[外電] 蒙森三問對

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http://www.sltrib.com/jazz/ci_12264334 Monson: Three major Jazz questions answered By Gordon Monson Tribune Columnist Updated: 04/30/2009 04:50:19 PM MDT 蒙森三問對 The three biggest Jazz questions everybody's wondering about and their definitive, absolute, 100 percent sure answers, sort of ... 讓我來回答你關於爵士對的三個大哉問吧。 1. (a) Will Jerry Sloan return as coach? I. (a) 教皇下個球季會回來嗎? Yes. What else would he do with his time? Piddle around? No. Sloan has always looked young for his age -- now 67 -- until the end of this season, when he aged 10 years in the span of seven months, making him now 77 in Sloan hang-dog years. Check the lines gridded out alongside his perennially busted-up nose on that face, which looks like a Rand-McNally cartogram of downtown Salt Lake City. The wrinkles signify either great wisdom or great frustration, maybe with some rugged living mixed in. When he was asked the other day whether he would return, his typically undecipherable answer came quickly, which is an indication that Sloan will be back. 會的,難到他想玩一整年的牽引機嗎?而且他看起來仍是那麼年輕(後面形容教 皇容貌略)。當教皇又用老梗的答案來回應那個老梗問題(下季還會回來嗎?)時, 便暗示教皇仍會回來執教。 1. (b) Should Sloan return as coach? II. (b) 教皇應該以總教練的身分回歸嗎? There are two ways of looking at that question. On the one hand, Jerry is inflexible and old-school, a coach who wants his offensive plays run just so, with screens set with conviction, with passes piled on passes to get shots ever closer to the basket, and his defense overly protective of the low-post area. That's why the Jazz give up so many threes -- they bring help in the paint and expose themselves to the kinds of perimeter shots from opponents that Sloan would generally disapprove of in his own offense. 這個問題可以從兩方面看。教皇是一個缺乏彈性,守舊型的教練,他希望他的 球員依據嚴謹的戰術進攻、並儘量靠近籃框得分;在防守上教皇過度重視低位 的保護,這是為何對手三分球都噴很多、噴不用錢。 He has softened a bit with his players, but he remains tubborn and rigid about certain decisions, such as giving Brevin Knight the minutes at backup point guard when your 5-year-old nephew could plainly see that Ronnie Price was the better choice. To his credit, after inserting Price at the back end of the second half in Game 5 -- a little late, eh? -- against the Lakers and seeing the energy he brought his team, Sloan confessed that he had made a mistake. That's honorable and all, but the question remains: Why couldn't Sloan see what was so clear to see? 他對待球員的態度有比從前溫和,但當你五歲的侄子都知道Price是真王牌時, 教皇仍然只給他少少的上場時間。教皇在湖人系列戰結束後讚美了真王牌的表 現,並承認自己可能犯了些錯誤,認錯值得嘉獎,但問題仍存在。為何教皇無 法看到一些顯而易見的事實呢? He continues to say his players have to motivate themselves, it is not his job to motivate them, which, of course, is a load of bull manure, and a bit disingenuous, too, because when Sloan makes that claim, he is, in fact, trying to motivate the same players he says it is not his job to motivate. Point is, one of the key responsibilities of a coach is to get the best out of his players. That is his job. And sometimes Sloan leaves a bit to be desired in the communication department. With younger players, that's pretty important, and whether he'll ever get that corrected at this late juncture in his career is doubtful. Too bad. (前半略) 重點是,身為教練的一項重要責任就是把他表現最好的球員派到場上。教皇有 時和球員之間缺乏溝通,而溝通對於年輕的球員而言是相當重要的。很不幸, 教皇能否在他教練生涯的緊要關頭將此問題導正是令人懷疑的。 On the other hand, Sloan's biggest contribution is the overall effect he has on his team, expecting his players to work hard, to play hard, to play team basketball, to be professionals, to be grown men, all of which is ironic, considering the way the Jazz crumbled down the stretch in 2009, after all their players were healed up and available. Sloan once said that when players stop listening to him, he's a dead man coaching. At times, that happened this past season, leaving fans to wonder whether Sloan's presence on the bench floats the team to certain heights or weighs it down to certain limits. And the answer is ... both. 另一方面,教皇最大的貢獻就是教導球員正確的打球觀念,進而提升整個球隊 的能力;但諷刺的是,就在季末球員傷癒歸隊後,爵士卻在季後賽被打了個大 敗(其實好幾個球員都是帶傷上陣)。 Should he stay on as coach? There's an hour or two of daylight left, but eventide is closing in quickly. 教皇應該繼續當總教練嗎?還有一兩小時的白日,但很快就會日暮了。 (意指時日不多) 2. Will Carlos Boozer remain with the Jazz? II. Boozer還會待在爵士嗎? No. Even if Boozer opts in with the team, the Jazz will find a way to get rid of him, regardless of what's being said publicly now. They cannot afford Boozer, and having him stay on the roster, all while there are other players they want to sign, all while the payroll rockets into the luxury tax realm, does more damage than good. 不。儘管大家都說了很多場面話,但即使Boozer留隊,爵士也會想辦法將他除 去。他太貴,而且還有其他球員要簽,如果兩者一起執行球隊就必須付豪華稅, 弊多於利。 The late Larry Miller said he did not want his club to cross that threshold, but he also once said he would be willing to go there -- if it meant a championship was imminent. Having Boozer in the lineup doesn't guarantee that kind of result. In fact, it could hinder it, considering the way Boozer's teammates respond to him. Look at the way they played once he returned from his knee injury this past season. They got worse, not better. There is no proof for it, but there is a suspicion that Boozer jacks up the Jazz's team chemistry and that his presence hurts their cohesiveness. No argument here. 已故的老闆Larry Miller曾說他不希望球隊的總薪資超過豪華稅的門檻,除非, 總冠軍已經垂手可得了。Boo的存在並不能保證這樣的結果,還有可能是種阻礙。 Paul Millsap is not the offensive player Boozer is, but he'll cost them less than half as much, allowing the Jazz, if they want to spend that kind of money, to allocate their resources toward other weaknesses. The Jazz are real good on offense and bad on defense. They could take a hit at the offensive end if they bolstered the defense in the process. It's like a penny saved is a penny earned. Boozer doesn't play defense and that's precisely what the Jazz need. Playing Boozer alongside Mehmet Okur is all about scoring points, but also surrendering them, so, keeping them both doesn't work. Millsap的進攻並不如Boo,但他的薪水是Boo的一半有餘,有了閒錢,球隊可 以拿來補強。爵士進攻不差但防守不強,Boo的防守也不太行。把Boo和Okur同 時放在場上有利進攻,但也會被對手得很多分,因此將兩人同時留在隊上並不 管用。 Boozer, who has missed one-third of the Jazz's games during his time here, won't -- shouldn't -- be with the Jazz by the midway point of next season. If he doesn't opt out, he'll be traded and become a 20-and-10 enigma for some other team. 在爵士隊生涯有三分之一時間因傷缺賽的Boozer不會,不應該,在下一季季中 還待在隊上。如果他不選擇opt out,他將會被交易並成為一個擁有20-10成績 的謎樣球員。 3. Will Mehmet Okur stay with the Jazz? III. Okur還會待在爵士嗎? Yes. Okur will not opt out. He'll go on being the Jazz's second-leading scorer, happily giving them a unique perimeter presence, all while the Jazz seek help for him and others at the defensive end. The center who drives a Ferrari but has the look of a middle-aged man who should be hauling a family of five around in a minivan -- perfect for Utah -- is not the whole package at the 5, but a solid contributor and a valued asset. 會的。Okur不會opt out。他會成為爵士隊第二得分點,在防守端爵士則會尋求 其他人的幫助。他雖然不是一個正統的中鋒,但是有穩定的貢獻,是一個有價 值的資產。 -- 這位作者的論點算是比較基進的,但是為球隊的未來提供了不一樣的看法。我 只將重點譯出,有錯還請指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/01 18:49, , 1F
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其實我不太贊同他的觀點 不過他的確是說到教皇一些問題
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