[轉錄]Re: 我好難過

看板UTAH-JAZZ作者 (sss  ￾ ￾  歸還)時間19年前 (2005/11/14 10:53), 編輯推噓3(302)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Knicks 看板] 作者: HolyBugTw (HolyBug) 看板: Knicks 標題: Re: 我好難過 時間: Sun Nov 13 14:16:41 2005 轉一下這一篇好了,不確定有沒有人轉過,翻譯不好就別挑剔了。 http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/dailydime? page=dailydime-NewYorkPreview0506 縮網址:http://tinyurl.com/dolgf Where will Marbury play? 小馬適合什麼位置? The stars do not appear to be aligning for Steph. He and Larry Brown are not on the same page regarding a point-guard's responsibilities, because Brown has always preferred his point guards to be passers rather than scorers. Rumors of Brown being interested in pursuing Eric Snow (apparently Mark Jackson and Haywoode Workman were unavailable) can't be music to Marbury's ears either. 明星無法顯示和小馬合在一起。他和LB對於PG的責任分屬並非同一型,因為 LB總是希望他的PG重傳球於得分。有傳言...(以下並不重要) The most-discussed solution for Brown is to move Marbury to the off-guard spot, much as Brown did with Allen Iverson in Philadelphia. The benefits are clear enough: Marbury wouldn't drive Brown crazy by dominating the ball, and Marbury is so strong that he could probably handle the position defensively. 對於LB最多被討論出的解決之道,是把小馬移到射手位置,大概就像是小艾 在費城的位置。好處明顯的足夠:小馬不會因為佔著球讓LB起笑,並且小馬 非常強壯,致使他可能在這一點上控制住防守。 But there are clear drawbacks, as well. For starters, Marbury isn't accustomed to playing off the ball and isn't a great catch-and-shoot guy. But the biggest problem is finding somebody else to play the point. Nate Robinson is a shoot-first type, and becoming a full-time starter as a rookie may be biting off more than he can chew. A trade is a more likely possibility, but New York's ownership seems to be growing weary of all the bad contracts they've taken on. Thus, Steph and Larry may have to learn to live with each other. 但是同樣也有個明顯的缺點,對先發來說,小馬會不適應於無球的打法並且 不是一個接了球就出手的球員。但最大的問題是找其他人來打這個位置。 Nate Robinson是個出手第一的類型,並且對菜鳥來說當一個全職的先發可能 有點超乎預料。(以下也不是很重要) ---------------------------------- 其實可以看看Jazz的比賽,Deron Williams只是一個Rookie,理論上Sloan 很難得啟用新人來打什麼比賽,可是他就還蠻受到重用的,而且數據雖然不怎 麼樣,不過已經很多人對他充滿期待,這也不是沒道理的。 LB執教到底好還是不好,有沒有功效? 現在Knick的籃板聯盟第一,讓對手得分聯盟15,不過自己得分第29。 對手命中率第7,可是自己命中率倒數第三,我想防守有改進了,但是進攻 卻出了問題,而進攻的責任除了教練問題外,球場上最重要的核心,難到 不該說是PG的問題嗎? 我並不是認為問題只出在小馬身上,而是出在PG身上,誰能夠幫助尼克組織 進攻,而小馬下去後誰又能擔這些責任,都是很直接的問題。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: HolyBugTw 來自: (11/13 14:19)

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11/13 16:20,
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11/13 16:23,
磨合是需要時間的,樓上的會不會要求太嚴了啊 @@
11/13 16:23

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11/14 02:38,
傳球第一的PG? 那就penny呀 不適合嗎?
11/14 02:38

11/14 10:53,
11/14 10:53
-- http://www.pixnet.net/sam18263 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/sam369 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/formichelle&article_id=322880 這是我學妹對我的個性跟跟為人的形容喔^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/14 12:04, , 1F
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文章代碼(AID): #13T_n2Cn (UTAH-JAZZ)