[情報] 2021/10 近期男演員電影情報

看板UK_Actors作者 (阿比)時間2年前 (2021/10/09 20:34), 2年前編輯推噓9(908)
留言17則, 8人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
Tom Hardy 猛毒2:血蜘蛛 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ezfi6FQ8Ds
上映日期:2021/10/13 首映典禮 https://i.imgur.com/FFgD2OJ.jpg
(並沒有要穿西裝的意思吧他XD) 11/12後美國Disney+會上映,屆時要看臺灣同一天開始的D+會不會同步。 目前美國票房非常亮眼,有望可以打破滿多紀錄。(疫情後記錄) 個人期待演員: Richard Madden Kit Harington https://i.imgur.com/ixYV9z5.jpg
永恆族 Eternals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAWyH0kQZYw
臺灣上映日期:預計2021/11/05 片場照 https://i.imgur.com/ZfYSliK.jpg
為了找一張兩人同框照,我好心累XD 估計沒有太多的同框時間,兩位在片中接近情敵。 拜託打我臉,最好是滿滿的兩位同框戲份XD 但是應該會很錯亂這對前世兄弟(?)(不能爆雷)吧。 Benedict Cumberbatch 我知道有BC板但是我是整理文所以不想再發一篇Q_Q 臺灣片商翻譯名:天才貓奴畫家 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9spm7gMOzY
這部電影描繪了藝術家路易斯·韋恩( Louis Wain)的生平。 路易斯韋恩的迷幻貓世界 (The Electrical Life of Louis Wain) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzDr_tbL-es
The film premiered at the 48th Telluride Film Festival on September 2, 2021, and then the film is set to have a limited release on October 22, 2021 and then later to be released on Prime Video on November 5, 2021. 2021/11/05 Amazon Prime Video上串流。 我個人已經訂閱,滿多好片的,還可以先去看一下BC客串(配音)的好預兆喔。 延伸閱讀: https://meet.eslite.com/tw/tc/artshow/202109280003 犬山記 (The Power Of The Dog) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELvKuuXdfCU
(雷) https://star.ettoday.net/news/2068865 (超多雷) https://i.imgur.com/aYBLdp3.jpg
《犬山記》將於12月1日上架Netflix。 非常希望BC以這部入圍久違的奧斯卡! 希望能在明天閉幕的紐約影展有所斬獲。 https://i.imgur.com/6uRlAHF.jpg
更新一下最近和三小兒子(X)還有老婆大人出去玩照片。 先生,好歹也給自己小孩和老婆戴口罩啊你XD 下一個考慮生女兒嗎?(好像他們能決定一樣) The King's Man 金牌特務:金士曼起源 https://i.imgur.com/RyNuoaF.jpg
這個應該整部演員都可以放在這個板?XD 個人期待演員: Ralph Fiennes Rhys Ifans Matthew Goode Daniel Brühl (不能算英國演員XD) Charles Dance Aaron Taylor-Johnson Joel Basman (瑞士人) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zdBG-iGfes
華特迪士尼工作室電影定於2021年12月22日在美國上映。 臺灣預計上映日期:2021/12/22 (根據威秀影城排定檔期猜測) 感覺Aaron Taylor-Johnson光角色名字就是大雷XD https://i.imgur.com/M66rTMU.jpg
(非本片相關圖) 題外話 Taron Egerton (Kingsman) Jonathan Bailey (Bridgerton) https://reurl.cc/0x1LXK 要在劇場演出同性情侶。 不想放片名上來因為很直白,是要我怎麼翻譯XDDDD https://i.imgur.com/JSlwUat.jpg
Taron Egerton在Apple TV+應該在未來一年內會有一部新影集,影片記載了電子遊戲俄羅 斯方塊的開發和發行。 史賓賽 Spencer 2021年11月5日在美國和臺灣同步上映。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoYOWdLgvbE
如果可以忽略Jack Farthing在Poldark多欠揍,是可以看一下吧XD (結果要演查爾斯王子,還是出軌的查爾斯) 前面有Josh O'Connor這座高山,希望他可以有很棒的表現。 https://i.imgur.com/TxEdY7h.jpg
James McAvoy https://twitter.com/joshuahorowitz/status/1446509466606870551 https://i.imgur.com/SC3i0Y4.png
超好笑的影片XD 砲火非常猛烈,蘇格蘭腔開非常大,我0:49之後那句話完全聽不懂XDDDDDDDDD 更新完整版影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3VEQcINfb4
蘇格蘭腔,真是太感謝Youtube提供英文字幕XD Mcavoy Star Trek Star Wars Harry Potter film Batman Dune Fast and Furios Mcavoid Animation 007 Rather smell horrible mouth full of cream cheese never have to sleep again roomate with Kevin(Split) match tatoo with Fassbender on the ass have the legs of Mr. Tumnus 最後一個提問太好笑XD 還比自己比喻成大黃蜂XDD 更新 Alan Cumming (turn him inside out是啥啦XDDDDD 人家好歹是X系列前輩XD) 看Gerard Butler腹肌就猜出人XD 然後抱怨他健身好多個月,結果選了一張不怎麼樣的照片XD 看Sam Heughan捏捏頭猜出人也是個技能XDDDDDDD Sean Connery估計他是無法發表太多個人評論...XD Ewan McGregor (perfect hair XD) (我初心遇到我擔,矮額...我該落淚嗎XD) "It's Ew-B-wan McGregor. That's what I'm gonna call him from now on." 結尾笑聲好可愛>/////< 沒猜錯應該是宣傳這部片 更新:(猜錯) My Son (2021 film) A man goes to see his ex-wife in search of answers about the disappearance of their son. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3M8m496E8Y
(日常羨慕忌妒恨Claire Foy XD 還可以合作幾個男神) 無劇本這個也太猛,但是怎麼都不推去國際影展... 然後仔細查才發現,2017法國原版電影改編而成,那沒有劇本,去看原片就好啦XDDDDD (想到最近的The Guilty;;;) https://natalie0609.pixnet.net/blog/post/36064477-%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E5%85%92%E5%AD%902021-my-son-2021 (超大雷影評) https://reurl.cc/OkvdGr https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%85%A8%E5%8A%87%E7%B5%84%E5%8F%AA%E6%9C%89%E4%BB%96%E6%B2%92%E5%8A%87%E6%9C%AC%EF%BC%81%E8%A9%B9%E5%A7%86%E6%96%AF%E9%BA%A5%E8%89%BE%E7%B6%AD%E6%96%B0%E7%89%87%E6%8C%91%E6%88%B0%E3%80%8C%E8%B6%85%E5%8D%B3%E8%88%88%E6%BC%94%E5%87%BA%E3%80%8D-150948302.html https://reurl.cc/q1Lyrp 難怪賽季無望Q_Q 有讓我想到BC之前的The Child in Time。 目前沒有臺灣上映日期和合作串流消息。 原來他是為了The Sandman: Act 2有聲讀物宣傳XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxpAE3MFqbk
角色 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A4%A2_(%E8%A7%92%E8%89%B2) 夢的身材高B瘦弱、蒼白的皮膚、黑色的頭髮及以兩顆星星代替眼睛;他的眼睛平時多 為銀色、藍色或白色,但是當他生氣時,眼睛則會變成紅色。夢的外貌千變萬化,通常會 隨著其所在地區和時代的著裝風格而變化。 Michael Fassbender 還沒有預告片和上映日期。 Kung Fury 2 https://theronin.org/2021/06/11/kung-fury-2-starring-michael-fassbender-arnold-schwarzenegger-coming-in-2022-check-out-wild-pics-from-the-action-satire/ https://reurl.cc/0x1LKk https://i.imgur.com/Pk8eUNo.jpg
Kung Fury 2 is an upcoming martial arts comedy film directed by David Sandberg, based on and serving as a sequel to his 2015 featurette Kung Fury. Kung Fury 2 is scheduled to be released in the United States in 2022. 挑戰武術喜劇的法鯊XD 第一集只有31分鐘而且還有在YouTube上影片,第二集能延續的話當然很好XD 還跟合作幾次過的Alexandra Shipp再合作一次。 Next Goal Wins https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10767052/ 這部電影大概從開拍我就追消息了吧XD Taika Waititi + Michael Fassbender 神鬼組合啊XDDDDDDDD 還有Elisabeth Moss,大該會被刪光戲分的Armie Hammer XD 而且2020/01就已經殺青,是後製CGI刪人才花這麼久時間嗎? 片場流出照 https://i.imgur.com/4o8MSY9.jpg
預告流出照 https://i.imgur.com/O2DJktc.jpg
(誰能給我一個更好的字來替代流出XDDDDDDDDDDD) 這部片是前福斯現探照燈影業,探照燈有跟Hulu合作,至於Hulu會以怎樣的方式來臺灣( 跟D+一起?),我也很期待。 https://www.joe.ie/movies-tv/michael-fassbender-next-goal-wins-taika-waititi-693701 https://reurl.cc/6D5WXy In the run-up to the release of The Invisible Man, JOE sat down with Elisabeth Moss to chat about that scary movie, but the conversation did turn to the upcoming comedy and her time on-screen with Fassbender. "First of all, the man is so good at improv and I had no idea!" Moss told JOE. "I think of him as a very serious actor, but that man is hilarious. "I was shocked, honestly, and I think people are gonna be really bowled over by him, because he is really funny and his ability to improv is absolutely remarkable. I've always been impressed by him as a dramatic actor, and I saw this whole new side which was really cool." The two-time Oscar-nominee has been taking it seriously lately, either with his dramas like Shame or Steve Jobs, or with some laugh-free blockbusters like Alien: Covenant or Assassin's Creed, so it is good to see him play to these different strengths. Next Goal Wins is due to arrive before the end of 2020. (謠言啊啊啊啊) 首先就是法鯊是個很適合喜劇的演員,會即興發揮的,Moss以為他是個很正經的演員(妳 一定沒看X人系列訪問),人們將非常驚訝於他的表演。 最近剛當上奶爸的法鯊,也沒什麼新片約的消息,看來應該是想要在家顧小孩一陣子吧。 雖然有成立自己的製片公司,但是一直討論要演出的神話電影已經停擺快十年了XD (Alicia Vikander已經復出最近都被拍到去看時裝秀) 請大家多多推文。可惜,我還有另外一個整理文戰場但是是美國演員XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/UK_Actors/M.1633782875.A.9CD.html

10/09 22:46, 2年前 , 1F
10/09 22:46, 1F

10/09 23:51, 2年前 , 2F
無條件推James McAvoy!!!
10/09 23:51, 2F

10/10 00:11, 2年前 , 3F
10/10 00:11, 3F

10/10 00:11, 2年前 , 4F
10/10 00:11, 4F

10/10 00:12, 2年前 , 5F
Michael Fassbender The Killer David Fincher執導,將於Netflix上映。 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1136617/ (Fincher和Netflix不要放生我Mindhunter好嗎Q_Q 兩部片一起拍好嗎Q_Q) https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/david-fincher-michael-fassbender-to-team-for-assassin-drama-the-killer-4137074/ 自從IMDB改版之後就比較偏好逛wiki,結果就漏片了XD In a deal that is still coming together, Fassbender would star as an assassin who begins to psychologically crack as he develops a conscience, even while his clients continue to demand his skills. The graphic novel, described as hardboiled noir, hailed from writer Alexis Nolent, under the pen name Matz, and artist Luc Jacamon. Representatives for Fassbender did not return requests for comment, although several sources tell THR that talks are underway. https://reurl.cc/n5DWKd 據悉,法斯賓達在片中飾演的,是一名因良心發現而面臨精神崩潰的無名刺客主角,儘管 內心陷入天人交戰,但他的客戶們仍迫切地想要仰賴他的身手。《殺手》的原作被形容是 充滿殘酷與黑色風格的故事。 https://reurl.cc/WXGp69 新消息是Tilda Swinton可能會加入這部片。 https://reurl.cc/NZ0zvk 其實還有一部IMDB是列為"據傳中" The Wild Bunch https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2028582/ 導演是,Mel Gibson。同片有演員:Peter Dinklage、Jamie Foxx 是一部能成真就好了的電影Q_Q Mel Gibson私生活我不評論,但他上一部執導的鋼鐵英雄Hacksaw Ridge,成功把Andrew Garfield送進奧斯卡入圍名單,也算是種能力。

10/10 01:41, 2年前 , 6F
推推Tom Hardy♡
10/10 01:41, 6F

10/10 03:12, 2年前 , 7F
10/10 03:12, 7F

10/10 10:52, 2年前 , 8F
10/10 10:52, 8F

10/10 10:52, 2年前 , 9F
還(不能怪他) XDDDD
10/10 10:52, 9F

10/10 11:21, 2年前 , 10F
10/10 11:21, 10F

10/10 11:33, 2年前 , 11F
10/10 11:33, 11F

10/10 14:02, 2年前 , 12F
10/10 14:02, 12F

10/10 14:14, 2年前 , 13F
純粹來推BC <3
10/10 14:14, 13F

10/10 17:51, 2年前 , 14F
BC <3 <3 <3 太開心能看到他演出好片XD
10/10 17:51, 14F

10/10 19:38, 2年前 , 15F
10/10 19:38, 15F

10/10 19:57, 2年前 , 16F
10/10 19:57, 16F

10/11 00:02, 2年前 , 17F
10/11 00:02, 17F
※ 編輯: ivy77814 ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 02:11:11
文章代碼(AID): #1XOOnRdD (UK_Actors)