他願意,在7月1日自由市場開市的九點他在LA, 他跟老闆聯繫表示他真的想要留下來,他想要先跟老闆談談,看看球團到底有 什麼決定。不過很不幸的...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: benson 來自: (07/11 00:11)

07/11 00:11, , 1F
幹! 所以是老闆不要他
07/11 00:11, 1F

07/11 00:13, , 2F
07/11 00:13, 2F

07/11 00:15, , 3F
thank you, Carlos.
07/11 00:15, 3F

07/11 00:15, , 4F
在出現什麼消息都不意外 嚇不倒我的..........
07/11 00:15, 4F

07/11 00:16, , 5F
i'll keep booooooing your name.
07/11 00:16, 5F

07/11 00:18, , 6F
起新12M 這要說什麼 他上季這麼拼絕對不是為了錢
07/11 00:18, 6F

07/11 00:19, , 7F
07/11 00:19, 7F

07/11 00:20, , 8F
季賽鹽湖城球迷酸成那樣他還是說願意留了 暑假去聽人報價的時
07/11 00:20, 8F

07/11 00:21, , 9F
這篇讓我很火大跟失望 我的心有一半在公牛了...
07/11 00:21, 9F

07/11 00:22, , 10F
反正我有一件我媽硬買給我的么午外套 喔耶 又翻紅了!!!
07/11 00:22, 10F

07/11 00:23, , 11F
07/11 00:23, 11F

07/11 00:25, , 12F
07/11 00:25, 12F

07/11 00:25, , 13F
他人好像跑去南非了 WAKA WAKA
07/11 00:25, 13F

07/11 00:26, , 14F
12.6M那就是跟現在一樣的水準 反正他是超佛心價
07/11 00:26, 14F

07/11 00:30, , 15F
馬嫂表示 他會從生意觀點看他的合約 也就是說動之以情沒用
07/11 00:30, 15F

07/11 00:30, , 16F
07/11 00:30, 16F

07/11 00:35, , 17F
07/11 00:35, 17F

07/11 00:46, , 18F
大概有私人恩怨吧 反正出錢的人爽就好啊
07/11 00:46, 18F

07/11 00:52, , 19F
以Boo的資歷+身手 12.6M算佛到爆了
07/11 00:52, 19F

07/11 00:53, , 20F
thank you, Monmo.
07/11 00:53, 20F

07/11 00:55, , 21F
07/11 00:55, 21F

07/11 01:01, , 22F
我也覺得可能是私人恩怨 小米勒不喜歡之類的
07/11 01:01, 22F

07/11 01:02, , 23F
反正小米勒也是個說一套做一套的嘴砲 他爸才不是這樣
07/11 01:02, 23F

07/11 01:02, , 24F
與其亂猜私人恩怨 不如說是整個城市氛圍讓他們用感性做決定
07/11 01:02, 24F

07/11 01:03, , 25F
出$的人又不是我們 在這裡捶胸頓足咒罵又何必
07/11 01:03, 25F

07/11 01:04, , 26F
林北喜歡把我的錢亂撒也不收娘砲 有什麼不可以XD
07/11 01:04, 26F

07/11 01:06, , 27F
完全無視Sloan的出面那就是個二世祖而已 球迷也有不爽權利
07/11 01:06, 27F

07/11 01:06, , 28F
說到底球迷也是爵士衣食父母 好歹我也買了不少周邊 罵他剛好
07/11 01:06, 28F

07/11 01:07, , 29F
諸葛亮快到七星陣續命年紀了 阿斗跟他說他要重用廖化當元帥
07/11 01:07, 29F

07/11 01:07, , 30F
07/11 01:07, 30F

07/11 01:08, , 31F
身為蜀國子民 罵他一聲死阿斗也真的只是他自找......
07/11 01:08, 31F

07/11 01:08, , 32F
yes 我也認為是城市氛圍 管理層沒辦法冷靜客觀的處理教人失望
07/11 01:08, 32F

07/11 01:10, , 33F
過去Malone合約年也被噓過 鹽湖城跟紐約的球迷 有些事自己的態
07/11 01:10, 33F

07/11 01:14, , 34F
度需要負責 後面那個說難聽點就是一些證卷人員,白領老是覺得把
07/11 01:14, 34F

07/11 01:15, , 35F
07/11 01:15, 35F

07/11 01:15, , 36F
自己家球員酸爆最pro 這樣身為球員的壓力真的很大
07/11 01:15, 36F

07/11 01:26, , 37F
我罵HP也好幾年了 它們還是一樣擺爛 (嘆)
07/11 01:26, 37F

07/11 01:31, , 38F
07/11 01:31, 38F

07/11 01:31, , 39F
HP = Hello Project?
07/11 01:31, 39F

07/11 01:37, , 40F
是低 我投在HP的錢可能有百萬以上了吧 XDDD
07/11 01:37, 40F

07/11 01:38, , 41F
只能說 掌權者有時候沒腦的程度真的是難以想像的嚴重
07/11 01:38, 41F

07/11 01:39, , 42F
07/11 01:39, 42F

07/11 02:06, , 43F
07/11 02:06, 43F

07/11 07:41, , 44F
07/11 07:41, 44F

07/11 08:12, , 45F
07/11 08:12, 45F

07/11 22:50, , 46F
等boozer掛了 你們阿爵再來替公牛哭阿
07/11 22:50, 46F

07/12 11:45, , 47F
07/12 11:45, 47F

09/11 08:05, , 48F
看到總版那篇Kreen https://daxiv.com
09/11 08:05, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #1CE9ihrW (UTAH-JAZZ)