[轉錄][外電] Scouts Inc. Update: Jazz vs. L …

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (kaikai)時間16年前 (2008/05/08 08:10), 編輯推噓1(101)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Lakers 看板] 作者: LoadUp (羅得阿普) 看板: Lakers 標題: [外電] Scouts Inc. Update: Jazz vs. Lakers, Game 2 時間: Thu May 8 03:37:39 2008 Scouts Inc. Update: Jazz vs. Lakers, Game 2 精彩賽前報系列重出江湖,第一場不知道怎樣沒出,有時間再翻Breakdown。 來源:http://tinyurl.com/4u8ess By David Thorpe Scouts Inc. Updated: May 7, 2008 The Lakers learned a valuable lesson in Game 1 of the second round: There are no more "Denver Nuggets" left in these playoffs. With every excuse to stop fighting when they were down 19 in the second half, the Jazz reached down and found a level of effort Denver never was capable (or willing) of reaching. Consequently, although the Lakers need just three more wins to reach the Western finals, they will have to play much better to get them. 湖人在第二輪第一戰學到重要的一課:季後賽裡已經沒有"丹佛金塊"了。 就算在下半場落後19分讓他們有了放棄的理由,他們還是拿出了丹佛做不到(或著該說不 願意做)的努力程度。 結果雖然湖人只剩三場就能晉級,但他們必須拿出更好的表現才能過關。 Why am I calling on the Lakers to play better when they just won Game 1 by double figures? When they shot 46 free throws, made 38 and committed just nine turnovers? It's because at this level of the playoffs, strategy often is trumped by desire and toughness -- something Utah showed more of in Game 1 than L.A. had seen from all its opponents in its past few playoff appearances. To be sure, the Jazz have a lot to talk about before Game 2, specifically what they are going to do about Kobe Bryant. In Game 1, he cruised to 38 points on 16 shots, hitting 21 of his 23 free throws. Utah tried to send a message -- "nothing is easy" -- to him all game, but he had seen and defeated overly physical teams before. Utah needs to be a little more discerning as to when and where to "whack" Kobe on a shot attempt. For starters, it never should be attempted on a jump shot, and Ronnie Brewer needs to understand that he never will block a Kobe jump shot, so going for the shot fakes on the perimeter is just bad basketball. And when Kobe is forced to make a tough shot in traffic, opponents need to be satisfied with that and not bail him out with a foul. He will miss plenty of twisting shots but few free throws. 為什麼即使湖人第一戰贏超過兩位數,我還是要求他們更好呢?即使他們在罰球線投46中 38還只有九次失誤? 因為這是季後賽。在季後賽裡,戰術常常被渴望以及強悍壓倒,在這次季後賽的敵人中, 湖人都沒有碰上誰有比爵士在第一戰展現出來的多。 當然,爵士在第二戰之前想必有很多要檢討的,特別是他們要怎麼對付Kobe Bryant。 在第一戰裡,他只投了16球就拿下38分,罰23中21。即使猶他整場都對他傳達了"想得分? 沒那麼容易!"的訊息,但他還是擊敗了他們。猶他必須認知到在何時及何地要干擾Kobe的 出手。 先發球員不應該試著去跳投,而只要Ronnie Brewer了解到他是不可能蓋到Kobe跳投的話, 那遠距離跳投假動作就只是個爛招。而當Kobe必須在人堆中做出高難度的出手時,對手應 該對此感到滿意,而不是去犯他規讓他解套,那些扭曲的出手很少會命中但並不包括他的 罰球。 Kobe also had seven assists in Game 1 -- Utah made the fatal mistake of letting him get a lot of points and create a decent amount of points for his teammates. Few teams can beat L.A. when that happens. The Jazz will continue to look for Kobe's man defense when they are running their offensive sets, as he seemed reticent to really lock in and defend down low in the first game -- possibly saving himself and his fouls for the fourth quarter. They simply must work every angle possible to tire him, wear him down and break his rhythm. He's too capable of carrying his team to the four wins if not for some strong and smart tactics by Utah. Kobe在第一場也拿到7助攻,這是猶他犯下的致命錯誤,讓他拿一大堆分數還同時製造給 隊友許多簡單的機會。當這件事發生時,很少有球隊能擊敗洛杉磯。 爵士會持續的在進攻時,想辦法增加Kobe的負擔,尤其在第一場他似乎沒有嚴密的防守。 可能是想節制犯規,好在第四節發揮。他們必須想方設法的讓他更疲憊,拖垮他讓他失去 他的節奏。 如果猶他沒有做什麼有效又聰明的戰術去對付他,他在第四節可不會手下留情。 The Jazz should be disappointed, after watching film, by their lack of purpose in defensive transition. Too often in Game 1, a Jazz player or two just stopped and barely defended the outlet passer, preventing another defender from being in position at their defensive end. Big-time pressure must be applied to the outlet passer to stall the break. Otherwise, it is best to just sprint back. The Jazz did a better job in the second half but mostly because of their efforts on the offensive glass. They finished with a staggering 25, and that supreme effort might cause Phil Jackson to stress running less and rebounding more. 爵士在看完錄影帶後,可能會對他們的防守轉換感到失望。 在第一場常常看到一或兩名爵士球員就停下來,也很少去防守往外傳的球員,讓其他人 只好離開防守位置去補防。你必須對那些會外傳的防守球員施以很大的壓力,讓他的進攻 拖延,不然你只好跑快一點去回防。 爵士下半場打的比較好,但多半是因為他們的進攻籃板,他們最終抓下25個。這可能是 Phil Jackson後來要求放慢速度去抓籃板的原因。 Although they lost, the Jazz showed plenty of talent and execution, and that is cause for concern in Los Angeles. The Lakers struggled to defend Utah's sets and actions all night. Sometimes a Laker switched a screen when his teammate didn't, leaving a Utah player wide open at the rim. Other times, an L.A. defender got so locked into his man that he forgot to see the floor, missing important help opportunities inside. The Lakers will spend their time off narrowing their focus and getting everyone on the same page -- when they should switch, who should switch, where the biggest threats in the Jazz offense are, etc. Utah was the second-most productive offense in terms of points per possession during the regular season, mostly because the Jazz have a number of ways they can score. If the Lakers spend too much time in one area, they could get killed in another. And not adjusting anything is asking for trouble -- the Lakers can't expect Utah to shoot 36-for-95 (37.9 percent) again and 4-for-19 from 3-point range. 雖然他們輸了,但爵士展現出才華以及執行力,這是湖人所擔憂的。湖人整晚都找不到辦 法對付他們的配合,有時輪轉防守交代不清,讓猶他球員長驅直入到籃下;還有某些球員 太專注於防守自己的對手,而錯失了幫忙禁區的機會。 湖人將會花時間讓他們專注並讓每個人都認知到一樣的事,什麼時候換防,誰換防,哪一 個爵士球員的威脅最大等等。 爵士例行賽中,在每次持球進攻能得到的分數上排名聯盟第二,大都是因為爵士有很多方 法可以得分。如果湖人花太多時間在其中一種,那就會被另一種打爆。即使什麼都不做也 會有麻煩,畢竟你不能期待爵士每晚都投95只中36(命中率37.9%)以及三分線外投19只 中4。 And it's not just the sets -- Utah hurt Los Angeles with sound strategies. Rushing Carlos Boozer to the post in early offense paid some dividends, and he's much better there than on the perimeter. For Utah to get a road win against this terrific Lakers team, he likely will need to score more than 15 points. And he definitely will need to make fewer than seven turnovers (his Game 1 totals). Getting the ball to him early makes it tough for L.A. to be in position to help/double him and be ready to rotate to shooters and cutters. Utah had success curling guys through the lane when Boozer had the ball mid-post. The Lakers need to bump those guys off their paths, but doing so will open up Boozer's path to the rim. Boozer is anxious to be a difference-maker after his mediocre play against the Houston Rockets in the first round, so L.A. might just keep forcing him to be more of a passer and give up those easy looks. 而且也不只是小組配合,猶他是以有效的戰術傷到洛杉磯的。讓Carlos Boozer在攻勢一 開始就拉到低位是很有效的,他在這比中距離猛多了。對猶他來說,想要贏過湖人,他必 須至少得到15分,而且絕對要把失誤降低(第一場7失誤)。 讓他太早拿到球對洛杉磯來說,很難在包夾他的同時還能輪轉去防守射手及空切的人。猶 他多次在Boozer於腰位持球時,找人空切到禁區來得分。湖人必須阻止這些人跑進來,但 這樣做就會讓Boozer有空間進攻籃框。 Boozer急於要從第一輪對戰火箭系列裡,爛到爆炸的表現中反彈,所以洛杉磯應該要持續 迫使他多傳球來放棄簡單的出手Mehmet Okur clearly looked to drive on Pau Gasol and put him in foul trouble in Game 1. It worked, and we'll see more of that in this series. But if the Lakers play off Okur too often to protect against his drives, he can turn a game around from with 3s. Mehmet Okur很明顯的壓過了Pau Gasol,讓他在第一戰陷入犯規麻煩。這很有效,而且應 該會不斷在這系列看到。 但如果湖人太急於阻止Okur切入,他還可以用三分炸翻你。 Game 2 looks to be a tougher, closer replay of Game 1. Utah will be more rested, but the pace in Game 1 was very fast anyway. I think Utah will hone in on a better defensive game plan, showing more discipline, for example, on Derek Fisher's drives. The Jazz will make him be a finisher instead of cutting him off and letting him create a shot for a better scorer. And although they lead the league most years in fouls, I don't expect an excessive amount in the second game. 第二戰應該會是第一戰更激烈更接近的翻版。猶他會得到更多休息,但是第一戰的節奏真 的很快。 我認為爵士會在防守上加強,展現紀律,譬如說阻止Derek Fisher的切入。爵士會迫使他 成為攻勢終結者,而不是讓他不能出手,反而能為隊上更好的得分球員製造機會。 即使他們整季在犯規上都領先全聯盟,我還是不認為第二戰還會有這麼多罰球。 The Jazz are, perhaps, the most mentally and physically tough team not named the San Antonio Spurs (not including the astounding Rockets team they beat). So L.A. must expect to see Utah's best effort -- and that is a real challenge. Remember, Deron Williams finished with 14 points, nine rebounds and nine assists in Game 1, but shot just 5-for-18. The Jazz love the shots they got and feel very confident they can win a road game or two. But until somebody beats this Lakers team in L.A., I won't predict it will happen. They are a driven, confident, deeply talented team, but one that needs to realize they are in for a true fight against another heavyweight. 爵士可能是除了聖安東尼奧馬刺以外,心理及球技都最強悍的球隊。所以洛杉磯將會看到 猶他付出更多的努力,這才是真正的挑戰。 還記得Deron Williams雖然在第一戰得到14分9籃板9助攻,但投18只種5嗎?爵士對他們 的出手,以及可能在客場贏球感到非常有信心。 但除非真的有人在洛杉磯打敗了湖人,否則我都不會預測這件事發生。他們是一支有動力 的,有信心的,及有才華的球隊,但他們必須要了解的是下一場必定是一個艱難的挑戰。 PREDICTION: Lakers win Game 2 預測:第二場湖人贏 翻完收工,睡覺去等轉播。 -- 世界籃球討論板 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 9 PttBasket 籃球 Σ籃球/台灣籃球/美國職籃/相關討論 1 basket_ptt *THM Σ主題樂園 5 worldbasket 籃球 ◎世界籃球錦標賽和聯賽討論板 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/08 03:45,
05/08 03:45

05/08 03:45,
05/08 03:45

05/08 03:51,
05/08 03:51

05/08 03:57,
如果推文又說成 Kreen比較狠...K大你會不會想殺掉我 0.0
05/08 03:57

05/08 04:13,
睡了 明天湖人加油
05/08 04:13

05/08 04:14,
= =
05/08 04:14

05/08 04:43,
克林是湖人版槍王 近年來取代帕克
05/08 04:43

05/08 07:16,
05/08 07:16

05/08 07:18,
2.總籃板數五場裡只有一場兩隊平手->其他都輸 XD
05/08 07:18

05/08 07:21,
05/08 07:21

05/08 07:24,
05/08 07:24

05/08 07:26,
05/08 07:26

05/08 07:30,
05/08 07:30

05/08 07:34,
05/08 07:34

05/08 07:37,
05/08 07:37

05/08 07:39,
1.但是輸了十七.......its unacceptable.
05/08 07:39

05/08 07:42,
05/08 07:42

05/08 07:43,
05/08 07:43

05/08 07:43,
05/08 07:43

05/08 07:40,
未成形。該場三分出手數過高 籃板大輸14個 輸球!
05/08 07:40

05/08 07:44,
5.那一場反而是受制於速度不如他們呢。ak 真是他們的 X
05/08 07:44

05/08 07:44,
結論是 不管是季賽或季後賽的比賽過程來看,籃板輸並非輸
05/08 07:44

05/08 07:46,
話說 G1 讓 Okur 打得像魔獸,讓我氣到有點不想講話XD
05/08 07:46

05/08 07:46,
05/08 07:46

05/08 07:47,
05/08 07:47

05/08 07:48,
05/08 07:48

05/08 07:49,
05/08 07:49

05/08 07:49,
心,以那種 efg% 差距,我們不該這麼危險的。另,他們贏得
05/08 07:49

05/08 07:50,
兩場籃板也還是佔了便宜說>"< 嘎獸上一場幾乎被歐酷完封了,
05/08 07:50

05/08 07:52,
這場再不調整好,可能會有頗危險~ 原因:這篇的第一段XD
05/08 07:52

05/08 07:54,
05/08 07:54

05/08 07:53,
05/08 07:53

05/08 07:54,
05/08 07:54

05/08 07:54,
05/08 07:54

05/08 07:55,
05/08 07:55

05/08 07:55,
05/08 07:55

05/08 07:55,
得證:籃板並非不重要XD 像上一場那樣,很想罵人的XD
05/08 07:55

05/08 07:56,
05/08 07:56

05/08 07:56,
不過輸17個籃板還能贏球,湖人的進攻能量真的很厲害 XD
05/08 07:56

05/08 07:57,
<( ‵▽′)-σ_ˍ▁▂▃▄▅▆▆▅▄▃▄▅▆◣
05/08 07:57

05/08 07:58,
那倒是XDXD 我之前還很害怕因為對上性變太強被打爆。
05/08 07:58

05/08 07:58,
05/08 07:58

05/08 07:59,
05/08 07:59

05/08 08:08,
這篇放錯地方了吧 怎麼大半都是阿爵的教戰守則
05/08 08:08

05/08 08:09,
05/08 08:09
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/08 09:30, , 1F
今年唯一贏湖人的那場 剛好就是某B上場0分鐘的那場
05/08 09:30, 1F

09/11 07:05, , 2F
克林是湖人版槍王 近年 https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:05, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #188aJrW1 (UTAH-JAZZ)