[轉錄][新聞] 本季悲劇球隊和人物

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (今晚不放槍)時間14年前 (2010/03/20 00:37), 編輯推噓5(5013)
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相關的在第六頁 ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: sampsonlu919 (笑容後的我其實並不快樂) 看板: NBA 標題: [新聞] 本季悲劇球隊和人物 KG不該只有一個總冠軍 時間: Fri Mar 19 23:58:28 2010 http://www.ltsports.com.tw/main/news.asp?no=75666&N_Class=3 NBA》本季悲劇球隊和人物 KG不該只有一個總冠軍 特約記者楊鋒/綜合報導 在NBA戰場上,不斷有英雄人物竄出,也不斷有悲劇人物殞落,NBA官網的專欄作家 包威爾(Shaun Powell)撰文指出本季的7大悲劇人物: K.G. out with whimper ... and other unfortunate situations http://www.nba.com/2010/news/features/shaun_powell/ 03/18/kevin.garnett/index.html 賈奈特的人生能算作悲劇嗎? He's had not one, but two contracts worth over $100 million, lives in a nice Malibu spread, is the brother-in-law of R&B hit-maker Jimmy Jam, has the respect of the great Bill Russell, owns a championship ring and is a lock for the basketball Hall of Fame. And yet, is it OK to say Kevin Garnett's had a tough break? Watching him drag his bum leg around for 30 minutes reminds you of why K.G.'s career, great as it's been, will end somewhat shortchanged. It's all a matter of perspective, actually. 1份1億美元的合約,足夠讓任何1名NBA球員一輩子不愁吃穿,但賈奈特(Kevin Garnett)簽了兩份;他妻子的哥哥是著名的R&B製作人;他手上戴著閃閃發亮的 總冠軍戒指,而且早已鎖定了名人堂席位;他甚至得到了羅素(Bill Russell) 的尊敬。 但當你看到他現在拖著一條腿在場上堅持30分鐘時,你會覺得,他的職業生涯, 不知怎麼的,被縮短了。 Yes, he's obscenely wealthy and already ranks among the best ever at his position. True, he just has a repaired knee; it's not like he's hooked up to life support. Nobody's saying we throw a pity party for a person who, all things considered, has led 10 charmed lives. Charmed, yes. Perfect? Hardly, at least not professionally. K.G. spent all but two years of his career trapped in Minnesota, never maximizing his amazing skills or seeing the fruits of his hard work during the height of his prime, in terms of championships. His Minnesota teams fluctuated between bad and somewhat interesting, and finally disintegrated infamously when Latrell Sprewell immortally uttered something about feeding his family. And then, after experiencing instant gratification once he joined the Celtics, K.G. was robbed of a repeat championship when his body snapped during an unexpectedly intense playoff series against a No. 7 seed, causing him to have surgery. He hasn't been the same since the Celtics took those body blows from the Bulls last spring. And now, given his health and the wear and tear, there's the very real possibility K.G. will live out the remaining years of his contract as an expensive ornament that sparkles only occasionally. 他很富有,也將會成為最有統治力的大前鋒之一。他只不過是膝蓋壞掉了,他的人 並沒有被擊垮,我們根本不要為他這樣一個擁有著無憂無慮的生活的人感到同情 與惋惜。 誠然,他是無憂無慮的,但卻不盡完美。他幾乎將他漫長的職業生涯全部獻給了 明尼蘇達(灰狼),在那裡,他從來沒有將自己的才華與潛能全部發揮出來, 他從來沒有看到開花結果的那一天:對他而言,最美的花只有一朵,那就是總冠軍。 灰狼的戰績在糟糕、或是有點意思之間徘徊。當史瑞威爾(Latrell Sprewell) 說出那句傳世經典「我要養家」之後,一切都結束了。 當他成為塞爾提克的一員之後,他嘗到了成功的喜悅,捧起總冠軍獎盃的那一刻 讓他淚流滿面。可是好景不長,衛冕大業未成,他便接受了手術,塞爾提克也沒有 堅持到最後。 復出之後,他就不再是從前的他了。在今後的日子裡,賈奈特很有可能就此成為一個 偶爾爆發,其餘時間都平平凡凡的球員,直到他的大合約結束。 He deserves better. This is a player who always stayed in shape, refused to moan his way out of Minny, never took anything for granted, kept working on his game even after the big money and stayed unselfish to a fault. But because of circumstances he never created or asked for, Garnett appears to be going out with a whimper. Players who otherwise wouldn't venture anywhere near the lane with K.G. on guard are now going for the poster, realizing the Celtics big man is nailed to the floor. The Celtics have fallen to the No. 4 seed in the East and if the Bucks get any hotter, look out below. Plus, if times are looking bleaker now for K.G. and the Celtics, wait 'til next season. His case falls under the category of Unfortunate Situations, of which there are a handful in the NBA right now: 他本應該得到更多獎賞。他是那樣努力的人,很少有人像他這樣簽下大合約卻仍能 兢兢業業地訓練,提高自己。他從不將他獲得的東西看做理所當然,他保持著無私的 品質(哪怕外界批評他應該自私一點)。他從來沒有主動張口要求過什麼, 也許他應該更有侵略性,那些曾經見他就成「縮頭烏龜」的對手現在都不怕他了, 他們知道KG不能再飛翔了。 塞爾提克掉到東區第4,假如在季後賽碰上近來勢頭大好的公鹿,凶多吉少。而且 塞爾提克下季的前景也暗淡無比。 所以,總體而言,賈奈特是這賽季的幾大悲劇之一。 接下來讓我們看看還有哪些人或球隊也成了悲劇: 紐約尼克的首輪選秀權 Utah owning the Knicks' No. 1 pick Well, yeah, it was due to great general managing and foresight. Or maybe due to Isiah Thomas. That's how the Jazz came away with a reserved seat in this summer's Draft lottery. To recap: When Isiah took over the Knicks in 2004, he wanted to make a splash, and he did, trading the future pick and some bad contracts to Phoenix for Stephon Marbury. Whoops. Months later, the Jazz grabbed the pick in a salary-dump swap with the Suns. Double-whoops. With Carlos Boozer perhaps headed elsewhere this summer via free agency, the Jazz can draft some inside muscle. Or, if they strike gold and get No. 1, they can grab Evan Turner or John Wall, two underclassmen expected to enter. For the record, Deron Williams says he'd have "no problem" if Utah goes that route. The only folks with a "problem" are the Knicks and their fans. How much longer must they suffer for mistakes of the past? 紐約之所以再次成為悲劇的原因,還是因為湯瑪斯(Isiah Thomas)的「眼光」 (是的,刺客的陰影還在)。2004年,當湯瑪斯接手紐約的時候,他想要搞出一番 作為,結果,他用未來的選秀權換來了馬布瑞(Stephon Marbury)。幾個月之後, 太陽與爵士又做了交易,這個選秀權到了爵士手裡。現在,哪怕爵士面臨著失去布瑟 (Carlos Boozer)的可能,但他們卻有機會把這個第一輪選秀權變成狀元籤。 德隆-威廉斯(Deron Williams)表示,如果球隊選擇特納(Evan Turner)或是 沃爾(John Wall),他「一點意見都沒有」。也許有意見的只是尼克與紐約球迷 而已,過去的錯誤究竟要到什麼時候才能停止懲罰他們? 葛瑞芬和奧登的膝蓋 Blake Griffin and Greg Oden knee injuries What are the odds of a pair of young big men, counted on to transform the franchises that drafted them No. 1 overall, suffering season-ending injuries? Hard to tell which one was crueler: Oden going down for a second time or Griffin never getting a regular-season minute. At least Garnett had 14 years before limping off the court 這兩位選秀狀元的悲劇還用多說嗎?不知是受了(各自球隊的)詛咒還是什麼, 他們的新秀賽季都因傷報銷,奧登還不止報銷了一個賽季(葛瑞芬下季要注意了)。 很難說他們倆哪個更倒楣,奧登雖連續兩個賽季都掛了,但他比葛瑞芬好在, 他還嘗過比賽,首發的滋味。雖然KG的傷很悲劇,但起碼人家在受傷前還打了14年呢。 桑德斯的無奈 Flip Saunders getting Gilbert'd Barely halfway through his first year on the job in D.C., it all came crashing down for Saunders. Gilbert Arenas brings guns to the locker room, and that's the tumbling domino that leads to the Wizards stripping the team bare and starting over. When Flip took the job, he had visions of 50 wins and the playoffs. Now he gets to watch Andray Blatche pad the stats. 誰都不記得究竟亞瑞納斯(Gilbert Arenas)有多久沒打過球,總之,當他好不容易 傷癒復出的時候,他又鬧出了持槍事件被禁賽。此舉直接引發了巫師隊的大清洗, 賈米森(Antawn Jamison)、巴特勒(Caron Butler)先後離隊,實力不俗的「巫師 三巨頭」就這樣終了。亞瑞納斯的悲劇也直接導致主帥桑德斯的悲劇,當桑德斯接手 巫師的時候,他的目標是賽季50勝,現在,他只能在場邊看著布拉徹(Andray Blatche) 在場上開心的刷數據。 海斯利的撒錢沒見效益 Michael Heisley's monetary misery A rich basketball fan buys the Grizzlies and moves them from Vancouver to Memphis, where there's little to no competition for the entertainment dollar. He hires Jerry West to help launch the operation. He gets a new arena. And after a bad stretch of losing, has an entertaining team and an All-Star on the floor this season. And guess what? He still sees a half-empty building. In Memphis, Elvis gets more customers in death than the Grizzlies can get alive. 海斯利是名非常有錢,最終買下灰熊球隊的球迷,為此,他從加拿大遷居到孟菲斯, 他聘請韋斯特(Jerry West)做總經理,還建了新球館。在經歷了無數個失敗的賽季 之後,他總算等來本季灰熊的進步、以及自己的球員被選進全明星。但他每天還是能 看到空掉一半的主場座位,在孟菲斯,哪怕早已去世的貓王也比灰熊更有人氣。 艾爾傑弗森光芒難現 Al Jefferson laboring in Minnesota He was sent to Minny in the K.G. trade and is spending his prime seasons (17 points and nine rebounds a game this year) on a team that could be years from contending for the playoffs. Isn't this how this story began? 2007年,艾爾傑弗森被塞爾提克當做交易賈奈特的籌碼,如KG一樣,他正將自己的 青春年華消耗在這苦寒之地,平均17分、9籃板,可是沒有人注意到他。灰狼離季後賽 的距離就跟太平洋一樣寬廣。這真是賈奈特悲劇的翻版,故事又回到了開頭,那就 這麼結束吧! -- 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 口-口 U U U U U U U U U  C  Cs  D  SA UJ 蘇光 蘇頓 法拉蘇 蘇蛙 蘇勞佛 蘇密斯 蘇瑞 蘇諾布里 蘇瑞蘭柯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/20 00:01,
03/20 00:01

03/20 00:01,
03/20 00:01

03/20 00:03,
03/20 00:03

03/20 00:03,
03/20 00:03

03/20 00:04,
Al Jefferson:..............說好的金童呢?
03/20 00:04

03/20 00:04,
塞爾提克碰上近來勢頭大好的公鹿 凶多吉少 cool~~~
03/20 00:04

03/20 00:04,
03/20 00:04

03/20 00:04,
AI咧 剛開始還把最後一個看成AI
03/20 00:04
※ 編輯: sampsonlu919 來自: (03/20 00:06)

03/20 00:05,
03/20 00:05

03/20 00:05,
03/20 00:05

03/20 00:06,
03/20 00:06

03/20 00:07,
03/20 00:07

03/20 00:09,
03/20 00:09

03/20 00:09,
以後輸給山貓 又多一個藉口了...那可是喬丹的球隊耶
03/20 00:09

03/20 00:12,
如何打進季後賽 首先 選一支東區球隊吧
03/20 00:12

03/20 00:12,
NBA有一卡車的明星球員風光於一身 就是沒冠軍
03/20 00:12

03/20 00:12,
感覺KG還好 當時公牛底下的悲劇人物戒指可是0....
03/20 00:12

03/20 00:13,
03/20 00:13

03/20 00:14,
Greg Oden超悲 衰爆了
03/20 00:14

03/20 00:14,
03/20 00:14

03/20 00:15,
虧我蠻喜歡灰狼的說...一直覺得他們的後場太鳥了= =
03/20 00:15

03/20 00:15,
03/20 00:15

03/20 00:15,
03/20 00:15

03/20 00:16,
03/20 00:16

03/20 00:16,
尼克那個好哀傷 不過因此我相當期待明年的爵士 XDD
03/20 00:16

03/20 00:16,
03/20 00:16

03/20 00:17,
03/20 00:17

03/20 00:17,
AL真的很可惜 難道明尼蘇達真這麼不吸引人?
03/20 00:17

03/20 00:17,
03/20 00:17

03/20 00:17,
03/20 00:17

03/20 00:18,
03/20 00:18

03/20 00:22,
03/20 00:22

03/20 00:25,
KG的殺傷力就在能涵蓋全場的機動性 膝蓋傷影響太大
03/20 00:25

03/20 00:25,
KG的總冠軍也是捨棄尊嚴換來的 一個已經嫌太多
03/20 00:25

03/20 00:26,
03/20 00:26

03/20 00:26,
03/20 00:26

03/20 00:26,
03/20 00:26

03/20 00:27,
樓上 KG給灰狼的難道少了嗎 我是覺得互不相欠
03/20 00:27

03/20 00:28,
03/20 00:28

03/20 00:29,
其實KG本人也沒埋怨灰狼耽誤他吧 記者自己的立場而已
03/20 00:29

03/20 00:30,
即使到超賽也是灰狼想重整 KG十幾年來都很安分守己
03/20 00:30

03/20 00:30,
03/20 00:30

03/20 00:30,
03/20 00:30

03/20 00:30,
KG有錢有冠軍有地位 已經不缺什麼了吧...
03/20 00:30

03/20 00:31,
這倒是真的 有一座冠軍已經讓人很欣慰了
03/20 00:31

03/20 00:35,
去年要不是KG受傷 不然東區季後賽會更精彩
03/20 00:35

03/20 00:35,
03/20 00:35

03/20 00:35,
看看老史老馬…有一枚不錯了拉 XD
03/20 00:35

03/20 00:37,
03/20 00:37
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: CarlosBoozer 來自: (03/20 00:38)

03/20 00:57, , 1F
我個人倒覺得 "在爵士"這枚選秀權不太需要期待帶來驚天改變
03/20 00:57, 1F

03/20 01:12, , 2F
03/20 01:12, 2F

03/20 01:18, , 3F
03/20 01:18, 3F

03/20 01:30, , 4F
也不完全如此啦...主要是因為我們明年球員陣容前景 比去年還
03/20 01:30, 4F

03/20 01:30, , 5F
要混亂... 很難預測會變成什麼模樣......
03/20 01:30, 5F

03/20 01:34, , 6F
如果可以 我會想選Evan Turner XD
03/20 01:34, 6F

03/20 01:46, , 7F
03/20 01:46, 7F

03/20 01:49, , 8F
看來沒啥驚艷的好貨 今年不是個禁區大年的感覺 看來看去
03/20 01:49, 8F

03/20 01:50, , 9F
不是爵士不會用不愛用的 不然就是也不會比Koko評價高多少
03/20 01:50, 9F

03/20 01:50, , 10F
這是我為啥說今年太混亂難以預測的原因 基本上我沒看到一個
03/20 01:50, 10F

03/20 01:51, , 11F
禁區球員感覺是即戰力型(以樂透選秀來看的話) 另外我認為
03/20 01:51, 11F

03/20 01:51, , 12F
爵士想更上一層樓 需要面對聯盟往後幾年趨勢-可怕的非典型SF
03/20 01:51, 12F

03/20 01:52, , 13F
未來幾年會是LBJ/Melo的天下 還有Durant 爵士隊的側翼沒半個
03/20 01:52, 13F

03/20 01:53, , 14F
對他們有法度 包括AK也只能稍微延緩 不考慮這點難以爭冠
03/20 01:53, 14F

03/20 01:54, , 15F
另外 以今年來說 除了Deron外 任何人都可能離隊 比去年更亂
03/20 01:54, 15F

03/20 10:48, , 16F
Maynor都能換了 還有甚麼不可能的 @@
03/20 10:48, 16F

03/22 10:16, , 17F
03/22 10:16, 17F

09/11 07:54, , 18F
說不定不到兩年喔 說不 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:54, 18F
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