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看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (Ronnie Brewer)時間17年前 (2006/12/26 02:09), 編輯推噓11(1101)
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http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650215236,00.html Friday, December 15, 2006 Los Angeles Clippers coach Mike Dunleavy sees the Jazz and San Antonio Spurs as the NBA's top two teams right now. "It comes down to them (the Jazz) and San Antonio," he said after losing 105-86 to Utah Wednesday. "It is not even close as far as teams I have seen in person or on TV. "They have different styles," he offered. "(The Jazz) are, for the most part, strong. They're thick, and they are physical. They are able to set hard screens, and they bully you. San Antonio is a team that is much quicker and more athletic, more finesse. It is two contrasting styles, by two teams that are ultra-good at what they do." Mike Dunleavy認為爵士和馬刺兩隊的風格有很大的不同。爵士球風厚實, 帶肢體碰撞, 他們設立強硬的掩護, 蠻橫地欺凌對手。馬刺則擁有較快的速度及更好的體能, 球風較 細膩。兩種球風完全相反, 但兩隊都將自身長處發揮得非常好。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650215613,00.html Saturday, December 16, 2006 Jazz owner Larry H. Miller presented coach Jerry Sloan with the ball from Monday's win over Dallas ─ Sloan's 1,000th NBA coaching victory ─ in a short ceremony prior to Friday's game. Sloan was in such a hurry to get the festivities over with and start the game that he almost fumbled Miller's pass. 在周五比賽賽前, Larry Miller將千勝球送給Jerry Sloan, 而Sloan急著想把這些慶祝 活動拋到腦後並開始比賽, 他慌張到幾乎漏接這個球。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650215798,00.html Sunday, December 17, 2006 Legler and Anthony both rank Orlando's Dwight Howard fifth on their respective MVP lists, and Legler went so far as to make this comparison between Howard and a certain retired Jazz legend: "He's a more athletic version of Karl Malone, potentially the most dominant post player in the league." ESPN評論員Legler和Anthony將Dwight Howard排在MVP候選人第五名。 Legler將Howard比為一個體能更佳的Karl Malone, 有潛力成為聯盟中最強大的禁區球員。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650216247,00.html Tuesday, December 19, 2006 Sloan did not seem to think the punishment doled by the league Monday ─ which included several multi-game suspensions in addition to Anthony's, forcing the Knicks to play Utah with just eight available players Monday ─ was too harsh. "Sometimes emotions get to you a little bit," said Sloan, once suspended seven games for shoving a referee while coaching the Jazz. "You do something crazy, and you have to pay price." Sloan不認為聯盟對打架球員們的處罰太過嚴刻, 他說情緒會讓人有些失控, 若是 你做了一些瘋狂的事, 就得付出代價。 Sloan曾因推了裁判一把而被禁賽七場。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650217494,00.html Saturday, December 23, 2006 Asked if he lost just part of his tooth or all of it, Jazz forward Andrei Kirilenko downplayed the matter. "Chipped it," Kirilenko said, acting as if the dental damage ─ which occurred when the elbow of Charlotte's Matt Carroll caught the Russian in the mouth while Carroll took a 3-point shot Friday ─ was no big deal. And now, thanks to the kind writers who cover the Bobcats, the rest of the story ... "It was hanging," Carroll said of Kirilenko's tooth, "and he just grabbed it and threw it." Root and all, apparently. "What flashed through my mind was Rocky and the Russian," the grossed-out Carroll added. "I'm thinking, 'That's a tough Russian.' My goodness. ... I thought he was gonna say, 'I must break you' next play down the court." Though a little loopy after a 101-89 loss to the Bobcats, Kirilenko insisted the incident was no big deal ─ and exonerated Carroll, who hit a free throw after Kirilenko was called for a foul on the fourth-quarter play. "Not his fault," Kirilenko said. "My fault." 當Carroll投三分時, 他的手肘擊中了AK, 造成他的牙齒搖動。 AK只是將牙齒拔下丟到一旁, 繼續比賽。 Ex-BYU big man Rafael Araujo logged two first-half minutes Friday, missing two shots and losing a rebound out-of-bounds in his first action in more than a month. Jazz coach Jerry Sloan, however, didn't fault Araujo's effort. "He's in a situation where he's had to start over," Sloan said of Araujo, an offseason acquisition who has been either inactive or on the end of the bench while trying to learn the Jazz system. "But he's worked every day. I wish I could get him in the ballgames more, but we've been playing in a situation where it's tough to play him. "So far he hasn't given up on his work habits, and (he's) done everything we've asked ... before games," Sloan said. "I feel bad because I can't get him in the ballgame a little bit, but that happens sometimes. ... He's just got to understand what's going on in the game better." Hoffa在對上山貓的比賽中上場, 沒有建樹, 但Sloan不責備他的努力。Sloan認為Araujo 非常努力要融入球隊系統, 也希望多給他一些表現機會, 但球隊的現況尚不允許如此。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650217731,00.html Sunday, December 24, 2006 Tales of Kirilenko's tooth-yanking episode, as told by Charlotte's Matt Carroll after the Bobcats beat the Jazz on Friday night, also may be slightly exaggerated. Carroll had Kirilenko pulling out his entire dangling tooth after Carroll accidentally caught Kirilenko in the mouth with his elbow while taking a 3-point shot. Both Kirilenko and Jazz trainer Gary Briggs insisted Saturday, however, that what Kirilenko actually removed and discarded was a veneer-capped portion of a tooth that had chipped off. "It's not the whole thing," said a still-in-pain Kirilenko, adding he would have the tooth repaired when he returned to Utah. 有關Kirilenko的拔牙傳說似乎有些被夸大。AK本人及球隊防護員Gary Briggs都 宣稱AK當時只是丟掉鑲在牙齒的套模(SLT上寫的是a chunk of the enamel)。 當AK回到猶他時, 會去修補牙齒。 Okur played Saturday despite bruised ribs and a strained muscle near his rib cage, keeping alive a consecutive-games streak that now stands at 208. "I felt sore at the beginning," said Okur, who was injured in Charlotte, "but when I warmed up it really (felt) better." After former University of Utah point guard Andre Miller fell off the list following his trade last week from Denver to Philadelphia, Okur has now appeared in the fourth-most straight games among active players behind only San Antonio's Bruce Bowen, Detroit's Tayshuan Prince and Cleveland's Damon Jones. Okur的肋骨及胸腔附近肌肉都有受傷, 但他在周六仍帶傷上陣, 這使得他的連續 出賽達到第208場。 Andre Miller因為交易而缺賽, 這使Okur的連續出賽排到現 役球員第四, 排在Bruce Bowen, Tayshuan Prince, Damon Jones等人之後。 ---- http://www.deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,650217807,00.html Monday, December 25, 2006 In breaking down the recent NBA trade that sent longtime Philadelphia 76ers star Allen Iverson to the Denver Nuggets, Jalen Rose of the Phoenix Suns snuck in quite a compliment for the Jazz. Said Rose, in a widely circulated quote: "I think they're a team that people are going to be excited about seeing. OK, Allen (Iverson) and (Nuggets star) Carmelo (Anthony) are ... going to fill up the stands. They'll sell some jerseys, create some excitement. It's going to make Denver relevant from a marketing standpoint. Now they got some national (television) games because they've got Iverson. But are they San Antonio, Phoenix, Dallas, Utah? No." Jalen Rose對AI交易案表示了一些看法, 他認為AI的到來會使得球衣的銷售增加, 球賽變得更好看, 讓丹佛的市場地位受到重視。也因為AI而讓他們多了幾場全國 轉播。但金塊因此成為馬刺, 太陽, 小牛, 爵士這樣的隊伍嗎? 答案是否定的。 Andrei Kirilenko failed to block a shot in Memphis, ending his NBA-high active-players streak of games with at least one swat at 28 . AK在孟菲斯的比賽中沒有送出任何火鍋, 這使他的連續場次火鍋記錄停在28場, 這是現役球員中最多的。 ---- 其他來自Salt Lake Tribute的消息: That the Bobcats defeated 19-win Utah came as no shock in Charlotte. Six of the Bobcats' seven wins this season have come against teams in first place at the time they played, and the other win was against a second-place team. But Charlotte, which owns a victory in San Antonio and two over Detroit, is 1-18 against non-division leaders. 山貓的七勝之中, 有六場勝利是來自分組的龍頭, 在面對非分組冠軍時, 他們戰績只有一勝十八敗。 All of the Jazz players except Carlos Boozer returned to Salt Lake on the team's charter after Saturday's game, though a few plan to catch flights to other cities today. Boozer chartered a plane to his offseason home in Miami, where his entire family was to gather for his seven-month-old son Carmani's first Christmas. The players are due back in Utah for a 6 p.m. practice Monday night. Boozer租了一架飛機飛回他邁阿密的家中, 與他七個月大的兒子Carmani共度聖誕節。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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AK只是將牙齒拔下丟到一旁, 繼續比賽。 -_-"
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