[外電] Iron Maiden

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (馬克斯泰爾)時間15年前 (2009/04/24 21:42), 編輯推噓20(2115)
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Utah Jazz: Boozer back to his All-Star form Iron Maiden (是英翻英,你沒看錯) By Jody Genessy Deseret News John Stockton was in the house, seated in the stands with a few of his kids, for the Jazz's playoff game Thursday night. 老史安坐館中,緊擁著多少癡爵企圖染指的愛女, 靜默地關注場中變化,未見風霜的臉龐不時泛起一抹淺笑。 The way a certain power forward played, you would've thought the Hall-of-Famer's sidekick was on the EnergySolutions Arena court at the same time, too. 場上殺進殺出的那個萬人敵, 觸動了他與每個人心底記憶猶新的32號背影, 彷彿時光又回到那曾經郵務使命必達的年代。 Different jersey number and era. Similar game on this night. 哲人日已遠,甚至還成了銅像,只是比賽激情仍舊。 Doing a pretty impressive Mailman impersonation and hours after saying he and his team needed to "play like there's no tomorrow," Carlos Boozer delivered a huge outing for the Jazz. 在做出『我們沒有退路』悲壯宣言後的幾個小時, 阿布果然郵差上身大殺四方,最終帶領爵士闖出一條血路。 He picked a fine time to do it, too. 及時雨,當然。 Boozer's Karl Malone-esque 23-point, 22-rebound effort was a big-time boost for Utah in its thrilling 88-86 victory that trimmed the Los Angeles Lakers' first-round series lead to 2-1. 媲美老馬的23分、22板鬼神數據, 是阿爵能在驚濤駭浪中以2分險勝的定心丸, 也讓許多斷言橫掃的觀察家不得不閉上他們的喙。 "He's back," said Jazz point guard Deron Williams shortly after hitting the game-winning shot. 其實他說的是: "He's back," teammate Deron Williams said. "He's a beast, man." (摘自Salt Lake Tribune) Back in a big playing-like-a-two-time-All-Star-and-Olympian way, too. 曾經說他是全明星、國手都沒人要信的騙人布, 過了今晚也許你該尊稱他一聲鐵娘子或......木蘭號。 Heck, Boozer was so back to his old ways against the longer Lakers, and made such a big impact, played so well, worked so hard — not through sleet, rain or hail, but mostly around Pau Gasol — that he even heard more cheers than jeers from the crowd. 應付那些要比他來得高大許多的湖人眾,特別是耶穌, 他是打得如此賣力又如此之好。 And that's saying something considering how many boos — and we're not talking the chummy "Booz!" variety — he's received in the past few months from frustrated fans. 雖然聽起來沒啥兩樣(BOO~~~), 這次場邊傳來的總算是加油而不再是噓聲了。 幾個月前,他可不敢肖想這般光景。 Whether fair or not, some Utah supporters have questioned his desire to be here for the long haul because of his mid-season opt-out contract talk and openly wondered and worried about his commitment to the team because he missed 44 games with a left knee injury and surgery. 那時候的阿布因為跳脫合約的發言飽受鹽湖球迷非難, 直指他不僅無心久留此地,更未將全副心思放在球場上, 有苦難言的是膝傷手術偏又使他缺席了超過半個球季。 They might choose to leave their differences on the sidelines — as long as Boozer doesn't return there, of course — for the near future. 此刻也許正是洗雪沉冤的絕佳良機。 When his town and team needed him most, Boozer got the home crowd back on his side in a big way — probably even the doubters and disappointed — with a first-half flurry the franchise has never before seen. 阿布上半場猶如秋風掃落葉的破隊史紀錄表現, 讓曾經對他質疑、失望的滿場江東父老也為之瘋狂。 Not even, mind you, in the Malone days. 老馬此時就算在他背後,也火不起來。 In front of a TNT audience, Boozer snatched rebounds off the glass as enthusiastically as you'd imagine eclectic reporter Craig Sager grabs funky and fluorescent outfits from thrift shops. In what he called a "must-win game," Boozer played like every rebound was a must-grab. He hauled in 11 rebounds in the first quarter, cleaned the glass a total of 16 times by halftime and finished with 22 boards. 在全國觀眾注目下,我們看到阿布熱切追求並試圖取得每一個籃板, 在這場他聲稱非贏不可的比賽中,沒有一個籃板是可以錯失的。 第一節搶下11板,中場時增至16,結束時這頭野獸整整拿了22個籃板。 All of those remarkable numbers set or tied Jazz records for rebounds in a playoff game, besting — who else? — Malone's previous marks of eight (quarter), 14 (half) and 22 (game) that No. 32 set 20 years ago. 這幾項數據分別創下或追平了老馬20年前的隊史紀錄: 單節8板、半場14板、全場22板。 "As long as we win," he said after the big win, "that's all that matters." 「唷~有贏球,才敢大聲啦!」阿布掩不住一絲嬌羞地說。 Though he was on the bench when his buddies helped the Jazz storm back from a second-half 13-point deficit, Boozer again made his 266-pound presence known again down the stretch. 雖然下半場隊友們從早先的大崩潰急起直追時, 阿布涼涼啊坐在板凳上暢飲開特力, 但沒人懷疑他是關鍵時刻將湖人送上斷頭台的那個劊子手。 Three times in the final 1-1/2 minutes, Boozer gave the Jazz two-point leads with strong drives that resulted in free throws, a layup and a left-handed power jam. 終場前一分半鐘,阿布連續靠著罰球、擋拆及一記雷霆萬鈞的爆扣, 三度為嫩爵取得2分的領先。 Boozer, who's scored 20 or more in all three playoff games, wasn't just a rebounding machine, though. He had 13 of his team-high 23 points in the first half. He also swiped a pass from Gasol and made a pair of nifty assists for inside buckets to Paul Millsap and Ronnie Brewer as the Jazz established themselves with a much stronger first half. They even had a lead at the break at 43-39 after trailing by double-digits in the two losses in L.A. 不甘於只做籃板機器的阿布,連續三場都有20分以上表現, 本場獲得全隊最高的23分裡有13分是在上半場攻下, 甚至一度截走耶穌的球,兼且送出助攻給籃下嗷嗷待哺的小米酒, 這些無疑都幫助了阿爵在上半場騙得4分的假性領先。 鐵娘子,Welcome back! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/24 21:51, , 1F
Iron Maiden好聽!
04/24 21:51, 1F

04/24 22:01, , 2F
這首歌獻給今天的老史 http://tinyurl.com/cvbhok
04/24 22:01, 2F

04/24 22:05, , 3F
04/24 22:05, 3F

04/24 22:08, , 4F
04/24 22:08, 4F

04/24 22:09, , 5F
04/24 22:09, 5F

04/24 22:13, , 6F
04/24 22:13, 6F

04/24 22:18, , 7F
04/24 22:18, 7F

04/24 22:57, , 8F
04/24 22:57, 8F

04/24 23:04, , 9F
"不得不閉上他們的喙" (喙者 鳥嘴也 XDDDDDDDDDDD)
04/24 23:04, 9F

04/24 23:05, , 10F
推 Boooooooooooo要忘記5~~~
04/24 23:05, 10F

04/24 23:08, , 11F
04/24 23:08, 11F

04/24 23:14, , 12F
喙 請問這注音怎麼打= =''
04/24 23:14, 12F

04/24 23:17, , 13F
ㄏㄨㄟˋ 同"會"
04/24 23:17, 13F

04/24 23:49, , 14F
04/24 23:49, 14F

04/25 00:25, , 15F
04/25 00:25, 15F

04/25 00:28, , 16F
04/25 00:28, 16F

04/25 00:32, , 17F
推「假性領先」XD XD XD
04/25 00:32, 17F

04/25 00:44, , 18F
04/25 00:44, 18F

04/25 00:53, , 19F
補推回來^ ^"
04/25 00:53, 19F

04/25 00:55, , 20F
Maiden 指處女、少女等意...
04/25 00:55, 20F

04/25 01:25, , 21F
鐵處女.....歐洲中古時代 裡面都是刺的刑具= ="?
04/25 01:25, 21F

04/25 01:27, , 22F
04/25 01:27, 22F

04/25 06:23, , 23F
04/25 06:23, 23F

04/25 08:37, , 24F
chi 大 有看通靈王 @,<
04/25 08:37, 24F
※ 編輯: maxtail 來自: (04/25 12:31)

04/25 17:09, , 25F
被發現了 :p:p:p
04/25 17:09, 25F

05/21 12:54, , 26F
05/21 12:54, 26F

09/11 07:35, , 27F
有大尾看外電變的有趣 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:35, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #19yS6pjy (UTAH-JAZZ)