[外電] 『硬』是要得

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (伊利諾農夫魂)時間16年前 (2008/04/21 20:26), 編輯推噓24(2407)
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Jazz establish physical tone in opener 『硬』是要得 Gordon Monson The Salt Lake Tribune Answers to a few questions everybody was wondering came quickly in Game 1 of the Jazz-Rockets first-round playoff series Saturday night, one of them dripping with irony instead of tears. 好些個問題在這個系列的開幕戰後有了解答, 其中一個這回伴隨的是自嘲而不再是衛生紙。 "It was fun tonight," said Andrei Kirilenko. "Right now, I'm kind of relaxed." 「喔噢,這真是個奇妙的夜晚,」羅剎人喜上眉梢, 「這一刻的偶感覺真的粉~酥~湖~ㄎㄎ」 More on that answer in a minute. 等等我們再來討論這件事。 First, a couple of others. 岔個題先。 Given the venue, nobody knew with any certainty which Jazz team would show up: A) The focused, confident bunch that had been so dominant for so much of the regular season, especially at home, or B) The road weaklings who timidly skidded to a lousy record away from the comfortable confines of their own building. 比賽前,沒人猜得到阿爵這支球隊, 究竟會表現得像在家一樣銳不可當, 還是出了門就想找媽媽的小孬孬? Drenched in the urgency of a freshly unwrapped postseason, the A team was the one on hand at the Toyota Center. 前晚在偷你牙中心我們看到的顯然是前者。 The Jazz bounced and hacked their way to a 93-82 win. 這群小娘娘『硬』是以93-82在客場拿下首場勝利。 All of which gave a resounding answer to the second question: Would this potentially physical series pick up where last year's first-round carnage left off - with bodies banging and landing all over the floor, with shooting percentages dragging low, with defense and rebounding reigning supreme? 那麼,第二個問題來了: 去年那些碰撞、墜地畫面不斷, 不求命中率但求籃板與防守的肉搏戰, 會在今年度再度上演嗎? Yes, yes, at least for one team, yes, and yes. 是,當然了,至少對某隊來說,是的,當然了。 It's a barbaric and beautiful thing, playoff basketball. 血肉飛濺的美景,盡在季後賽籃球。 "Utah is Utah," Rockets forward Shane Battier said. "Physical, tough, well-coached, and they executed." 「爵士就是髒哪,」火箭的貝提耶說, 「蠻力、硬頸,執行教練戰術一絲不苟。」 Veteran Rockets point guard Bobby Jackson had predicted as much, saying: "We have to hit first, instead of them hitting first. Jerry Sloan teaches to play physical and make sure guys go out there and knock the [expletive] out of the other guys." 老兵芭比跟他意見差不多: 「你不先出拳就只好等著被揍,」 「肌肉至上,史龍就是愛來這套...」 He got that right. 還真被他給說對了。 But it was the Jazz who did their bruising more efficiently, working over most effectively Tracy McGrady, who shot only 33 percent from the floor and was held to 20 mostly harmless points. 說到要玩肌肉戰這套,有誰能比阿爵的效率更高呢? 踢妹可是被守到只剩33%命中率,全場僅"零星"拿下20分。 "He's a wonderful player," said Sloan. "Some of our bigger people helped out more than what we've done in the past." 「他是個強大的對手,」史龍不吝讚美, 「只是我們的大個兒這次守得比過去好太多了。」 The overall smack-or-be-smacked tone was set early, when Houston's Luis Scola tackled Paul Millsap in the first quarter. From that point on, the clean-up crew broke records for number of times they mopped sweat skids off the floor. 第一節史勾拉把米爺拉倒在地上的時候, 這場比賽拳拳到肉的基調就已經確立了。 清潔人員必須不停上前將地板上的汗擦乾, 頻繁的程度甚至還破了球場紀錄。 "You hate how they play because they're a very physical team," said McGrady. "I haven't seen any other Western Conference team that executes as well as Utah." 「呴~我一想到那些肉體就恨死他們了哪!」踢妹可無奈道, 「還沒看過哪支西區球隊每次肉搏都打這麼賣力的啦~」 Through the first period, it didn't seem as though the Jazz were executing at all. In fact, it felt like they were playing like crap, but a glance at the scoreboard showed them up by five. 然而一開始,阿爵可看不出有他說得那樣粗暴, 事實上,他們那副德行看起來還比較像小孬孬。 詭異的是,等你一抬頭, 才赫然發現計分板上他們竟然還領先五分?! They led at the end of every subsequent quarter, too, taking a six-point lead into the half and an eight-pointer into the fourth period, and, most significantly, the 11-point margin at the end. 不僅如此,他們在接下來的三節也都以領先作收。 They wound up shooting 52 percent to the Rockets' 36 percent. 阿爵52%的命中率讓命中率僅36%的火箭吃足苦頭。 But the surprise of the night was the answer to the third question: Would Kirilenko break down and bawl like a baby on the same floor where that exact thing happened a year ago. The answer: No way, AK. 不過第三個問題的答案才會真正叫人吃驚, 問題是:去年此時情緒崩潰哭著找媽媽的那個人而今是否安在? 那個人給的答案是:你娘卡好咧! Instead, Kirilenko made the Rockets weep, scoring 21 points on 8-for-12 shooting. It even got to the point where the Jazz were running plays for their once-disgruntled forward, with Williams looking for Kirilenko on the perimeter and posting up down low. 或許這次該哭哭的是火箭, 不但讓ΑΚ予取予求, 全場12投8中攻下21分, 搞得打到後來, 好幾次阿爵乾脆以他為中心執行戰術。 "He played with a great deal of determination," Sloan said. 「這回他可是抱著強大的信心來的。」史龍讚曰。 "Say hello to Jeff Hornacek," Kirilenko said, referring to the former Jazz shooter who coached his shot back from the dead this year. "I've got my confidence back. . . . It helped us win the game." 「嘿,老何,你可以含笑...啦!」 ΑΚ面對鏡頭忍不住想跟他的私家教練說說話, 「偶的信心全回來啦,所以偶們才能贏球。」 Asked about his breakdown after Game 1 here last postseason, the Jazz forward sounded contradictory, but, on this night, it was appropriate enough: "I forget about that. It's part of the history." 當不識相的記者又一次提及去年的崩潰時, 「你在說什麼呀?」記性不好的他搔了搔頭。 So, with that look back - or not - the Jazz answered their questions on Saturday night, and they took their win in Game 1, looking ahead to Game 2 on Monday night. 嗯,顯然阿爵在前一場比賽為大家解答了不少疑惑, 而這也幫助他們拿下了第一場勝利。 "This was only one game," Sloan said. "We still have to play as hard as we can." 「才打了一場比賽而已,」史龍說, 「你們皮最好還是給我繃緊一點!」 Said Kirilenko, the happiest man in the building: "Game 1 felt like Game 7. Every game now feels like a Game 7. That's the intensity of the playoffs." 一旁的快樂羅剎人則還在說個不停: 「第一場就拼得你死我活,跟第七場沒兩樣,」 「其實每一場都是這種感覺啦,季後賽就是這麼緊髒啊!ㄎㄎ」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/21 20:27, , 1F
04/21 20:27, 1F

04/21 20:45, , 2F
笑翻了XDXD 卡好卡好~
04/21 20:45, 2F

04/21 20:46, , 3F
04/21 20:46, 3F

04/21 20:47, , 4F
04/21 20:47, 4F

04/21 20:54, , 5F
大尾出品 必屬佳作
04/21 20:54, 5F

04/21 20:56, , 6F
快樂羅剎人v( ̄︶ ̄)y
04/21 20:56, 6F

04/21 20:58, , 7F
04/21 20:58, 7F

04/21 21:24, , 8F
04/21 21:24, 8F

04/21 21:33, , 9F
04/21 21:33, 9F

04/21 21:34, , 10F
偷你牙中心!! @@
04/21 21:34, 10F

04/21 21:36, , 11F
04/21 21:36, 11F

04/21 21:36, , 12F
你娘卡好勒! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈普林
04/21 21:36, 12F

04/21 21:39, , 13F
告訴我這是假的 明天我們的重播是在後天凌晨兩點嗎???!!!
04/21 21:39, 13F

04/21 21:41, , 14F
04/21 21:41, 14F

04/21 21:44, , 15F
在偷你牙心中 的 在偷你牙中心 呼喊阿爵 Go Go Go
04/21 21:44, 15F

04/21 21:50, , 16F
喔 是11點 還好
04/21 21:50, 16F

04/21 21:56, , 17F
04/21 21:56, 17F

04/21 22:08, , 18F
你娘卡好咧~~哈哈 笑翻
04/21 22:08, 18F

04/21 22:14, , 19F
04/21 22:14, 19F

04/21 22:47, , 20F
偷你牙中心!! #26 在偷你牙中心 呼喊阿爵
04/21 22:47, 20F

04/21 23:06, , 21F
04/21 23:06, 21F

04/21 23:56, , 22F
偷你牙中心!! 祕技 中心腳
04/21 23:56, 22F

04/22 00:12, , 23F
04/22 00:12, 23F

04/22 00:36, , 24F
04/22 00:36, 24F

04/22 00:58, , 25F
04/22 00:58, 25F

04/22 09:54, , 26F
04/22 09:54, 26F

04/22 12:28, , 27F
04/22 12:28, 27F

04/22 23:36, , 28F
04/22 23:36, 28F

04/23 00:52, , 29F
04/23 00:52, 29F

08/08 15:27, , 30F
08/08 15:27, 30F

09/11 07:01, , 31F
偷你牙中心!! # https://daxiv.com
09/11 07:01, 31F
文章代碼(AID): #1838WADL (UTAH-JAZZ)